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1、 PAGE 页码 9 / NUMPAGES 总页数 9科教版四年级上册英语期中知识点综合复习重点知识练习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 【看图写单词】1. 看图片,写单词。1. 2.3. 4.5. 6.7. 8.2. 根据图片和首字母提示写出单词或词组,补全句子。1This is the c_.2Its c_in Shanghai.3Its time for b_.4The g_are so nice.5The dress is too e_.3. 看图片,写短语。1 23 45 674. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.Does she like playing_?2.We like playing_.3.

2、They like playing_.4.I like playing_.5. 看图完成句子。1. Are you a_? Yes, I am. 2. Whats the time? Its_oclock.3. Is she a_? Yes, she is. 4. Whats the time? Its_oclock.【填空题】6. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1It is_(sun) today.2_(who) bag is this?Its my bag.3We can go_(swim) in summer.4A year has four_(season).5My brother like

3、s_(go)_(climb) in autumn.7. 根据中文意思,完成句子。每空一词。1What day is it_(今天)?2Its_(星期三)today. I have an Art lesson.3My cousin_(有) an English book.4_(何时)does your father get up every day?At five.5There are two basketball_(比赛) On TV.8. 选词填空。1I like Chinese and English, But I_(like/dont like) Maths.2Welcome back_

4、(to/in) school, boys and girls.3-What_(lessons/subjects) do you like, Liu Tao?-I like Art and English.4-What_(lessons/subjects) do we have this morning, Mike?-We have PE and Music.5-I like Art and Science.-Me_(either/too).6Its time_(for/in) lunch.9. 给下列单词或短语分类。A. window B. maths book C. English book

5、 D. thinE. strong F. quiet G. Chinese book H. doorI. friendly J. desk K. storybook L. chair1教室设施_2形容词_3书籍_10. 补全句子。1Im from_(中国).2_(哪里)are you from?3_(长城)is very beautiful .4You can visit Disneyland in my_(国家).5I_(喜欢)taking photos.11. 将下列单词归类。fan strong computermaths bookfriendlylightnotebookquietbl

6、ackboard tall1教室陈设:_2书本类:_3外貌性格:_12. 根据中文意思,完成句子。每空一词。1I am_(饿)I want some bread to eat.2You look_(累), please sit down.3Jim likes_(游泳)very much, he often swims in summer.4How many_(馅饼)would you like?Three.5Whose dress is this?Its my_(妈妈).13. 选词填空。1_(we / our) like blue._(we / our) favourite clothes

7、are blue shorts.2_like art. Art is_favourite subject. (You / Your)【选择题】14. Have some soup. ( )_A.Yes. B.OK! C.No!15. _ do you go to school? ( )By bus.A.How B.What C.When16. Children like _ at home on Sunday. ( )A.play B.played C.playing17. 选出下列单词中在意义上属于不同类的单词。 ( )A.behind B.hand C.head18. Look at my

8、 gloves. ( )_.A.Its nice B.Its too big C.Theyre too small【连词成句】19. is cinema the where (?)20. you, do, dogs, like (?)21. the teachers is where office (?)22. strong, Hes, tall, and (.)23. is this book a New York about (.)【阅读理解】24. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。(1) Where are Tom and his father? They are _.A. at

9、 school B. at home C. at the zoo(2) Whats Toms fathers job? Hes a _.A. B. C.(3) How many years is Tom in school? _ year(s).A. 1 B. 8 C. 18(4)The underlined word(画线单词) letters means(意思是) _.A.信 B.字母 C.相片(5)Which of the following is Right?( )A. Tom is a good student.B. English Alphabet has 26 letters.C

10、. Father can answer (回答) Toms question (问题).25. 阅读理解,判断下面的句子与文章描述是否相符,相符“”,不相符打“” 。Hello, Im Mary. This is my grandfather. Hes tall. Hes sixty-two. He likes vegetables. Hes a farmer. My grandma is fifty-eight. She is a teacher. She likes rice. Look, this is my aunt. She is a nurse. She likes fish.(

11、) 1. Im Mike.( ) 2. Grandmother likes fish.( ) 3. Marys grandpa is tall.( ) 4. Marys aunt is a nurse.( ) 5. Marys grandfather is a driver.26. 阅读理解。Im Xiao Ting. Im a girl of twelve. I like dancing and swimming. I have two good friends. Lily is ten years old. She has a beautiful doll. Tom is a boy. H

12、e likes reading and running. Now we are in the park. Lily and I are exercising. Tom is reading a book under a big tree.1判断正误(T或者F)1. My name is Xiao Yun.(_)2. I have two friends. One is Lily and one is Tom.(_)3. Lily likes dancing.(_)4. Tom has a beautiful doll.(_)5. Look! Tom is reading a book unde

13、r a big tree.(_)6. Lily and Tom are two boys.(_)2假如你是Xiao Ting,你想要买两个礼物送给你的这两位好朋友Lily和Tom,请问你会买什么呢?I want to buy(买) _ and _.27. 读短文,填空完成句子。The students are talking on the telephone.(1)Anna has painting classes every.(2)May goes to the English club every.(3)Paul and his brother Bobplay football after

14、 school.they play on Sunday afternoon.(4)Joehelps others. Hevisits Grandma Zhang onand helps her with the housework.28. 阅读大观园,读对话,选择正确答案。Mike: Hi, Sam. Where do you want to go?Sam: To the park. Lets go to the park to fly kites.Mike: Sorry, Im tired. I want to go home to have a rest (休息).Sam: OK. Let

15、s go home to watch TV.Mike: Sorry, I dont like to watch TV.Sam: What do you want to do?Mike: Hmm. Lets go home to play computer games.Sam: Great.1Sam wants to go to the _.( )A.cinema B.park C.supermarket2Who is tired? ( )A.Sam. B.Mike. C.Mikes brother.3Mike wants to _.( )A.go to school B.go to the park C.go home4Who doesnt like to watch TV? ( )A.Mike. B.Sam. C.Mikes brother.5Sam and Mike go home to _.( )A.play ping-pong B.watch TV C.play computer games29. 阅读短文, 判断正误。Heres the worl


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