2022年江苏省宿迁市中考英语真题 (解析版)_第1页
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1、2022年中考真题试卷(备考复习资料)宿迁市2022年初中学业水平考试英语一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My brother often plays football with his classmates after school.A. aB. anC. /D. the【答案】c【解析】【详解】句意:我哥哥经常放学后和他的同学踢足球。考查冠词辨析。a不定冠词,常用在辅音音素开头的单词前;an不定冠词,常用在元音音 素开头的单词前;the定冠词。球类运动前不加任何冠词,play fbotball“踢足球”,故选C。s

2、pring, the days are often windy and bright. Its a perfect time to fly a kite.A. onB. InC. AtD. With【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:春天,白天经常刮风,阳光明媚。这是放风筝的最佳时机。考查介词辨析。on用于具体的某一天前,或具体某一天的上/下午/晚上前;in用于年、 月、季节等泛指的时间前;at用于具体的钟点前:with和一起:根据“spring”可知,季节前用介词in,故选B。Good news! The Shenzhou XIV manned spacecraft has been sent

3、into space successfully.一That exciting and encouraging!A. turnsB. tastesC. soundsD. smells【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:好消息!神舟十四号载人飞船已经成功发射到太空。这听起来令 人兴奋和鼓舞!考查动词辨析。turns转变;tastes尝起来;sounds听起来;smells闻起来。根据Good news! The Shenzhou XIV manned spacecraft has been sent into space successfully可知是这个 消息听起来很令人兴奋。故选C。clever

4、girl Kitty is! She can come up with some creative ways to finish the project.A. WhatB. How aC. HowD. What a【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:基蒂是一个多么聪明的女孩啊!她可以想出一些有创意的方法来完成这个 项目。考查感叹句。句子是感叹句,中心词是单数可数名词girl,符合结构“What+a/an+adj+单数 名词+主谓!故选D。 People in our town planted trees on Tree Planting Day.一 Good job! Everyone can d

5、o something to make our town greener.A. hundredB. hundred ofC. hundredsD.hundreds of【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:我们镇上的人在植树节那天种了数百棵树。干得好!每个人都可 以做些事情让我们的城市变得更绿色。考查hundred用法。空前没有具体的数字,是概数的表达,应用hundreds。数百”表示, 故选D。Yesterday, Lin Taos speech on how to be a good volunteer was wonderful that wecouldnt stop cheering for

6、 him.A. soB. veryC. tooD. quite【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:昨天,林涛关于如何做好志愿者的演讲精彩到让我们忍不住为他欢呼。考查副词辨析。so如此,修饰形容词或副词;very非常;too太;quite相当。根据 wonderful that we couldnt stop cheering fbr him”可知此处是“so+a/adv. that.”引导的结果 状语从句,表示“如此以致于故选A。All of us follow the traffic rules when going out.一Exactly! Safety comes first.A. mig

7、htB. mustC. mayD. could【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:外出时,我们所有人都必须遵守交通规则。-确实!安全第一。 考查情态动词辨析。might可能;must必须;may可能;could可能。根据“AH of us follow the traffic rules when going out”可知,此处指必须遵守交通规则,故选B。Miss Li, can you tell me how to improve my writing skills?-Certainly. I advise you a diary in English every day.A. to keepB

8、. keepingC. keptD. keep【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:李老师,你能告诉我如何提高我的写作技巧吗? 当然。我建议你 每天用英语写日记。考查非谓语动词。advise sb. to do sth.“建议某人做某事、动词不定式作宾语补足语。故选 AoAndy, what were you doing at this time yesterday afternoon?I the film The Battle at Lake Changjin with my sister.A. watchB. watchedC. was watchingD. amwatching【答案】C【解析

9、】【详解】句意:Andy,昨天下午这个时候你在干什么? 我跟我的妹妹正在看电影 长津湖。考查动词时态。根据问句“were you doing”可知,答语也用过去进行时表示过去某个时刻正 在发生的事情,故选C。Amy did very well in her report. She is to pay attention to every detail.A. enough carefulB. careful enoughC. enough carelessD. carelessenough【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:艾米的报告做得很好。她很细心,对每一个细节都很注意。考查形容词辨析以及eno

10、ugh的用法。carefbl仔细的:careless粗心的。根据“pay attention to every detail”可知,对每一个细节都很注意,说明是一个很细心的人,排除C和D选项。enough修饰形容词要放在其后,故选B。Each of us in our group wants to make friends with Gary, because he is modest and neverA. shows offB. takes offC. puts offD. givesoff【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:我们小组中的每个人都想和加里交朋友,因为他很谦虚,从不炫耀。 考查动

11、词短语。shows off炫耀;takes off脱下;puts off拖迟;gives off发出;根据 “because he is modest and never”可知,她从不炫耀,故选 A。My grandma is good at paper-cutting. She can cut out pictures in the cartooncharacters.A. abilityB. weightC. shapeD. quality【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:我奶奶擅长剪纸。她能把图片剪成卡通人物的形状。考查名词辨析。ability能力;weight重量;shape形状;qua

12、lity质量;根据“cut out pictures in the.cartoon characters”可知,是剪出卡通人物的形状,故选C。Would you like to go to the youth centre with me tomorrow?一 I cant wait fbr the robot show there.A. Yes, thats right.B. Sure, Id love to.C. Of course not.D. Not at ail.【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:你明天愿意和我一起去青年中心吗? 当然,我愿意。我等不及看 那里的机器人表演了。考查情景交

13、际。Yes, thafs right是的,那是对的;Sure, Id love to是的,我愿意;Of course not 当然不;Not at all 一点也不。根据I cant wait fbr the robot show there”可知此处是接受 别人的邀请,选项B符合语境。故选B。Jenny, do you know?Er, next Tuesday.A. when the sports meeting will take placeB. when will the sports meeting takeplaceC. where the sports meeting will

14、take placeD. where will the sports meeting takeplace【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:珍妮,你知道运动会什么时候举行吗?额,下周二。考查宾语从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除BD;根据“next Tuesday”可知上文询 问时间,用when引导宾语从句。故选A。Jack always gives his friends help when they need it, because he A. Its never too old to learnB. I never rains but it poursC. Actions speak l

15、ouder than wordsD. A friend in need is a friend【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:杰克总是在朋友需要的时候给他们帮助,因为他“患难见真情考查习语。Its never too old to learn 活到老,学到老;I never rains but it pours 祸不单行; Actions speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩;A friend in need is a friend 患难见真情;根据 “Jack always gives his friends help when they need it”可知,在朋友

16、需要帮助时提供帮助,可 知用“患难见真情”符合,故选D。二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后每题所给的A、B、C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。Whats this?” Bob asked, pointing at a wooden box on the sidewalk (人行道).The sign on it said Little Free Library.Ive heard of those. Bobs elder sister Lily said. People make them and put books16 Other pe

17、ople take away the books they want and add the 17 theyvealready read.“I want to make something like that J said Bob. For kids to exchange books.”“What if(要是会怎么样)it doesnt work?” Lily asked.“Why wouldnt it 18?” asked Bob. Lily shrugged(耸肩),“Maybe kids wont noticeit, or maybe they wont want to 19 thei

18、r books.”Id like to try anyway. Bob said, “Will you help me make one?” Sure,“ Lily said. Ill also ask Dad for 20Bob ran inside to collect books while Lily talked to Dad. With Dads help they 21 a wooden box. They put a door on it and attached(固定)the box to post(桩).Then they dug a hole in their front

19、yard and lifted the post into the hole.Bob put the books inside the box and closed the 22. “Now I just have to wait. hesaid. Three times that day, Bob ran outside to check. 23 each time his books were the only ones inside.For the next few days, Bob 24 the box again and again. However, his books were

20、 still there. guess you were right, Lily,“ Bob said. No kids want to exchange books.” I know you really wanted your 25 work, Bob, Lily said. Im sorry it didnt.The next two days, Bob didnt check the box. Arent you going to check your little26、Bob? Lily asked. “Maybe 27 decided to exchange. You can go

21、 and have alook.”Bob walked slowly to the box. He opened the door. His books were gone. Instead, the box was 28 with new books. Wow, it worked!” Bob shouted excitedly.Indeed, it was Lily who helped her brother Bob. She called all the 29 kids in the neighborhood and asked them to tell their younger s

22、isters and brothers.Bobs idea worked 30. He was very lucky to have new books to read and a verygood sister.16. A. insideB. outsideC. forwardD. upward17. A. lettersB. wordsC. booksD. papers18 A. stayB. workC. keepD. change19. A. shakeB. spellC.shareD. sell20. A. funB. hopeC.joyD. help21. A. gaveB. ma

23、deC. brokeD. drew22. A. wallB. floorC. windowD. door23. A. AndB. SoC. ButD. Since24. A. checkedB. fixedC. knockedD. closed25. A. storyB. ideaC. orderD. joke26. A. officeB. libraryC. museumD.classroom27. A. someoneB.anyoneC. nobodyD. none28. A. lockedB. connectedC. chargedD. filled29. A. strongerB. s

24、horterC. olderD. larger30. A. at lastB. in allC. at firstD.aboveall【答案】16. A17. C 18. B 19. C20. D 21. B 22. D23. C 24.25. B 26. B27. A 28. D 29. C30. A【解析】【导语】本文讲述了鲍勃创办小小免费图书馆的事情。【16题详解】句意:人们制作它们并把书放在里面。inside 在里面:outside 在外面;forward 向前:upward 向上;根据pointing at a wooden box on the sidewalk (人行道).The

25、 sign on it said Little Free Library.”可知,应该是把书放在箱子里 面,故选A。【17题详解】句意:其他人拿走他们想要的书,添加他们已经读过的书。letters 信;words 单词;books 45; papers 试卷;根据Other people take away the books they want”可知,是把已经读过的书放进去,故选C。【18题详解】句意:为什么不起作用?stay停留:work工作,奏效;keep保持;change改变;根据“Whati式要是会怎么样)itdoesnt work?”可知,这里问如果不奏效怎么办,故选B。【19题详

26、解】句意:或者他们不想分享他们的书。shake 摇动;spell 拼写:share 分享;sell 卖:根据“The sign on it said Little Free Library.“可 知,里面的书是人们分享的,故选C。【20题详解】句意:我也会向爸爸寻求帮助。fbn乐趣;hope希望;joy高兴:help帮助;根据“With Dads help”可知,是向爸爸寻求帮 助,故选D。21题详解】句意:在爸爸的帮助下,他们制作了木箱。gave 给:made 制作;broke 打破;drew jfflj;根据“Will you help me make one”可知,是制作 了一个木箱,故

27、选B。【22题详解】句意:鲍勃把书放进箱子里,关上了门。wall in: floor 地板;window 窗户:door 门:根据“They put a door on it.Bob put the books inside the box and closed”可知,是把书放进去,关上门,故选D。【23题详解】句意:但每次里面只有他的书。And和;So因此;But但是;Since既然:空格前后是转折关系,应用but连接,故选C。【24题详解】句意:在接下来的几天里,鲍勃一次又一次地检查这个箱子。checked 检查;fixed 安装;knocked 敲:closed 关闭:根据the box

28、 again and again.However, his books were still there.”可知,是检查箱子,故选 A。【25题详解】句意:我知道你很想让你的想法实现,鲍勃。story故事;idea主意;order秩序;joke笑话;根据Bobs idea worked”可知,建立这个箱 式共享图书馆是鲍勃的一个主意,故选B。【26题详解】句意:你不去看看你的小图书馆吗,鲍勃?office 办公室;library 图书馆;museum 博物馆:classroom 教室;根据Little Free Library” 可知,这是一个图书馆,故选B。【27题详解】句意:也许有人决定交

29、换。someone 有人;anyone 任何人;nobody 没有人;none 全无; 根据decided to exchange. You can go and have a look.“可知,是说或许有人想交换,故选A。【28题详解】句意:相反,盒子里装满了新书。locked 锁;connected 连接;charged 控告;filled 填满;根据the box was.with new books.Wow, it worked!, Bob shouted excitedly.”可知,箱子里装满了新书,故选 D。【29题详解】句意:她打电话给附近所有大一点的孩子,让他们告诉自己的弟弟妹

30、妹。stronger更强壮的;shorter更短的;older更老的;larger更大的;根据“kids in the neighborhood and asked them to tell their younger sisters and brothers.”可知,是打电话给大一 些的孩子,故选C。【30题详解】句意:鲍勃的想法终于奏效了。at last最后;in all总共;at first起初;above all毕竟;根据上文的描述可知,鲍勃的主意 最终还是奏效了,故选A。三、阅读(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从短文后每题所给的A、B、

31、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选 1机AThe following is part of real time flight infbnnation of Hongqiao Airport and Pudong International Airport in Shanghai on June 1,2022.Scheduled Departure (预定离 开)TimeFlightAirlineTerminal(T)(机场大 楼)Destination(目的 地)Scheduled Arrivals(预定抵 达)ArrivalsPhones8:45FM9245ShanghaiAirlinesHong

32、qiao(T2)Nanchang10:159553012:30HU7320HainanAirlinesHongqiao(T2)Haikou15:049533912:30HOI 165JuneyaoAirlinesPudong(T2)Dalian14:30021-9552013:009C8759SpringAirlinesPudong(T2)Baotou16:00021-95524Which phone number can a passenger call if he or she wants to know some information about Shanghai Airlines?A

33、 95339.B. 021-95524.C. 95530.D. 02195520.Which of the following flights is from Shanghai to Haikou?A. HU7320.B. FM9245.C. 9C8759D.HO1165.How long does it take to fly from Shanghai to Baotou?A. About one hour. B. About three hours. C. About two hours. D. About four hours.【答案】31.C32. A 33. B【解析】【导语】本文

34、是一篇应用文,介绍2022年6月1日上海虹桥机场、浦东国际机场的部分实 时信息。【31题详解】细节理解题。根据“Shanghai Airlines95530”可知,如果想了解上海航空公司的情况,可以 拨打95530,故选C。【32题详解】细节理解题。根据“HU7320.Hongqiao (T2) .Haikou”可知,HU7320是上海到海口的航 班,故选A。33题详解】细节理解题。根据“13:00Pudong (T2) .Baotou. 16:00”可知,上海到包头的航班共计飞 行3小时,故选B。BThe oil paper umbrella is a traditional Chinese

35、 handicraft (手工艺品).It has a history of over 1,000 years in China. In early Tang Dynasty, it was introduced to Japan and Korea, so it was called the “Tang Umbrella”. Later oil paper umbrellas were spread to other Asian countries, such as Vietnam, Thailand and Laos, and each had its own style. However

36、, as steel-ribbed (钢骨 的)umbrellas appeared in the last century, the hand-made oil paper umbrellas became less used in daily life. They were turned into decorative artifacts (装饰性工艺品).Yuhang in Hangzhou is known fbr making oil paper umbrellas for more than 230 years. They are mainly made of skin paper

37、 (皮纸),bamboo, a coating of Tung oil (桐油).They need to take more than 70 steps to make, including making bamboo ribs, posting papers (糊纸)and painting patterns (图案).It takes at least a week to make per umbrella. In 2008, these umbrellas were added to Intangible Cultural Heritage List (非物质文化遗产名录)of Chi

38、na.A young man called Liu Weixue learned the traditional art of making Yuhang oil paper umbrellas from his grandfather. *4I want to bring the art to Liu said. He improved the umbrellas to win the hearts of young people. As the traditional paper was easy to break, he started to use a kind of thicker

39、paper. In a test, his umbrellas were opened and closed fbr 1,000 times without breaking. He used a kind of lighter bamboo to make the umbrellas weigh less.Now Liu hopes the art can be passed on. He goes to local schools to teach students. He also goes to events in different places to promote (推广)the

40、 art.What is the main idea of paragraph 1 ?A. The history of oil paper umbrellas.B. The styles of oil paper umbrellas.C. The design of oil paper umbrellas.D. The ways of using oil paperumbrellas.What is an oil paper umbrella mainly made of according to the passage?A. Wool,bamboo and a coating of Tun

41、g oil.B. Plastic,bamboo and a coating of Tungoil.C. Skin paper,bamboo and a coating of Tung oil.D. Leather,bamboo and a coating ofTung oil.Why did Liu Weixue learn the art of making Yuhang oil paper umbrellas?A. Because he couldnt find a better job.B. Because he wanted to bring the art tolife.C. Bec

42、ause young people liked the fashion.D. Because his grandfather told him tolearn.Which part of a magazine is the passage probably from?A. Culture.B. Medicine.C. Music.D. Sports.【答案】34.A35. C 36. B 37. A【解析】【导语】本文介绍了中国传统手工艺品油纸伞的发展情况。【34题详解】段落大意题。根据“The oil paper umbrella is a traditional Chinese handi

43、craft (手工艺品).”可 知,本段主要介绍了油纸伞的相关历史,故选A。【35题详解】细节理解题。根据They are mainly made of skin paper (皮纸),bamboo, a coating of Tung oil (桐油)可知,油纸伞的主要材料有皮纸、竹子、桐油,故选C。【36题详解】细节理解题。根据“I want to bring the art to life.”可知,因为他想让艺术活起来,故选B。37题详解】推理判断题。根据整个文章的理解可知,主要是介绍油纸伞的一些信息,应该是在杂志的 文化板块能发现,故选A。Recently, China has ann

44、ounced the list of the first five national parks.Each of them is divided into two parts-the core (核心)protection area and the general control area. In the core protection area, only research and surveillance (监视)in science are allowed. And the general control area is open to the public, allowing trav

45、el activities such as camping and hiking. In the future, national parks are expected to be natural classrooms. People can learn about different kinds of animals and plants through eco-friendly (环保的)travel activities.The national parks can also be helpful to local people. The building of these nation

46、al parks provides many jobs for local people. People living in or around the parks can work as park rangers (打|林员)and guides. They can also sell some eco-friendly things with local colour. So their yearly incomes (收人)will grow a lot.Then lefs take a look at the five national parks.Three River-Source

47、 National Park on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(青藏高原),is the largest national park in China. Because it is home to the sources of the Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang rivers, people call it “Chinas water tower,1S1Northeast China Tiger and Leopard (豹)National Park is in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces. It co

48、vers an area of 14,100 square kilometres. It is our countrys biggest and only place for wild Siberian tigers and Amur leopards to live in.Wuyi Mountain National Park in Fujian Province is a UNESCO natural and cultural heritage site (遗址).The forest makes up over 96 percent of the park. The park is th

49、e paradise of birds kingdom (王 9国)of snakes and world of insects. You can also see the Danxia landform (地貌)there.隆01Giant Panda National Park connects panda habitats (栖息地)in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. Inside the park are more than 1,600 wild gian 1 pandas. They make up over 70 percent of

50、the pandas in China.nHainan Tropical (热带的)Rainforest National Park is the largest tropical forest in China. There are more than 400 kinds of plants that can only be found in Hainan. The worlds only 35 Hainan gibbons (长臂 猿)live there.What activity can be done in the core protection area?A. Hunting.B.

51、 Researching.C. Hiking.D.Camping.What can we know from paragraph 3?Building the national parks only needs rangers and guides.Farming makes local people improve their yearly incomes.Visitors can buy anything with local color in the national parks.Local people can get much advantage from the national

52、parks.What does the underlined word “paradise“ in the form above mean?A. A perfect place.B. A happy feeling. C. A good example. D. A sweetsmile.What might be the best title for the passage?B. The home of animals and plantsD. The relationships among the fiveB. The home of animals and plantsD. The rel

53、ationships among the fiveC. The introduction to the five national parks national parks【答案】38. B 39. D 40. A 41. C【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了中国公布的首批五个国家公园的情况。【38题详解】细节理解题。根据“In the core protection area, only research and surveillance (监视)in science are allowed.”可知,在核心保护区,只允许进行科学研究和监测,故选B。【39题详解】细节理解题。根据The natio

54、nal parks can also be helpful to local people.So their yearly incomes (收入)will grow a lot.”可知,建立国家公园对当地人也有好处,故选D。【40题详解】词义猜测题。根据The forest makes up over 96 percent of the park. The park is the paradise of birds, kingdom (王国)of snakes and world of insects.”可知,森林占公园的 96% 以上。公园 是鸟类的天堂,蛇的王国,昆虫的世界,所以单词“p

55、aradise”指的是“天堂”,即完美之地, 故选A。41题详解】最佳标题题。根据“Recently, China has announced the list of the first five national parks.”及整 个文章的理解可知,主要是介绍五个国家公园的情况,故选C。DOne day, Helen shouts, “Roger, come and look at the egg! Its cracking (裂开)Slowly a long beak (喙)appears. They are unsure what it is.Dad checks on the com

56、puter, uHey, look! Its a pterodactyl (翼手龙)A pterodactyl? shout the children. 4iYes, its a type of dinosaur. Pterodactyls can fly,“ says Dad.Then Helen names it Dacty.A month later, he grows up. But there is something wrong with his wings. t4My room is too small and Dacty keeps banging (碰撞)his wings

57、on the walls. I feel sorry for says Helen. Finally, they take Dacty to a vet (兽医).Two weeks later, Dacty?s wings are better. However, he isnt willing to fly. They phone Aunt Elizabeth. Soon she arrives. t4My office is very big. Ifs perfect for Dacty during the day. And at night, when the museum is e

58、mpty, Dacty can fly around happily., Then she takes them to the museum. On arriving, they take Dacty out of the basket. He stretches (伸展)his wings, flies high up and lands on a stone statue.“Look he likes here, shouts Helen. t4Can he see in the dark?” asks Roger. Yes, they seeclearly in the dark, ju

59、st like owls (猫头鹰)J says Aunt Elizabeth.Six months passes and Dacty is very big now. One night, Dacty sees lights moving inside the museum. Two men-Bert and Eric come in with torches (手电筒).They are wearing masks and trying to open a case (箱子).Inside it is a mummy (木乃伊).Suddenly Eric looks up and see

60、s Dacty. He is very scared. fctLook, Bert, there is a huge bird up there. Bert looks up. Dacty doesnt move, “Eric, dont be silly. Its only a statue,“ says Bert. Come on. I will open the case. You look fbr the gold medallions (大奖章)At the moment, Dacty flies down and catches Eric. The thief is very sc


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