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1、TheflexiblemanufacturingThe flexible manufacturing system(FMS) train s to have the manufacturing system of the automation degree.The FMS TheflexiblemanufacturingThe flexible manufacturing system(FMS) train s to have the manufacturing system of the automation degree.The FMS speak about usually in the

2、 lot size, batch size machining of metals currently with the automation levelof flexibleisthemanufacturing system .Alongsocietytoproductdiversification,thelowmanufacturingcostandshortmanufacturing periods etc.s need be gradually urgent, the FMS deveolps very and quickly, and because of micro-electro

3、nics technique, calculator technique, technique, machinery and the development of controlgear, also urge manufacturing technique day ature, in 80s after, the manufacturing automation o for a brand-new ages, namely according to calculator egrated manufacturing(CIMS) ages, the FMS e the national manuf

4、acturing ofeach industrializationto automateof develop anddeveolp .FMSA, Pressthe scaleall of theFMSscan be is1.Flexible Manufacturingo asfollows4 The FMC publish and use to invite ratio FMS he manufacturing 68 years, it is sed a centre, industrial robot by 12 and counts to engine bed and material c

5、arrying to save to store equipments ing and have ion to s have another species product of vivid.The FMC can be as a FMS with minimum scale, is aFMS to cheap turn and small scaled turn development and a kind e, its characteristics is to carry out single flexible turn and automate, have already get ap

6、plication step.1.柔性制造单元o up to the present development and a kind e, its characteristics is to carry out single flexible turn and automate, have already get application step.1.柔性制造单元o up to the present FMC的问世并在生产中使用约比FMS晚68年它是由12台加工中心、活性FMC 可视为一个规模最小的FMS,是FMS 向廉价化及小型化方向发展和2.Flexible ManufacturingUsu

7、ally include 4 or more full-automatic numbers to control s centre and truning centre etc.), from concentrate the handling system control system and material to connect, can under the t not shut realizationhaveanother species, in2.柔性制造系统sof small lot size,batch sizeand 通常包括4台全自动数控机床(加工中心与车削中心等)3.Flex

8、ible ManufacturingIt is be placed in sty not- flexible and automatic line of single little species ty with medium small lot size, batch size have another species FMS of manufacturing line.It ses an equipments and can be an general use earth, ground to s a centre, CNC engine bed;May also definite e e

9、ngine bed or NC definite e engine bed, have low the FMS to the system flexible earth, ground of the material handling, but the rate manufacturing be higher.It with the long-lost type produce medium manufacturing system with connect the control ) of the anufacturing line is ive, its characteristics i

10、s to carry manufacturing line flexible turn and automate, its technique already the day mature, havealready 3.柔性制造线oapplicationto turn stepup totheFMS 的生产线。其加工设备可以是通用的加工中心、CNC FMS以离散型生产中的柔性制造系统和连续生产过程中的分散型控制系统)4.Flexible ManufacturingThe FMF connects several FMSs, go together with to automate stereo

11、scopic storehouse, use the progress contact of the calculator system, adoption from的生产线。其加工设备可以是通用的加工中心、CNC FMS以离散型生产中的柔性制造系统和连续生产过程中的分散型控制系统)4.Flexible ManufacturingThe FMF connects several FMSs, go together with to automate stereoscopic storehouse, use the progress contact of the calculator system

12、, adoption from design, s, assemble, examine, deliver to hair goods of complete included CAD/CAM, and make egrated to makesystem(CIMS) physically, realization manufacturing the system be flexible to turn and automate then carry out whole plant the manufacturing control, product of the scope to sand

13、the material store compleyturnoftheluckprogress.TheFMFisthetallestlevel t the automation produce and the reflection is most born the top of the boundary the forerunners automation application a technique.It is manufacturing, development and management the automation of management o manufacturing sys

14、tem(IMS) is represenive, its characteristics is to carry out works flexible turn and automate.4.柔性制造工厂FMFFMS 联系,采用从订货、设计、加工、装配、检验、运送至发货的完整 FMS括了CAD/CAM,并使计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)投入实际,实现生产系统柔性FMF Two, keyputer AidedDesign,TheCADtechniquedevelopment willothe expert hemake it elligence to turn, can treat variou

15、s complicated question.At design a latest of the technique breakthrough t the light is quick forming t the new technique be directly to TheCADtechniquedevelopment willothe expert hemake it elligence to turn, can treat various complicated question.At design a latest of the technique breakthrough t th

16、e light is quick forming t the new technique be directly to make use of CAD data pass a computer control of laser scanning system, be o some numerical pattern atwo-alflakeformsketch, and pressthe two-flake form sketch to carry on an optics scanning to the quick resin liquid surface the he bath, is s

17、can of the liquid surface es curing plastics, circularly operate, pursue lamella to scan to take , and of lf glue the flake form curing t the delamination take to match together and in few hours.It need certain data, then can make a prototype of to quickly newproductand 1.thespeed of new杂2.Fuzzy con

18、trolThe actual application of misty mathematics is a fuzzy control machine.The high performance fuzzy control apparatus which develops recently has from the function, he s of control in continuously obtain a new information of lf make an adjustment to the sty, make system function in order to improv

19、e, among them particularly ccording to l neural l neural network, ANN of self-method cause people concern 2.有lelligence,expertsystemelligencetransducerUp to the present, the elligence adopt mostly s according the expert system of rule in the FMS.The expert system makes use of expert knowledge and re

20、asons logically rule progress a reasoning and solve each kind question.(like explanation, predict, diagnose, check to seek a fault, failure, lelligence,expertsystemelligencetransducerUp to the present, the elligence adopt mostly s according the expert system of rule in the FMS.The expert system make

21、s use of expert knowledge and reasons logically rule progress a reasoning and solve each kind question.(like explanation, predict, diagnose, check to seek a fault, failure, plan, keep watch on, d and control etc.)Because expert system simplely the theory of various fact and super - with pass knowled

22、ge of experience acquisition to combine together, as a result the ensified for the FMS various aspect operate gentle.Prospect a future, ensively is characteristic, with the knowledge treat for the lelligence(include expert system) technique of way sarily will have in elligence type) decisive action.

23、The lelligence future utenant general exertive gradually important action.Used for heFMS ipate tothereis the lelligenceof thestill of development prospect most ipate till the beginning of 21 centuries, elligence is in the FMS of d scale will compare currently manufacturing technique(IMT) aim is in t

24、he s egrating the o the manufacturing each link, ask for help the expert movable, replace or extend a elligence of eenvironment parts of mental works of the middleman.In the system can automatically monitor it to circulate condition, s of make, e subjected to external world or inner ion energy the a

25、utomatic regulation its parameter attain the best operating e, have anization ability.The past IMT is make of the coming 21 centurieses technique.To the elligence turn t FMS has important meaning is elligence transducer in the realm of development now technique.The items panies with the technique ca

26、lculator application and lelligence but creation and it makes transducerhave 3.知识和推理规则进行推理,求解各类问题(系统系、故障、设计、计划、监视、修复、命令及控制等)种事实及经验证过的理论与通过经验获得的知识相结合,因系统为的人工智能(系统)技术必将在FMS(尤其智能型)将要比目前大4倍。智能制造技术(IMT)知识和推理规则进行推理,求解各类问题(系统系、故障、设计、计划、监视、修复、命令及控制等)种事实及经验证过的理论与通过经验获得的知识相结合,因系统为的人工智能(系统)技术必将在FMS(尤其智能型)将要比目前

27、大4倍。智能制造技术(IMT)The lneural net, lneural network,ANNl neural net, l neural network, ANN(ANN) is a kind t the neural net, neural network which elligence living proceeds together to treat to the information progress.The past l neural l neural network, ANN is also a kind of lelligence tool.At automatic

28、control realm, the neural net, neural network soon will be be ed expert system and fuzzy control system e a modern from pay to turn ition he4.人工神经网络(ANN)的网将并列Three, deveolpThe1.FMCsethepopular techniquewhich deveolpsand This is because the FMC investment is much n the FMS but economic performance co

29、nnect near, be applicable to the ler medium small scaled business entrise more.Numerous foreign plant house lists as FMC to deveolp currently of heavy.FMCDeveolptheThis is because the FMC investment is much n the FMS but economic performance connect near, be applicable to the ler medium small scaled

30、 business entrise more.Numerous foreign plant house lists as FMC to deveolp currently of heavy.FMCDeveolptheefficiency higherHave another species ty the manufacturing business rise sty such as workses such as autocar and tractor etc. to FML of the caused biggest pay attention to of the FMS manufacte

31、ry.Adopt the price definite e number controls engine bed to act for a s of general e centreand will bea FMLdevelopment 2.发展效率更高的多品种大批量的生产企业如汽车及拖拉机等工厂对FML3.Thedynasty multi-function directionFrom the simplicity s the type FMS develops further to weld, inspection and Ban material s is to manufacturing

32、 work , such as and Duan.etc. and have of various function FMSs. The FMS is a realization novel concept mode and new development trend of the works, decide to make raise the strategic meaning of the have of prospect of the business rise development Cuo.The FMS which reflects the works whole level cu

33、rrently is generation FMS, in 90s this kind condition still will keep on next go to, Japan o force from 1991 elligence manufacturing system(IMS) ernational develop item and belong to the next generation FMS;But real perfect next ipate would carry out to 21 centuries.Then, elligence machinery and s a

34、nd will blend mutually and gentlely y from accept order goods to produce, sale this business the fullactivity ofrise Since the mid 80s, the FMS acquisition fast fierce development, became manufacturing automation of hot spot.On the other hand is because single-item technique,such as NC, ses the deve

35、lopment Since the mid 80s, the FMS acquisition fast fierce development, became manufacturing automation of hot spot.On the other hand is because single-item technique,such as NC, ses the development of centre, robot,CAD/CAM, managementand high techniqueetc. and providedto be provided egrate a technique foundation of whole system;On the other the world market took place a graveness change, from past tradition, stabil


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