



1、Unit2 How often do you exercise?Section A1a2d教学目标频度副词 always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly,ever,never的短语,如every day,once a week,twice a week,three times a week,once a month,twice a month,掌握语法内容What do you usually do on weekends? I usually play soccer What do they do on weekends? They often go to th

2、e movies What does he do on weekends? He sometimes go skateboarding. How often do you shop? I shop once a monthHow often does Chung watch Tv? He watches TV twice a 教学方法加强听力与口语训练,提高学生的听力能力与口头交际的能力。教学重难点:能正确运用How often 引导的特殊疑问句及其答语,能正确使用频率副词及短语描述活动频率。教学流程Step 、Leadin展示些动作简笔画,引导学生写出与简笔画所对应的活动与动作师生交谈,引导

3、学生说一说他们周末都做一些什么事情,展开口浯交流展示课本彩色图片,要求学生列出图中人物在周末都进行一些什么样的活动,填写表格,完成 1a 部分的学习任务Step 2 Practice1a: Ask the students to look at the picture on page 9 and complete 1a, then check the answers In pairs or groups.1c: The students look at the picture again, the teacher with one or two students , makes model c

4、onversation like What do you do on weekends? -I usually watch TV DO you go shopping? No ,I nevergo shopping.播放 1b 部分的录音,引导学生听一听图中人物进行各种活动的频率,完成1b 部分的学习任务引导学生根据教学挂图和听力内容, 展开课堂口语交际,谈论图中人物所进行的各种活动,正确使用频度副词,完成 1c 部分的Pairwork 活动任务Model:A:What does she do on weekends? B:She often goes tO the 播放 2a 2a 2a 部

5、分的学习任务2a 部分的录音,引导学生将图中人物的各种活动与表示频度的短语连接起来,完成 2b 部分的学习任务2c 组进行Pairwork GrammarFocus 2c Mlodel:A:How often dO you watch TV? B:I watch TV every day.A:WhatS your favorite program? B:Its Animal WorldA:How often do you watch it?B: “Activity Survey”,参照 内容, 运用运用mostsomeno 完成短文WhatDoStudentsDoatGreenHiShScho

6、ol?3 部分的学习任务引导学生展开Groupwork 4 部分的表格内容Step3、思维探胜频度副词always,usually,often,sometimes,hardlyever,never:频度副词 词义 频率 英文释义 近义词always 总 是 100 all the time constantly usually 通 常 80 often,generally frequently often 经常 60 (at)manytimes generallysometimes 有 时 40 at times,now and then occasionally hardly ever 几

7、乎 不 20 almost not,not at all seldom never 从 不 0 not ever,not at any time rarely对比How long、How far、How many、How much、How often、How soon: 疑问词 词义 使用范围how long 多长时间 提问一段时间多长 提问长度how far 多远 提问距离how many 多少 提问可数名词的数量how much 多少 提问不可数名词的量、提问价钱或提问重量how often 多久一次 提问表示频度副词或表示频度的短语how soon 多久以后 提问表示将来时态的时间,多由

8、in 例 1:At the age of five,Martin weiShed 25 did Martin weigh at the age of five?析:How much。划线部分涉及重量,应用How much 多少例 2:She usually comes to see her grandpa four times a she usually come to see her grandpa?析:How often does。划线部分four times a month 涉及频率,应用How often 提问,同sometimes,usu a a year 等。句中动comes 为单

9、三式,改为疑问句时应添加助动词does,动词还原。例 3:Jim has stayed in China for five years has Jim stayed in China?析:How long。划线部分for five years 涉及一段时间,而一段时间应用how long 提问。例 4:The hospital is about 300 meters away. is the hospital?析:How far。划线部分about 300 meters away涉及距离,应用How far 提问。例 5:His uncle will be back ina will his

10、uncle be 析:How soon。划线部分in a week( )将来时态中的一段时间应用Howsoon(多久,多久以后)提问。练习:John went to see his grandmother once a John so to see his grandmother?He has worked in this school for five has he worked in this school?The meeting will start in ten Step4 Homework选用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空,每个动词汇只用一次。watch;surf;read;go;exercise;sing;play;shop;do;skateDo you likefootball?Howoftenshe watchTV?I sometimesthe Millie usuallyTV twi


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