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1、2022年中考英语复习新题速递之补全对话(2022年3月)补全对话(共15小题)(2021 贵州)根据对话内容。从所给的七个选项中选出最佳选项。每个选项只能选用1 次,其中有两项为多余选项。A: Hi.Jacky.Look at that strange thingJWhat is it?B: Hi, Lucy.Oh.it a key. (1) A: Auto - bike? What is an auto - bike then?B: It is a battery - operated (电动的)machine.A: (2) B: It was invented by my grandfa

2、ther!A: Really? (3) B: It can be used fbr riding and flying.A: Flying? (4) B: You can just ride it like a bike and it will fly as it goes fast enough.A: (5) I think your grandfather is so great!B: I think so.He has invented many things.A.And what is it used fbr?B.Its used fbr locking our auto - bike

3、.C.Can you tell me who invented it?D.Its very important.E Oh, how can it fly?F.It sounds interesting.GHow was it invented?(2021 甘南舛I) A: Did you hear the news about Xiao Ming?B: Yes.I read about it in the newspaper. (1) A: What did he do?B: First, he found out that his neighbors bathroom was on fire

4、.Then he poured water over histrousers and helped her out.A: (2) B: But the fire burnt his legs and face. (3) A: How brave he is! (4) B: Yes.Many visitors gave him flowers and cards.A: Thats nice.B: (5) A: Me, too.A.He is a hard - working boy.B.Im very happy that hes well now.C.He saved an old lady

5、from a fire.D.He helped many people.E.How clever!F.Is he getting better now?GHe was in hospital for two months.(2022郑州模拟)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的 意思连贯、完整。A: Li Hua, you look fresh and full of energy.Your dark eye circles are gone.B: Ah, yes! (1) A: How can you do that? I remember you couldn ha

6、ve enough sleep.B: Thats because of my homework. (2) .But now I can finish my homework earlier.A: Good news! (3) ?B: Of course not.I have the same teachers as before.The difference is that the government has made rules to cut down homework.A: So you can have more free time!There will be a Chinese ar

7、t and culture show in the art museum.Would you like to go with me?B: What can we expect to see on the show?A: (4) B: That sounds interesting (5) ?A: How about 9: 00 on Saturday morning at the museum?B: OK!See you then.(2021 秋新抚区期末)A: Hi, Peter!I got an invitation to Mikes housewarming party just now

8、.What about you?B: Me, too. (1) ?A: No, I cant.Im going to Hainan with my parents this afternoon.B: Really?(2) ?A: For two weeks.B: (3) ?A: By plane.And well visit many interesting places like Haikou Wenchang and Sanya.B: Great!Hainan is a wonderful place.I went there in July.A: (4) ?B: We visited m

9、any places of interest and swam in the sea.We also ate much delicious food.A: I cant wait to go there.B: (5) .A: Thanks a lot.(2021 秋新抚区期末)A: Hi, Dale! (1) B : Im reading a newspaper.A: (2) B: Yes, there is.Huang Xuhua won Chinas top science award (奖)A: What exciting news! (3) B: He is the father of

10、 Chinas nuclear submarines (核潜艇).A: How great he is! (4) B: YouYe right.He is a good example to us middle school students.We must study hard so that we can do something for our country one day.A: (5) B: Yes.Its my favorite subject.And my dream is to be a scientist like Huang Xuhua.A: WelL I think yo

11、ur dream will come true as long as you work hard.B: Yeah, I hope so.A.But who is he?B.Whats happening?C.What are you doing?D.Do you like science?E.How do you like him?F.Is there any good news?GWe should learn from him.(2021秋沙坪坝区校级期末)A.How often can you come to the center?B.Because our vaccines work

12、really well.C.When will you take your first one?D.Did you take any vaccines before?E.How long does it take me to get there?F.Its a great idea to have three shots.GDont forget your passport and your phone.A: Chongqing Vaccine Center.How may I help you?B: Im an American student in Chongqing University

13、, and I want to take Chinese COVID - 19 vaccine for protection.A: Good choice! (1) B: No, not yet.A: So you want two shots or three shots?B: Two is better for me, because its faster.A: (2) B: I think I can make it every three weeks.A: Every 3 weeks, OK! (3) B: If it*s OK, I can do it today.I live in

14、 the university. (4) A: If you take the bus, about 30 minutes.B: Cool, see you later then.B: I wont.Thanks for telling me.A: Thanks for calling in.Hope you have a safe and pleasant stay in China.(2021 秋古县期末)(Dylan and Mike were talking about the concert)A: Hey, Dylan.I heard that you had your first

15、concert last night.How was it?B: It was OK.The audience liked it, I think.But we had some problems.A: Really? (1) B: Well as I sang the fourth song, all the lights suddenly went out.A: Oh, no. (2) B: The audience sat in the dark and I kept on singing! (3) A: Wow! Well done, that was pretty cool of y

16、ou.B: Oh, that was nothing.The lights came back on. (4)So while the guys were fixing the microphone, the band kept playing and when it was fixed.I started singing again.No problem!A: No problem? Well, I hope all your concerts aren*t like that.B: Yeah, me too. (5) A: Only good preparation can take yo

17、u so far.Your concert will become better and better.B: Thanks.I will.A.What happened?B.I was really nervous.C.What did you do at that time?D.I tried my best to make myself calm down.E.Many people stayed to wait for me singing at that time.F.I will avoid such problems by making good preparationGI fou

18、nd there was something wrong with my microphone.(2021秋历下区期末)补全对话阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个 最佳答案完成对话。Linda: Hi, Lucy! 1 havent seen you for many years. (1) Lucy: Oh, 1 went to London.And I lived there with my parents.Linda: (2) Lucy: Yes, they got good jobs there.Linda: Im very glad to see you again.Y

19、ou have changed a lot. (3) Lucy: Thats true.But now I prefer long hair.Linda: You look beautiful with long hair.Lucy: Thank you.Linda: By the way the Dragon Boat Festival is coming.Would you like to come to my house on that day?Lucy: (4) What will we do?Linda: We will eat zongzi and watch the boat r

20、aces on TV.Lucy: Sounds interesting.What time shall we meet?Linda: (5) Lucy: OK!See you then.Linda: See you.A.How was your B.Where did you go? C.Why did you go D.When did you go? vacation ?there ?) A.Did your B.Do your parents C.Do your parents like D.Will your parents go parents work there? have pe

21、ts?the weather?back?) A.You used to B.You used to be shy C.You used to be D.You used to have wear glasses.and quiet.heavy.short hair.A.Sure Id love B.Maybe I am right. C.Sorry, I cant do. D.Youre welcome, to.A.Three weeks B.At ten in the C.About three times. D.For about eight ago.morning.minutes.(20

22、21秋长丰县期末)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 其中有两个为多余选项。A: Hey, Mona!Whats this?B: Oh, it*s my new computer. (1) A: Well, the computer is really a great invention.B: Yes, it is.lt has changed our life a lot.A: (2) B: Yes.It was invented in 1946 in America. (3) A: Yes, it was as big as a house.By the way,

23、what do you usually do on your computer?B: (4) A: Great.What are you going to be when you grow up? And I want to invent many useful things for our country.B: (5) A: OK.Lets work hard to make our dreams come true.A.Do you know when it was invented?B.Study, send e - mails, do homework and so on.C.Wher

24、e did you buy it?D.You know, my old one is broken.E.An inventor.F.Its said that the first computer was very huge.GWhere was the first computer invented?(2021秋和平区期末)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选 项中有两项是多余的)A.Fd go to London.B.Id like to see those.C.You can come with me.0.London must get a lot of visito

25、rs.E.Whats the best season to go there?F.Where do most visitors go in London ?GAnd hear stories about the kings and queens of England.A: If you could go anywhere, where would you go Alice?B: (1) ICs such a wonderful city!A : There is a lot of history there. (2) B : It does.More people visit London t

26、han any other city in Europe.A: (3) There are so many sights.B : Well, a lot of them go to visit the Tower of London.A: (4) B : Yes! And to see the Crown Jewels.A: (5) B : Me too.(2021 秋郑县期末)A: Hi!Jane.You look serious. (1) ?B : I just read a piece of shocking news on WeChat.A: (2) ?B: Our beloved s

27、cientist and modem hero Yuan Longping passed away this noon.A: What? (3) .B: Me, neither.To tell you the truth, besides the knowledge about Grandpa Yuan from our textbook, I nearly know nothing about him. (4) ?A: Of course.He is known as Father of Hybrid Ricen and winner of World Food Prize in 2004.

28、His food research helped feed people around the world.B : No wonder people from other countries also expressed their sadness on the Internet.A: Grandpa Yuans death is a huge loss fbr both China and the world.We should stop food wasting.B: (5) .1 think thats a good way fbr us to remember him.(2021 秋新

29、抚区期末)(Peter and Eric are walking to the park when they see a young man lying by the side of the street.)A: Eric look!There is a young man lying there.B: (1) And he cant stand up.A: (2) B: OK.(A few minutes later)B : He isnt hurt.He seems to be asleep.A: (3) He might be ill.B: Let me see*A: (4) B: He

30、 has a high fever. (5) A: Seriously ill? Lets call 120 at once.He certainly needs medical help.B: Youre right.A.He might be hurt.B.He may be sleeping.C.No, he canl be asleep.D.Whafs wrong with him?E.He must be seriously ill.F.Lets go and have a look.GNo one knows who he is.(2021 秋凤翔县期末)A: Hi, Jane!

31、Your dress feels very soft. (1) ?B : Its made of cotton.A: I see.Its very good. (2) ?B : It was produced in my mothers factory.A: What? (3) ?B: Yes, its made by my mother, and she makes many clothes every day.A: (4) ?B : It usually takes her about three hours to make such a dress.Its easy for her.A:

32、 Oh? Do you know (5) ?B: Sorry, I dont know.My mother hasnt shown me how to make clothes.(2021 秋合肥期末)A: Hello, welcome to our school radio station.Today wed like to talk about thedouble reduction policy (“双减”政策).What do you think of it, Lucy?B: Well, it really helps me.Our homework is clearly less t

33、han before. (1) A: (2) B: Sure.Now, I have time to take part in after - school activities, such as dancing, volleyballand drama. (3) A: You must have a relaxing time every day.B: (4) I used to be busy taking classes on weekends.But now I have more free time.A: Is there anything that troubles you?B:

34、Yes.There is one thing.We arent allowed to take exams any more, so it leaves me confused (困惑的)about what level I am at.But at the same time, (5) A.Not really.B.I can finish it at school with no need to take it home.C. Youre right.D.Can you take up your hobby in your free time?E.for sure, I do feel l

35、ess stress without knowing about it.F.I also have got more time to read books and play sports.G.Do you worry about your study?(2021 秋铜官区期末)A: Hi, Matt.What are you doing now?B: Hi, CarLFm visiting a museum online.A: Visiting the museum online? (1) B: It*s amazing.I can take a 360 - degree look at th

36、e museum and click (点击)around to get information about it.A: That sounds cool.Ive never heard of it before. (2) B : Of course.You can also visit online libraries and watch concerts online for free!A: Wow, great! (3) B: You can visit websites of the National Museum of China, the National Library of C

37、hina and the National Center for the Performing Arts.A: Thanks. (4) B : For three hours.A: What a long time! (5) B : Youre right.Lets go for a walk.A.How can I find them?B.What do you think of it?C.How much did you pay for the visit?D.I want to visit the National Museum of China.E.Can you share othe

38、r online information with me?F.You have to stop to have a rest, or your eyes may be hurt.G.By the way, how long have you spent visiting the museum?2022年中考英语复习新题速递之补全对话(2022年3月)参考答案与试题解析补全对话(共15小题)1. (2021 贵州)根据对话内容。从所给的七个选项中选出最佳选项。每个选项只能选用1 次,其中有两项为多余选项。A: Hi.Jacky.Look at that strange thing!What is

39、 it?B: Hi, Lucy.Oh.its a key. (1) BA: Auto - bike? What is an auto - bike then?B: It is a battery - operated (电动的) machine.A: (2) CB : It was invented by my grandfather!A: Really? (3)AB : It can be used fbr riding and flying.A: Flying? (4)EB : You can just ride it like a bike and it will fly as it g

40、oes fast enough.A: (5) F I think your grandfather is so great!B : I think so.He has invented many things.A.And what is it used fbr?B.lt*s used fbr locking our auto - bike.C.Can you tell me who invented it?D.Its very important.E Oh, how can it fly?F.It sounds interesting.G.How was it invented?【考点】补全对

41、话.【分析】对话的两个人谈到了一辆能骑能飞的自动自行车。【解答】(1)B.根据上文”它是一把钥匙。”及下文”自动自行车?那么自动自行车是什么?”结合选项可知,B项”它用来所我们的电动自行车。”符合语境,故选B。(2)C.根据下文他是我的祖父发明的。”结合选项可知,C项”你能告诉我谁发明了它吗? ”符合语境,故选C。A.根据下文”它能被用来骑和飞行。”结合选项可知,A项”那么它被用来干什么? ” 符合语境,故选A。E.根据上文“飞行?“及下文“你可以像骑自行车那样骑它并且当它行驶得很快时,它 将会飞起来。”结合选项可知,E项”哦,它能怎样飞行呢? ”符合语境,故选E。F.根据上文“你可以像骑自行

42、车那样骑它并且当它行驶得很快时,它将会飞起来。” 结合选项可知,F项“听起来有趣。”符合选项,故选F。【点评】根据上下文语境,结合选项确定正确答案。2. (2021 甘南舛|) A: Did you hear the news about Xiao Ming?B: Yes.I read about it in the newspaper. (1) DA: What did he do?B: First, he found out that his neighbors bathroom was on fire.Then he poured water over his trousers and

43、helped her out.A: (2) EB: But the fire burnt his legs and face. (3) GA: How brave he is! (4) FB: Yes.Many visitors gave him flowers and cards.A: Thats nice.B: (5) BA: Me, too.A.He is a hard - working boy.B.Tm very happy that hes well now.C.He saved an old lady from a fire.D.He helped many people.E.H

44、ow clever!F.Is he getting better now?GHe was in hospital for two months.【考点】补全对话.【分析】对话中主要谈论了小明在大火中英勇救人的事迹。【解答】细节推理题D.结合上文,I read about it in the newspaper.可知在报纸上读到了,据此判断空格处 是进一步介绍小明,即”他帮助人们”。故选D。E.结合上文,Then he poured water over his trousers and helped her oul.可知他把裤子 弄湿救人,判断答语要表明的是“他多聪明啊”。故选E。G结合上文,

45、But the fire burnt his legs and face.可知他烧伤了腿和脸,判断空格处要 表达的含义为”他住院两个月。”故选G。F.结合下文,Yes.判断空格处为一般疑问句,即”他好了吗? ”故选F。B.结合下文,Me, too.可知是一样的,判断空格处要表达的是”现在他好了我很高兴 故选B。【点评】阅读对话,理解对话的含义,结合上下文和选句判断正确的句子。3.(2022郑州模拟)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的 意思连贯、完整。A: Li Hua, you look fresh and full of energy. Your dark eye

46、circles are gone.B: Ah, yes! (1) I got enough sleep.A: How can you do that? I remember you couldnt have enough sleep.B: Thats because of my homework. (2) I used to have much homework .But now I can finish my homework earlier.A: Good news! (3) Do you have a new teacher ?B: Of course not.I have the sa

47、me teachers as befbre.The difference is that the government has made rules to cut down homework.A: So you can have more free time!There will be a Chinese art and culture show in the artmuseum.Would you like to go with me?B: What can we expect to see on the show?A: (4) We can see paper cutting.B: Tha

48、t sounds interesting (5) When will we meel ?A: How about 9: 00 on Saturday morning at the museum?B: OK!See you then.【考点】补全对话.分析】这是一则关于睡眠充足的原因以及邀请去艺术博物馆的对话。【解答】(1) I got enough sleep.根据上文“李华,你看起来很清爽,精力充沛。你的黑眼 圈不见了。”以及下文”你怎么做的?我记得你睡眠不足。”由此可知,划线处的句意应为, 我睡眠充足,即 I got enough sleep.故填 I got enough sleepoI

49、 used to have much homework.根据上文”那是因为我的家庭作业。”以及下文但现在 我可以提前完成我的作业了。”由此可知,划线处的句意应为,我以前有很多作业,即I used to have much homework.故填 I used to have much homeworkoDo you have a new teacher?根据下文”当然不是。我的老师和以前一样。由此可知, 划线处的句意应为,你有新的老师了吗?即Do you have a new leacher?故填Do you have a new teacher?We can see paper cuttin

50、g.根据上文“美术馆将举办中国艺术文化展。”以及“我们可以 期待在节目中看到什么? ”由此可知,划线处的句意应为,我们可以看到剪纸(中国艺术 文化之一),即 We can see paper cutting.故填 We can see paper cuttingoWhen will we meet?根据下文”周六早上9: 00去博物馆怎么样? ”由此可知,划线 处的句意应为,我们什么时候见?即When will we meet?故填When will we meet?【点评】题目要求填句子补全对话,主要考查学生的语言运用能力及日常交际能力。做 题时要根据上下文语境来确定句意,再填写合适的句子完

51、成对话。(2021 秋新抚区期末)A: Hi, Peter!I got an invitation to Mikes housewarming party just now.What about you?B: Me, too. (1) Can you go to the party ?A: No, I cant.Fm going to Hainan with my parents this afternoon.B: Really? (2) How long are you going to stay there ?A: For two weeks.B: (3) How are you goin

52、g there ?A: By plane.And well visit many interesting places like Haikou, Wenchang and Sanya.B: Great!Hainan is a wonderful place.I went there in July.A: (4) Whal did you do (here ?B: We visited many places of interest and swam in the sea.We also ate much delicious food.A: I cant wait to go there.B:

53、(5) Have a good time .A: Thanks a lot.【考点】补全对话.【分析】对话中主要谈论了彼得要去海南的事情。【解答】细节推理题Can you go lo the party.结合下文,No, I cant否定回答,判断问句是询问对方是否 会去聚会。故答案为Can you go to the party。How long are you going to stay there.结合下文,For two weeks.可知是一段时间,判断 问句是询问对方想在那儿待多久。故答案为How long are you going to stay thereoHow are yo

54、u going (here.结合下文,By plane.可知问句是询问交通方式,即”你打算 如何去那儿? ”故答案为How are you going thereoWhat did you do there.结合下文,We visited many places of interest and swam in the sea. 判断问句询问对方做了什么。故答案为What did you do there。Have a good time.结合下文,Thanks a lol.可知表达感谢,判断空格处是表示祝福, 即祝你玩得开心。”故答案为Have a good time。【点评】阅读对话,理解对

55、话的含义,结合上下文判断句意,写出正确的句子。(2021 秋新抚区期末)A: Hi, Dale! (1) CB: Im reading a newspaper.A: (2) FB: Yes, there is.Huang Xuhua won Chinas top science award (奖).A: What exciting news! (3) AB: He is the father of Chinas nuclear submarines (核潜艇),A: How great he is! (4) GB: Youre right.He is a good example to us

56、middle school students.We must study hard so thatwe can do something for our country one day.A: (5) DB: Yes.Its my favorite subject.And my dream is to be a scientist like Huang Xuhua.A: Well, I think your dream will come true as long as you work hard.B: Yeah, I hope so.A.But who is he?B.Whats happen

57、ing?C.What are you doing?D.Do you like science?E.How do you like him?F.Is there any good news?GWe should learn from him.【考点】补全对话.【分析】对话中主要谈论了核潜艇之父-黄旭华。【解答】细节推理题C.结合下文,Im reading a newspaper.判断问句是询问对方正在做什么。故选C。F.结合下文,Yes, there is.判断问句是is there开头的一般疑问句,即“有什么好消息 吗?故选F。A.结合下文,He is the father of Chinas

58、 nuclear submarines.可知他是核潜艇之父,判 断问句是询问他是谁。故选A。G结合下文,Youre right.He is a good example to us middle school students.可知他是 榜样,判断空格处要表达的含义为我们应该像他学习。”故选G。D.结合下文,Yes.Its my favorite subject.判断问句为一般疑问句,即你喜欢科学吗? ”故选D。【点评】阅读对话,理解对话的含义,结合上下文和选句判断正确的句子。(2021秋沙坪坝区校级期末)A.How often can you come to the center?B.Bec

59、ause our vaccines work really well.C.When will you take your first one?D.Did you take any vaccines before?E.How long does it take me to get there ?F.Its a great idea to have three shots.GDont forget your passport and your phone.A: Chongqing Vaccine Center.How may I help you?B: Im an American student

60、 in Chongqing University, and I want to take Chinese COVID - 19 vaccine for protection.A: Good choice! (1) DB: No, not yet.A: So you want two shots or three shots?B: Two is better for me, because its faster.A: (2) AB: I think I can make it every three weeks.A: Every 3 weeks, OK! (3) CB: If its OK, I


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