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1、Unit7Protectthe交 往 互 动 式 教 学 设 计 样 式序内个 人 设 备课组集Unit7Protectthe交 往 互 动 式 教 学 设 计 样 式序内个 人 设 备课组集意一本单元仍旧主要以 Environmental protection / Suggestions为主要话题,其话题功能很明显,以 形式谈论如何保护地球,并以大量的描与想法,做一个合格的地球 战士。节。语言点的概括、归纳和运用二coal,Earth,oil,p rplastic, wood, protect, save, useful, reuse 等;Weuseto 来表达用某物来干什么, 并进一步灵活

2、运用句型: We should / should not .表达应该或不应该做oo的发音DIY。2三进行教学由Story time 的说明拓展最后以学生的DIY作品和作文进行展示。2四题Unit7ProtecttheEarth (story time)教时The1st日期教学目标1题Unit7ProtecttheEarth (story time)教时The1st日期教学目标1、 能听懂、会读、会说 protect, earth, save, useful, waste, reuse, energy, most, coal, wood, cut down, plastic, oil, driv

3、e, so much.2Weuseto We should We shouldnt 34、 让学生了解保护地球的重要性,培养学生热爱地球,保护地球的意识,了解 重点难点12教学过活动板块常Enjoy about the Talk about the Earth with the Whats on her surface? Whats in her body?(PPT)The Earth is sad. We can do something to protect the Earth.Ss learn the (class work, solo聚类呈现相关 及问题,全班交流学习标题 Protec

4、t the Earth。达成目WatchtheQ: How can we protect the Earth?Save treesDont use too PassageSaveanswer. Then learn the new words: energy, plastic(class work, then solo work)Ss learn the new words and phrases.to waste, reuse)(class work, 逐步呈现课文内容,以看卡通完成主要问题进行,期间学习新词,全班展-Look and Q1: What do we use water to

5、do? Q2: Can we use water like him? -Listen, read and Q:WhatshouldweWe should reuse save-Look and Q1: What do we use water to do? Q2: Can we use water like him? -Listen, read and Q:WhatshouldweWe should reuse save-ReadthesoloSs read the part. (class work, thenpair roup PassageSave-Watch the cartoon a

6、nd try to know more about energy.Listen andSs watch the cartoon and learn the new Then judge energy on Earth.(class work, then solo work)深入整体了解怎样节约能源,并学习其中的生 。 trees, Dont use too much plasticThe students learn by -Task Discuss -Readby(soloRead, discuss in groups or single.(group work, 独立学习, 小组学习,全班

7、展示所学,并在班级内互拓提Read the whole text with the cartoon.lthe Ss read and re l the story time fluently.(pair work, or group work, then class 朗读并复述课文主要内容,要求板书设计Unit7Protectthesave water/ energy/ trees Dontusetoomuchplastic. We can We should Weshouldnt命课堂的反交 往 互 动 式 教 学 设 计 样 式题Unit7 Protect the Earth 教时The2

8、nd交 往 互 动 式 教 学 设 计 样 式题Unit7 Protect the Earth 教时The2nd日期教学目标能听懂、会说、会运用有关谈论护地球的单词:waste, reuse, energy, most, coal, wood, cut down, plastic, oil, drive, so much 等。有 关谈论 保护地 球的 日常用语we should. .we should not. . we use .to. .howcan wereuse ?并能在具体的情景熟练运用能正确完成checkouttime中的能真正了解到保护地球的重要性,并能为其献计献策重点难点会运用

9、有关谈论保护地球的日常用语:wenot. . we use .to. . how can we reuse .?并能在具体的情景能 正 确 完 成 checkout time 中的笔头练习和教学过活动板块常Greeting and Free-What can we do to keep our city clean?-What can we教学过活动板块常Greeting and Free-What can we do to keep our city clean?-What can we do to protect the Earth?Askandanswer (class work) We

10、 can .shouldnt .(class全班交流, 引导学生们保持城市的干净和保护地球的 asksome questionsabout Reciteabout finishthe exercise on Check the Ask and recite the story time.(solo work, then class work)exerciseon(solo work, then class work)聚类复习课文内容,全班展示,and do1. Say more about the problems on earth and how to solve them.2 Checko

11、ut - do the exercise by -checkthe-(pair work, then class work)and check the answers.(solo work, then class work)更深入描述地球存在题,并延伸到 的 日常行为规范,充分应用所学about the do the exercise. FinishtheessayonP77.sharetheessay. 3.read them.(soloSs check (class独立思考,小组,整合检查(class拓提Read all the (class拓提Read all the exercise

12、and remember them.make notes about (solo 达成目板书设计Unit 7 Protect the EarthWe shouldWe should notAvoidusingplasticUsetheenergysavingRecycle allyou the forest命课堂的反交 往 互 动 式 教 学 设 计题Unit7Protectthe时The3rd期教学目标学生能熟练地用所学语言复述 Story 交 往 互 动 式 教 学 设 计题Unit7Protectthe时The3rd期教学目标学生能熟练地用所学语言复述 Story time 学生了解oo

13、阅读grammar/fun time 内容, 理解重点点学生能熟练地用所学语言复述 Story time 内容。学生了解oo阅读fun time 内容,教学过常规性Greeting and Free-What can we do to protect the Earth?-HowtosaveAskandanswer (class work) We can .shouldnt .(class聚类呈现 相关问题, 全班交达成目活学习read the get the structure use to say more about wordsphrasesaboutit. Try to answer:

14、 is useful. We use to But . so .聚类呈现 语法环节,全班交流,同桌 ,找出达成目动二:学MakeandWatcha动二:学MakeandWatchain groups.ShowMake sth with the p r/plastic and say .(group 组内 ,作品和重复利用等达成目习 sound talk about th cture and get the idea of the sound.try to find more words about it. And distinguish the twosounds: the short one

15、 and the long one.Read and get (solo say some other words about “oo”(solo work, then class work)oo 的构达成目拓展延伸总结1.Give a speech. 1)T gives a m2)Ask Ss to discuss how to give the speech.Make a speech, using materials above. (group work)通过行推进式的综合输达成目Unit7Protectthe生命课堂与重交 往 互 动 式 教 学 设 计 样 式题Unit7Protec

16、tthe教时The4交 往 互 动 式 教 学 设 计 样 式题Unit7Protectthe教时The4th日期教学目标Cartoon time培养学生培养学生概括文本信息的能力和活用词汇、句型进行交流重点难点cartoontime,能够在能力,锻炼学生的写作能力5.培养学生关注环境、保护环境的意识教学过能力,锻炼学生的写作能力5.培养学生关注环境、保护环境的意识教学过常 规Greeting and Free talk (prepare a short passage) is useful. We use to shouldAskandanswer (class work)Ss say a short passage about the learnt (solo work, then class work)1.Look and say, look -what do you know? 2.read the words and3.readin Earth day is on the 22nd April.environment day is on 5th then pair work


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