1、元( 第 1 篇:课程单元教学设计教案)封面惠州经济职业技术学院课程单元教学设计(教案)学年: 201 201 学年 学期: 第 学期 系部: 教师: 惠州经济职业技术学院课程教学详案学年: 201 201 学年 学期: 第 学期 系部: 教师:第 2 篇:机械基础课程单元教学设计分析机械基础课程单元教学设计分析摘要:教师既是教授方法的实施者,也是学习方法的指导者,要合理分配教学任务运用恰当的教学方法才能收到良好的教学效果笔者针对机械基础 课程的特点结合自身的教学实践以“平面机构运动确定性的判定”教学单元 为例,谈谈机械基础课教学单元设计。关键词:机械基础单元设计教学方法课题:北京市职业院校教
2、师素质提高工程之优秀青年骨干教师培养计划项目资助。机械基础课程是职业院校机械类专业的一门重要的技术基础课,它具有很强 的综合性工程性和实践性在人才培养方案中处于承上启下的地位是学生学 习后续专业课的必要的知识和技能储备起到桥梁的作用笔者以“平面机构运 动确定性的判定”教学单元为例,谈谈机械基础课教学单元设计。一、教学目标的设定通过本次课 90 分钟的学习学生能够掌握平面机构自由度的计算方法以机 械创新设计小组学生设计的“摇摆显示屏架”为教学项目载体观察机构运动 的角度出发使学生分析和掌握平面连杆机构自由度的计算方法且会判定复合铰链局部自由度虚约束并进行处理从而总结出判定机构具有确定的相对运 动
3、的方法为分析机械运动功能和设计机械结构打下基础概括起来分为以下三 个方面。1.知识目标(1)掌握平面机构自由度的计算方法。(2)会判定复合铰链、局部自由度、虚约束并进行处理。(3)掌握判定机构具有确定的相对运动的方法。2.能力目标(1能够判定机构中是否存在复合铰链局部自由度虚约束这三种特殊情 况,如果有,则会处理后再计算平面机构自由度。(2会用平面机构具有确定相对运动的条件判断机构设计得是否合理是否 能够运动,并且是否具有确定的相对运动。(3)能够通过所学过的知识解决机构设计中的实际问题。3.思维目标(1)根据实际问题,分析机构能够运动的条件。(2要学会通过平面机构自由度的计算用平面机构具有确
4、定相对运动的条 件判断机构设计得是否合理。(3从已有知识出发善于分析和自主学习扩大知识范围握思维方法, 提高思维能力。二、教学内容的确定根据教学目标制定相应教学内容,主要包括以下三方面。一是平面机构自由度的计算;二是平面机构中复合铰链、局部自由度、虚约束这三种特殊情况,及其处理 办法;三是平面机构运动确定性的判定。三、教学学情的分析对于高职院校一年级的学生而言,他们在理解方式上更偏重于实例的体会。 他们喜欢从实际的案例中体会理论学习知识得到结论本教学单元以机械创 新设计小组学生自己设计的“摇摆显示屏架”机构为教学项目载体入教学内容 ,分析平面机构的自由度,而不是直接进行理论分析,更大程度地激发
5、学生 的学习积极性,调动学生的学习热情。本单元从学生已有知识出发,以实际案例让学生观察机构的运动,引出新的 知识平面机构的机构自由度计算方法及其三种特殊情况的处理办法学生 更容易接受和获取新知识。从零件静止时的分析转变到平面连杆机构运动分析的教学内容,是一个由静 到动的变化过程要从运动的角度出发来启发学生对本节课内容的理解同时要 从具体的构件抽象出简图来研究运动特点这是利用以往所学知识分析问题也 是改变学生学习思路的方式在教学过程中应恰当处理借助图形的直观含义和 严密的数学推理之间的关系既要引导学生从直观上发现问题的实质也要注意 对某些关键的结论进行缜密的逻辑推理。四、教学重点与难点的解决办法
6、任何一个机构都是若干个构件由运动副连接起来的。为了按一定要求进行运 动的传递和转换当机构的原动件按给定的运动规律运动时该机构其余构件的 运动也都应是完全确定的了使所设计的构件能产生相对运动并具有运动确定 性,有必要研究平面机构的自由度和机构具有确定运动的条件。1.教学重点及解决办法根据本课程的知识和技能结构、学生下一阶段学习的需要及授课时限,决定 本次课的教学重点。(1)平面机构自由度的计算,及其三种特殊情况(复合铰链、局部自由度、 虚约束的处理本单元重点是让学生会判断平面机构中复合铰链部自由度、 虚约束这三种特殊情况并进行处理目的是能够正确计算平面机构自由度在 进行机构的设计时解决工程实际问
7、题。(2平面机构运动确定性的判定平面机构中要求每个构件相对于机架的运 动都是确定的以使执行构件能够按要求执行相应的运动本单元的重点是用平 面机构具有确定相对运动的条件判断机构设计是否合理的是在进行机构设计 时考虑机械结构的合理性。教学重点解决对策:重点讲解;启发主动思考;让学生随堂练习;提供学生 参与机会。例如,机构的复合铰链部分,首先让学生判定抛光机机构的运动确定性,学 生得出结论:原动件 W=1,自由度 F=3,机构运动不确定。而让学生观察抛光机 机构的运动动画发现机构的运动是确定的问题出在哪里呢?引导学生主动思 考观察机构中构件连接比较特殊的地方从而发现有 个构件在同一处用转动 副连接引
8、出了对复合铰链的解释和处理办法的学习最后用正确的方法计算机 构的自由度 F=W=10,得到正确的结论:机构具有确定的相对运动。这样利用真 实案例、动画演示启发学生主动思考,分析和解决问题,使学生印象深刻,容易 理解所学知识,并且能够及时用所学知识解决实际问题。2.教学难点及解决办法根据学生情况以及以往经验,本次课的教学难点是计算平面自由度时虚约束 的判断及处理。教学难点解决对策:根据学生的反映,把握讲解速度;结合多媒体课件和图 片;利用提问和练习方式,随堂检验学生掌握程度。例如,平面机构中的虚约束常出现在以下情况中:转动副连接两构件运动轨 迹重合两构件组成多个转动副且各转动副轴线重合构件组成多
9、个移动副、 且各转动副导路平行或者重合两构件组成多个平面高副且各高副接触点处公 法线重合对机构运动不起作用的对称部分如行星轮每一种情况都配以图片 分析讲解,形象直观,便于理解。五、教学方法的设计1任务驱动法本次课堂教学以“任务驱动”为主线,在讲解本次课程的重点内容平面机构 自由度的计算及其三种特殊情况的处理时采用“任务驱动法”过程为: 设置任务观察机械创新设计小组的学生设计的“摇摆显示屏架”的运动 置任务机构具备什么条件才能具有确定的相对运动何判定机构运动的确 定性在对任务进行分析分解完成任务的过程中讲解平面机构自由度的计算 方法和三种特殊情况的处理,以及判定机构运动确定性条件的使用,将教、学
10、、 做一体化照“教师布置任务学生自主分析完成任务教师指导学生总结” 的模式开展学生不仅掌握了知识点同时还利用知识点完成了实际的任务增 强了成就感,激发了求知欲望,培养了独立思考、勇于创新的精神,为机构的创新设计提供条件。2.案例演示法本单元课程以机械创新设计小组学生设计的“摇摆显示屏架”作为教学案例 载体通过观察机构的运动过程分析平面机构的自由度及机构运动确定性的判 定方法。该教学方法不是单纯的传授教学知识,而是将知识点融入到实际应用中,使 学生不仅掌握了知识同时也具备了运用知识解决问题的能力参考以往案例教 学的经验采用案例演示法教授知识更容易让学生集中精力有效提高其学习 的积极性,加快知识和
11、能力的获取速度。3.T-P-S 法(思考讨论分享)在做综合练习这部分内容时,学生可以通过自己阅读资料思考和学习相关知 识个人一起讨论完成习题以两人组合给大家讲解分析思路及解题过程。 学生能够在完成任务的过程中发现问题分析问题并解决问题这种方法可以使 每个学生都参与学习,培养独立思考、语言表达等能力,综合解决问题的能力, 提高学习的主动性。 T-P-S 法实施步骤为:独立工作(自己独立学习思考 流(2 个人或更多人讨论交流成果展示(有多种方式,如展板、汇报等4.分组讨论法在学习机构运动确定性的判定这部分内容时,学生可以分成小组,按四种不 同的情况讨论机构运动的确定性生前面已经学过了有关机构自由度
12、计算的内 容可以采用学生自主讨论的方式完成学习在学习的过程中鼓励学生分组学 习通过讨论解决问题这种方法可以提高学生学习的主动性分组讨论法的实 施流程为:教师布置讨论内容,进行临时小组讨论,现场展示讨论结果,学生总 结,教师评价。在课程教学中,教师精心进行教学设计,不断改进教学方法和手段,有助于 提高学生的学习兴趣,更好地理解课程内容,为学习专业课程奠定坚实的基础。参考文献:1 龚绍 . 大学青年教师教学入门大学施教学初步 北京 北京理工 大学出版社,2021.2方华灿.论高等学校的课堂教学M.北京石油工业出版社,2021.第 3 篇:第十一单元英语课程教学教学设计新目标英语七年级下册第十一单元
13、英语课程教学教学设单元 课程名称: English主备教师:任课教师:教材:义务教育课程标准实验教科书 新目标英语 for it七年级(下册) 人教版教学内容:Unit 11 What of game 教材分析:In this unit students learn to tell their likes and dislikes.学目标:1、学会表达喜欢和不喜欢的感受2、学会辨别电视节目3、能谈论节目教学方法和措施:阅读、讲授、讨论、探究 教学资源:课件和录音机 课时安排:新课、活动 的课时本单元教学时间约需 7 课时,具体分配如下:Section A 1a-2b1 课时 Section A
14、 3a-3b1 课时 Section B 1a-2b1 课时 Section B 3b-41 课时 Reading1 课时 English Weekly2 课时Period 1一、Teaching aims: 1.Learn some names about different kinds of shows 2.Learn to talk about likes and dislikes二、Topic: talk about likes and dislikes.三、Teaching guide: 1 Knowledge Objects: 1).Match the : soap, sitcom
15、, mind, king, host, sunglaes, belt, fashion, said, put , cap, colorful, word :talk think of, in fact, animalworld, Chinese cooking, key ring, ask about 3).Master and :What do you think of soap operas / sports shows?I t stand them.We don t mind does he she think Dumpling She doesn like it.What do the
16、y think ofAnna? They love objects: students listening and writing skills.2.Train students speaking skill and reading skills.3.Moral Each and like and give up what you dislike.四、Important 1a.2.The What do you think of .? I like / love .I t stand I dont love / like / mind .五、Difficult points: 1.The ta
17、rget What do you think of?六、 Teaching Step 1 Revision 1.Check the homework exercises first.Ask different students to say their answers to theexercises of the workbook.2.Ask different students, Have you been to some on your them to experiences with the cla.Step 2 1a 1.Show the key vocabulary words on
18、 Page 65 on the screen by a them new words, then encourage them to to read a game.The teacher says about one of the new in English.The gue the meaning of the new words.And read the new words several times until they can pronounce them accurately and fluently.4.Say, you are to match the TV shows with
19、the pictures.Write the letter of each picture on the blank line before the individually.5.Check the answers.1.e 2.d 3.a 4.c 5.bStep 3 1b 1.Call students to the and smiley and frowny faces in the box.Explain students the of the words , can t stand and t mind as follows: If you love something, you lik
20、e it very, very much.If you t stand something, you dislike it very strongly.If you don t mind something, you don either like it or dislike it.2.Say, ll a of a to what says the TV shows in 1a.Write the of them on the blank before the he uses, point out the the again.Students listen and write the lett
21、er of a TV show in each blank.3.Check the answers.Answers: 1,b 2a, 3c, 4,d 5,eStep 4 1c 1.Allow students one minute to read the TV shows in 1a again.2.Invite a pair of students to read the conversation to the cla.3.Write the conversation on the blackboard.4.Say, please work in pairs.Say “What do you
22、 think of the TV shows ? You must answer thequestion truthfully.”5.Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the cla. Step 5 Summary 1.In this cla, ve learned names of some TV showsfirst, show, soap show.Then listening and oral practice using the target language:Whatdo you think of sitcoms
23、? I love it.Step 6 Homework After cla, recite the spelling of the key words and the conversation in 1c.教学后记Period 2一、Teaching aims: 1.Learn some names about different kinds of shows 2.Learn to talk about likes and dislikes二、Topic: talk about likes and dislikes.三、Teaching guide: 1 Knowledge Objects:
24、1).Match the : soap, sitcom, mind, king, host, sunglaes, belt, fashion, said, put , cap, colorful, word :talk think of, in fact, animalworld, Chinese cooking, key ring, ask about 3).Master and :What do you think of soap operas / sports shows?I t stand them.We don t mind does he she think of King? Sh
25、e doesnt it.What do they think ofAnna? They love objects: students listening and writing skills.2.Train students speaking skill and reading skills.3.Moral Each and choose what like and give up what you dislike.四、Important 1a.2.The What do you think of .?I like / love .I t stand .I dont love / like /
26、mind .五、Difficult points: 1.The target What you think of?六Teaching steps: Step 1 Revision Revise the new words about TV shows Step 2: Listening (2a, 2b) 1.Call students attention to the fivephrases in 2a and read them.2.Draw students attention to the picture and the 2 are talking about the TVshow.3.
27、Play the recording the first time, students listen and numberthe expreions 15 as they hearthem.4.Check the answers: 13 5.Play the recording the second time, students listen and fill in the chart.Before listening, drawtheir attention to the dialogue in 2b.6.Check the answers: 1)love 2)like3)cant stan
28、d4)dont mind5)dont like7.Students 2b in their own conversations about TVshows they know.8.Check some pairs.Step 3: Practicing (3a)Activity students attention to of TV and a student to read the names to the cla.2.Ask students to work in pairs: What do you think of English Today / Sports News .? 3.Ask
29、 students to work in pairs.Student A looks this B looks Page 85.Ask andanswer questions: do Yang Alan think of these CCTV show? Then fill in the blanks.4.Check the answers: Yang Lin: loves, likes, doesn like, likes, can stand, doesn like Alan: loves, likes, doesn t like, likes, cant stand, doesnt mi
30、ndActivity 2 1.Call students attention to conversation in 3b.Teacher reads it to the cla.Ask students to pay attention to the blanks.2.Work alone.Ask students to use the information in Activity 3a.Fill in the blanks.3.Check the answers.1)Yes, I do. 2) I like it. 3) I t like it.4) English Today5) I l
31、ike it.4.Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs in 3b.Then make their ownconversations.Activity 3 1.Students work in groups.Take out a piece of paper and list TV shows as many as poible.2.Students write down what they think the TV shows on paper.3.Ask of students to do a report for their
32、 group.Listen and check.Step 4: Homework 1.Copy the new words.2.Make some similar dialogues like 3a.Period3 Teaching goals: 1.Words& phrases: robot, paper, le, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc .2.will 构成的一般将来时态的陈 述句、否定句、疑问句及回答.3.There be 句型的一般将来.4.more , le , fewer 的用法.5.学习一般将 来时态的相关知识,
33、学会对未来进行预测.6. five years ,today ,in five years 简洁回顾与展望的方式,贴近实际符合学生心理,激发学习兴趣.7.通过时间对比复习一般过去时态、一般现在时态,巩固一般将来时 Important and difficult points : 1.will 构成一般将来时态的句式。2.There be 句型的一般将来时态。 3.more , fewer , le 的用法。 to make predictions .Teaching methods:Listen, say , read and writeTeaching resource:课件 Teachin
34、g procedures: Step 1 Leading in Greetings .Ask two Ss to say sth about Joe .Check their homework .Step 2 While-task SB Page 6 , 3a .Read the instructions .Give 3 minutes read the paage tick the words.Explain the words and reading out chart .Read the column headings to the cla .Read the paage again .
35、Write words from her answers in the correct columns below .Check .Practise , a game write it ? Ss writeabout their life in ten years on a piece of paper but dont write names on the paper .Put all the Ss papers together .Take turns reading the paper .The other Ss gue who wrote it .Step 3 Post-task SB
36、 Page 6 , Part 4 .Read the questions below .Asktwo Ss to read the dialogue .Answer the questions .Pairwork.Get your partners answers .Share a few Ss conversations .Period 4 1.Words& phrases: robot, paper, le, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc .2.will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句 及回答.3.There be
37、句型的一般将来.4.more , le , fewer 的用法.5.学习一般将 来时态的相关知识,学会对未来进行预测.6. five years ,today ,in five years 简洁回顾与展望的方式,贴近实际符合学生心理,激发学习兴趣.7.通过时间对比复习一般过去时态、一般现在时态,巩固一般将来时 Important and difficult points : 1.will 构成一般将来时态的句式。2.There be 句型的一般将来时态。 3.more , fewer , le 的用法。 to make predictions .Teaching methods:Listen,
38、 say , read and writeTeaching resource :课件 Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading in Greetings .Check their homework :Ask or three Ss to out what they wrote down .(教师作出适当的评价) Step 2 Pre-taskGo over what we learnt yesterday . 过三种时间的对比简略复习一般过 去时与一般现在时。Step 3 While-task SB Page 4 , 3a .Point to the three
39、 picture and say :This is Sally picture is years ago ,the one is Sally now ,and the third one is Sally five years in the future .Read the instructions .Complete filling in the blanks individually .Check the answers ask some Ss read out . SB 4 , 3b .Look at activity predictions .Pointto the example i
40、n the sample dialogue .Ask two Ss to read the dialogue to the cla .Practise reading .Pairwork .Make their predictions about Sally . Step 4 Post-task Write about yourself .With the help of the sampleof Sally .We can write sth about ourselves five years ago ,today andin five years .Complete the work i
41、ndividually .Review the .Ask few more Ss for answers .Homework : Draw a picture of the city in 20 years .Describe it to the cla .Period 5一、Teaching aims: 1.Learn some names about different kinds of shows 2.Learn to talk about likes and dislikes二、Topic: talk about likes and dislikes.三、Teaching guide:
42、 1 Knowledge Objects: 1).Match the : soap, sitcom, mind, king, host, sunglaes, belt, fashion, said, put , cap, colorful, word :talk think of, in fact, animalworld, Chinese cooking, key ring, ask about 3).Master and :What do you think of soap operas / sports shows?I t stand them.We don t mind does he
43、 she think Dumpling She doesn like it.What do they think ofAnna? They love her.2.Ability (1.Train students and writing skills.2.Train students speaking skill and reading skills.3.Moral choose what you like andgive up what you dislike.四、Important points: 1.The phrases in 1a.2.The target language: Wha
44、t do you think of .? I like / love .I cant stand I dont love / like / mind .五、Difficult points: 1.The target What you think of?六、Teaching Step a some used in daily life and ask them “What do you think of .?” “Do youlike .?” “ What .? 2.Show some school let their likes and example: I pencils.I dont l
45、ike I cant stand Step 2: Presenting 1.Call students attention to the six pictures in 1a.Teach words students some real objects used in daily life and let students shout out their names asquickly as poible.3.Ask students: What do you think of .? Students use the verbs they learned to answer.Step 3: P
46、racticingActivity 1 1.Call students attention to the six words in 1a.Let students read them loud together.2.Students look at the pictures; match the words with the pictures.3.Check answers.1.b 2.a 3.e 4.c 5.f 6.dActivity 2 1.Ask students to work in pairs.Ask and answer about the six pictures.For exa
47、mple: do you think the belt?B: I t mind it.Do you like the sunglaes?A: Yes, I like them.B: What does your father think of the watch?A: He cant stand it.Activity 3 1.Read the instructions to the cla.Let students tell the cla what they have.For example:I have a watch, a scarf and sunglaes.Step 4: List
48、ening.(2a,2b) 1.Point to the chart in 2a.Call students attention to the things that Maria, Carol and Paul talkabout.2.Play the tape the first time, fill what they hear in the chart.3.Check the answers.watch,sunglaes, scarf,wallet down and Paul about each thing.Fill in the chart in 2a with the words:
49、 loves, likes, doesnt mind, doesnt like, cant stand.5.Check the answers: Carol: loves, likes, stand, loves, Paul: t mind, likes, doesntlike, likes Step 5: Reading 1.Ask students to read the article in 3a individually.At same students to questions: What did Maria Lee do this week?Who likes the key ri
50、ng / the sunglaes?Who loves the wallet / the watch?Who cant stand the scarf? 2.Ask several students to give their answers.3.Students read Marias article in Page the answers.(watch)Gina Taylor loves.Ann Rice mind.(key ring) Jack Smith likes(sunglaes) Ann Rice likes, Jerry Green likes (scarf) Jordan c
51、ant stand(wallet)William Jones loves(belt) everyone lovesStep 6: Writing 1.Teacher reads the letter to cla and call their attention to the blanks.2.Students look at the pictures in activity 1a on letter with their own opinions.Use like, love, t t cant read aloud again and pay attention to the follow
52、ing words and expreions:enjoy doing sth,This is what I think.Step 7 Homework 1.Recite 3a on page 69.2.Make a survey in your family and write a composition.Period 6Finish the exercises and go over the main points of this unit教学后记第 4 篇教育学课程中“教学”主题学习单元教学设计教育学课程中“教学”主题学习单元教学设计 摘要主题学习单元教学 设计强调以主题问题及任务活动为
53、设计核心学习过程中重视学生的主动参与 性在分析传教育学程中“教学”内容在授课中主要存在问题的基础上, 笔者将主题学习单元教学设计方法应用于该内容合理设计主题与专题及其相 关教学活动,以期有效提高课程的教学效果。关键词:教育学;教学;主题学习单元;教学设计中图分类号g642.1 文献标志码 文编号(202118-0248-03“教学”内容是教育学课程中的核心部分,其主要教学目标是要求学生 在理解教学基本理论知识的基础上,具备开展教学实施必需的基本技能与要领, 是理论性与实践性较强的内容笔者通过对该部分内容的教学现状调查了解到 在传统的课堂教学方式中,主要存在以下主要问题:1.教学大纲制订中对于本
54、部分内容的教学时数过少,学生在规定的教学时间 内难以理解理论知识的内涵不能有效应用于实际对于学生实践技能的提高效 果不明显;2.教学方法较为单一,通常是以讲解、示范、演练的渐进式教学为主,教学 过程分散、内容独立,学生不易掌握技能要领,学生学习主动性差;3.评价方式上不重视学生技能的考核,常常是考核学生对理论知识的掌握程 度,不能有效体现学生综合能力;因此,需要教师选择合适的教学方法,引导学生积极主动地探索问题,注重 学生实践能力的提升及创新能力的培养综合分析主题学习单元教学设计方法 的基础上本文力图将其应用于“教学”内容的实际教学中以期能有效解决传 统教学中存在的问题。一、主题学习单元教学设
55、计主题学习单元的教学设计,以主题、问题及任务活动为设计的核心,开展以 学生主动参与为特点的学习活动,这些活动强调学生的个性发展和学习的合作、 重视知识获取的过程关注个人经验基础上的知识构建1在主题单元学习中, 学生主要围绕主题及其专题以真实的任务模块展开学习其学习过程涵盖了多 样的学习活动方式。(一)主题学习单元设计的基本要素主题学习单元教学中强调学生的主体地位师在教学过程中主要以助学者、 导学者的身分出现。其教学设计主要是强调设计出适合教学的主题学习单元方 案帮助学生建构学习环境分发挥学生在学习过程中的主动性与积极性 因此,主题学习单元设计的基本要素主要应包括整合、提炼主题及核心概 念)分析单元教学目标主题涉及内容及课程标准设计学习方法、学 习任务、学习过程、资源和评价方式。(二)主题学习单元的主要特点1.主题化选择合适的主题是设计主题单元学习的前提在整合学习过程中, 学习活动都是围绕主题展开的。2.情
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