1、 1DEFINITIONS1926.1101AsbestosStandardAggressive Method激进的方法 means removalor disturbanceof building material by sanding,abrading, grinding, or other method that breaks,crumbles, or disintegrates intact ACM.指用打磨、研磨或其他来移动或扰动建筑材料,或者其他方式 破坏、弄碎、瓦解完整的含石棉的材料。Amended Water means water to which surfactant(we
2、tting agent) has been added to increase theability of the liquid to penetrate ACM.改性水指的是添加了外表活性剂润湿剂来提高液体对含石 棉材料的渗透力量的水。Asbestos includes chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite,tremoliteasbestos,anthophylliteasbestos,actinolite asbestos, and any of these minerals that has been chemically treated and/or alt
3、ered.Forpurposesof this standard,“asbestos“PACM,asdefinedbelow.包括温石棉、铁石棉、青石棉、透闪石棉、直闪石 棉、阳起石石棉、或者任何经过化学处理或转变的 这些矿物。为了这个标准,石棉包括 PACM,定义如下:Asbestos-ContainingMaterial(ACM)meansany material containing more than one percentasbestos.任何含有 1%以上的石棉的物质都叫含有石棉材料。Assistant Secretary means the AssistantSecretary
4、of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health,U.S.DepartmentofLabor,ordesignee.助理秘书:指为职业安康安全工作的助理秘书,可以是美国劳工部的,或是指派的。Authorized Person means any person authorized by the employer and required by work dutiestobepresentinregulatedareas.授权人:指任何被老板授权或者因工作职责而必需消灭在相关领域的人员。Building/FacilityOwneristhelegalenti
5、ty,includes a lessee, which exercises control overmanagement and recordkeeping functions relating toabuildingand/orfacilityin which activitiescoveredbythisstandardtakeplace.建筑/设施的仆人 :是法人实体,包括承租人Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH)means onecertified in the practice of industrial hygiene by the Americ
6、anBoardofIndustrialHygiene.认证工业卫生学家:在工业卫生活动方面被美国工业卫生董事会认证的人才。ClassIAsbestosWorkmeansactivitiesinvolving the removal of TSI and surfacing ACM orPACM. 包括移除TSI 和ACM或PACM的外表材料的活动。ClassIIAsbestosWorkmeansactivitiesinvolving the removal of ACM which is not thermal systeminsulationorsurfacingmaterial.Thisi
7、ncludes,but is not limited to, the removal ofasbestoscontainingwallboard,floortileandsheeting,roofingandsidingshingles,andconstruction mastics.包含移除非隔热系统或外表材料的ACM的活动。这包括但不限于,墙壁、地板、天花板、屋瓦和建筑填充材料中所含石棉的移除。Class III Asbestos Work means repair and maintenance operations where “ACM“, including TSI and surf
8、acing ACM and PACM, is likely to be disturbed. 对格外简洁受扰动的包括 TSI 和外表ACM和PACM的含石棉材料的修理或维护操作Class IV Asbestos Work means maintenance and custodial activities during which employees contact but do not disturb ACM and PACM and activities to clean up dust, waste and debris resultingfromClassI,II,andIII act
9、ivities.在雇员接ACM PACM 期间以及清扫灰尘、废弃物和因 1,2,3 所带来的碎片的维护和保管活动。Clean Room means an uncontaminated room having facilities for the storage of employees street clothing and uncontaminated materials and equipment. 拥有储存雇员休闲衣物和干净材料和设备的设施的干净房间。CloselyResemblemeansthatthemajorworkplace conditions which have contr
10、ibutedtothe levels of historic asbestos exposure, are nomore protectivethanconditionsof the currentworkplace. 以前对石棉暴露等级做出了奉献的主要生产车间的条件,不比现在的车间的条件更具保护 性。Competent Person means, in addition to thedefinitionin29CFR1926.32(f),onewho iscapable of identifying existing asbestos hazards intheworkplaceandsel
11、ectingtheappropriatecontrol strategy for asbestos exposure, who hasthe authority to take prompt corrective measurestoeliminatethem,asspecifiedin29CFR 1926.32(f):in addition, for Class I and Class IIworkwhois specially trained in a training coursewhichmeetsthecriteriaofEPAsModelAccreditation Plan (40
12、 CFR 763) for supervisor,or its equivalent and, for Class IIIand Class IVwork, who is trained in a manner consistent withEPA requirements for training of local educationagencymaintenance and custodial staff as setforthat40CFR763.92(a)(2).安全检察员:Critical Barrier 临界障碍物 means one or morelayers of plasti
13、c sealed over all openings into awork area or any other similarly placed physicalbarrier sufficient to prevent airborne asbestos in a work area from migrating to an adjacent area.界限:一个或更多用来密封全部工作区开口的塑料 图层面板或其他类似的放置足够物理屏障来防止某个工作区域空气中的石棉迁移到邻近区域。DEFINITIONS1926.1101AsbestosStandardDecontamination Area
14、means an enclosed area adjacent and connected to the regulated area and consisting of an equipment room, shower area, and clean room, which is used for the decontamination of workers, materials, and equipment that are contaminated with asbestos.排污区域: 一个封闭的邻近或连接相关区域的由一个设备房、淋浴房、净化室组成的区域,被用来净 化被石棉污染的工人
15、、材料和设备。Demolition means the wrecking or taking out of any load-supporting structure member and any related razing, removing, or stripping of asbestos products.撤除 :撤除或取出任何装载支撑构造的局部和任何对石棉产品有关的去除、拆迁或剥夺。Director means the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, U.S. Department o
16、f Health and Human Services, or designee.国际职业安康与安全委员会的主管,美国劳工会的主管,或特别制定人员DisturbancemeansactivitiesthatdisruptthematrixofACMorPACM,crumbleorpulverizeACMorPACM,orgeneratevisibledebrisfromACM orPACM. Disturbances includescutting away smallamounts of ACM or PACM, no greater than theamount which can be
17、contained in one standardsized glove bag or waste bag in order to access abuilding component. In no event shall the amount ofACMorPACM so disturbed exceed that whichcanbecontainedinoneglove bag or waste bagwhich shall not exceed 60 inches in length andwidth.扰动:分裂 ACM 或 PACM 的基体,崩碎或粉碎ACM 或PACM,或者从ACM
18、 或PACM 中形成明显的碎片。扰动包括切出少量的ACM 或 PACM,少于可包含在一个标准尺寸手套或废袋子中用来作为一 个建筑组件的量。ACM 或PACM 的被扰动的量绝不能超过长宽各60 英寸的手套袋或废弃袋中的含量。EmployeeExposuremeans thatexposure toairborneasbestosthatwouldoccuriftheemployee were not using respiratoryprotective equipment.职工暴露假设职工没有使用呼吸保护装置,暴露于空气中的石棉的状况就会发生。Equipment Room (Change Ro
19、om) means a contaminated room located within the area that is supplied withimpermeable bags or containers for the disposalofcontaminatedprotectiveclothingandequipment.设备房:坐落于净化区且供给有用于处理被污染的防护服和设备的防水袋或容器的受 污染的房间。Fiber means a particulate form of asbestos, 5 micrometers or longer, with a length to dia
20、meter ratioof at least 3 to 1. 纤维 :微粒外形的石53:1GloveBag meansnotmorethana60 x 60 inchimperviousplasticbag-likeenclosureaffixedaroundanasbestos-containingmaterial,withglove-like appendages through which material and toolsmaybehandled. 手套袋:60X60 英寸以下的外壳像袋子的防水塑料,粘贴在含石棉材料的周 围,有可以用来提材料或工具的手套一样的配件。High-Effi
21、ciencyParticulateAir (HEPA) Filtermeans a filter capable of trapping and retaining at least99.97percentofallmono-dispersed particlesof3micronsindiameter.高效微粒过滤器: 指能捕获或保存至少 99.97%的3微米的粒子的过滤器。Homogeneous Areameans an area of surfacingmaterial or thermal system that is uniform in color andtexture.同类区域:
22、 颜色和质地一样的表层材料或热力系统区域IndustrialHygienistmeansaprofessionalqualified by education, training, and experience to anticipate,recognize,evaluate,anddevelopcontrolsforoccupationalhealthhazards.通过教育、培训、实习合格的为预料、生疏、和进展职业安康危害把握装置的专业人员。Intactmeans that the ACM has not crumbled,been pulverized, or otherwise det
23、eriorated so that theasbestosisnolonger likely to be bound withits matrix. 完整的: ACM 没有被裂开、研磨、或者其他方面的变质因而石棉不会再被它的基体束缚。Modificationforthepurposeof paragraph (g)(6)(ii), means a changed or altered procedure, material or component of acontrol system, whichreplaces a procedure material or componentof are
24、quiredsystem.Omittingaprocedureorcomponent,orreducingordiminishingthestringency or strength of a material or component of the control system is not a “modification“ for thepurposesofparagraph(g)(6)ofthissection.为段落g6ii所做的修订: 转变或变更的把握系统中的程序,材料或成分,替代所需系统的一 个程序,材料或成分。 省略一个程序或成分,或削减降低把握系统中材料或成分的封装或强度,均不
25、 是为此章节的段落所做的修订。Negative Initial Exposure Assessment means a demonstration by the employer, which complies with the criteria in paragraph (f)(2)(iii) of this section, that employee exposure during an operation is expected to be consistently below thePELs. 一个雇主的符合此章节段落f2iii 中标准的示范,岗位员工的暴露值始终低于PELs。PAC
26、M means “presumed asbestos containing material.“ 假定含有石棉的材料Presumed Asbestos Containing Material means thermal system insulation and surfacing material found in buildings constructed no later than 1980. The designation of a material as “PACM“ may be rebutted pursuant to paragraph (k)(5)ofthissection.
27、建筑中建筑的隔热系统和表层材料是在 1980 年以前的。作为 PACM 的一款材料的名称可能依据此章节的段落k5来区分。DEFINITIONS1926.1101AsbestosStandardProject Designer means a person who has successfully completed the training requirements for an abatement project designer established by 40 U.S.C. 763.90(g). 成功完成RegulatedArea means an area established b
28、ytheemployertodemarcateareaswhereClassI,II,andIII asbestoswork isconducted,andanyadjoining area where debris and waste fromsuchasbestos work accumulate; and work area withinwhichairborneconcentrationsofasbestos, exceed or there is a reasonable possibility theymayexceedthepermissibleexposurelimit.Req
29、uirements for regulated areas are set out inparagraph (e) of this section.相关领域:由雇主建立的用以区分 1 2 3 等级石棉治理工作的区域,以及任何比邻的石棉工作的碎片和垃圾累积的区域; 空气中石棉的浓度超过或者很可能超过允许暴露极 限值的工作区域。相关区域的要求建立在此章节的 段落e。Removal means all operations where ACM and/orPACM is taken out or stripped from structures or substrates, and includes demolition operations. 移动: 全部从建筑构造中或基板中取出或拆出ACM或PACM的操作,包括撤除操作。Renovation meansthemodifyingofany existingstructure,orportionthereof.装修: 任何现存构造或其局部的修饰。Repairmean
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