



1、7BU1 语法数词用法一数的本类1)数词表示数目多少的数词叫基数词,如 five, thirty, - 等)数词表示顺序先后的数词叫序数词,如 first, tenth, twenty-first 等二数的成1、数的成1)-20 的写法- 表英语中有相对应的单词19 都以 teen 尾,其中除 外,都是表示几的基数词后面直接加 构成表示十几的基数词,如 -整十都是以 ty 结除 twenty 特记忆外都表十几的基数词去掉 teen 换成 , 要掉 u(定要记住十四是十四,四十是四十)数的法两位数的表达方法为整数加个位数组成,如 one三位数如 one hundred twenty-one,百位

2、和十位之间加 and,面两位要加连字符四位以上只有在百位和十位之间加 , 1134 one thousand, one hundred and-。2)作基数词单位的 hundred, thousand, million, billion 不复词-,但若用于表示数 百、数千、数百万这样的泛指,则用复数。如:About thousand in the earthquake. 大约有两千人在地震中丧生。Thousands of year. 每成千上万的人到海边去。)示整十的基数词用复数形式可以表示人的大岁数或年代。如:He in early 他才二十出头。This in 这发生在 20 世 年。、数

3、的成)基数词变序数词的口诀如下二,殊,去 ,去 ef 将 ve ,十只 变位可, 变为 ie然再 th(合字理记)1-12 序数词中以 twelfth 考最多ninth fifth 次之。一定要记住这些特殊变位 的。2)整十的多位数,将个位数变成序数词即可: first( 21), -sixth( 36) ninety-ninth(第 , hundred and -fifth( 365)等三数的法)数词前通常要用定冠词,但当序数词前有形词性物主代词时,通常省略其前的定冠 词。如: s fortieth birthday.时刻的表示时钟钟都用基词表示five oclock, seven thir

4、ty, to eight 等。)月日的表示年份用基数词日用序数例如in 五八号 写作 May 。关于四位数的年份的朗读,前两位和后两位分开读,如 1999,读作 nineteen, ninety-nine当一个四位数读1999 thousand, hundred and 。)分数的表达,分子须用基数词,分母用序数。分子如是 上的基数词,分母须用 复数形式。如 1/3 作 third, 作 three 。)号的表示:基数词放到名词的后面,前面的词要大写;序数词放在名词的前面,要 加定冠词。例如Lesson 1, the first 【习一、写出下列数字的基数词和序数词4_ _14_ _40_ _

5、9_ _19_ _90_ _答案: fourth; fourteen, fourteenth; fortieth; nine, ninth; nineteen, nineteenth; ninety, ninetieth二、单项选择( ) _ visitors come Changzhou during Day holidays every year.A. Thousands of B. thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousand答 A( ) - How was your - grandfathers_ birthday. enjoyed ourselves.A.

6、 seventy B. seventieth C. the seventieth D. seventeenth答 B( ) the _ month of a year.A. fifty B. fifteen C. fifth D. five答 C( ) _ named Dong Changzhou looked after her disabled father.A. three- B. threeyearsold C. three old D. a years 答 A( ) Please turn to Page _ look at the _ picture this unit.A. tw

7、entieth; one B. Twenty; C. twentieth; first D. Twenty; first 答 D( ) - I hear your friend is visiting Ya again. Is it the second for him?- Yes, and will come _time next spring.A. the B. a second C. the D. a third答 D分:数在调序用冠 ,不调序而是示又还再时用不 冠 aan;根- hear friend is visiting San Ya it the second time for

8、him? -and he will come fortime next 知的友是第次三,且明 年天要,以本题序词与定词配,知 third 是以音音开的 词用定词 a,年是三,用 a ,故选 A( ) - Would you to have _ apples?- No, thank you. ve enough.A. other two B. another C. D. others答 B( ) There are _ days week and Tuesday is_ of A. seven; third B. seven; the thirdC. seventh; three D. the

9、seventh; three答 B( ) There _ twelve in a September the_ month.A. are; ninth B. is; ninth C. are; nineth D. is; nineth答 A( ) 10. Please turn _.A. Page B. the 11st page C. page D. page the 答 A分: 选项具惑,11 的序词 而是 ,因它作 eleventh。 ( ) 11. There are_ students in Millies school.A. thousands B. thousandC. thou

10、sands of D. two thousand of答 B分:察词用。于数 hundredthousandmillion、billion 等来,示 百千百、亿体字不加 ,不加 ,如 two hundred trees,表成上的糊数时加 of加 ,如 hundreds of trees。外表大数的单与、 百、亿数连时不加 ,不用 ,如 several hundred 。( ) 12. Nanjing large and beautiful city with about people.A. eight millions B. eight million C. million of D. eig

11、ht millions of答 B分:察数的法对基词 、billion 等词来, 示、万十具数时用 ,不加 of, two hundred trees表成上 千模的字, ,加 s, hundreds of 。句是南是座丽大城, 居着约 800 万口800 万具数字因不 ,不加 of直加词故 B。 ( ) 13. After the _people went to Beijing for a visit every year.A. million B. millions of C. thousand of D. thousand答:分:察数。于数 hundred、million、billion

12、等来,示百 千百、亿体字不加 s,用 of, two hundred ,表成上的 糊数时加 of, ,如 hundreds trees。故确案 。( ) 14. How you read the number “ ” it like this: .A. hundred thousand, three hundred and fiveB. Ten thousand, three hundred and -C. hundred thousand three hundred and -fiveD. one thousand, three and sixty five hundred答 A分:察数的法

13、英朗是位起,不四。所选 A。( ) 15.This my _ time to show you _ the museum.A. first; around B. the aroundC. the to D. first; 答 A分:察数和定配个。一空察数,数词般与冠 the 连,是有形词物代时,不加冠 加定词表示原次上一。 本有 my 形容词物代,此需加 the第个考固搭 around sth,思带某参某地三、词的适当形式填空1. Tomorrow is mother ()birthday. Id like to make nice present for her.答: fortieth分:察数变数。2.My grandfathers _(ninety) birthday is coming soon.I want to giv


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