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1、人教版Module4 Unit3 A taste of English humour 问题解决评判单课 题: Language Points 【同学生成的问题】|精. 【老师生成的问题】2.in between _ |品. |可. |编. |辑. |学. |习. |资. |料. * | * | * Part 1:识记背诵 | * | |欢. 1.break into_ |迎. |下. |载. 3. in search of _ 5. look up at_ 7.bring out _ 9. go camping_ 11.burst into laughter_ 13.feel content

2、with_ 15. pick out_ 17.convince sb. of sth._ 19.be particular about_ 21.in a mess_ 23.amuse oneself by_ Part 2: 归纳运用4.make use of_ 6. pay attention to _ 8. in the open air _ 10. be overcome by/with _ 12.up to now_ 14. badly off_ 16.cut off _ 18.star in_ 19.slide into_ 22.in a whisper_ 24.react to sb

3、./sth._ 1. humour: UN. a sense of humorous: adj. a play/remark(话) humorist. n. 2. break into 破门而入 ,非法闯入 ,撬开 汽车 the bank/the house/car 打断 ones thoughts 突然做 break intoburst intotears/cheers/applause(掌声) /a run. 使 成为碎片 归纳:把握 break的短语及每个短语的意思用法;1 第 1 页,共 7 页请做下面习题,归纳 break相关的短语及用法;Ex. The man_a run when

4、 he saw the police. The system_suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have_. So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them. Shall we_our discussion and have some tea or coffee, please. |精. |品. |可. |编. |辑. |学. |习. |资. |料

5、. * | * | * | * | |欢. |迎. |下. |载. Sino-America trade talks have_without any agreement reached. Someone_and took several computers. A fire_in the hotel last night, but all the people were able to escape from it. Three young men_the jewelry store and stole all the valuable necklaces. The new waitress

6、dropped the dish on the floor, and it_pieces. Children shouldnt _on adults conversation. 11 You will _some day if you keep on working without any rest. 12 2The hurricane_an old tree planted in the Tang Dynasty, which was worth 10000 yuan. 归纳:3. typical: adj. 典型的,有代表性的;表现出个性特点的,一向如此的 你能依据以下习题归纳出什麽?Ex

7、. They arranged their wedding_在一座典型的 18 世纪风格的教堂 It is_to be so rude.一向如此 Im afraid I forget your book again. _.Usual /Typical/Often/Constantly 归纳:4. up to now/up till now/till now/until now/up to present/ so farhave done c.f: from now on将来时 5. up to :分析下面句子,请归纳 up to 的用法;e.g: The three -year-old boy

8、 counted up to 100./The snow came up to my knees. Her latest book isnt up to her usual standard./ I can take up to four people in my car, but this old car isnt up to a long journey. /I dont feel up to going to work today./What is he up to now./What tricks has she been up to playing. Its up to you./

9、Its up to you to decide whether to go or not./up to date / Whats up. 2 第 2 页,共 7 页归纳 : Ex. Up to now, he_readmost of the works by Mark Twain. _. Why are you crying. I lost my way here. Up to now, the old man offered 100,000 yuan to the poor graduates. 改错 6. brighten: vt. vi.使 发光/亮使开心起来 /更有期望 天气 放晴 b

10、righten sb./sth. up bright: adj. 光明的,晴朗的;聪慧的;有期望的brightly: adv. 光明地;爽朗地|精. |品. |可. |编. |辑. |学. |习. |资. |料. * | * | * | * | |欢. |迎. |下. |载. 7. in between the two world wars在 之间 from behind/from below/among/around/until after 复合介词 from behind the door/around the root/among the crowd/ until after his d

11、eath. 8. depressed: adj. 懊丧的,消沉的;萧条的,不景气的depresssb.: vt.使懊丧 /消沉;使不景气,萧条drpressing: adj. 令人懊丧 /消沉的depressingly: adv. 令人诅丧地,沉闷地depression n.诅丧,消沉;萧条,不景气be/feel depressed at/ about9. content adj.表满意的,中意的 be/feelwellcontent with sth./be satisfied/pleased with sth/content oneself with sth be content to d

12、o sth. be willing / ready/pleased to do sth. would like to do sth. /feel like doing sth. be content that请观看下面的句子Ex.So long as you make Li Lei happy, I am_content/contend/contain/contained Though Toms parents ask them to move to the city, his grandparents are still_in the countryside.content with/con

13、tent to/content to live/contented with I know everything goes smoothly from his_voice on the phone. satisfying/context/content/satified Neither the teacher nor the students are_with the result of the experiment. content/contented/satisfying/satisfied What _his happiness in all his life. _what he has

14、 already got than others. A. has led to; More contented B. led to; More satisfied with C. led him to; Being more satisfied with D. has led to; Being more content with. Even life was unkind_him, but Tom still felt content_his life. As there is no wine, well have to content ourselves_black coffee. Joh

15、n retired and moved to Frankfurt, where he could golf_his hearts content. 3 第 3 页,共 7 页10. performer: CN. 表演者,演出者;表现得 者perform: vt. vi 做,履行,执行;表演,演出 ;表现,运转 好/不好 performance: n. 表演 ,演出;表现;业绩 ,工作情形 give / put on a . 11. astonish: vt. 使大为惊讶 /惊奇 astonishing/astonished: adj.astonishment. n sb./What es me

16、 most is that/be astonished at/by /to do sth./that to ones astonishment. He looked at me in astonishment. with an astonished look. |精. It_me that he should be so thoughtless. I was_that /What _me most was thatI was _to hear the _news that he was murdered. |品. |可. surprise使惊讶 amaze(使赞叹,佩服) astonish(使

17、惊愕) shock(使震动) stun(使|编. |辑. |学. |习. 惊愕 /目瞪口呆)|资. |料. * Ex. He looked_when he learned that the girl had such an_talent for sports. | * | * The _look on his face suggested that he hadnt expected that. | * | |欢. The jeep is driving through the forest at an_speed. |迎. |下. |载. They looked at each other,

18、_. I told him what I was surprised_his attitude towards his study. is/was/at is/at was To my _, she has gone to shanghai without her parents permission. _, more than one thousand listeners, including the street cleaners, crowded into the hall to listen to Yu Qiuyus speech.She astonished everybody_an

19、nouncing her retirement. at/on/to/by His father is atonished_the news that he has made much progress in his study.at/with 12. find + 复合宾语 请分析以下句子: I found him hard to get along with. I found it hard to get along with him./find it no use waiting/find it astonishing that find sb. cheating/ smoking/fin

20、d his wallet stolen. find oneself lying in hospital/tied to a tree. Ex. When we returned from our holidays, we found everything_. What_while we had been away. A. changing, happened B. had changed, has happened C. changed, had happened. D. was changing, happened. When he came back to life, he found h

21、imself_in the woods and everything he_. A.lying, had been stolen B. lying, had stolen C. lay, had stolen D. lay, had been stolen 4 第 4 页,共 7 页The chairman found_necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting. that/it /him/this 13. unfortunately/unluckilyfor sb. 句首,句末 adv. 不幸地是 ,不巧地 ,令人遗

22、憾地fortunately/luckily: adv. e.g: Unfortunately, you were out when we called. It was unfortunate that youUnfortunately for him, the police had been informed and were waiting outside. Fortunately for him, he was very soon offered another job. |精. 归纳:|品. |可. unfortunate/fortunate: adj. be fortunate to

23、do sth./in sth./Its fortunate that|编. |辑. |学. |习. e.g: She is fortunate in having a good husband./Im fortunate to have good health./It was |资. |料. * fortunate that nobody was hurt in the accident. | * | * fortune. n.运气,命运,幸运,财产 | * | |欢. make a/ have a good / bad / tryseekones / fame and. |迎. |下. |载

24、. Fortunately ,she made a fortune last year. She had good fortune to escape injury. Ex. _him, his parents managed to send him to school though the family was badly off.Fortunate with / Fortunate about/Fortunately to/Fortunately for In recent years, more and more young people have gone to the south t

25、o_ 淘金. _, people are beginning to realize how serious the situation is. Fortunate/Fortunately/Being fortunate/Being fortunately 14. The boy is always telling lies, thus_lose all of his friends. / I woke up early the next morning, only_findit was snowing heavily. 15. badly off 贫困的,拮据的;不幸的poor 缺少 be s

26、hort of be badly off-be poor / be badly off for sb./sth.teachers缺少be well /badly off/ be worse/ better off/be worst/ best off. Ex.We shouldnt complain about being poor; many families are much_than we are. Though he was_, he looked down upon those who had a lot of money. well off / rich / badly off/w

27、ell known They dont seem too badly_they have smart clothes and a nice house on / over / in /off During the earthquake, the refugees were badly off_blankets and even_for food. They are not badly off_money. Now they are _for care. In fact most people are_than they were 30 years ago. 5 第 5 页,共 7 页In th

28、ose days, large numbers of poor farmers moved to the northeast with their families as they thought they might be a little_ there. Dickens made a call upon the rich to have mercy on the people who were_. less worse off/ more worse off/ less well off/more well off 16. by:依据下面句子分析 by 的用法;By 2022 the po

29、pulation of our city will have risen to over 20 |精. |品. |可. |编. |辑. |学. |习. |资. |料. * | * | * | * | |欢. |迎. |下. |载. million. We have to be home by ten oclock. travel by day/night seize sb by the arm. He passed the exam by cheating. reduce by The bullet missed him by two inches. by weight/by the poun

30、d:Milk is sold by the pint, butter by the pound and eggs by the dozen. By my watch, the time is half past eleven. By 的用法:17. ordinary 普 通 的 、 平 常 的 /common 常 见 的 ; 共 同 的 common sense / in common with/usual 通常的 ;平常的 as usual / than usual /general 一般的 ,大体的 in general/regular 有规律的 ,定期的 /normal 正常的 / formal 正式的 /frequent 常常的 ,频繁的 /typical 典型的,一向如此的 /traditional(传统的)Ex. Though he is an_worker, he works very hard. Letter boxes are much more_in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox inste


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