



1、2021-2022学年广西壮族自治区桂林市平等中学高一英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. We have every reason to believe that _ 2009 Leichi Culture & Art Festival will be _ success.A. / ; a B. the; / C. the ; a D. the ; / 参考答案:C2. It was announced that only when the fire was _ would residnts(居民) be permitted to return to their homes.A. under

2、control B. in control of C. beyond control D. out of control参考答案:A略3. It is said that 30% of the apples here _ from abroad while 80% of the rice _ grown here Ais; are Bare; is Care; are Dis; is 参考答案:B略4. Much of the farmland is under water;_ the grain, most of that has been ruined.Aowing to Bthanks

3、toCas for Dbut for参考答案:C考查介词词组词义辨析。句意:许多农田都被淹了。就稻米来说,他们中的大部分都被毁坏了。owing to“由于”;thanks to“多亏”; as for“至于”;but for“要不是”。5. She told me _ a noise in the hall. A. dont make B. not to make C. make not to D. to make not参考答案:B6. The teacher said, My son had the same experience as the little boy. The teache

4、r said that his son had _ the same experience as the little boy. A. been B. have C. had D. done 参考答案:C 7. -Have you _ some good ideas?- Yes, I will tell you later. A.come in to B. come about C. come up with D. come up 参考答案:C8. The discovery of new evidence led to _. A. the thief having caught. B. ca

5、tch the thief. C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught.参考答案:C33. This is the third time I _ the Great Wall. A. came to visit B. am on C. have come to visit D. am visiting参考答案:C略10. She feels she an apology after all the bad things you said about her.A. allow B. escapes C. aims D. deserve

6、s参考答案:D11. Lucy, look! I bought this MP4 for only 50 yuan. Really? You got a wonderful_. Aoffer Bprice Cbargain Ddeal参考答案:C解析考查名词。句意:瞧,露丝!我花了50元买了MP4。真的吗?你捡了个便宜货。bargain“便宜货”符合句意。12. Farmland _ quickly, so they are considering _ a programme to solve the problem.A. is getting lost; starting B. is los

7、t; to startC. is losing; starting D. loses; to start参考答案:A解析:consider作“考虑”解时,只能跟动名词作宾语,不可接动词不定式,排除B、D两项;C项中is losing属语态错误,故排除。全句意思为:耕地在快速减少,因此他们在考虑开展一项活动来解决这个问题。13. Every one of us went to the zoo _ Tom. He was ill. A. except B. besides C. including D. and参考答案:A试题分析:A. except除外没有; B. besides 除外还有;C.

8、 including包括;D. and和。句意:除Tom外我们都去动物园了,他生病了。此处表示除Tom外没有别人没去用except,故选A.14. Stop _this kind of snakes. They are_.Ahunting;dying out Bto hunt;dying outChunting;dying away Dto hunt;dying down参考答案:A解析考查非谓语动词。句意:停止猎杀这种蛇,它们快要灭绝了。stop doing “停止做某事”,而 stop to do 表示“停下来去做某事”。第二空 die out “灭绝”。15. Any offender

9、shall be brought back and brought to justice _he/ she may flee abroad.A. even ifB. in caseC. now thatD. if only参考答案:A16. The young man was_.A. addicted to drinking B. addicted to drink C. addicted on drinking. D. addicted in drinking参考答案:A17. Thepartywassuccessful,butwethought_apitynot to have invit

10、edyou .A.its B. this C. that D.it 参考答案:D18. The prices of the flats _ are several times as high as in the countryside.A. downtown B. in the downtown C. in downtown D. at downtown参考答案:A二、 单词拼写61. Yesterday they _ (装饰) the wedding car with flowers.62. The earliest _ (证据) suggested that farmers develop

11、ed potatoes from wild plants more than seven thousand years ago.63. To my surprise, these old customs have _ (幸存) in this modern city.64. Li Yan is one of the _ (志愿者) for the 2008 Olympic Games. 65. The two _ (奴隶) were brought in from Africa several years ago. 66. Usually hard-working students _ (值得

12、) to be praised.67. My mother often _ (讨价还价) with sellers. 68. Everyone admires her strength of _ (性格) and determination.69. He hopes to design an _ (智能的) robot, which looks like a human being .70. We must _ (探索) all possible ways to increase food production.参考答案:61.decorated62.evidence63.survived64

13、.volunteers65.elligent70.explore三、 阅读理解20. France has the most beautiful castles throughout Europe. Here are some of the best French castles to visit. Youll surely want to visit one of them during your travels in France.Have a look and enjoy!Chateau de VersaillesThe Chateau de Versailles is about 20

14、 kms southwest of Paris. When the castle was built, Versailles was a small village. Today, however, it is a famous area in Paris. The castle was built as a small hunting lodge (乡间小屋) for Louis XIII in the 1620s. Years later, he made it bigger. Later, Louis XIV also made it larger, making it one of t

15、he largest palaces of the world.Chateau de ChambordThe Chateau de Chambord is one of the largest castles around the world. It sits in the Loire Valley. Being at the heart of Europes largest enclosed wooded park, Chambord, it was built for King Francis I to serve as a hunting lodge. It is one of the

16、worlds most well-known castles in the world because of its French Renaissance (文艺复兴) building.Chateau de ChenonceauAs one of the most famous castles in the Loire Valley, the castle was built during the 11th century on the River Cher. It was passed through many hands. The castle was not destroyed dur

17、ing the French Revolution because it was the only bridge across the river for many miles.Chateau de ChantillyThis historic castle sits in the town of Chantilly, France. This beautiful castle is made up of two buildings: the Petit Chateau built around 1560 for Anne de Montmorency, and the Grand Chate

18、au which was destroyed during the French Revolution and rebuilt in the 1870s. There are many interesting pieces of 17th century history concerning the castle. Every two years a fireworks competition is held in the castle gardens.1. What do we know about the Chateau de Versaills?A. It sits in a small

19、 village. B. It serves as a hunting place.C. It was first built for Louis XIII. D. It was the largest castle in the 1620s.2. What makes the Chateau de Chambord special?A. Its long history. B. Its building style.C. Its wealthy owner. D. Its important position.3. Why did the Chateau de Chenoneau manag

20、e to get though the French Revolution?A. It was far from Paris. B. It hid in the Loire Valley.C. It played a very important role. D. It was built by a famous French king.4. Which castle has a fireworks show every two years?A. The Chateau de Versailles. B. The Chateau de Chantilly.C. The Chateau de C

21、hambord. D. The Chateau de Chenonceau.参考答案:1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B本文是一则广告。文章介绍了一些最好的法国城堡。法国有全欧洲最美丽的城堡。在法国旅行的时候一定会想去参观其中的一个。【1题详解】推理判断题。根据Chateau de Versailles中The Chateau de Versailles is about 20 kms southwest of Paris. When the castle was built, Versailles was a small village. -The castle was built as a small hunting lodge (乡间小屋) for Louis XIII in the 1620s.由此可知,the Chateau de Versaills最初是为路易十三建造的。故选C。【2题详


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