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1、.实用文档租合LEASE CONTRACT出租方下称甲方Lessor referred to A):承租方下称乙方 (hereinafter referred to as B):甲、乙双方经过友好协商一致订立本合同,以资共同遵守。 A and B discussion,hereby to into the following to abided 一、物业地址:甲方将其所有的位于上海市的房屋及附属设施在良好状态下出租给乙方使用。 of Building: A shall lease of its own and accessory facilities which in good B for 二

2、、房屋面积:District,Shanghai 出租房屋的建筑面积为平方米。 The construction floorage of the house meters. 三、租赁期限:租赁期自 年 月 日至 年 月 日为期 年 个。 甲方应于 年 月 日前将房屋腾空交给乙方使用。Lease The from (year),to (month) (day) (year).And A should vacate and it Party B for use before(month) (year).四、定金乙方应付的定金 元方于 年 月 日以前支付甲方 定金共计 元。、在本合同签定之后至租期开始

3、之前如甲方违约,那么上述定金由甲方双倍返还乙,如 乙方违约那么定金由甲方没收。定金的赔偿不影响违约金的索赔。、租期开始之后,上述定金全额自动转化为: 。Earnest Money:、 B will pay as earnest money.The earnest be paid to Party A (month) (day) (year).、After the contract is signed and the lease in A breaches the.实用文档contract, it should of earnest back to B .In Party B Party A w

4、ill confiscate earnest money. of earnest will claims beach of the 、After lease begins, earnest money will 五、租金数双方议定租金为每月 元乙以 形支给甲 方。汇率按支付当日中国人民银行公布之外汇官方牌价中间价计。、租金调整约定: 。、支付方式:租金按 个月为壹期支付一租金于 年 月 日前付清 后每期租金于 的 日前缴纳先付后设乙方以划帐形式支付租金 么汇出日为支付日,汇费由汇出方承当收到租金后应予以书面签收。、如乙方逾期支付租金,那么须支付每天相当于月租金百分之一的滞纳金;假设逾且在 经甲

5、方正式通知后仍未付租金总计超过拾个工作日,那么视为乙方自动退租,构成违约, 甲方有权收回房屋,并追究乙方违约责任。Rental:、 : agreed by both parties shall be per month.By account designated by Party A in According to the official standard rate payment day.、Agreement of 、 of rental:The of rental be months. The shall before (day) successive shall be before a

6、t every B shall pay the before it moves into in of remittance, the date of remitting shall be day of remittance shall be by the remitter.) A should written payment of received.、If Party B rental payment, the interest imposed account at daily 1%of rental. After informing Party if Party B still delays

7、 the excess of working it shall deemed quitting shall 六、保证金、 为保房屋及其属设施之平安与完好及租赁内相关费用之如期结算,乙方同意于年 月 日前支付给甲 元整。作为乙方确保合同之保证金。 甲方在收到保证金后应予以书面签收。、 除同另有约定外,甲方应于租赁关系消除且乙方迁空、点清、并付清所有应付费用 后,当天将保证金全额无息退还乙方。、 因方违反本合的规定,而产生的违约金、损害赔偿以及应付租金及相关费用,甲方 可在保证金扣抵,缺乏局部乙方必须在接到甲方付款通知后十天内补足。 of 、 ensure that the and its acc

8、essory facilities are in good and .实用文档 of relevant settled on schedule Party B agrees Party A before (month) (day) (year) a of security for fulfilling Contract. After receiving ,Party A sign a 、 otherwise agreed upon, Party A to B the full security dissolved B has the everything in all due.、 Any pe

9、nalty for compensation for and other payable from B provisions of the Contract be up for by Party B within days of the of issued Party 七、其他费用、 乙应承当租赁内的水费、电费、煤气费、通讯费和其他由乙方实际使用而产生的费 用,并按单如期缴纳。、 地、房产税、赁所得税、房屋维修费、物业管理费等原由甲方支付的费用,仍由甲 方承当。 Fee:、 B should the water, gas and communication and by Party B in

10、actual use bills on the of 、 and house maintenance fee, management that originally payable Party A to by 八、甲方的义务:、 甲须按时将房及附属设施交付乙方使用。、 房设施如因质原因,自然损耗或灾害而受到损坏时,甲方有修缮的责任并承当有关 的费用。、 甲应确保所出的房屋享有出租的权利,如在租赁期内,该房屋发生所有权全部或局 部的转移、设定他项物权或其他影响乙方权益的事情时,甲方应保证所有权人,他项权 利人或其他影响乙方权益的第三者能继续遵守本合同所有条款之如乙方权益因此而 遭受损害,甲方应负

11、赔偿责任。Obligations of A:、 A shall over the house facilities the appendix for detail) Party B for 、 A responsible for repairing any damage of house due to quality, natural wear or calamities thereof.、 A the house let out entitled, the lease. If all or of of transferred, rights item and interests Party

12、B the Party A that the other party the rights and interest of B continue all articles of Contract. Party A liable for to loss to the and interests by Party 九、乙方的义务:、 乙应按合同的定,按时支付租金、保证金及其他各项应付费用。.实用文档、 乙经甲方同意可在承租用房内进行装修及添置设备。租赁期满后,乙方可将添置的 可拆动的动产局部自行拆运,并保证不影响房屋的完好及正常使用。、 未甲方同意,方不得将承租的房屋转租或分租,并保护使用租赁的房

13、屋。如因乙方 的过失或过错致使房屋及设施受到损坏,乙方应负赔偿责任。、 乙应按本合同约定合法使用租赁房屋擅自改变使用性质应放危险品, 如因此发生损害,乙方应承当全部责任。Obligations of B:、 B should pay the rental, deposit of security other fees on provisions of 、 B approval by A , fit and equipment during the of leased hold, Party B added part of property removable, it must ensure t

14、hat house in good for use.、 B transfer the of the it rented sublet it without the Party Party B should take good care Party B shall be for compensating for damage caused to facilities Party B fault 、 B to the provisions of the It not change the nature of the use of without No materials and shall be

15、allowed to be in the If damage is attributable such use, B fully 十、合同终止及解除的规定:、 乙在租赁期满,乙方有优先承租权,如需续租,应提前两个月通知对方,由双方另 行协商续租事宜。、 租期满后,乙应在 天将承租的房屋交还甲方,如有留置的任何物品,在未 取得甲方谅解之下,均视为放弃,任凭甲方处置,乙方决无异议。、 本同一经双方字后立即生效,未经双方同意,不得任意终止,如有未尽事宜,甲、 乙双方可另行协商。 and Dissolution of 、 If to renew the leased upon its expirati

16、on, it should notify Party A of such intention two month in the parties shall 、 Upon the expiration of Party B should back to A within days. Any belongings left in house previous of A, things given up by B shall disposed by Party A at its discretion, to which B no objection.、 This contract go into m

17、oment it signed by parties. It not terminated will both parties. Anything in be discussed separately by Party A and 十一、违约处理:、甲乙任何一方如未按合同的条款履行,导致中途终止合同,并且过错方在未征得方谅 解的情况下,那么视为违约,双方同意违约金为 元。假设违约金缺乏.实用文档弥补无过错方之损失,那么违约方还需就缺乏局部支付赔偿金。、 凡执行本合同与本合同有关的事情时双方发生争议,应首先友好协商,协商不成, 可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。 of of Contact:、If

18、 failure of Party A or Party B to fulfil the before its the at fault Contract obtaining the other Party. The two parties that the penalty for be .In case penalty not sufticient make for loss suffered by the faultless party. The has shall pay additional compensation.、 Any arising from of in connection with the Contract should be friendly discussion between the If be reached shall have with the people court, which has jurisdiction over matter.十二、其他:、 本同的附件是合同的有效组成局部,具有同等法律效力。、 本同一式 份,甲乙双方及中介见证方各执 份、 Any appendix part of this shall hav


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