



1、 3/3unit6翻译练习及答案 Unit 6翻译句子 1.她想象着自己走进办公室,递上辞呈。(imagine doing) 2.你可以想象我是多么惊讶。(imagine whathow) 3.对比之下, 这篇文章显得更突出。(by contrast compared with) 4.与她的姐姐截然相反, 她总是能体谅他人。(in contrast to) 5.我们把图画钉在墙上。(fix sth.on sth) 6.如果我们想把英语学好,我们怎么强调阅读的重要性也不为过。(emphasize the importance of ) 7.他们重质不重量。(put/place/lay empha

2、sis on/upon. ) 8.把儿童单独留在家中是非常危险的。(leave sb. by oneself=leave sb. alone ) 9.约翰出去玩的时候他手头上的工作还没完成。(leave+宾语+宾语补足语) 10.你为什么不能让她一个人待一会儿?(leave sb alone) 11. 这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。(promote sb. to sth.) 12.这个问题我们将在以后详细讨论。(in detail) 13.他详细叙述了事故的经过。(go into detail(s) ) 14.那次竞赛的目的是要找出一个最会体贴人的儿童。(the purpose of sth./d

3、oing) 15他故意使父母伤心。(on purpose) 16.总而言之,好公民应该遵守交通规则。(To conclude/ In conclusion) 17.我们要学会把理论同实际相结合。(combine. with ) 18.在过去的二十年中,中国一直在高速发展。(at high speed) 19.火车正全速前进。(with all speed) 20.一离开她家,我便加快了速度。(speed up) 21.她坐在那儿沉思着。(deep in thought) 22.他在屋里走来走去,陷入了沉思。(lost in thought) 23.新建的操场增添了校园的美。(adds to)

4、24.曲棍球的历史可以追溯到数千年前。(goes/ dates back; goes/dates back to ) 25.老师离开了课室,留下学生们在沉思。(leave sb./sth lost/deep in thought) .26.他站在那里,眼睛盯着美味的食物。(fixed upon / on) 27.面试的日子已确定了。(fix) 28.他将药品放在书架顶上,这样小孩就够不着了。(so that) 29.为了明天能赶上头班车,今晚我得早点睡觉。(To do sth.,为了) 30.他所说的实际上是个谎言。(What. is.) Unit 6 翻译句子答案: 1.她想象着自己走进办公

5、室,递上辞呈。(imagine doing) She imagined walking into the office and handing in her resignation. 2.你可以想象我是多么惊讶。(imagine whathow) You can imagine how surprised I was 3.对比之下, 这篇文章显得更突出。(by contrast compared with) By contrast, this article is more outstanding. / Compared with that one, this article is more

6、outstanding. 4.与她的姐姐截然相反, 她总是能体谅他人。(in contrast to) In contrast to her sister, she was always considerate towards others. 5.我们把图画钉在墙上。(fix sth.on sth) We fixed a picture on the wall. 6.如果我们想把英语学好,我们怎么强调阅读的重要性也不为过。(emphasize the importance of ) We cannot emphasize the importance of reading too much i

7、f we want to learn English well. 7.他们重质不重量。(put/place/lay emphasis on/upon. ) They put/place/lay emphasis emphasis on quality rather than on quantity. 8.把儿童单独留在家中是非常危险的。(leave sb. by oneself=leave sb. alone ) It is very dangerous to leave the children home alone / by themselves. 9.约翰出去玩的时候他手头上的工作还没完

8、成。(leave+宾语+宾语补足语) John left the job unfinished when he went out to play. 10.你为什么不能让她一个人待一会儿?(leave sb alone) Why cant you leave her alone? 11. 这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。(promote sb. to sth.) The young army officer was promoted to the rank of captain. 12.这个问题我们将在以后详细讨论。(in detail) We shall discuss this problem i

9、n detail later. 13.他详细叙述了事故的经过。(go into detail(s) ) He went into details about the accident. 14.那次竞赛的目的是要找出一个最会体贴人的儿童。(the purpose of sth./doing) The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child. 15他故意使父母伤心。(on purpose) He made his parents sad on purpose. 16.总而言之,好公民应该遵守交通规则。(To conclude

10、/ In conclusion) To conclude/ In conclusion, a good citizen should observe traffic regulations. 17.我们要学会把理论同实际相结合。(combine. with ) We should learn to combine theory with practice. 18.在过去的二十年中,中国一直在高速发展。(at high speed) In the past twenty years, China has been developing at high speed 19.火车正全速前进。(with

11、 all speed) That train is running with all speed. 20.一离开她家,我便加快了速度。(speed up) I sped up (my car) as soon as I left her house. 21.她坐在那儿沉思着。(deep in thought) She sat there deep in thought. 22.他在屋里走来走去,陷入了沉思。(lost in thought) He walked up and down the room, lost in thought 23.新建的操场增添了校园的美。(adds to) The

12、 newly-built playground adds to the beauty of the school. 24.曲棍球的历史可以追溯到数千年前。(goes/ dates back; goes/dates back to ) Hockey goes/ dates back thousands of years. Hockey_ goes/dates back to thousands of years ago. 25.老师离开了课室,留下学生们在沉思。(leave sb./sth lost/deep in thought) The teacher left the classroom,

13、 leaving the students lost/deep in thought. .26.他站在那里,眼睛盯着美味的食物。(fixed upon / on) He stood there and his eyes were fixed upon / on delicious food. 27.面试的日子已确定了。(fix) The date for the interview has been fixed. 28.他将药品放在书架顶上,这样小孩就够不着了。(so that) He put the medicine on the top of the bookshelf so that the c


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