1、年级英语下册Module9Unit2(2)教案外研版(一起)第一篇:六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(2)教案 外研版(一起)外研版一起六年级英语下册教案Module 9 Unit 2 Why are you scared?教材分析语言功能:学习正确表达如何询问原因及做出合理的回答。语言结构:Why are you scared?Because there is a snake.Why is it here?Because it escaped from the zoo.教学目标:a.语言知识目标:学习目标语句Why are you scared?Because there is
2、 a snake.Why is it here?Because it escaped from the zoob.语言技能目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能运用所学语言正确表达如何询问原因及做出合理的回答。通过游戏和各种学习活动的开展,培养学生的合作能力、竞争意识和综合运用语言知识的能力。c.情感态度目标:通过本课的学习,使学生了解到学习语言的乐趣,以积极乐观的学习态度对待学习中的困难,在学习交流中体会他人感受,学会关爱。教学重、难点:重点:Why are you scared?Because there is a snake.Why is it here?Because it escaped
3、from the zoo 并能在实际情景中运用。难点:学生能够流利地使用正确时态来表达如何询问原因及做出合理的回答。 学生分析六年级的学生经过几年的学习,已经由最初对英语的神秘感和简单的兴趣,发展到基本具有稳定的学习兴趣,大部分学生对英语的学习积极性浓厚,基础知识扎实,学习方法得当,综合运用语言能力较强,但少部分学生依然没有形成良好的学习习惯,没有找到有效而合适的学习方法,因而在学习过程中信心不足,参与语言活动的积极性不高,为此,教师要在课堂上应尽可能多地运用我们以前学习过的语言,坚持听说训练,同时进行相应的读写训练,在教学过程中,更要关注到学生的情感需要。设计理念学习是一个非线性的过程,它不
4、仅包括结构性知识,也包括学习者自身的体验,而英语课程的目标就是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,因此教师要在课堂活动的设计中,注意以学生为主体,教师为主导,采用多种教学形式,激发学生学习英语的兴趣及运用英语交流的热情。过多机械性的和缺乏意义的操练活动并不利于学生保持持久参与学习活动的兴趣,不利于学生获得语言知识和技能,因此,在英语教学中,教师要力争创设真实的语言情景,开展有意义的活动,使学生在学习中享受到乐趣,做学习真正的主人。教学准备录音机,教学挂图,图片,卡片教学过程一、Warm- up(热身活动)1. GreetingT: Hello, Boys and girls! Nice to meet
5、 you here again! What day is it today? Whats the date today? Whats the weather like today?2. Sing a songT: Now first lets sing a song, OK? Would you like to tell us what you can hear and see in the song? (师生共同欣赏本课的英文歌曲,引导学生说一说从歌中听到了什么)3. Do some revisionT:Boys and girls, did you still remember the s
6、tory? Did you still remember the baseball cups? OK! Now take out your baseball caps and act out the dialogue together.(复习表演对话)二、Presentation(介绍新语言项目)1. T: Look! This is a photo. Do you know it? She looks very happy. Why is she so happy? Can you guess?S: She is happy because she is(教师可以出示本班某个小女生的一张照片
7、,只露出她高兴的笑脸,让学生猜一猜原因,并引导学生用“Because”句型来回答)三、New teaching(课文教学)T: You know, this girl is very happy. And look at that girl! Does she look happy?S: No, she looks scared.(教师出示本课的教学挂图,指着其中的小女孩,引导学生回答)T: Yes, she is not happy. She is so scared. Would you like to know what the matter is? Why is she scared?
8、 OK! This class, well learn Module 9 Unit 2 Why are you scared? (读课题,导入新课) Learn the dialogueT: First look at the pictures and just think: Why is the girl scared? Why is the snake here? OK! Now listen carefully, then try to answer these questions.(请学生带着问题,听课文录音,边听边思考)T: Ok! Can you answer these ques
9、tions?(学生听录音回答问题,教师予以指导,如果学生回答问题有困难,可以再听录音,视情况而定)Learn these new words and expressions. Pay more attentions to these sounds: scared, escaped(请学生注意scared, escaped的读音)T: Listen again. Read after that, one by one.(听录音,再读课文,小组练读,分角色朗读)四、Practice(练习)1. T: Now open your books ,turn to Page 36. Look at the
10、se pictures and talk in pairs according to these questions.(请学生看图,大胆描述,两人一组,问答练习)2. T: Ok, this time, take out your Activity books and turn to Page 37 . Please look and write these sentences.(请学生参照例题独立完成,然后在小组交流,再请学生回答,进行集体核对)3. T: Now lets have a rest. Listen to the song again. Try to understand it
11、 and you can do the actions while you are singing.(听歌曲,让学生理解歌词大意,鼓励学生边唱边演,活动起来,以此放松休息)4. T: This time lets have a match. Students Book Page 37. Look, listen and point. Can you readthem loudly and quickly? Please try to read it as fast as you can.(学生看图片、听录音,小声模仿,快速练习,大声朗读,并展开比赛,这样的大量的口头练习可以使学生的嘴部肌肉得到
12、锻炼,发音更流利优美)五、Production(任务完成)1. T: OK! Now lets do some listening practice. Activity Book Page 36. Can you answer these questions: Where does Anna live? Is she a school girl? Where did Anna visit yesterday? (请学生做听力练习,鼓励学生看图仔细听,能回答教师的问题)2. T: After reading this passage, please do Exercise 2 by yourse
13、lves. Then talk in small groups. (请学生自己读懂短文做练习2,小组内订正)3. T: OK, children! Are you happy today? Why are you happy? I guess maybe somebody feels tired, hungryNow here is a task for you: Today you are a little reporter. If you want to know your friends feelings, you can ask them: What are you feeling t
14、oday? Why are you? And the answer should be:“Because”(开展“我是小记者”活动,以此促进学生对所学语言的运用)六、Summary and Homework(小结和作业)T: OK! Now I believe we all feel very happy this class because weve been enjoying English all the time. Well done, everybody! Todays homework:Read these sentences on SB Page 37 freely.Play g
15、ames with your friends: Magic SentencesBox1:sad, happy, sleepyBox2: different kinds of reasonsChoose one from each box to make a sentence.第二篇:六年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 2(2)教案 外研版(一起)外研版一起六年级英语下册教案Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs.教材分析语言功能:用英语寻求帮助。描述某人正在做什么事。语言结构:Who can help me?The apples ar
16、e falling down the stairs.教学目标:a.语言知识目标:学习目标语句Who can help me?The apples are falling down the stairs.b.语言技能目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能运用所学语言进行询问及描述。c.情感态度目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣及运用英语交流的热情,使学生在学习中建立自信,提高学生参与语言活动的积极性。教学重、难点:重点:Who can help me?The apples are falling down the stairs并能在实际情景中运用。难点:stairs的发音。学生分析学生在 unit1中已经初
17、步地学习了向别人寻求帮助的句型,有了一定的基础,因此在本课的学习中,他们需要更多的活动来参与,来实践,来运用他们所学的语言。而且六年级的学生仍然以形象思维为主,教学应尽量采取形象、生动、活泼、有趣的活动来激发他们的学习兴趣,树立他们的自信,从而使他们真正成为学习的主人。设计理念在本课的设计中,教师以学生为主体,采用多种教学形式,并与信息技术相整合,设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,培养了学生的综合语言运用能力。教学准备教学挂图单词卡片、录音机、CAI课件教学过程.Warm- up(热身活动)教师可以带领学生一边唱“the sun is shinning”,一边做动作。(课前齐唱节奏欢快的英语歌曲,既
18、调节情绪、活跃气氛,又使学生快速进入英语学习状态,并激活学生已有的知识,为进行新课教学做好铺垫。).Presentation(介绍新语言项目)教师对学生说:“今天的课文里,描述的是一个女孩的情况,让我们一起去看看,她在做什么?”New teaching (课文教学)a. 教师在黑板上贴出挂图,用录音呈现课文的内容,请学生听发生了什么事情。听完第一遍录音后,老师可以提出一些带ing的单词,让学生带着问题听第二遍,如:“What is the girl doing?”b. 听完第二遍录音后,老师可以试着让学生提一些问题。 如:“Whats the matter?停第三遍录音时。学生可以边听边跟读,
19、把课文中带有ing的单词划出来,并找出大家问题的答案。 c. 放录音听活动3的歌曲,一起学唱。通过听录音,让学生清楚今天要学的语言知识是在什么样的语境下进行的。并且给出一个问题,让学生带着问题有目的地听,做到有的放矢。并让学生了解到东西方对女士称呼的差异以及背后所隐含的不同的文化意识。.Practice (练习)a. 同桌一组进行问答练习,完成SBU1A3。教师在教室内巡回走动,给予适当的帮助与指导。 b. 小队进行“开火车”问候游戏,比一比哪个小队说得好,说得快.最后请两个优秀小队上前展示,由老师给予奖励。c. 播放CAI课件。大屏幕上显示几种场景,同桌之间编对话。本环节通过机械操练让学生理
20、解语言,掌握语言。角色扮演则给学生创造了一个仿真的情境,强化了所学语言。这个小练习放在操练阶段有助于缓解学生的疲劳,保持高涨的热情。. Production (任务完成)a. 完成课堂活动用书练习1。首先为学生讲解题目要求,请学生阅读练习内容,试着预测答案。然后请学生认真听录音,试着理解。再放录音,请学生连线,最后全班订正。 b. 完成课堂活动用书练习3。学生先观察图片,然后听音跟读,理解。连线。在完成任务的过程中,学生们充分运用了他们所学的语言,达到了学以致用的目的,提高了实际语言运用的能力,而且激发了他们的兴趣,增强了他们的合作意识,为日后更好地学习英语树立了信心。.Summary and
21、 Homework (小结与作业)全班完成:听录音,复习本单元内容,预习下一个单元内容。第三篇:外研版(一起)三年级英语下册教案 Module 2 Unit 2(1)外研版(一起)三年级英语下册教案 Module 2 UNIT 2 Youll see Tower Bridge. 教材分析本课为外语教研出版社出版的小学新标准英语一年级起始第六册Module 2的 Unit2 Youll see Tower Bridge .学情分析本班学生比较活跃,对英语学习有较浓厚的兴趣,学习积极性比较高,参与性也比较强。开学初,我也深入学生,了解学生,根据学生的具体情况,将全班分成八个学习小组。上课时适合多设
22、计些活动或游戏寓教于乐,满足学生的表现欲望,促进学生间的竞争学习。教学目标1.知识目标: 1)句型:Ill see 2)对话:A: I want to visit London. B: Youll see Tower Bridge. There are many Youll love Tower Bridge. 2.情感目标外语学习必须与社会文化紧密联系,在语音、词汇、语法等语言知识的学习和听说读写技能的训练过程中,应该渗透有关国家的政治、文化、风土人情、风俗习惯等背景知识,以达到外语教育的最终目标:拓宽学生的视野,培养学生的跨文化交际意识,使他们具有与不同文化背景的人进行交际的能力。 3.技
23、能目标:1)培养了学生的分工合作能力。2)通过让学生查找资料培养了学生自学的能力。3)通过把查找到的资料粘贴成展览图培养了学生的审美观。 4)通过扮演“导游”增强了学生的勇气培养了学生的台风。教学重点1)句型学习:Ill see 2)文化学习:如何引导学生扮演“导游”用中英结合的方式进行介绍。教学难点对旅游景点的介绍:Youll see Tower Bridge . There are many -1-Youll love Tower Bridge.教具准备教师准备:把海口一些象征性地方的图片如万绿园、假日海滩等以及一些世界著名旅游景点的图片与介绍(特别是London Eye ,Tower B
24、ridge ,the Big Ben , the River Thames)制作成幻灯片、教学挂图、磁带;学生准备:组内分工合作(查找资料包括图片, 材料准备如剪刀、胶水等,把资料整理粘贴成展览图,扮演“导游”)教学过程一、GreetingMake a short dialogue with the pupils , than ask the pupils to say “hello” to the other teachers .(通过对话进行课前沟通,营造和谐的师生关系,并培养学生的礼貌习惯)二、Warming up :Play the game Hunter ,tiger and gun
25、 .(课前游戏热身,激发学生的学习兴趣,营造热烈浓厚的学习气氛)三、RevisionSing the songwas fat .and do the actions . (复习旧知,加强记忆)四、New lessons1.寻找身边环境,进行爱家教育1) Show out a picture of the Green Park, than lead out the sentences : The Green Park is beautiful. I want to visit the Green Park. Youll see many trees and flowers. Youll love
26、 the Green Park.2) Make two samples of “the Sunshine Beach” and “the Green Wall”(通过大家都熟悉的海口万绿园与假日海滩为例,创设情境,让学生能学以致用,体验成功的喜悦。再以闻名世界的万里长城为例,引申出“爱”:Youll love 和 Ill love )2.Lead out the four places “London Eye ”、“Tower Bridge”、“the Big Ben” and“ the River Thames” by the powerpoints .(了解西方文化,拓宽学生的视野,培养学
27、生的跨文化意识)-2-3.Practise the four sentences . Put the four places into the sentences and do the practices. ( 通过将四个学习的重点内容放入句型中操练,既学习了新知,又培养了学生的导游角色) 4.Role play1)Ask the Guides of the eight groups to take the other pupils to visit the places . (通过让学生分工合作,最后展示扮演导游带领大家参观各个旅游景点,给学生提供了成长与表现的舞台,培养了的语言运用与交际能
28、力 。) 2)学生自评与互评(每小组展示完,通过自评与互评,让学生寻找闪光点,同时发现不足,达到了共同进步的效果。) 5.评选“最佳”奖根据各个小组的展示,对小组及个人进行评选:最佳导游、最佳合作小组、最佳图片展、最佳勇气奖(通过各个奖项的颁发,调动学生的学习积极性,同时让学生有更多的机会体验成功的喜悦。)6.Learn the songThe London Eye .with actions . (通过歌伴舞,让学生对自己在这节课的优秀表现表示肯定,并对刚才获奖的同学表示祝贺;同时使课堂达到尾声,让学生回味无穷,期待着下节课。) 课后反思通过让学生分工合作,自己动手与协调,培养了学生的自学能
29、力及团结合作的精神。同时通过游戏激趣、幻灯片展示学习、导游介绍、评选“最佳”奖项、歌伴舞,环环紧扣,层层深入,创设了热烈而又浓厚的学习气氛,调动了学生的学习积极性与强烈的参与欲望,让学生多次体验到了学习的乐趣及成功的喜悦第四篇:初中英语外研版七下Module 2 Unit 3教案Module 2 What can you do? Unit 3 Language in use一、教学目标:【语言知识目标】1) 掌握本模块所学单词。2) 学生能够听懂关于参加学校社团等的对话;能够交流各自会干什么与不会干什么。【情感态度目标】培养学生认识自我和肯定自我的能力,增强自信心以及助人为乐的精神二、教学重难
30、点can 及cant的句型: Can you? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.Which club can?I cant三、教学过程Step 1 Revision Show some pictures to review the text of Unit 1 and Unit 2 . Step 2 Language practice 1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class. 2. Ask the students to repeat the sentences in the
31、box. Step 3 Work in pairs 1. Ask the students to look at the table in Activity 1. 2. Add two or three more activities to the list. 3. Ask the students to write questions for each activity. Can you fly a kite? 4. Work with another pair. Ask and answer the questions you wrote in Activity 1. Can you fl
32、y a kite? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 5. Give a report of your questions and answers to the rest of the class. Step 4 Complete the sentences 1. Read through the sentences in Activity 3. 2. Complete the sentences with can or cant. 3. Ask the students to check with a partner. 4. Check the answers.Step 5
33、 Complete the passage 1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 5. 2. Read through the passage in Activity 5. 3. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box. 4. Ask the students to check with a partner. 5. Check the answers.Step 6 Grammar情态动词can的用法:一、基本用法1
34、. 表示能力(如体力和脑力方面),意为“能;会”等。例如: Can you speak English? 你会讲英语吗? Can you play the piano? 你会弹钢琴吗?2. 表示请求或允许,多用在口语中,意为“可以;能”等。例如: Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?Can you.?请你好吗?表示说话人的请求;Can I.?我可以吗?用来征求对方是否允许自己做某事。如在句末加上 please一词就显得更有礼貌了。例如: Can you help me, please? 请你帮助我好吗? 3. 表示可能。例如:He cant be at home now. 他现在不可
35、能在家。 The moon cant always be full. 月亮不可能常圆。4. 表示怀疑。在表达此意时,只能用于一般疑问句中,带有感情色彩。例如: Can it be true? 那会是真的吗?二、句式变化如下:1. 在变否定句时,直接在can后加上“not”,可缩写成cant或cannot, 但不 写成cannt。例如:He can swim. He cant swim.Tony can see the pen on the desk. Tony cannot see the pen on the desk.2. 在变一般疑问句时,直接移到主语前(原主语的首字母改成小写,第一 称
36、应变为第二人称)即可。例如:I can see an orange on the table. Can you see an orange on the table ?其回答可用Yes, OK或Certainly等作肯定回答;用No或Sorry等作否定回答。例如:Can you look after my dog, please? 你能照看一下我的狗吗?OK. 可以。用Certainly回答。此时语气更为肯定。例如: Can I see your piano? 我能看看你的钢琴吗? Certainly. 当然可以。【对应练习】翻译下列句子: 1. 我不会弹钢琴,但我会唱歌。_. 2. 你会骑马
37、吗? 不,我不会。_. 3. 我不会游泳,但我会打篮球。_. 4. Sally会放风筝,我也会。_. 5. Bill会说法语,但他不会说俄语。_. 6. 他们不会说西班牙语和阿拉伯语。_.Keys:1. I cant play the piano, but I can sing.2. Can you ride a horse? No, I cant. 3. I cant swim, but I can play basketball. 4. Sally can fly a kite. I can fly a kite, too.5. Bill can speak French, but he
38、cant speak Russian.6. They cant speak Spanish or Arabic. Step 7 Exercises. I. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Do you like _ ( sing)?2. Lingling is a good girl. She often helps her mother _ (do) some cleaning at home.3. Would you like _ (go) shopping with me? Id love to.4. Can you _ (help) me with my homework?5. I wa
39、nt _ (be) an English teacher because I like English very much.Keys: 1. singing2. do3. to go4. help5. to be . 单项选择1. Would you like another cup of tea?_.A. I thinkB. Id love toC. No, thanksD. Im afraid 2. Daming can swim_ he _ cook. A. because; cantB. but; can C. because; canD. but; cant 3. Everyone
40、_our new teacher _ she makes her class _. A. like; so; interestB. likes; because; interesting C. likes; but ; interestedD. like; because; interests 4. We all like our monitor. He is kind_ everyone. A. toB. withC. atD. for 5. Most of young people enjoy _ _ the football match. A. watch B. to watchC. w
41、atching D. watches Keys: 1. C2. D 3. B4. A5. C Step 8 Homework 1. Make a poster. Draw a picture for your club. 2. Show and ta lk about your poster with your classmates. 教学反思第五篇:外研版英语八年级下册Module2-Module8作文外研版英语八年级下册Module2-Module8作文2014年6月8日 外研版英语八年级下册Module2-Module8作文Module 2:写一篇你旅游的经历I have travell
42、ed around Berjing .“One who fails to reach the GreatWall not a hero (不到长城非好汉) .”So at first I climbed the Great Wall .It is very long and ancient .They looked like soldier to protect their people .There are many trees and hills around it.I visited the Palace Museum (故宫).It was ancient kings and quee
43、nspalace.It is very big .So I spent several hours visiting it . Beijing held the 29th Olymipic Games .So I went to the Bird Nest (鸟巢)and the Water Cube (水立方).They are very modern stadiums.In the summer of 2008,many players had won prizes there .I am proud of China.I also ate Beijing special local pr
44、oducts.Such as the Beijing roast duck (北京烤鸭).It was delicious.Beijing is a modern and ancient city . I like Beijing .So I hope I will go there again.Module 3:幻想太空旅行The earths environment is very bad ,people are looking for a suitable planet.So people travel to Mars.People havent arrived in Mars yet.
45、We rode “the Mars (火星5号)”to Mars . Its very fast ,we arrived in第 1 页 共 1 页a day . Just arrived , I see Mars looks like red orange. There was quiet ,no life and O2 . So we must wear special clothes -the space clothes (宇航服) . We have done a lot of experiments on Mars . We saw the earth .It has been bl
46、ue , but now, it is grey . It is very sad . We are trying to finda right planet for people . The space is very wonderful , it has manysecrets to be discovered.目以待).Module4:如何保持健康My classmates and I had a discussion on keeping healthy . And here isour advice .Breakfast is important . But not all the
47、students have realized itsimportance . If you donteatbreakfast ,you will feel hungry and dontlisten carefully in class. You can also get worse the usual. So you must eatbreakfast regularly every day.Exercise is also important. If you feel ill sleepy or weak. Good exercisewill help you . You can run,
48、walk a dog or take other exercise. It will helphour every day , healthy living every day (每天运动一小时,健康生活每一天).”Lets do some exercise every day !our lives.Module 5:写一个你自己编写的动画剧本Long long ago ,there had many rabbit live in the forest . They never veryhappy . They built many houses to live . There was cal
49、led the Rabbitsvillage (兔村) . The village was quiet and no human.But one day , the peaceful life was broken by the human. The humanfound that forest and found a lot of rabbits there . They looked veryfierce . The village was noisy and the air was filled with the dangerous .People killed many rabbits
50、 to eat . The rabbits were less and less. Amongthem a rabbit was called Danny (丹尼 男名). It decided to lead rabbits tofighe with people . It was very smart . The rabbits were very cool andthey didnt be afaid of dangerous . Danny was hurt which caused theangry of the rabbits . They believed that they w
51、ill win the fight . At last ,people was drived away from the Rabbits village. The Rabbits villagecontinued to be quiet . Rabbits were proud of Danny . It became a hero inRabbits village.Module 6:你的爱好Everyone has his own hobby, such as playing ball games , listning tomusic , drawing and so on . My ho
52、bby is collecting coins .I got my first coin on my 8th birthday from my grandma . It was an oldChinese coin. I like it very much . I have been collecting coins for 7years , and I have over 150coins from different countries in differentshapes till now . I store then in the box with old photes on my b
53、ookshelf .My mother often said I had run out of room to store them . Collectingcoins helps me learn a lot about different culture and history . Last year ,Igave my friends coins as presents ,they were really like them . Mow , Iam also collcting some notes. They were really valuable .make you grow as
54、 a person.Module7 :你(Lilei)给英国学生(Tom) 介绍中文班Dear Tom ,I m a Chinese boy . My name is Lilei . I m very happy when I heard youChinese courses.The courses last for four ,six or eight weeks. Our teachers are well trainedand have a lot of experience . They only teach four hours a day and thenyou can talk
55、about with you friends in Chinese.As well as learning Chinese ,we want you to experience life in China .youcan stay as a guest with an Chinese family and take part in their daily life .It can improve you Chinese standards.You can take part in some activities or take trips to MountJianglang,Xujiang P
56、ark.Youare certain to get the best possible of English learning and life inChina .Come on ,with your English friends .YoursLileiModule 8:介绍你家乡的旅游Come to Jiangshan for your holiday . You will join a group of 20 people and stay two days.On the first day, you will visit Mount Jianglang in the morning .
57、 When you stand at the foot of it ,you will see three rocks . You walk on the mountain , you can see many plants around it . Its so quiet that you can hear birds singing . From the top you you can see fields . In the afternoon , you will go to NianBaDu all the ancient town . Its very old town . It h
58、as an ancient path and many ancient buildings. The air here is fresh and you an hear the river making sound . If you like history , I believe you will like it .On the second day , you should go to the Moon lake . The lake looks like a moon and its very big . You an eat fresh fish . It tastes delicio
59、us.The trip is very exciting . Many people have said that the trip is very enjoyable . Dont wait . Join us with your friends .一年级下册语文园地六教案设计1自读词语,自己发现。让学生通过观察、比较,发现三组字的规律,再运用这一规律认识五个生字。2词语加减,交流发现。同桌互相交流自己的发现。“减一笔”、“加一笔”、“加两笔”组成新字。3全班交流,归纳发现。全班交流后归纳:这些词语先让学生说说发现探索的过程,自编识字儿歌,认识五个生字。4编儿歌,识生字。自编识字儿歌,认识五
60、个生字。教师要多鼓励,增强其成就感。如:“广”字头上去一点,厂厂厂;“日”字中间下一竖,甲甲甲;“日”字头上加一“”,白白白“日”字中间穿一竖,申申申;5展示智慧新发现,拓展练习。字形小魔术:给“口”字加两笔,能变成6读一读书中的字,然后组成词语。7拓展练习、下面每一组都有特点和规律,说说你的.新发现。跑 蹲 趴 蹈 蝶 蜂 蚊 蚁 树 桐 梢 柳 阴 阵 院 陈 部 邮 邓 都 设计意图这是一项引导学生自主发现组词规律的练习,本环节的设计重点引导学生通过观察、比较,发现三组字的规律。教学时放手让学生去观察、议论、鼓励学生发表个人见解,从而使学生体验发现的快乐,感受汉语的丰富。第一篇:聋校数学
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