Unit 1 Lesson 1 Lifestyles 课件 高中英语新北师大版必修第一册(2022-2023学年)_第1页
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Lifestyles 课件 高中英语新北师大版必修第一册(2022-2023学年)_第2页
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Lifestyles 课件 高中英语新北师大版必修第一册(2022-2023学年)_第3页
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Lifestyles 课件 高中英语新北师大版必修第一册(2022-2023学年)_第4页
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1、Unit 1 Life ChoicesLesson 1 LifestylesObjectivesAt the end of this class, youll be able pare and make comments on different lifestyles describe different lifestyles by using mind map reflect on your own lifestylesSpeakTalk about your life after classto find information on a search engineto chat with

2、 friends onlineto surf the internetto do voluntary workI/He/She often/usually do .on weekends/.Doing . is definitely a big part of my life.Its a new start for every student.Teens has invited two students to write about their daily life in senior secondary school.JoeLi YingPredictIm Joe, a student fr

3、om London. Youll often find me sitting in front of my laptop.Im Li Ying. I like to set goals for myself. Im a “go-getter” when I set out to do something, I do my best to achieve it.Paragraph 1Para 2 Para 3Read Joes article and make a summary of each paragraph by finding the topic sentence.A. General

4、 and brief introductionB. Online activitiesC. Parents attitude1Read for details-Mindmapa digital native.schoolwork .various things (books, hardwares).with his friends .computer games.films.daily newsParents: worried, .addictI: .real life; .in personthe relationship between the paragraphs?23Read for

5、passage skillsa digital native.a wide range of things Besides.and.also.convenient总(主题句)分(主题支撑句)细节支撑Paragraph 1Para 2 Para 3Para 4Read Li Yings article and make a summary of each paragraph by finding the topic sentence.1. study behaviors2. activities besides study3. time management4. expectations/pla

6、ns 1Read for details-MindmapSet a goal and go ahead!the relationship between the paragraphs?2set goals; be attentive in classes and think activelyread books; join her schools long-distance running team and volunteering clubMake good use of time:.at school after school.3Read for passage skills总(主题句)分

7、(主题支撑句)细节支撑 ParaDo you like their lifestyles? Why or why not? Whats your suggestions?Im a digital native!Im a go-getter!What are the positive and negative aspects of Joes and Li Yings lifestyles? study & playAll work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩,再聪明的孩子也会变傻。Strike a balance between work an

8、d rest. 劳逸结合ideal lifestylecurrent lifestylePair work Compared with your current lifestyle, how is it different?LanguageRead for languageReplace the underlined words and phrasesa lot of: a wide range of talks with: chats withis easy and quick: is convenienta person who spends a lot of free time on t

9、he Internet: an “Internet addict” most recent: updatedlook again at: review/reviseWhat she tries to achieve: Her targetWhat do you remember about Joe and Li Ying?What online activity is so convenient for Joe?What does Joes mum keep telling him?What does Joe need to do?What is Li Yings aim this term?

10、Answer the questions with complete sentences.Find out the similarities of these sentences.It is so convenient for Joe to compare the quality and prices from different online shops.Joes mum keeps telling him to go out with his school friends instead.Joe needs to drag himself from the online world som

11、etimes.Li Yings aim is to do well in every subject this term.Infinitives (不定式)nfntvsFind out the infinitives and their functions,meanings.My mum keeps telling me to go out with my school friends instead. Its important to meet friends in person from time to time, not just on social media.When I set o

12、ut to do something, I do my best to achieve it.My target is to prepare myself for my degree in biology at university.Li Ying is the first person to join the volunteering club in her plement 补语adverbial 状语predicative 表语attribute 定语object 宾语subject 主语Summary of InfinitivesFunctionMeaningFormto do sth.

13、Function as a subject, object, predicative, attribute, adverbial and complement.表示动作(状态)同时(或几乎同时)发生,或之后发生。Finish exercises on P16-17, BWif necessary, refer to P14-15, (BS 狂K重点)Though it is the only unnatural thing on your way up the mountain, still it highlights the whole adventure _offers a place w

14、here you can sit down to rest your aching legs. (2021 新高考)He tried his key in some of the cars, but people (pass) by gave him a look he didnt like. Anyone (find)boarding with knives will be stopped by the security inspectors. My daughter sent it to the woman. Before she could express her thanks to u

15、s my daughter gave her the food we (buy)for the trip home.易错题巩固练习【2019新课标】On our way to the house, it was raining so hard that we couldnt help wondering how long it would take (get) there.【2012陕西】If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but (take) an even greater challenge.【2019新课标II】Picking

16、 up her “Lifetime Achievement” award, proud Irene declared she had no plans (retire) from her 36-year-old business.【2020浙江】Agriculture gave people their first experience of the power of technology (change) lives.高考真题提升练习1-75.【2019江苏】 (enjoy)the convenience of digital payment, many senior citizens started to use smart phones.6.【2019新课标I】Modern methods of tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s, and are expensive (perform) consistently over a large area.7. 【2012山东】George returned after the war, only _ (tell)that his wife had left him.高考真题提升练习1


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