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1、艺术人类课程学习指 课(任课教师1. 基大学“ 民俗学 ,”(Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and iversityofHelsinki艺术人类课程学习指 课(任课教师1. 基大学“ 民俗学 ,”(Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and iversityofHelsinki副研究与理论阐释;已专著仪式、歌舞与文化展演陕北晋西的:170 办:8309课程基本信息:专业必修课课程编码课程名称:艺术人类英文名称TheAnthropologyof授课对象:艺术学专开课学期:第一学年春季学期(第

2、 2 学期(116 开上学分/课程简介教学目标1. 教学方式1. 课程主要以指定阅读书目的2.(116 开上学分/课程简介教学目标1. 教学方式1. 课程主要以指定阅读书目的2. 堂。考核方式1. 302. 的“703. 4. 提交地点: 艺术Sally Price. 2001. Second Edition. Primitive go: University of Chicago in2. 的“703. 4. 提交地点: 艺术Sally Price. 2001. Second Edition. Primitive go: University of Chicago in Civilized

3、. Howard Morphy and an Perkins, eds. 2006. The Anthropology of A Reader. London: Blackwell Eric Venbrux, Pamela Sheffield Rosi, and Robert Welsch, eds. 2006. Expl oringWorld Art. Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland Press, Inc.Kathleen Adams. 2006. Art as Politics: Re-Crafting Identities, Tourism, der in

4、Tana Toraja, Indonesia. Honolulu: University of HawaiI 教学内容及时间安排Part I: Foundations,The Anthropology of Art: Form, Function, Style, Aesthetic s, Meaning, and ContextDissanayake, E. 1999. (third edition) Homo Aestheticus. Where Art Comes From and Why? Preface pp. xi-xx, androduction, pp. 1-23 (on ele

5、ctronic re Brux, Rosi, and Welsch, Exploring World Art: roduction, pp. 1-Wilfried van Damme. Anthropologies of Art: Three Approaches. In Explori ng World Art, pp. 69-81Morphy and Perkins. The Anthropology of Art: A Reflection on Its History and Contemporary Practice.he Anthropology of Art.Pp. 1-32ro

6、duction to Part IV Boas, Franz. Primitive Art.he Anthropology of Wilfried van Damme. Anthropologies of Art: Three Approaches. In Explori ng World Art, pp. 69-81Morphy and Perkins. The Anthropology of Art: A Reflection on Its History and Contemporary Practice.he Anthropology of Art.Pp. 1-32roduction

7、to Part IV Boas, Franz. Primitive Art.he Anthropology of Art, pp323-he Anthropology of Art, pp. 39-Lechtman, Heather. Style in Technology: Some Early thropology of Art, pp. 270-he Rosman, Abraham and Paula G. Rubel. Structural Patterning in Kwakiutl Art and Ritual. In Art and Anthropology, pp. 339-3

8、57roduction to Part he Anthropology of Art, pp. 239-Coote, Jeremy. “Marvels of Everyday ”: The Anthropology of etics and the Cattle-ng he Anthropology of Art, pp. 281-(note: you do not need to read the entire Morphy, Howard. From Dull to Brilliant. The Aesthetics of er among the he Anthropology of A

9、rt, pp. 303-roduction to Part he Anthropology of Art, pp. 125-Clifford, James. Histories of the Tribal and the he gy of pp. 150-roduction to Art/Artifact: African Art he Anthropology of Art, pp. 209-Anthropological Clifford, James. 1988. On Collecting Art and he of Culture. Twentieth Century Literat

10、ure, Ethnography, and Art. Cambridge: Ha rvard University Press.Sally Price. 2001. Primitive Art in Civilized , pp.1-Sally Price. 2001. Primitive Art in Civilized , pp. 56-99, 127-Contemporary Ies in Art and Anthropology. and identity, and the politics of cultural Sally Price. 2001. Primitive Art in

11、 Civilized , pp. 56-99, 127-Contemporary Ies in Art and Anthropology. and identity, and the politics of cultural represenMarket for , tourism, roduction to Part he Anthropology Art, pp. 409-the Creation of Value Steiner, Christopher. The Art of the Trade: Authenticity in the African Art Market. he A

12、nthropology of Art, pp. Stoller, Paul. Circuits of African Art/Paths of Wood. In Exploring World Art, pp. 87-107e Marcus and Fred Meyers. 1995. The Traffic in Art and Culture: he Traffic in Art and Culture: Refiguring Art and e Marcus and Fred Meyers, eds. Berkeley: University of California Press. P

13、p. Nelson Graburn. Arts of the Fourth World. p. 412-430he Anthropology of Art, Silverman, Eric. High Art as Tourist Art: Tourist Art as High Art. In Exp loring World Art, pp. 271-284Adams, Kathleen. Art as Politics. Pp. 1-71,73-Stanley, Nick. Living with the tors in ernational Art World. In Explorin

14、g World Art, pp. 343-Rosi, Pamela. The Disputed Value of Contemporary Pa ists and Their Works. In Exploring World Art, pp. 245-269New Guinea Contemporary Maori Art. In Exploring World Art, pp. 472-494Townsend-Gault, Contemporary Maori Art. In Exploring World Art, pp. 472-494Townsend-Gault, Charlotte

15、. Kinds of Knowing. pp. 520-543he Anthropology of Perkins, Art, pp. 291-an. Do We Still Have no Word for Art? In Exploring Bunten, Alexis. Commodities of Authenticity. When Native People Consume Their Own Tourist Art. In Exploring World Art, pp. 317-336Hermer, Carol. Curatorial Authority andtmodern Represenions of Afri can Art, In Exploring World Art, pp. 357-370Mithlo, Na


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