1、Unit 19 You must eat!Teacher:Lin第1页Warming up:Their job?fashion modelsNinaIs Nina a fashion model, too?第2页Food for a fashion modelWhat can a fashion model eat?XXvegetable saladfishpeachesdishes第3页If you are a fashion model.You must eat:You must not eatvegetablesfruitfishdishesmeat第4页Lets think: Can
2、a fashion model eat lots of things?第5页somelots ofanalots of somelots of apples some appleslots of bananas some bananaslots of fish some fishlots of rice some rice 第6页fish第7页salad第8页drink第9页mustnt第10页peachpeaches第11页Help yourself!第12页 Game看谁读得快!第13页Help yourself!drinkmustntdishfishpeachsalad第14页New W
3、ordsfish 鱼salad 沙拉dish 菜肴drink 喝mustnt 不能peach 桃子Help yourself! 请自便吧! 第15页Challenge your eyes 挑战你眼睛(比比谁最快)saladmustnt mustntpeachmusntdishdrinkdrinkfishpeachsaladdishfishpeachmustntdrinksaladmustnt第16页Nina can eat lots of peaches.第17页What are there on the table?There is some food on the table.Lets d
4、o sth 表示提议去做什么事情Lets go! / Lets run! / Lets finish!第18页Can Nina eat them?No, she cant.第19页must: 必须 must do sthI must get up early.must not=mustnt We mustnt fight.Must he finish his work?Yes, he must./ No, he neednt.can/cant第20页Theres some fish, and some salad.There are some hot dishes, too.Therebe句型
5、就近标准:Be动词数要与离它 最近名词来决定。 There _ a book and two pens. There _two pens and a book. isare第21页What can she do?She can drink some water.Now, lets practice the reading part: read the text after me!第22页请随便吃!第23页必定陈说句:Nina is tired and hungry.必定陈说句:Nina can eat lots of peaches.普通疑问句:Is Nina tired and hungry
6、? Yes, she is.特殊疑问句:Who is tired and hungry?特殊疑问句:What can Nina eat?普通疑问句:Can Nina eat lots of peaches? Yes, she can.第24页Lesson 2Order the pictures526413第25页Guided summaryChoose a box and answer these questions.What time is it? Who are both hungry?15%1Its four oclock. Daisy and Nina are both hungry.
7、What is there on the table over there?10%2There is some food on the table over there.Who can look but cant eat?10%3Nina can look but she cant eat.Whats the problem?10%4Food is the problem.第26页Is there any fish? Any salad?10%5There is some fish and some salad.Are there any hot dishes?10%6There are so
8、me hot dishes.What must Nina not do?10%7Nina must not eat.What cant she do? Perhaps what can she eat?20%8She cant eat and be beautiful. Perhaps she can eat lots of peaches.第27页作业:听: U19-U20 天天最少3遍读: U19-U20 天天最少3遍背:单词, 课文第2和5图写:重点单词3+1, 练习册U19下节听写第28页pronunciationng 第29页Pronunciation: Which word con
9、tains honey hurry - hungryanswer angry - animalEnglish engine - dinnersing singing - thinkstick stink - sink第30页Chinese food (中国食物)第31页western food (西方食物)第32页meat第33页grape第34页bread第35页cake第36页cheese奶酪(其中一类也叫干酪)是一个发酵牛奶制品,其性质与常见酸牛奶有相同之处,都是经过发酵过程来制作.也都含有能够保健乳酸菌,不过奶酪浓度比酸奶更高,近似固体食物,营养价值也所以愈加丰富。每千克奶酪制品都是由
10、10千克牛奶浓缩而成,含有丰富蛋白质、钙、脂肪、磷和维生素等营养成份,是纯天然食品。就工艺而言,奶酪是发酵牛奶;就营养而言,奶酪是浓缩牛奶。 第37页butter黄油(butter)是用牛奶加工出来。把新鲜牛奶加以搅拌之后上层浓稠状物体滤去部分水分之后产物。主要用作调味品 ,营养很好但含脂量很高,所以不要过分食用。 第38页tin第39页buy第40页News Words meat 肉 cake 蛋糕grape 葡萄 tin 金属盒buy 买 cheese 奶酪bread 面包 butter 黄油第41页 Game看谁读得快!第42页Challenge your eyes 挑战你眼睛(比比谁最
11、快)tinbreadgrapemeatbuybuttercheesecaketinbreadgrapemeatbuybuttercheesecaketinbreadgrapemeatbuybuttercheesecake第43页名词:表示人或事物名称词叫名词。e.g. table, dog, bus, book,son, teacher 名词分为: 1.可数名词。 2.不可数名词。第44页some / any + 可数名词复数 不可数名词lots of / a lot of + 可数名词复数 不可数名词Grammar Focus第45页buysomelots of = a lot ofmeat
12、grapesbreadcakecheesebuttermeatgrapesbreadcakecheesebutter第46页Patten practice_ there any _?Yes, there _. But there _ any _.Can you see any _ _?No, I cant see any _ _, but there _ lots / a lot of _.第47页_ there any _?Yes, there _. But there _ any _.Can you see any _ _?No, I cant see any _ _, but there
13、 _ lots / a lot of _.第48页_ there any _?Yes, there _. But there _ any _.Can you see any _ _?No, I cant see any _ _, but there _ lots / a lot of _.第49页_ there any _?Yes, there _. But there _ any _.Can you see any _ _?No, I cant see any _ _, but there _ lots / a lot of _.第50页祈使句否定Give me an apple, pleaseGive Nina a bowl, please
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