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1、旅游学概论LYXGL天津商业大学商学院旅游管理系绪 论绪论概要一、世界旅游发展状况1、世界旅游状况2、中国旅游发展状况(1)入境旅游(2)国内旅游(3)出境旅游二、旅游学的研究对象和课程性质三、旅游学科的研究以及本课的内容简介四、旅游学的研究方法五、 Career Possibilities学习目的通过绪论学习,你能够:理解旅游学与旅游科学了解旅游学的研究对象以及本课程的主要内容了解旅游学的研究方法、中国旅游发展状况 入境旅游 国际旅游 旅游包括两方面的内容 出境旅游 国内旅游 中国政府出于赚取外汇的目的,于七十年代末八十年代初首先发展了国际接待旅游业(即入境旅游);由入境旅游带动中国公民的国

2、内旅游;进而产生了一定的出境旅游市场。中国旅游业的发展模式:入境旅游国内旅游出境旅游(1)入境旅游 Inbound TourismThe mode of Chinas tourism development is quite different from that in most of the development countries in the world. For political and economic purposes, China started its tourism activities based on inbound travel only. As a develop

3、ing country, China gives priority to inbound tourism for its foreign exchange earnings.中国国际入境旅游发展状况改革开放以来,我国旅游业发展规模。旅游入境人数:由1978年的180.92万人次上升为1998 年的6347.84万人次,增34倍;旅游外汇收入:1998年已达到126.02亿美圆,比1978年增长46.9倍,旅游业成为我国外汇收入的重要来源;旅游涉外饭店:由1978年的不足200家发展到1998年的5782家;旅行社:五十年代中期只有国旅、中旅及其十几家分社,1998年发展到6222家。(2)国内

4、旅游 Domestic TourismUntil the mid-1980s, domestic tourism hardly existed, China gives priority to inbound tourism for its foreign exchange earnings;To meet the growing demand for leisure travel among Chinas own citizens and to encourage personal consumption for economic growth, the central government

5、 has issued a number of policies to promote domestic tourism.In 1992, weeklong holidays were first introduced;In 1995, a five-day work week was introduced;Starting in 1999, three weeklong holidays were established around May 1(May Day/Labor Day), October 1 (National Day), and the lunar Spring Festiv

6、al of Chinese New Year.中国公民国内旅游发展迅速旅游类型:以观光为主同时开始产生度假需求。假日经济(节日经济):黄金周 五一、十一、春节。目前,中国旅游业的发展是一手抓国际旅游,一手抓国内旅游,从以国际旅游为主改变为国际与国内旅游并重。Characteristics of domestic tourismThe average length of stay by domestic travelers was four to six days;Purpose. The majority of domestic visitors were traveling for leis

7、ure, recreation and holidays, or visiting friends and relatives;More than 90% of domestic visitors chose to arrange their trips by themselves;Occupation. More than one-third visitors are the executives and professionals.Outbound Tourism Parallel with the development of both incoming and domestic tou

8、rism, control of outbound travel has been relaxed, and some Southeast and East Asian countries have become popular destinations for Chinese visitors. The number of outbound visitors has been increasing with each year;The number of open destinations is growing now. CNTA has approved 76 overseas tours

9、 destinations by the end of last month.As a result, Chinas tourism accounts will increasingly be more balanced, with tourist flows in both directions. Nowadays, equal attention is paid to both international and domestic tourism in terms of their contribution to local and regional social and economic

10、 development within China.Main Destinations of Outbound Travelers in 2000Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region, Thailand, Russia, Japan, The Republic of Korea, The United States, Singapore, The Democratic Republic of Korea, Australia. 二、旅游学的研究对象和课程性质1、旅游学的研究对象旅

11、游活动。即研究旅游者、旅游业以及双方活动对旅游接待地区社会文化、经济和环境影响的科学。 、课程性质旅游学概论是本学科的一门专业基础课,必修课。 它是为所有课程打基础的一门先修课。三、旅游学科的研究以及本课的内容简介、旅游学科研究状况对事物的认识受其客观表现程度的限制。从世界范围来讲,对旅游的研究已有近百年的历史了,它总是与每一阶段上旅游的发展程度有关。在旅游的发展过程中,人们首先注意到的是旅游领域中的经济现象,在旅游经济领域完成了很有价值的学术研究;二战之后出现了旅游社会学、环境学、心理学、法学等分支学科,对旅游的研究由单纯的经济研究发展为对社会的研究。旅游学基本理论学科:经济学、社会学、心理

12、学、法学;(分别从不同的侧面研究旅游活动)应用学科:旅行社管理、酒店管理等。旅游学旅游活动旅游者活动旅游社会学旅游心理学旅游人类学旅游行为学供求关系旅游经济学旅游美学旅游生态学旅游史学旅游地理学旅游产业活动旅游管理学旅游会计学旅游规划学旅游营销学支持学科、旅游概论课程的研究内容及与其它课程的关系 研究方法:Tourism commonly is approached through a variety of methods.However,there is little or no agreement on how the study of tourism should be undertak

13、en.The following are several methodsthat have been used.Institutional ApproachProduct ApproachHistorical ApproachManagerial ApproachEconomic ApproachSociological ApproachGeographical ApproachInterdisciplinary ApproachesThe Systems Approach五、 Career PossibilitiesAirlinesBus CompaniesCruise CompaniesR

14、ailroadsRental Car CompaniesHotel, Motels, and ResortsTravel AgenciesTour CompaniesFood ServiceTourism EducationTourism ResearchTravel CommunicationsRecreation and LeisureAttractionsTourist Offices and Information CentersConvention and Visitor BureausMeeting PlannersSample Occupations,Values & Inter

15、estsAccommodationsHotel OwnerHotel ManagerOperations ChambermaidEntry ChambermaidTour & TravelTour Bus Line OwnerTour Bus Line Mgr.Tour Bus DriverTicket AgentAttractionsAmusement Park G.M.Director of Special AttractionsOperations Ride OperatorEntry Ride OperatorFood & BeverageRestaurant OwnerRestaurant ManagerAsst Executive HousekeeperSuperintendent of Bus MaintenanceAmusement Park SupervisorMaitre DBartenderFood & Beverage Ser


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