1、希望对您有帮助,谢谢希望对您有帮助,谢谢英文说说致自己导读: 本文是关于英文说说致自己的文章,如果觉得很不错, 欢迎点评和分享!1、无法拒绝的是开始,无法抗拒的是结束。It is the beginning that can not be rejected, but the endthat cannot be resisted.2、只要更好,不求最好!奋斗是成功之父。As long as it is better, it is not the best! Struggle is the father of success.3、我要从绝望的大山中挖出一块希望的石头。I want to dig o
2、ut a stone of hope from the mountain of despair.4、没有人能够打败你,除非你自己把自己打败!No one can beat you unless you beat yourself!5、有百分之一的希望,就要做百分之一百的努力。With one percent hope, one hundred percent efforts mustbe made.6、别人撒盐伤不了自己,除非你身上有溃烂之处。Salt cant hurt others unless you have ulceration on yourbody.7、笑着面对这社会给我的冷嘲热
3、讽,迎来带刺的风。Laughing at the cynicism of this society, I welcome the thorny wind.8、面对人生的磨难,请用你的毅力创造生命的奇迹吧!In the face of the ordeal of life, please use your perseverance to create the miracle of life.9、无知识的人,其生命如同无叶子的树,缺少勃勃生机。A man without knowledge is like a tree without leaves, lacking vigor and vital
4、ity.10、早晨不起则误了一天的事,幼年不学则误了一生的事。If you dont get up in the morning, you will miss a days work.11、偶尔幽生活一默你会觉得很爽,但生活幽你一默就惨了。Sometimes you will feel cool when you live a quiet life, but your life is quiet.、工资就像女人那大姨妈, 一个月只有一次, 没几天就完了。The salary is like a big aunt of a woman. Once a month, it is finished
5、in a few days.、自卑的人对什么都不自信,除了对自己是自卑的总是那么 自信。Self abased people are not confident in anything. They are always confident in their inferiority complex.、人生最大的敌人是自己;最大的失败是自大;最大的愚蠢是自欺。The greatest enemy in life is itself; the greatest failure is arrogance; the greatest foolishness is self deceit.、人的生命似洪水
6、在奔流,不遇着岛屿、暗礁,难以激起美 丽的浪花。The flood of human life is like a torrent of water, and it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves without encountering islands and reefs.16、如果我不努力,明天拿什么给爱人看。If I dont work hard, Ill show my sweetheart tomorrow.17、好好饰演自己的脚色,做自己该做的事。Play your role properly and do what you shou
7、ld do.18、无论过去发生什么,最好旳永远尚未出现。Whatever happens in the past, the best never comes.19、社会犹如一条船,每个人都要有掌舵的准备。Society is like a ship. Everyone must have the helm.20、智者不锐,慧者不傲,谋者不露,强者不暴。A wise man is not sharp, a wise man is not proud, a wise man is not exposed, a strong man is not violent.21 、如果你连学习都无法征服,还能
8、成就什么大事。If you cant conquer your studies, you can achieve great things.22、心缺自尊,言行必卑贱;心缺敬畏,言行必随便。The heart lacks self esteem, words and deeds will be humble; the heart lacks awe, and words and deeds will be arbitrary.23、美丽的花朵盛开之前,你怎能不安经历风雨的拥抱。Before the beautiful flowers bloom, how can you feel uneasy
9、 to embrace the wind and rain.24、心态决定一切,对待事物要有自信,不抛弃,不放弃。Attitude decides everything. We must be confident in dealing with things, do not abandon them, and do not give up.25、如果你的信念还站里的话,那么没有什么能使你到下。If your faith is still standing, then nothing can get you down.26、有些人认为坚持会让我们变强大,但有时候,放下才是。Some people
10、 think persistence will make us strong, but sometimes we just let go.27、多讲点笑话, 以幽默的态度处事, 这样子日子会好过一点。Lets talk more jokes and act humorously. This will lead to a better life.、是不是有那么一个人,一直住在你的心里面,从来不曾离 开过。Is there someone who has always lived in your heart and never left?、痛苦留给的一切,请细加回味!苦难一经过去,苦难就变 为甘美
11、。All the pain left behind, please carefully aftertaste! Once suffering passes, suffering becomes sweetness.、路是一步一步的走出来的,你不需要一步登天,只需要不 断的坚持。The road is coming out step by step. You dont need to go all the way to heaven.、与其在别人的故事里留着自己的泪,不如在自己的故事里 笑得很大声。Instead of keeping your tears in others stories,
12、its better to laugh loudly in your own stories.32、和大多数人保持一致,不要锋芒太露。Keep in line with most people. Dont expose yourself too much.33、只想依靠自己,解救出那片坍塌的天空。I just want to rely on myself to save the collapsed sky.34 、永远也不要消极地认为什么事是不可能的。Never recognize negative things.35、死的方式由上帝决定,活的方式由自己决定!The way to die is
13、 determined by God, and the way of life is determined by himself.36、学习不熬没关系,纪录不好就是最大的遗憾。It doesnt matter if you dont study well.37、学须静也,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。Learning must be quiet, not indifferent to aspiration, butnot peace.38 、不管你有多难过,始终要相信,幸福就在不远处。No matter how sad you are, always believe that happine
14、ss is not far away.39、怠惰像生锈一样,比操劳更耗费身材。Laziness, like rust, consumes more than labor wears.40、成功的秘诀,是在养成迅速去做的习惯。The secret of success is to develop the habit of doing things quickly.41 、不要轻易评价别人,你又没经历他的人生。Do not judge others easily, you have not experienced his life.42、世界上三种东西最宝贵:知识、粮食和友谊。Three thin
15、gs in the world are most valuable: knowledge, food and friendship.43、他开始在意我了,但我的心已回不到从前了。He began to care about me, but my heart could not returnto the past.44、失败也是我需要的,它与成功对我一样有价值。Failure is also what I need. It is as valuable as success to me.45、不要把过去的事全让人知道,尊敬不喜欢你的人。Do not let the past know you,
16、respect the people who do not like you.46、假如你我不曾相遇,我想我还会是一个快乐的女孩。If you and I have never met, I think I will be a happy girl.47 、子孝父心宽。追求美女的第一个步骤就是先追到财富。The filial piety of father is broad. The first step in pursuit of beauty is to catch up with wealth first.48、不好总是要求别人给我什么,要想我能为别人做什么。Bad people alw
17、ays ask others to give me what I want to do for others.49、不管做了什么选择,都不要后悔,因为后悔也于事无补。No matter what choice you make, dont regret it, because regret is useless.、开不尽的花,落不尽的月, 匆匆的时光, 一路青春的逝去。The endless flowers, the endless months, the hurried time, the passing of youth.、我内心固执的追求,只有我自己看得见。但我但愿我没有错。The stubborn pursuit of my heart is only visible to me. ButI hope I am not wrong.、所有的痛苦,怨恨,嗔怒都不会太长。微笑吧,生活善待 乐观者。All pain, resentment, and anger will not be too long. Smile, life, be kind to the o
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