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1、2022年山东省济宁市微山县中考一模英语试题学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、阅读单选ITEMS NEEDED!Community Sale: February 10&11,2022Collections start on January 17Deadline January 27 (no items will be accepted after this date)Do you have books, lamps, toys, records, DVDs, holiday decorations, jewelry or any other items just collecting dust?Ti

2、me to clean out your room and bring your items to the Community Square.All electronic items must be in working order.No clothing, computers, TVs or encyclopedias accepted.Those with questions or offers to help can call Jane Lee at 1024-10515.Item collection ends on .A. January 17 B. January 27 C. Fe

3、bruary 10 D. February 11Which of the following items is NOT accepted?A. Books.B. DVDs.C.Jewelry.D. TVs.3. If you want to sell electronic items, they must beA. newB. cleanedC.usableD. smallAt the age of 16, Einstein always played with a group or mischievous (顽皮捣蛋的) kids. Because he was so busy playin

4、g, he didnt study enough and failed his final exam.One morning, when Einstein was holding a fishing rod (钓鱼竿)and was about to go fishing with his friends, his father stopped him and said calmly, Einstein, you spent so much time playing that you failed your exam. Tm worried about your future.,“What a

5、re you worried about? Jack and Robert also failed, but dont they still get to go fishing?“My boy, you cant think like that,“ his dad said.There is a story that people tell in our hometown. I will tell it to you now.”“There were two cats playing on a roof. One cat got caught off guard and fell down t

6、he chimney (烟囱)while holding the other cat. When the two cats climbed out of the chimney, one of the cats had soot (烟灰)on his face, while the other cats face was clean.Seeing the dirty cat, the clean cat thought its face must be dirty, so it quickly ran to the river and washed its face. The dirty ca

7、t saw the clean cat and thought its face was also clean, so it just swaggered down the street.”Einstein, no one can be your mirror. You have to think for yourself. If you just do what everyone else does, you will never learn.MHearing this, Einstein put down his fishing rod and returned to his room.

8、He decided to pay more attention to his studies and less attention to what his friends were doing. This allowed him to be successful.What was Einsteins main problem, according to his father?A He was not good at math.B.He didnt play often enough.C.He played with mischievous kids.D.He didnt take his f

9、inal exam.What does the underlined word “swaggered show?A.The cat ran very quickly.B.The cat felt very confident.C.The cat felt foolish.D.The cat was too fat to walk.What lesson did Einstein learn from his father?A. Friends are like a mirror of ourselves. B. Geniuses are one step away from being foo

10、ls.C. Don look to others when deciding how to behave. D. There are no shortcuts to success.How did Einstein feel at the end of the story?A. Angry about what his father said.B. Ashamed (惭愧的)about what he did.C. Excited about fishing again.D. Disappointed by the fable.“Pure (纯粹的)love, only for the cou

11、ntry, this is a sentence from the diary of Chen Xiangrong, a 19-year-old Chinese soldier who was at the border of Gal wan Valley (力口尔万 谷边界).Unfortunately, Chen died during a border clash (边境冲突)between Chinese and Indian troops (军队)in June 2020. Last June, Indian soldiers illegally (非法地) crossed to t

12、he Chinese side of the Galwan Valley and set up tents, which forced Chinese troops to react (反应),Xinhua said.Regimental commander (团长)Qi Fabao, 41, led several of his soldiers to negotiate(协商)with the Indian side. However, they were then attacked (袭击)by Indian soldiers.Chen Hongjun, 33, Chen Xiangro

13、ng, 19, Wang Zhuoran, 24 and Xiao Siyuan, 24, died during the clash. Qi was the only one left alive, but was seriously injured.It was the first time since the incident that the Chinese military (军队)has made details (细节)public including the number of deaths and the names of the fallen soldiers.On Feb

14、 19, the Central Military Commission (CMC)(军委)honored the two officers and three soldiers for defending (守卫)the border. Four of them received awards after death. The awards include honorary titles (荣誉称号)and first-class merit (一等功).In China, an honorary title is the highest award given to a service m

15、ember in the military. A first-class merit is the second-highest.The country has also offered pensions (抚恤金)to the four martyrs (烈士的) families. A team will stay in touch with the family members and help them if needed. The martyrs children will also get extra points on the gaokao.What caused the bor

16、der clash?A. The death of a Chinese soldier.B. Indian soldiers lost many tents.C. Chinese troops were training in the valley. D. Indian soldiers illegally crossed the border.What did the Chinese soldiers plan to do at first?A. Fight the Indian soldiers with rocks.B. Make the clash public.C. Deal wit

17、h the clash peacefully.D. Help injured Indian soldiersWhat do we know from the last three paragraphs?China has shown great respect (尊敬)for the four martyrs.The four martyrs had received honorary titles before death.The martyrs7 families received donations (捐赠)from around the country.The martyrs chil

18、dren can go to any of Chinas top universities.Which might be the best title of the passage?A. Troops in different countriesB. Having friendly relationshipsC. Forgetting warsD. Honoring the fallenNew discoveriesBetter way for us to flyNASA developed a plane that makes flying more environmentally frie

19、ndly. The X-plane is an experimental all-electric aircraft (实验性的全电动飞机).Instead of fuel-powered engines (引擎),the X-Plane gets its power from batteries (电池).The aircraft is also quieter than fuel-powered planes, as its electric components (部件)change the way it sounds. It has 14 electric motors (发动机)an

20、d propellers (螺旋桨),allowing it to fly more efficiently (高效地).It began to be tested in 2020.2. Can potted plants help?It was long thought that keeping potted (盆栽的)plants in your home can make the air fresher. New research says that this is not true. US researcher Michael Waring reviewed a NASA study

21、that said that potted plants could remove pollution from the air. However, the NASA experiment was done in a sealed chamber (密封室),which is different from a typical home. Keeping a couple of windows open is a better way to keep the air fresh in your home.3.New way to fight germs (病菌)Researchers in Ho

22、ng Kong have found a way to stop superbugs (超级细菌),which are bacteria (细菌)that are highly resistant (有抵抗力的)to most medicine. The researchers have created a new class of antibiotics (抗生素).These antibiotics work by stopping two proteins (蛋白质)that bacteria use to grow. Older antibiotics dont work as wel

23、l as they used to because bacteria have learned how to resist (抵制)them.What might Michael Waring suggest?A. Keeping potted plants in a sealed chamber. B. Keeping potted plants in a typical home.C. Keeping windows open.D. Keeping windows shut.The underlined word them” refers to.A. superbugsB. medicin

24、eC. two proteins D. olderantibioticsWhich of the following is NOT true?A. The X-PIane does less harm to the environment. B. Potted plants can remove pollution.C. Superbugs are highly resistant to most medicine. D. Older antibiotics have always worked well.Where are the three texts most likely from?二

25、、根据首字母填空Dad was k at the door, but I couldnt answer it because I was taking a shower.After watching a news report about the first panda-themed tourist train from Chengdu to Zunyi, I am t fbr an exciting trip on it.We go to school every day e Saturday and Sunday.Hens 1 ten eggs yesterday. The farmer

26、was happy and excited.三、根据汉语提示填空Life is full of (出乎意料的)things, so we should learn to enjoy the life we have.David thought he had better follow the two (狼)and see where they lived. 22. Ive always wanted to go on a wonderful holiday. But I cant (付得起)it. 23. Many classic Chinese poems are (广泛地)spread t

27、housands of years. 四、语法填空2022 Beijing Olympic Games gave the world so many surprises. We showed our new image (印象)to the world. Many Chinese 24(hero) fought for the right to hold theOlympic Games, finally we made it. We were also25- (succeed) in winning the right tohold the Winter Olympic Games. Bei

28、jing 26 (become) the only city to hold the summer and winter Olympic Games so far. We are so proud 27 it. But the road to achieve this amazing phenomenon (奇迹)28 (be) such tough (又艮难).Sci-fi (科幻)novels are popular with many readers. However, these writings may be too difficult fbr some people, making

29、 29 (they) hard to follow.In 2019, a comic adaptation (改编版)of The Three-Body Problem, Chinas most popular science fiction novel, was released (发行)online. It is more close to young readers*views. Based on Liu Cixins Hugo Award-winning book, it 30(tell) a mysterious (神秘的)story. Readers slowly learn th

30、at scientists have discovered31alien civilization(文明). They then create a VR game to teach people on Earth about the aliens struggle (斗争). The scientists purpose, however, may not be so good.Now, readers can more clearly see what the aliens and their technology look like. In the comic, the aliens lo

31、ok like human beings. 32 they can change into two other forms.To make this adaptation (改编)popular in other countries, the digital comic has versions (版本)in three languages-Chinese, English and Thai.44We hope with great works like The Three-Body Problem, people from all over the world 33 (like) Chine

32、se literature (文学)Xu Zhiwei, a director at Tencents international comics and animation division (动漫部),told CNA. 五、短文选词填空 阅读短文,根据短文内容从方框中选出适当的词填空,每空一词。difficulties, did, differently, in, pushed, everything, stand, between, nothingig a doctorate degree (博士学位)is not easy. Its even harder for a person w

33、ith cerebral palsy (脑瘫).But ZhangDakui 34 it.Zhang was born into a poor family in Henan. When he was little, a fever gave him cerebral palsy. At the age of 6, he could no longer 35 up. His parents tied two bamboo poles (竹杆) 36 two trees. Day after day, he held the poles to practice walking. Heavy sn

34、ow, tears or blood-37 could stop him. At 9, he started to walk with the helpof a walking stick (拐杖).He overcame many 38 at school. In 2006, he became a graduate student.His dreams 39him further. He hoped to get a doctorate degree, but mostprofessors turned him down after hearing about his condition.

35、Finally, Professor Fan Xiaozhong, at the Beijing Institute of Technology, opened a door for Zhang. I will not treat you 40. If you can pass the exams all by yourself, you canstudy with me fbr your doctors degree/ Fan said.Zhang passed all the exams. Actually, Tm not as strong as you think. I just wo

36、rk hard on what I should do and what I can do. Only actions can change our lives., Zhang said.六、多任务混合阅读I remember the first time I suggested screen-free days in our school to some of our student leaders. Jokingly, I said to the group, fcWhat do you think if we go a week without using our laptops or

37、smartphones?They laughed, and one of them said, “No way, Mr. White. They would be too much. I could feel their worry, and told them that I was only considering single screen-free days. Even that idea left them feeling upset.According to a survey we did, most students in our school spend about six ho

38、urs a day on screens. Many of my students start their day by checking their smartphones. I often see them looking at their phones when getting off the bus or at parents drop-off they cant use their own “screens at school. They usually work on computers at school fbr at least two hours during the day

39、.Its clear that our students spend a lot of time on screens. We do see the benefits (好 处)of technology. However, we teachers also want to make sure that students have balanced learning and social experiences away from their screens. Thats why we have come up with the idea of screen-free days.During

40、the course of the year, we have built in several screen-free days that require us to make different plans for our students about how they will communicate with one another and the world around them without “screens. For some teachers, this means bringing back a valuable lesson plan that has been put

41、 off fbr some time because it is “out of date”. Others have designed (设计)something completely new.Fun activities, fbr example, card games and room escape (密室逃脱)games, are organized at school. In these activities, students socialize (社交)without smartphones and have face-to-face communication without

42、checking on “likes theyve got online.These fun activities also make it possible fbr the whole grade to enjoy the company of their friends with no smartphones.After our first screen-free day, students mentioned that they were surprised they enjoyed it. Finding ways to help our students connect with o

43、ne another is important.While technology is already part of our world, it shouldnt play such an imDortant role in a learners life.How many hours do most students in the school spend on screens every day? (no more than 3 words)Why have the teachers come up with the idea of screen-free days? (no more

44、than 18 words)What fun activities can the students have at school? (no more than 9 words)把画线部分句子翻译成汉语。给短文拟个恰当的题目。七、材料作文46.同学们,在初中三年的英语学习中,我们从课本中学习了有关“family” “Be polite to sb“ Protecting the environment Volunteering ”等话题。假定你是李华,请根据 这些话题并依据以下要点提示,写一篇题目为Im proud of my family的英语短文,讲 述你的家庭故事。要点提示:.家人相亲相爱,努力学习、工作;.不怕挑战,尽力解决学习、工作中的问题:.邻里和睦,礼貌待人;.爱护环境,低碳生活;.乐于助人,积极参加志愿者活动。注意:.词数100左右(短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数);.根据要点提示,适当发挥,使文章内容完整,表达流畅;.短文中不得出现


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