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1、2021春-冀教版-三年级英语下册-期末复习-课件2021春-冀教版-三年级英语下册-期末复习-课件提示: 点击 进入习题四一五二六三七八提示: 点击 进入习题四一五二六三七八一、看图写单词,完成句子。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. He is a .习题源于典中点farmer一、看图写单词,完成句子。习题源于典中点farmer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. A book is the desk.3. I have a .习题源于典中点undercat习题源于典中点undercat 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. A can run.5. The is white.习题源于典中

2、点horsesheep习题源于典中点horsesheep二、选词填空。1. A rabbit can .2. A fish can in the river.习题源于典中点farmswimjumprabbitduckjumpswim二、选词填空。习题源于典中点farmswimjump3. A can say “quack, quack”. 4. Animals live on the .5. A likes to eat carrots.习题源于典中点farmswimjumprabbitduckduckfarmrabbit3. A can sa三、单项选择。()1.I have two _.

3、A. cat B. dog C. fish()2.A _ can run.A. cow B. bird C. fish习题源于典中点C点拨: two后面跟可数名词复数形式, cat和dog都是单数形式; fish单复数同形。A三、单项选择。习题源于典中点C点拨: two后面跟()3.Whats in the box?Its _ animal.A. a B. an C. /()4.Her dog _ black.A. am B. is C. are习题源于典中点BB()3.Whats in the box?习题源于习题源于典中点()5.An _ is in my desk.A. sheep B.

4、 chicken C. orange点拨: 表示“一个橘子”用an orange。C习题源于典中点()5.An _ is 习题源于典中点四、读句子,根据句意选出相应的图片。()1.This is a bird.A. B. ()2.This is a fish.A. B. BA习题源于典中点四、读句子,根据句意选出相应的图片。B()3.It can fly.A. B. ()4.The cat is under the chair.A. B. 习题源于典中点AB()3.It can fly.习题源于典中点A五、根据图片选择相应的句子,将序号写在括号内。 1. 2. ()()习题源于典中点It ha

5、s two legs. This is a chicken.It can jump. Eggs are good.It has long ears. It is a rabbit. It likes eating carrots.It can say “cluck, cluck”. 五、根据图片选择相应的句子,将序号写在括号内。习题源于典中六、给下列问句选择合适的答语,并抄写在四线三格内。1. Is this a chicken?习题源于典中点Its on the chair. Yes, it is.Its a cat. No, it cant.A bird can sing.Yes, it

6、is.六、给下列问句选择合适的答语,并抄写在四线三格内。习题源于2. Whats this? 3. Can a dog fly? 习题源于典中点Its on the chair. Yes, it is.Its a cat. No, it cant.A bird can sing.Its a cat.No, it cant.2. Whats this?习题源于典中点Its o4. Where is the crayon? 5. What animal can sing?习题源于典中点Its on the chair. Yes, it is.Its a cat. No, it cant.A bir

7、d can sing.Its on the chair.A bird can sing.4. Where is the crayon?习题源于典中七、读一读,选择正确的句子补全对话。Emma: Look! 1._Jason: No, its a sheep.Emma: 2._Jason: No, it cant.Emma: 3._Jason: Ducks can swim.习题源于典中点A. Where is the duck?B. Can you swim?C. Is it a cow?D. What animals can swim?E. Can it swim?CED七、读一读,选择正确

8、的句子补全对话。习题源于典中点A. Emma: I cant swim.4._Jason: Yes, I can. Look! A duck!Emma: 5._Jason: Its under the tree.习题源于典中点A. Where is the duck?B. Can you swim?C. Is it a cow?D. What animals can swim?E. Can it swim?BAEmma: I cant swim.4._习八、阅读短文,判断句子正()误()。 Hello! My name is Amy. Im a girl. This is my uncle.

9、He has a small farm. On the farm, I can see many animals. Look! There are seven ducks under the tree(树). They are white. There are two pigs, too. They are black. I can see many chickens. They are yellow. There are seven chickens in the box. And there are three chickens on the box.习题源于典中点八、阅读短文,判断句子正

10、()误()。习题源于典中点()1.This is my fathers farm.()2.This is a big farm.()3.I can see some fish.()4.There are some white ducks.()5.I can see many yellow chickens.习题源于典中点点拨: 从“I can see many chickens. They are yellow.”这两句话可综合分析得出“I can see many yellow chickens.”。()1.This is my fathers farmJJ 三年级下册 Unit 2复习训练

11、重难点过关检测JJ 三年级下册 Unit 2复习训练重难点过关检测提示: 点击 进入习题四一五二六三七八九提示: 点击 进入习题四一五二六三七八九一、算一算,写单词填空。1. two three 2. five five 3. three three 4. tenthree 习题源于典中点sixtennineseven一、算一算,写单词填空。习题源于典中点sixten二、写出画线单词的对应词,补全句子。1. Im tall. My sister is .2. The bear is fat. The monkey is .3. The farm is big. The rabbit is .4

12、. The sheep is white. The cat is .习题源于典中点shortthinsmallblack二、写出画线单词的对应词,补全句子。习题源于典中点sho三、读句子,选词填空。1. I can see two sheep. _ are white.2. There are _ wolves at the zoo.3. Look at the bird! _ is in the tree.4. This is _ apple.5. I see _ big elephant.习题源于典中点ItTheymanyaan TheymanyItana三、读句子,选词填空。习题源于典中

13、点ItTheyma四、读一读,圈出正确的单词,补全句子。1. How many (tiger / tigers)are there?There (is / are)one tiger.习题源于典中点点拨: how many后面跟可数名词复数形式; one tiger(一只老虎), 选is。四、读一读,圈出正确的单词,补全句子。习题源于典中点点拨2. This is its tail.(It / Its)long.3. Where(does / do)birds live?4. (Its / Its)ears are big.5. (Horses / Horse)eat grass.习题源于典中

14、点2. This is its tail.(It / Its五、单项选择。()1.A rabbit _ on a farm.A. liveB. lives C. eat习题源于典中点B点拨: A rabbit 是第三人称单数形式,因此要在live后面加-s, 变为lives。五、单项选择。习题源于典中点B点拨: A rabb()2.There are five _. A. sheep B. snake C. bird习题源于典中点A点拨: five后面要加可数名词的复数形式。sheep单复数同形, bird和snake都是单数形式, 因此选择sheep。()2.There are five _

15、.()3.Where do _ live?A. elephant B. fish C. cow()4.Look at the rabbit! Its ears are _. A. short B. long C. small习题源于典中点点拨: 由助动词是do可推断后面的词语不是第三人称单数形式,因此排除elephant 和cow。fish单复数同形,可以与do 搭配使用。BB()3.Where do _ live?习()5.There are many animals _ the zoo.A. on B. to C. at()6.This is a _. I can see many fis

16、h in it.A. tree B. grass C. river习题源于典中点CC()5.There are many animals _习题源于典中点六、判断下列句子与图片是()否()相符。()1.There is a bird in the tree. ( )2.There are five pandas. 习题源于典中点六、判断下列句子与图片是()否()相符习题源于典中点()3.This is a forest. ()4.The duck is in the river. 习题源于典中点七、选择与句子相符的图片。()1.Its black and white. It lives in

17、a forest.A. B. ()2.They are brown. They eat fish.A. B. 习题源于典中点AA七、选择与句子相符的图片。习题源于典中点AA()3.Its ears are very big. Its nose is long.A. B. ()4.It lives in a tree. It can fly.A. B. 习题源于典中点BB()3.Its ears are very big. I八、读一读,对画线部分提问,补全问句。1. Monkeys eat bananas. monkeys eat?2. A cow lives on a farm. a cow

18、 live?习题源于典中点WhatdoWheredoes八、读一读,对画线部分提问,补全问句。习题源于典中点Wh3. There are seven pandas. pandas are there?4. The bear is on the grass. the bear?5. A wolf is under the tree. animal under the tree?习题源于典中点HowmanyWhereisWhatis3. There are seven pandas.习题源于九、阅读短文,判断句子正()误()。Panda: My name is Panda. Whats your

19、name?Bear: My name is Bear. How many pandas are there in your family?Panda: Two pandas in my family: my mother and me.Bear: There are three bears in my family: my mother, my sister and me.习题源于典中点九、阅读短文,判断句子正()误()。习题源于典中点Panda: We live in a big forest. Where do you live?Bear: We live in a forest, too

20、. We eat fruit, honey(蜂蜜) and meat. Im big and fat. What do you eat?Panda: We eat bamboo. I dont eat meat. Im very young. Im small, but Im fat, too.Bear: My uncles family live in a zoo. Do you like the zoo?Panda: No, I dont like the zoo. I like the forest.习题源于典中点Panda: We live in a big forest()1.The

21、re are two bears in the bears family.()2.The pandas family live in a forest.()3.The bear and the panda are big.()4.The panda eats meat.()5.The panda likes the zoo.习题源于典中点()1.There are two bears in tJJ 三年级下册 Unit 3复习训练重难点过关检测JJ 三年级下册 Unit 3复习训练重难点过关检测提示: 点击 进入习题四一五二六三七提示: 点击 进入习题四一五二六三七一、读一读,选出与画线单词同

22、类的单词。()1.I want to eat. A. soup B. drink C. juice()2.I like rice. A. chicken B. run C. you()3.Id like some meat.A. milk B. on C. many习题源于典中点BAC一、读一读,选出与画线单词同类的单词。习题源于典中点B()4.The noodles are good. A. like B. bad C. vegetable()5.I like milk and bread.A. swim B. food C. favourite习题源于典中点点拨: 本题考查学生对于good

23、“好的” 词性的掌握。like是动词,vegetable是名词;bad“坏的” 和good同为形容词。BA()4.The noodles are good. 习题二、读一读,选词填空。(注意大小写)1. Im . Id like some water.2. is good. I like to drink it.习题源于典中点thirstyhungryfruitjuicevegetablesthirstyJuice二、读一读,选词填空。(注意大小写)习题源于典中点thi3. I like noodles and for lunch.4. Im . I want to eat dumplings

24、.5. My favourite is apples.习题源于典中点thirstyhungryfruitjuicevegetablesvegetableshungryfruit3. I like noodles and 三、单项选择。()1.Would you like _ egg?A. an B. some C. a()2.My mother likes fish. But I _ like fish.A. am not B. doesnt C. dont习题源于典中点AC三、单项选择。习题源于典中点AC()3.Whats _ favourite food?Her favourite foo

25、d is noodles.A. his B. your C. her()4.Is she hungry?_. A. Yes, I am B. No, she isntC. Yes, she can习题源于典中点CB()3.Whats _ favouri()5.In the afternoon, I _ school.A. go to B. go C. to go()6.Apples _ his favourite fruit.A. are B. am C. is习题源于典中点AA点拨: 主语是复数名词Apples,因此be动词要用are。()5.In the afternoon, I _四、根

26、据情景选择正确的句子。()1.当你想问妈妈早饭吃什么时,你会这样问: A. Whats your favourite food? B. Whats for breakfast?()2.当你想告诉朋友你不喜欢吃米饭时,你会这样说: A. No, thanks.B. I dont like rice.习题源于典中点BB四、根据情景选择正确的句子。习题源于典中点BB习题源于典中点()3.当你想问对方最喜欢的水果时,你会这样问:A. Whats your favourite fruit?B. Do you like fruit?()4.你想告诉爸爸晚餐想吃鱼肉,你会这样说:A. I like fish

27、 for dinner.B. I like chicken for dinner.AA习题源于典中点()3.当你想问对方最喜欢的水果时,你习题源于典中点五、根据图片选择相应的选项。()1. A. Good morning!B. Good night!()2. A. I like apples.B. I dont like apples.BA习题源于典中点五、根据图片选择相应的选项。BA()3. A. My favourite animal is chickens.B. My favourite food is chicken.()4. A. There are ten dumplings.B.

28、 There are nine dumplings.习题源于典中点BB()3. 习题源于典中点BB()5. A. Would you like some milk?Yes, please!B. Would you like some milk?No, thanks!习题源于典中点A()5. 习题源于典中点A六、根据图片补全对话。1. 1. you like some ?Yes, please.习题源于典中点Would noodles六、根据图片补全对话。习题源于典中点Would 2. 3. 2. your favourite ? .3. breakfast?I like for breakfa

29、st.习题源于典中点Whats fruitBananasWhats forbread2. 七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Hello! Im Amy. Im eight years old. Li Lin, Li Hua and Jason are my classmates(同学). We want to buy some food. Li Lin likes noodles, rice and meat. Her favourite food is meat. Li Hua likes dumplings, chicken and fruit. His favourite food is

30、chicken. 习题源于典中点七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。习题源于典中点Jason likes fish, milk and vegetables. His favourite food is vegetables. What do I like? I like fruit, vegetables and noodles. My favourite food is noodles.习题源于典中点Jason likes fish, milk and veg()1._ like noodles.A. Amy and Li HuaB. Li Hua and JasonC. Amy and Li

31、Lin()2.Li Lin likes _. A. noodles, rice and meatB. dumplings, chicken and fruitC. fruit, vegetables and milk习题源于典中点CA()1._ like noodles.习题()3.Li Hua and Amy like _. A. fruit B. vegetablesC. meat习题源于典中点A点拨: 根据句子“Li Hua likes dumplings, chicken and fruit.” “I like fruit, vegetables and noodles.”可知他们共同

32、喜欢的食物是fruit。()3.Li Hua and Amy like _()4._ favourite food is vegetables.A. Amys B. Li HuasC. Jasons()5.Li Hua is a _. A. boy B. girl C. teacher习题源于典中点CA点拨: 根据句子“Li Lin, Li Hua and Jason are my classmates(同学). ”可知Li Hua是“我”的同学,排除teacher;从“His favourite food is chicken.”中的关键词his可知Li Hua是男生。所以选择A。()4._

33、 favourite food JJ 三年级下册 Unit 4复习训练重难点过关检测JJ 三年级下册 Unit 4复习训练重难点过关检测提示: 点击 进入习题四五二六三七八一提示: 点击 进入习题四五二六三七八一一、读一读,选词填空。1. Would you like chicken?2. Id like orange.习题源于典中点someareisanasomean一、读一读,选词填空。习题源于典中点someare3. How much the apples?4. There some juice on the table.5. I see red apple.习题源于典中点areisan

34、asomeareisa3. How much 二、看图写单词,完成句子。1. 2. 3. 1. I like .2. Im hot. I want to eat .3. Ten and nine is .习题源于典中点orangesice creamnineteen二、看图写单词,完成句子。习题源于典中点oranges4. 5.4. Would you like an ?5. I have donuts.习题源于典中点appletwelve4. 三、单项选择。()1._ do you like?A. What B. Would C. Whats()2.Do you have _ waterme

35、lons?A. a B. any C. one习题源于典中点AB三、单项选择。习题源于典中点AB()3._ you like some fish?Yes, please.A. Do B. Would C. What()4._ I have one? Sure!A. Is B. Do C. May习题源于典中点BC()3._ you like some ()5.How much _ the pears?A. for B. am C. is()6.How many _ are there on the table?A. juice B. meat C. hot dogs习题源于典中点AC()5.H

36、ow much _ the pe四、根据句意,圈出正确的单词,补全句子。1. I dont like (noodles / noodle). 2. (How many/ How much)is one hamburger?习题源于典中点四、根据句意,圈出正确的单词,补全句子。习题源于典中点习题源于典中点3. What (would / do)you like?Id like some water.4. How much are(it/ they)?习题源于典中点3. What (would / do)习题源于典中点5. May I have(one / five)donuts?点拨: donu

37、ts是可数名词复数形式,所以前面的数词不用one, 而是用five。习题源于典中点5. May I have(one / f习题源于典中点五、根据情景选择正确的句子。()1.你想问朋友的书多少钱,你会说:A. How many books do you have?B. How much is your book?()2.野餐时,你问妈妈是否想吃一个汉堡,你会说:A. Mom, do you like hamburgers?B. Mom, would you like a hamburger?BB习题源于典中点五、根据情景选择正确的句子。BB()3.你想问店员有没有西瓜,你会说:A. Do yo

38、u have any watermelons?B. Are these watermelons?()4.别人问你最喜欢的水果是什么,你会回答:A. I like bananas and pears.B. Oranges are my favourite.习题源于典中点AB()3.你想问店员有没有西瓜,你会说:习题源于典中点()5.你想借用对方的尺子,你会这样说:A. May I have your ruler?B. Id like your ruler.习题源于典中点A()5.你想借用对方的尺子,你会这样说:习题源于典中点六、给下列问句选择正确的答语。()1.Do you have any apples?()2.What would you like?()3.What do you like?()4.How many apples do you have?()5.How much for the juice?习题源于典中点A. I like rice and meat. B. Eight apples.C. Twelve yuan. D. Yes.E.


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