1、管理学教学资料chapter-7管理学教学资料chapter-7Goal is the starting point of managementTo establish a clear and proper goal is the precondition for scientific management and the foundation of all workImportance of goalGoal - the criteria for decision makingGood goals can motivate employeesGoal the foundation for c
2、oordinating the relationship between positions and departmentsGoal attainment is the standard for measuring workGoal the guidance for action of all workGoal is the starting point of Life path of Harvard ElitesConclusion:goals impose great influence upon ones life10% Clear and short term goal3%Clear
3、and long term goal27% No goals60%Vague goalsIn 19703%Successful in different fields10%Continuously realize their short term goals, professionals in all walks of life60%Middle and low level with stable work and life, with no outstanding success27%Miserable life, lots of complaints about the society a
4、nd other peopleIn 1995Life path of Harvard ElitesConFeatures of organizational goals1)difference2) diversity3) hierarchy4) timeframeFeatures of organizational goa1. 1 Why not planning?No time to planPlanning is uselessNot know how to make a planPlan will become a restrainWhat is planned can not be f
5、inishedThe situation is changing too fast for the plan to followCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall751. 1 Why not planning?No time 1. 2 Why plan? direction assemble resourcesObjectives action guidelinesPathway reduce uncertaintyMethods improve efficiencyResponsibilitie
6、s motivating Measuring/controlling achievements and successCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall761. 2 Why plan? direction 1.3 Importance of Planning - Planning is most important managerial activity - In China, planning is not attached enough importance in real workI oft
7、en have great objectives, why cannot they be realized?According to management theories, if there is no good planning and implementation, objectives will not be realized1.3 Importance of Planning -Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall781. 2 Why Do Managers Plan?Purposes o
8、f PlanningProvides direction 给管理者与非管理者指明了行动的方向Reduces uncertainty 能够减少变化的影响Minimizes waste and redundancy 减少活动的重叠和浪费Sets the standards for controlling 计划设定目标和标准可以用于控制Copyright 2010 Pearson Educa1.4 what is planning PlanningA primary managerial activity that involves:Defining the organizations goalsE
9、stablishing an overall strategy for achieving those goalsDeveloping plans for organizational work activitiesFormal planningSpecific goals covering a specific time periodWritten and shared with organizational membersCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall791.4 what is plann
10、ing PlanningC1.5 Content of planningElementsPreconditionObjectivesGoalsStrategiesDutiesTime scheduleExtentBudgetMeasures for contingencyContentPrediction,assumption,conditionsFinal results, work requirementsReasons, significanceBasic methods, main tacticsPersonnel,bonus and punishment policiesStarti
11、ng and finishing time work scheduleOrganization level and geographic scopeExpenses, costPlan for the worst situationUnder what situation is plan effectiveWhat should be doneWhyHowWhoWhenWhere, what departmentshow much resourcesIn case of。Planning is prediction, arrangement,and adaptive coping with f
12、uture activity1.5 Content of planningElementCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7111.4 What Is Planning?Plan Methods, ways and time schedules for realizing organizations goals (计划是实现组织目标的方法、途径和时间表) Managerial document about the organizations direction, activities and wa
13、ys in a certain period of time in future (计划是未来一定时期内,关于组织行功方向、内容和方式的管理文件)Copyright 2010 Pearson Educa1.6 Different forms of plans宗旨(mission):目的或使命目标(goals):行动要达到的结果战略(strategies):业务范围、配置资源政策(policies):决策的指南、方针与指导原则程序(procedures):行动的时间顺序和步骤、办事手续规则(rules):如何做及允许或不允许做的规定规划 (Planning):包括目标、策略、政策、规则等综合性计
14、划预算(budget):数字化的规划1.6 Different forms of plans宗旨Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7131.7 Planning and PerformanceThe Relationship Between Planning and PerformanceFormal planning is associated with:Higher profits and returns on assets.Positive financial results.正式计划通常与
15、更高的利润、更高的资产报酬率及其它积极的财务成果相联系;The quality of planning and implementation affects performance more than the extent of planning.高质量的计划过程和恰当的实施过程比泛泛的计划更可以导致较高的效率;The external environment can reduce the impact of planning on performance.凡是正式计划未能导致高绩效的情况,一般都是因为环境的原因。 Formal planning must be used for severa
16、l years before planning begins to affect performance.Copyright 2010 Pearson EducaCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7141.8 How Do Managers Plan?Elements of PlanningGoals (also Objectives)Desired outcomes for individuals, groups, or entire organizationsProvide direction
17、 and evaluation performance criteriaPlansDocuments that outline how goals are to be accomplishedDescribe how resources are to be allocated and establish activity schedulesCopyright 2010 Pearson EducaCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7152.Types of GoalsFinancial GoalsA
18、re related to the expected internal financial performance of the organization.Strategic GoalsAre related to the performance of the firm relative to factors in its external environment (e.g., competitors).Stated Goals versus Real GoalsBroadly-worded official statements of the organization (intended f
19、or public consumption) that may be irrelevant to its real goals (what actually goes on in the organization).Copyright 2010 Pearson EducaCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall716Exhibit 71Types of PlansCopyright 2010 Pearson EducaCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publ
20、ishing as Prentice Hall7174. Types of Plans - breadthStrategic PlansApply to the entire organization.Establish the organizations overall goals.Seek to position the organization in terms of its environment.Cover extended periods of time.Operational PlansSpecify the details of how the overall goals ar
21、e to be achieved.Cover a short time period.Copyright 2010 Pearson EducaCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7183. Types of Plans time frameLong-Term PlansPlans with time frames extending beyond three yearsShort-Term PlansPlans with time frames of one year or lessCopyrigh
22、t 2010 Pearson Educa3. Types of Plans specificitySpecific PlansPlans that are clearly defined and leave no room for interpretationDirectional PlansFlexible plans that set out general guidelines and provide focus, yet allow discretion in implementationCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing
23、 as Prentice Hall7193. Types of Plans time frame3. Types of Plans time frame3. Types of Plans specificitSpecific Versus Directional Plans Prentice Hall, 20027-20Specific Versus Directional PlCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7213. Types of Plans frequency of useSingle
24、-Use PlanA one-time plan specifically designed to meet the need of a unique situation.Standing PlansOngoing plans that provide guidance for activities performed repeatedly.Copyright 2010 Pearson Educa4. Plan making 4.1 plan making processDefining objectives or tasksIdentifying preconditions and limi
25、ting conditions for planningFormulating strategies and action planAllocate personnel and define responsibilitiesFormulate work schedule Reasonably allocate resourcesFormulating adaptive measuresPlan making processHow to allocate resourcesHow to assign dutiesHow to determine work schedule4. Plan maki
26、ng 4.1 plan makin分配资源Plan making process明确 任 务 或 目 标 制 订 战 略 方 案 明确 计 划 前 提 条 件 落实人选明确责任制订进度表制 订 应 变 措 施 计划草案如何确定进度?如何合理配置资源?如何落实责任?分Plan making process明制 明落实人选明确4.2 Plan making techniques1)Program Evaluation and Review Techniques(网络计划技术)2) Gantt Chart (甘特图)3) Rolling Plan Technique (滚动计划法)Copyright
27、 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7244.2 Plan making techniques1)PrA2B134567426D8EF4G10H41)Program Evaluation and Review Techniques(网络计划技术)箭线C节点关键路线4网络图由箭线、节点、虚箭线和路线组成A2B134567426D8EF4G10H41)Progra2) Gantt Chart (甘特图)进度计划实际ABCD活动T时刻2) Gantt Chart (甘特图)度计划实际ABCD2008年2009年2010年具
28、体较粗粗2010年2011年2012年具体较粗粗2009年2010年2011年具体较粗粗2007年2008年2009年具体较粗粗3) Rolling Plan Technique (滚动计划法)环境的变化环境的变化环境的变化滚动计划法(Rolling plan technique):将短期计划、中期计划和长期计划有机地结合2008年2009年2010年具体较粗粗2010年2011年Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7285. Developing PlansContingency Factors
29、in a Managers PlanningManagers level in the organizationStrategic plans at higher levelsOperational plans at lower levelsDegree of environmental uncertaintyStable environment: specific plansDynamic environment: specific but flexible plansLength of future commitmentsCommitment Concept: current plans
30、affecting future commitments must be sufficiently long-term to meet those commitments.Copyright 2010 Pearson EducaCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall729Exhibit 75 Planning in the Hierarchy of OrganizationsCopyright 2010 Pearson EducaCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, In
31、c. Publishing as Prentice Hall7305. Approaches to PlanningEstablishing a formal planning departmentA group of planning specialists who help managers write organizational plans.Planning is a function of management; it should never become the sole responsibility of planners.Involving organizational me
32、mbers in the processPlans are developed by members of organizational units at various levels and then coordinated with other units across the organization.Copyright 2010 Pearson EducaCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7316. Contemporary Issues in PlanningCriticisms of
33、PlanningPlanning may create rigidity.Plans cannot be developed for dynamic environments.Formal plans cannot replace intuition and creativity.Planning focuses managers attention on todays competition not tomorrows survival.Formal planning reinforces todays success, which may lead to tomorrows failure
34、.Just planning isnt enough.Copyright 2010 Pearson EducaCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7326. Contemporary Issues in Planning (contd)Effective Planning in Dynamic EnvironmentsDevelop plans that are specific but flexible.Understand that planning is an ongoing process.
35、Change plans when conditions warrant.Persistence in planning eventually pay off.Flatten the organizational hierarchy to foster the development of planning skills at all organizational levels.Copyright 2010 Pearson Educa7. Organization mission organization and goal7.1 Organization mission:organizatio
36、n basic functions endowed by society. It explains why the organization exists in the society and how it differs from other organizationSchoolsMilitaryHospitalenterpriseCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7337. Organization mission organi7.2 functions of organization obj
37、ectivesObjective the basis for decision makingObjective is direction guide us focus our attentionObjective basis for coordinating the work between departments Objectives milestone let us know where we are and how far away we are.Objectives define responsibilities, define expectation of each employee
38、Objectives motivating usObjectives attainment is the standards for measuring workCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7347.2 functions of organization 7.3 features of organization objectives1) difference2) diversity3) hierarchy4) timeframeCopyright 2010 Pearson Education
39、, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7357.3 features of organization o7.4 principles for objectives making1.) meet the demands of society or market2) to improve the organizations efficiency3) objectives should be advanced4) objectives should be based on social responsibilityCopyright 2010 Pearson Educa
40、tion, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7367.4 principles for objectives Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7377. 5 Setting Goals and Developing Plans Traditional Goal SettingBroad goals are set at the top of the organization.Goals are then broken into sub-goals for each
41、 organizational level.Assumes that top management knows best because they can see the “big picture.”Goals are intended to direct, guide, and constrain from above.Goals lose clarity and focus as lower-level managers attempt to interpret and define the goals for their areas of responsibility.Copyright
42、 2010 Pearson EducaThe Downside of Traditional Goal SettingWe need to improve the companys performance 我们需要改进公司的绩效I want to see a significant improvement in this divisions profits我希望看到事业部利润的显著增长Increase profit regardless of means增加利润,不管用什么方法Dont worry about quality; just work fast不必耽心质量,只管快干Top mana
43、gement objectives最高管理者的目标Division managers objectives 事业部经理的目标Department managers objective部门管理者的目标Individual Employees objective雇员个人的目标The Downside of Traditional GoGoals ChainOverall organizational objectivesDivisional objectivesDepartmental objectivesIndividual objectives组织中心型、个人中心型、成果中心型Goals Ch
44、ainOverall organizatioCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall740 Maintaining the Hierarchy of GoalsMeansEnds ChainThe integrated network of goals that results from establishing a clearly-defined hierarchy of organizational goals.Achievement of lower-level goals is the mean
45、s by which to reach higher-level goals (ends).7.6 Setting Goals and Developing PlansCopyright 2010 Pearson EducaCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall741Management By Objectives (MBO)Specific performance goals are jointly determined by employees and managers.雇员与他的管理者共同确定具
46、体的绩效目标Progress toward accomplishing goals is periodically reviewed.定期评审实现目标方面的进展情况Rewards are allocated on the basis of progress towards the goals.基于实现目标方面的进展进行奖励8. Setting Goals and Developing PlansCopyright 2010 Pearson Educa5 Key elements of MBO:Goal specificity 确定目标participative decision making
47、参与决策Specific timeframe明确期限an explicit performance/evaluation period, feedback 绩效反馈5 Key elements of MBO:Goal spCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall7435.5 Steps in a Typical MBO ProgramThe organizations overall objectives and strategies are formulated. 制定组织的全局目标和战略2. Maj
48、or objectives are allocated among divisional and departmental units. 在事业部与功能部门之间分解目标3. Unit managers collaboratively set specific objectives for their units with their managers.部门管理者与其下属单位的管理者共同制定他们的具体目标4. Specific objectives are collaboratively set with all department members.单位管理者与该单位全体成员共同设定每个人的具体目标Copyright 2010 Pearson EducaCopyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Pub
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