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1、Period 2 Function;Listening and Speaking The General Idea of This Period The function of this module is “giving advice”.First the teacher may ask the students to read the sentences listed and encourage them to find out the sentence structures of expressing giving advice.In Activity 2 the teacher may

2、 first pair the students to discuss the issue,and come up with a list.Finally call back the answers.If several pairs have chosen the same city,try to open a discussion about whether they think the advice is good or not.If everyone has chosen the same city,you may wish to make a board list of the adv

3、ice and discuss it.In Listening and Speaking the students listening and speaking abilities are trained.First the teacher may encourage the students to read the four topics and tick the topics they think they will talk about.This is actually a prelistening activity,which can stimulate the background

4、information from the students.The next step is to listen and check whether their predictions are true.In Activity 2,there are five pictures.In dealing with this part the teacher had better encourage the students to ask and answer questions according to the pictures.And then the tape is played for th

5、e students to check their answers.Activity 3 and 4 may serve as a consolidation.Teaching Important Points Encourage the students to speak actively in class. Train the students listening skills. 1 / 13 Teach the students to give advice using “Why not.” structure.Teaching Difficult Points How to help

6、the students improve their speaking ability.How to make them listen effectively. Make the students master more expressions in giving advice.Teaching Methods Practice giving advice. Discussion to help the students prepare for listening.Play the tape for them to train their listening skills.Teaching A

7、ids a tape recorder a multimedia Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Train the students speaking ability. Teach the students how to make suggestions. Train the students listening ability. Process and Strategies Practice giving advice. Listening. Feelings and Value Acquaint the stude

8、nts with the present situation of the traffic 2 / 13 problem in cities at home and abroad.Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greetings and revision T:Greet the whole class as usual. Now lets have a dictation for the new words we learnt last class.be connected to suburban be/get stuck in in no time display p

9、ermit receipt get around fare air-conditioned limit destination impressive provide under construction convenient single explore Step 2 Function T:Last class we learned a passage,which contains many expressions of giving advice.The following are examples.Read them and say what they have in common.Fin

10、d more examples in the passage.Show the following on the screen. You should check the cab has a business permit. Make sure you ask for a receipt. It s a good idea to have your destination written in English.The students may discuss with their partners. Suggested answers: 3.They are all examples of t

11、he function of “giving advice” .4.Tourists shouldn t miss the 103 bus;make sure you sit upstairs;you should talk to the driver,and make sure you know the price.T:Now that you have known more about giving advice,please work in pairs and think of a big city you know and write advice for visitors.The 3

12、 / 13 following sentence is an example:It is a good idea to avoid public transport in the rush hour.The teacher may ask the students to work in pairs and discuss the issue and come up with a list.Then you may call back their answers.If several pairs have chosen the same city,try to open a discussion

13、 about whether they think the advice is good or not.If everyone has chosen the same city,you may wish to make a board list of the advice and discuss it. Suggested answers: 1.You should buy a map of the city first. 2.You shouldn t leave you suitcase on its own. 3.When you take a taxi,its a good idea

14、to ask for the drivers permit.4.You should always carry a spare bag in case you see something you want to buy.Step 3 Listening and speaking T:On your way home or to school have you met a traffic jam.S:Very often.As we are always on the road in the rush hours,the roads are often crowded.Sometimes tra

15、ffic accidents occur,which holds us back a lot.T:I couldn t agree more.It s just annoying.As we all know,Beijing is a big city.Therefore,it is natural that people often confront with traffic jams.In the following listening materials some Beijingers will talk about traffic problems in their city.Befo

16、re you listen,tick the topics you think 4 / 13 they will talk about.Write the following on the blackboard. traffic jamsthe Olympic Gamesroad worksbad driver Ss:I guess maybe all of the above will be mentioned.T:Maybe.Now you may listen and check your answers. The teacher play the tape for the studen

17、ts and then check their answers in a class setting. T:You are quite right.Now listen again and match the traffic situations with the speakers.The teacher play the tape once again and then ask individual students to answer the questions. Suggested answers: a:speaker 2 b:speaker 5 c:speaker 4 d:speake

18、r 1 e:speaker 3 T:All of you did very good jobs.Here are more exercises.Show the following form on the screen. 1.Speaker 1_. A.went to a tea party by taxi B.saw a tea party in the middle of the road C.had a tea party with some taxi drivers 2.Speaker 2_. A.took three hours to reach the airport B.arri

19、ved at the airport just in time C.missed his plane for Sichuan 3.Speaker 3_. 5 / 13 A.always goes to work by bike B.never stops at traffic lights C.always gets stuck on the ring road 4.Speaker 4_. A.prefers driving late in the evening B.think Beijing is better than Shanghai C.prefers public transpor

20、t to cars 5.Speaker 5_. A.had an accident near the Summer Palace B.drove on the wrong side of the road C.got stuck in a traffic jam Suggested answers: 1.B2.C3.C4.A5.C T:Now listen again and try to answer the following questions: The teacher play the tape one more time. Show the following on the scre

21、en. 1.What problem did speaker 1 have after the tea party.2.What did speaker 2 tell the taxi driver to do. 3.What is the cause of traffic jams,in the opinion of speaker 3. 4.What solutions to the traffic problem does speaker 4 talk about. 5.What is speaker 5 surprised at. Suggested answers: 6 / 13 1

22、.The traffic still didn t move. 2.To turn back and go home. 3.People disobeying traffic rules. 4.Limit the number of cars,build more underground lines,and build roads in the sky.5.The fact that people see what causes the problem,then do the same thing again.Step 4 Summary and homework T:This class f

23、irst we learned about the ways to give advice.Through the learning of this part most of us have how to make suggestions.Besides,we trained our abilities of speaking and listening.After class please find more expressions in giving advice.So much for today.Good-bye.The Design of the Writing on the Bla

24、ckboard Unit 2 Traffic jams The second period traffic jams the Olympic Gamesroad worksbad drivers Record after Teaching _ _ _ _ _ 7 / 13 _ Activities and Research 1.Encourage the students to find more expressions in making suggestions.2.Lead the students to think of their experiences of being stuck

25、in a traffic jam.Reference for Teaching Learning Tips 高考英语听力测试要点及应试技巧 高考英语听力主要测试考生对英语口语的懂得才能 ,测试的主要 形式有对话懂得和短文懂得;对话懂得是考查考生在肯定语境中所表现出的快速反应及推理判定才能;短文懂得就是在此基础上考查考生对一个结构比较完整、意义相对连贯的语段的懂得才能;听力考查主要从以下四个方面进行:懂得主旨要义 ;猎取事实性的详细信息;推断对话的背景、说话者之间的关系 度;1.懂得对话的主旨和大意;懂得说话者的意图、观点和态要求考生对听到的内容有一个整体的把握和全面的领悟 ,清晰说话者到底在说

26、什么 ,体会说话者的语气 ,听懂关键词 ,从语篇层面来理解;任何一段对话或独白都是环绕一个中心绽开的 ,有时主旨大意较明显,有时就需要考生自己归纳、概括;例 :W:So,how long have you been here?8 / 13 M:Just a couple of days,actually,I am on a big journey.You know,I m visiting all the places of interest here.Q:What s the man doing?A.Hes working in a hotel. B.Hes visiting a young

27、 people. C.Hes traveling around. 答案为 C;此题是一位男子谈论到此地的各个名胜观光的情形 ,其主旨贯穿整个对话,需要考生将所听到的零碎信息进行整理和归纳;其中的 a big journey,visiting 和 places of interest here 是这位男子 谈话的关键 ,因此,通过对此进行归纳判定,就会立刻明白谈话的主旨 大意是旅行;2.猎取对话或独白中的详细信息精确地懂得英语口语,猎取详细信息是一项特别重要的语言技能;为了说明和说明主旨 ,对话或独白中会透露出一些详细信息 ,如时间、地点、人物、岁月、价钱、数量、缘由、目的、结果等 ,这些信息对

28、懂得对话、把握主旨是特别有帮忙的,且在试题考查中占相当大的比例;这类题目要求同学在听清、听懂信息的同时 ,仍要对所听到 的信息作简洁的处理;有的也需要考生在进行简洁的数字运算;例如: M:The plane for Chicago left 15 minutes ago. W:Thats right.Now it s already five to twelve. Q:When did the plane take off?9 / 13 A.12:05. B.11:55. C.11:40. 答案是 C;此题问的是飞机何时起飞的;飞机 15 分钟前飞往芝加哥,现在是 12 点差 5 分,所以飞机

29、应是 11:40 起飞的;3.推断对话发生的背景、地点及对话者之间的关系对对话背景、地点、对话者之间关系的懂得程度表达了考生对口语的懂得才能;对话发生的背景、说话者之间的关系打算者谈论的话题、内容、说话的语气和措辞;反之,从说话的语气、用词和内容可以推断出说话的背景、说话者之间的关系;这是高考听力考查的一项重要内容;一般说来 ,此类对话一般都发生在一些公共场所 ,如:商店、图书馆、课堂、饭店、邮局、银行、飞机上等 ,而说话者之间的关系往往是以下关系,如:售货员与顾客、图书治理员与借阅人、老师与同学、服务员与顾客、医生与病人等;考生应留意捕获对话中的关键词来确定对话背景和说话人关系;例如 :W:

30、Six airmail stamps and two regular stamps,please.M:Here you are.That will be one dollar and eighteen cents.Q:Where did the conversation most probably take place?A.At a station. B.At an airport. C.At a post office. 答案为 C;通过说话中显现的 stamps 及 one dollar and eighteen cents 知道顾客在购买邮票 ,所以对话的地点最有可能在邮局;4.懂得领悟

31、说话者的观点、态度及意图10 / 13 这类考题要求考生不但能懂得录音原文的主旨大意 ,而且仍要通过文中的重要细节、详细事实来揣摩、推断说话者的意图、观点和态度等 ,这类题目能考查考生在听力方面的综合素养;有时说话者的意图、观点和态度在对话中的表达较为含蓄 揣摩,并作一些简洁合理的推断;例如 :,考生就更需留意体会、M:How many hours do you sleep a day?W:I need at least seven hours.I try to follow David s example but it never works out for me.M:If I sleep during the day,I can never wake up. W:N


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