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1、Unit4-Do-it-yourself-Task-精制课时课件(牛津译林版八年级上)Unit4-Do-it-yourself-Task-精制课secretkeep it secretwronggo wrongspellcut outn. 秘密的保密adv. 错误地,不对弄错;犯错;(机器)出故障vt.&vi. 拼写剪出Words & phrases reviewsecretn. 秘密的Words & phrases reballoonstickcovercompletepaintfurnituren. 气球vt. & vi. 粘住,钉住n. 封面;盖子;罩vt. 完成n. 颜料n. 家具Wo

2、rds & phrases reviewballoonn. 气球Words & phrases reObjectives To learn to write a diary entry about a DIY job you didTo learn some key words and useful expressionsObjectives To learn to write aWords:secret wrong spell balloon stick cover complete paintPhrases:keep it secret plan to go wrong have fun

3、doing cut outspell the words wrong Patterns:I decided to make her a birthday card by myself.I made some mistakes when I wrote the sentence “Happy Birthday, Mum”.I kept spelling the words wrong.Words:TalkIf your mothers birthday is coming. What would you give your mother as a present. Do you want to

4、do some DIY work for her?TalkIf your mothers birthday Unit4-Do-it-yourself-Task-精制课时课件(牛津译林版八年级上)1. Why didnt Suzy make the card at home?2. Did Sandy help?3. How long did Suzy and Sandy spend making it?4. What mistakes did Suzy keep making when working on it?5. What colour did she use for the roses?

5、6. Did they make a mess in the house?Yes. Sandy helped her with the drawing.They spent two hours making it.She kept spelling the words wrong because she was too excited.Because she wanted to keep it secret.She coloured them red, blue and pink.Yes. There was paint on everything.Suzy made a birthday c

6、ard at the weekend. Listen to her diary entry carefully and find the answers to the questions.1. Why didnt Suzy make the caRead and tell what each paragraph is about. Try to complete the table.Para. 1:Para. 2:Para. 3:Para. 4:The reason why Suzy made a birthday card.How she made the card.What happene

7、d in the end.Suzys hope.Read and tell what each paragr怎样写英文日记日记是人们对日常生活的记录,用来记述自己一天生活的所见、所闻、所问、所思、所感。英文日记通常由两部分构成,即书端和正文,其格式与中文相同,下面就是英文日记各部分的书写格式示意图: Date(日期)Weather(天气)Title(标题)The body of the diary (日记正文)怎样写英文日记日记是人们对日常生活的记录,用来记述自己一天生1. 注意日期、星期和天气的书写位置。 日期和星期要写在正文的左上角,其顺序多 是“星期 + 月、日、年”,也有把星期放在后面

8、的,如“2003年11月22日,星期一”可写为“Monday November 22, 2003 或 November 22, 2003 Monday”。天气情况应写在正文的右上角,如: Fine, Rainy, Cloudy, Windy 等。2. 关于标题的书写。 在日期和天气的下一行中间可以写上日记小标题,也可以不写标题。1. 注意日期、星期和天气的书写位置。3. 关于正文的书写。 正文是关于一天生活的记载,也是日记的主题。在书写正文时要做到: 1)要选择当天感受最深刻、最有意义的事件来 描述,不要写成简单的流水帐; 2)日记的内容多是亲身经历和耳闻目睹的事 情,所以要用第一人称来写;

9、3)日记多是在当天晚上来记述当天发生过的事 情,因为动词时态常使用过去时,但使用时 必须灵活掌握,如景物描写、议论某事、对 话引语等要使用现在时态; 4 )日记应以时间发生的先后顺序来展开,并且 要简明扼要,条理清楚,写出真实感。3. 关于正文的书写。Write your own diary entry about a DIY job you did. Use the diary entry in Part A as a model. (P 53)Sample writing:BSaturday, 30 OctoberFathers birthday is coming, so I decid

10、ed to put up a bookshelf for my father because he loves reading and has many books.I ordered the building materials online. My best friend Daniel came to help me and brought some tools. We read the instructions first and quickly started to work. Daniel isWrite your own diary entry abogood at DIY and

11、 he is really helpful. It took us only an hour to finish the work. I had a little trouble using the hammer. Daniel taught me how to use it properly and we had fun working together.We also tried to paint the bookshelf blue my fathers favourite colour. When we finished, it looked really cool.I feel ha

12、ppy with my work and I believe my father will be proud of it as well.good at DIY and he is really hNow 2 mins to test your spelling.Spelling Bee1. English-Chinese balloon, cover, paint, furniture2. Chinese-English 确定的;积极的;可能的;收拾;整理好;秘密的;保密;错误地;弄错;拼写;剪出;粘住;完成(vt.)When finished, exchange your papers t

13、o see who does the best.Now 2 mins to test your spelliUnit4-Do-it-yourself-Task-精制课时课件(牛津译林版八年级上)根据所给汉语意思完成下面的短文。Dear Andy,Yesterday afternoon, my father and I painted my bedroom. _ _ (我们一起工作很愉快). It took us almost two hours. But _(出了点问题) when I put up a picture. I put it upside down! And I _ (犯了又一个

14、错误) when I changed the bulb (灯泡). I caused a power cut! We had fun workingtogether something went wrongmade another mistake根据所给汉语意思完成下面的短文。Dear Andy,We hIt was almost 7:00 p.m. _ _ (当我们完成工作). But I felt very glad because the room was just what I like. Do you know what picture did I put up? I will _ (保密). So youd better come and have a look by yourself. And I also _ (剪出一幅图) and put it up on the back of my door. Come and have a look soon! Yours,Suzywhen we finishedthe


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