



1、Infantile What do youremember about your life before you were three? Few people remember ppened to heirearly years. Adults memories the next few yearsalso tend to be scanty. Most people remember only a few usually ones siblingsbirth. t were meaningful and distinctive, Infantile What do youremember a

2、bout your life before you were three? Few people remember ppened to heirearly years. Adults memories the next few yearsalso tend to be scanty. Most people remember only a few usually ones siblingsbirth. t were meaningful and distinctive, such as being hospitalized or How might this inability to reca

3、ll early be explained? The passageof timedoesnotaccountforit;adultshaveexcellent recognition of picturespeople who attended high school with them 35 years r. Another plausible explanation t infants do not form enduring memories at this development also is incorrect. Children two and a half to three

4、years old t year, and eleven month olds remember eventsayearlater.Nordoesthetinfantileamnesiareflectsor holding back of sexually sodes he phenomenon. While may occur, people cannot remember ordinary events from the infant eriods35 确。两岁半到三岁的孩子能够记得他们一岁时候的事情Three other explanations seem more promising.

5、 One involves physiological changes relevant to memory. Maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain throughout early childhood, and this part of the ay be critical for sodes in t can be retrieved later. Demonstrations of infants toddlerslong-termmemoryhaveinvolvedtheirrepeatingmotorttheyseen or don

6、er,such ashedarkfor objects,puttingabottleinamouth, or pulling apart two of a toy. The brains level of maturationmaysupportthesetypesofmemories,butnotonesrequiringexplicitverbal A second explanation involves the influence of the l world on language use. Hearing ling stories about events may help chi

7、ldren information in ways hearing stories wit will o later childhood and adulthood. clearbeginning,middle,andendingchildrenmaylearntothegistofeventsinttheywillbeabletodescribemanyyearslater.with this rents andA second explanation involves the influence of the l world on language use. Hearing ling st

8、ories about events may help children information in ways hearing stories wit will o later childhood and adulthood. clearbeginning,middle,andendingchildrenmaylearntothegistofeventsinttheywillbeabletodescribemanyyearslater.with this rents and children increasingly engage in s of past whenchildrenareab

9、outthreeyearsold.However,hearingsuch storiesisnotfor younger children to form enduring ling such storiesto two year doesnotseemto producelong-lastingverbalizable于的。Athirdlikelyexplanationforinfantileamnesiapatibilitiesnthewaysinwhichcodeinformationandthewaysinwhicholderchildrenand eople can remember

10、 an event depends critically on the adults retrieve it. n the way in which they r encoded the information and the way in later attempt to retrieve it. The better able is to reconstruct from which the material was encoded, the more t recall will Thisview pportedby avarietytcancreate mismatchesnvery y

11、oung childrens encoding and older childrens and adults retrieval efforts. world looks very different rson whose head is only two or three feet above n hose head is five or six feet above it, older children and often try to retrieve the names of things they saw, but infants would ve theinformationver

12、bally.General knowledgeofcategoriesof chasa party or a visit to the doctors office helps older individuals encode their ,but again, infants and toddlers are unlikely to encode many experien knowledge structures.within These three explanations of infantile amnesia arenot mutually ,they support each o

13、ther. Physiological immaturity may be part of why infants toddlers do not form extremely enduring memories, even when they hear tpromotesuch rememberinginpreschoolers. Hearing thestoriesmaysastoencodeaspectsoftallowthemtoformmemoriestheycanConversely,improvedencodingofwhattheyhearmayhelpthembetterConversely,improvedencodingofwhattheyhearmayhelpthembetterunderstandand rememberstoriesandthusmakethestoriesmoreusefulforreme


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