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1、雅思基础语法Vino Yu第1页第1页Lesson 2形容词定语从句第2页第2页形容词基本使用办法第3页第3页 形容词基本使用办法修饰名词 做表语e.g. Large sample international comparison of pupils attainments since the 1960s have established that not only did Japanese pupils at age 13 have better scores of average attainment, but there was also a larger proportion of l

2、owattainers in England, where,incidentally, the variation in attainmentscores was much greater. (剑8,T4, R1) 第4页第4页Large sample international comparison of pupils attainments since the 1960s have established that not only did Japanese pupils at age 13 have better scores of average attainment, but the

3、re was also a larger proportion of low attainers in England, where, incidentally, the variation in attainment scores was much greater.第5页第5页形容词顺序限定描述大长高,形状年龄与新老,颜色国籍出材料,用途类别往后靠。限定:all, half, both; a/an/the, this/that, his/her; first, second, one, ten, etc描述:beautiful, excellent, soft, inner,mechanic

4、al, original, etc第6页第6页Task My favorite place is the town I grew up in. It has an ancient beautiful ruined castle and lots of historical old buildings. The streets are narrow winding, and there are lots of good shops. It is busy noisy, but I lie that. I feel good there because I have so many childho

5、od happy memories. a beautiful ancient ruined narrow and winding busy and noisy happy childhood第7页第7页Entertainment第8页第8页比较级There are buildings on the hill. Those front ones are more splendid and beautiful than others.第9页第9页比较级e.g.假如是随便猜想,可达到25%命中率。然而,假如心灵感应真存在,命中率就应当高。结果证实典型命中率要高于30%,即使比例高不了多少,但统计测试

6、表明,结果已不完全是偶发几率。(剑8,T1,R3) Random guessing would give a hit-rate of 25 percent; if telepathy is real, however, the hit-rate would be higher. They pointed to typical hit-rates of better than 30 percent a small effect, but one which statistical tests suggested could not be put down to chance.第10页第10页Do

7、 you sometimes prefer to send a text message instead of telephoning? Why? Why not? (剑9,T3,S,P1) I prefer texting message. My texting thumb is fantastically quicker than others because I understand the predictive text function so I dont put in each letter.第11页第11页最高级 In my mind X is the (adj.-est) of

8、 the team because of his/her. Lets take as an exampleX: Thor, Iron Man, Captain America,Eagle Eye, Black Widow, Hulk,Loki, adj. : patient, strong, agile,nimble, smart,evil, 第12页第12页最高级e.g. Indeed, if Alaska was an independent nation, it would be the largest producer of wild salmon in the world. (剑7,

9、T4,R2) That means that our nearest neighbours are perhaps 100 light years away, which is almost next door in astronomical terms. (剑9,T1,R2)第13页第13页改变规则 adj.(单音节)-er/estadj.-er/est: highadj.-r/st: largeadj.(双写)-er/est:bigadj.(变y为i)-er/est:easy第14页第14页改变规则 more / most + adj.(双、多音节)marvelous,extraordin

10、ary不规则改变 good,bad, many, little, far, old 第15页第15页Task (剑8,T1,W1) The pie chart below shows the main reasons why agricultural land becomes less productive. The table shows how these causes affected 3 regions of the world during the 1990s. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main

11、 features, and make comparisons where relevant.第16页第16页第17页第17页Sample answer世界范围内,过度畜牧是土地退化最主要原因(占35%),滥砍滥伐占了30%,过度开垦相对影响较小(28%)。其它造成土地退化原因占了7%。图表反应出,20世纪90年代,欧洲有23%土地退化了,高于大洋洲(13%),并且远超出北美(5%)。在大洋洲,过度畜牧是土地退化主要原因,另一方面是滥砍滥伐,相对较少,没有过度开垦行为。第18页第18页Sample answer Worldwide, over-grazing was the biggest c

12、ause of land degradation(35%), with deforestation causing 30% and over-cultivation causing slightlyless(28%). Other factors caused 7% of land degradation. The table shows that, during the 1990s, 23% of the land in Europe was degraded, more than in Oceania(13%) and far more than in NorthAmerica(5%).

13、In Oceania, over-grazing was primarily responsible for land degradation, with deforestation accounting for far less and none caused through over-cultivation, in North America, over-grazing and very little being caused by deforestation. 第19页第19页重点句型 Compared with B&C,A is the est e.g.Compared with re

14、ading alone and swimming for fun, playing competition games is the most interesting one that I like in my free time because the winner feels like they have achieved something after the game. (剑9,T1,S,P1)第20页第20页重点句型A is the est of the ABC e.g.美国自然资源保护委员会发觉一连串使用中有害化学物中,DDT是最常见。(剑8,T4,R2)The United St

15、ates National Resource Defense Council has found that DDT was the most popular of a long list of dangerous chemicals in use.第21页第21页重点句型A is er than B&Ce.g.潮流发电前景要比风力发电好得多,由于潮流能够预测并且恒定不变。(剑9,T3,R2)The prospects for energy from tidal currents are far better than from wind because the flows of water a

16、re predictable and constant. 第22页第22页重点句型as 原形 ase.g.研究者Nelson与Soli也表明,当代学习方式中各种思想与办法协作交互获取信息与个人获取信息同等主要。(剑9,T2,R1)Education researchers Nelson and Soli also suggested that recent trends in learning often involve collaborative interaction of multiple minds and tools as much as individual possession

17、of information.第23页第23页重点句型比较级 thane.g.相比英格兰和威尔士,日本平均数学素养明显有着更加好统计。(剑8,T4,R1)Japan has a significantly better record in terms of averag mathematicalattainment than England and Wales.第24页第24页重点句型times as原型as= times 比较级 thane.g.Those buildings which located next to our company are three times as large

18、 as the former ones.Those buildings which located next to our company are two times larger than the former ones.第25页第25页重点句型times +原型e.g.其装机容量是英国最大、最新核电站装机容量三倍,而这一位于萨福克郡赛兹韦B核电站最大装机容量达到1,200兆瓦。(剑9,T3,R2)and another at Alderney in the Channel Islands three times the 1,200 megawatts of Britains largest

19、 and newest nuclear plant, Sizewell B, in Suffolk.第26页第26页TaskWhat are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car? Why? (剑9,T4,S,P1) The thought of riding a bike is _ , for there are more beneficial to riding a bicycle than driving a car.Riding bicycles have _ benefits. These reasons for cycling

20、are _, and the benefits can make you _ .第27页第27页TaskSome people say that people help other in the community more now than they did in the past. Do you agree or disagree? Why? (剑9,T4,S,P3) Sample answer I dont agree with this view. I think people are also less likely to help than before. The majority

21、 of people are more arrogant and self-centred than the past generation. We have less patience and tolerance for each other. Let alone sympathy. Narcissism and hate is on the rise in both rural and urban communities. Particularly, the rich are more focused on holding onto and attaining wealth, unlike

22、 the poor spend more time with friends and loved ones. 第28页第28页 1 在我看来,提升英语能力和提升雅思分数一样主要。2 全部娱乐活动中,最受女孩子欢迎大约是逛街吧。3 我希望能够去一个比现在愈加有趣、更能增加见识学校。4 这里计划建造一个比原来大三倍商场。5 比起出国留学或是短期旅行,我觉得感受不同文化才是最主要。6 Jane经历过冒险比我们在电影里看到和他人传说愈加惊险刺激。7 我完成这件任务速度比他快两倍。Compared with B&C,A is the estA is the est of the ABCA is er t

23、han B&Cas 原形 as比较级 thantimes as原型as= times 比较级 thantimes +原型第29页第29页定语从句 Describe the scenee.g. A little girl who is in a pink dress /whose dress is pink is stretching her arm to get the bubbles which are floating in air.第30页第30页 定语从句 基本结构:+n.(先行词)+relatives(关系词 )+attributive clausee.g.The person wh

24、o deserves most sympathy is the French astronomer Guillaume Le Gentil. (剑9,T2,R2) 最值得同情人是法国天文学家Guillaume Le Gentil。第31页第31页定语从句先行词关系词从句中充当成份人who, whose主、宾、定物which, that主、宾、定时间when, 介词+which状空间where, 介词+which状理由why,介词+which状第32页第32页who VS. whosewho: 主,宾whose:定,后接名词性成份e.g.She is the teacher _ always h

25、elps us.She is the teacher _ most students like.She is the teacher _ English is extremely good.who, who, whose第33页第33页which VS. that诸多时候可互换;在定语从句中充当宾语时可省略which:正式场合,可与介词构成“介词+which”that: 口语化,不与介词搭配e.g.This is the problem which/ that troubles me.This is the problem (which/ that) I ask the teacher.Her

26、es the lake about which we have discussed for a long time. 第34页第34页介词+whichThis is the vacation when we first met.This is the vacation on which we first met.Its the park where we are going to have a picnic tomorrow.Its the park in which we are going to have a picnic tomorrow.Thats the reason why I d

27、ont like him.Thats the reason for which I dont like him.第35页第35页which VS. where依据从句中所需成份而定主语、宾语、定语:which状语:whereThis is the country _ we have visited several times before.This is the country _ all the citizens are friendly.which、where第36页第36页定语从句关系代词who, whose, which, that : 先行词是人或物名词,在定语从句中充当主语,宾语,

28、定语成份 e.g.Excuse me, Id like to find a young lady whose eyes are blue and hair is short and brown.Briefly, an iconoclast is a person who does something that others say cant be done. (剑9,T2,R3)老式叛逆者做是别人认为不可为而他却有能有所作为事情。第37页第37页定语从句e.g.However, in this statement we think of artificially produced, techn

29、ical objects, products which are subjected to natural wear and tear during use. (剑8,T3,R3)然而,这样我们想到了人工制造工业物体,这些在使用过程中受到自然磨损产品。第38页第38页定语从句 关系副词when, where , why/介词 + which : 先行词是时间,地点或理由名词,定从中做状语e.g. It has now reached a point where a growing number of people believe that it is far too high, and . (

30、剑7,T2,R2)现在已经涨到了越来越多人都认为太高程度, Controlled airspace is that airspace in which FAA regulations apply. (剑8,T1,R2)管制区域实行FAA管理条例。第39页第39页定语从句 转换 Controlled airspace is that airspace in which FAA regulations apply. We have to make a decision about the time when the team will meet before the competition as

31、soon as possible. It has now reached a point where a growing number of people believe that it is far too high. And thats the reason why I dont agree with your view.in which where when at whichwhere in which why for which第40页第40页定语从句 非限制性定语从句e.g. Glass, which has been made since the time of Mesopotam

32、ians and Egyptians, is little more than a mixture of sand, soda ash and lime. These levels come from outside activities that penetrate the classroom structure, from teaching activities, and other noise generated inside, which can be exacerbated by room reverberation.与限制性定语从句区别用逗号与主句隔开没有特定先行词,修饰整个主句是

33、主句补充成份,不是必要成份第41页第41页Task 填空England was one of the first countries _ scientists adopted and publicized Copernican ideas(哥白尼学说) with enthusiasm.Spring Festival is the time _ all the family members come back and get together in China.There has been a significant increase in the number of womenwith dep

34、endent children _ are in the paid workforce in Australia.One new keyboard included keys _ produced letters _ frequently occur together in English, like ing and th and ed, so the word “thing” would take two strokes to write instead of five.第42页第42页翻译 Smart cards, which can carry as much as 80 times m

35、ore information on them than conventional cards with a magnetic strip(磁条), are already widely used in European countries where centralized banks can roll out (转入) new services on a nationalwide basis.How well the prediction will be validated(证实) by later performance depends upon the amount, reliabil

36、ity, and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an enviroment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual d

37、evelopment.第43页第43页Task 翻译 Those who believe teenagers are the happiest people cite their lack of responsibilities as a significant factor. At work, many of us are challenged and stimulated by the increasing professional skills we acquire, which ensures that our jobs remain interesting. (剑9,GTb,W2)

38、那些坚信童年时光最高兴人们把不用承担责任视作一个主要原因。 工作上,我们多数人接受着专业技能增长所带来调整和鼓舞,这就确保我们工作充斥乐趣。第44页第44页Task 我认为他们乐于尝试新鲜事物主要原因是由其性格所致。让我对用使用手机有极端恐惊是心理原因。假如某人去国外旅行,他/她就能够逐步理解当地人们物质生活种类,以及他们持有对各种事物态度。I think the main reason why they like to try new things is their characters.Its a psychological condition which makes me have ex

39、treme fear of using the cell phone.If a person travels to foreign countries, he or she may come to understand what sorts of material lives the local people have and what sorts of attitudes they have towards various things.第45页第45页定语从句 Free timee.g.Since I prefer going to Wuhan University where some

40、cherry blossoms are beautiful in my free time, my friends and I usually go there at the time when those flowers are in bloom. The buildings are unique and the great enviroment in campus often make us feel relaxed. Thats the reason why we enjoy the time (that) we spend there. 第46页第46页TaskDescribe a j

41、ourney e.g. by car, plane, boat that you remember well.You should say: where you went how you travelled why you went to the journeyand explain why you remember this journey well.(剑9,T3,S,P2)have a breakhead to have a great timefeast ones eyeshigh endslip into第47页第47页Sample answer After finishing a 4 year degree in Civil Engineering, I decided to have a break from looking at buildings, roads and bridges and then headed to South Korea where I planned to have a fab time.Travelling by train I kept mys


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