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1、 TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc334827099 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试 PAGEREF _Toc334827099 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc334827100 概况 PAGEREF _Toc334827100 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc334827101 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试 问答 PAGEREF _Toc334827101 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc334827102 三级口译考试大纲 PAGEREF _Toc334827102 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc334827103 二级口译

2、考试(交替传译)考试大纲 PAGEREF _Toc334827103 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc334827104 三级口译综述题部分应试技巧 PAGEREF _Toc334827104 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc334827105 三级口译实务部分应试技巧 PAGEREF _Toc334827105 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc334827106 2003年12月英语三级口译综合能力试题 PAGEREF _Toc334827106 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc334827107 2003年12月英语三级口译实务试题 PAGEREF _Toc

3、334827107 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc334827108 2003年12月英语三级口译实务录音原文 PAGEREF _Toc334827108 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc334827109 2003年12月英语三级口译实务参考译文 PAGEREF _Toc334827109 h 14全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试概况 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试 问答问:什么是“全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试”?答:“翻译专业资格(水平)考试”(英文:China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters - CA


5、作,分不由国家人力资源与社会保障部人事考试中心和国家外国专家局培训中心具体承担。即:国家人力资源与社会保障部人事考试中心负责考务工作,国家外国专家局培训中心承担口译考试考务工作。翻译专业资格(水平)考试合格,颁发由国家人力资源与社会保障部同一印制并用印的全国翻译专业资格(水平)证书。该证书在全国范围有效,是聘任翻译专业技术职务的必备条件之一。依照国家人力资源与社会保障部有关规定,翻译专业资格(水平)考试差不多正式纳入国家职业资格证书制度,该考试在全国推开后,相应语种和级不的翻译专业技术职务评审工作不再进行。问:此考试具体分为几个级不的考试?各级不的难度如何?考试时刻如何规定? 答:与我校学院比


7、两个半天进行。二、三级口译综合能力科目、二级口译实务“交替传译”科目以及英语同声传译考试时刻均为60分钟;三级口译实务科目考试时刻为30分钟;二、三级笔译综合能力科目考试时刻为120分钟,笔译实务科目考试时刻均为180分钟。三级口译考试大纲口译综合能力来源:考试大序号 题型来源:考试大题量来源:考试大记分时刻(分钟)1 听力理解推断20题2010填空20题2010篇章理解15题3010听力综述听约500单词英语文章后写一篇150词的英语综述3030总计10060口译实务(交替传译)序号题型来源:考试大题量来源:考试大记分时刻(分钟)1英汉互译(对话)约150-200字词50102英汉交替传译约

8、300词的英语讲话一篇40103汉英交替传译约200字的汉语讲话一篇4010总计10030二级口译考试(交替传译)考试大纲口译综合能力来源:考试大序号来源:考试大题型来源:考试大题量来源:考试大记分时刻(分钟)1 听力 理解推断10题20短句选项10题20篇章选项20题40听力综述听约600单词英语文章后写一篇200词的英语综述20总计-10060口译实务(交替传译)序号题型来源:考试大题量来源:考试大记分时刻(分钟)1英汉交替传译总量约1000单词的英语讲话两篇50302汉英交替传译总量约1000词的汉语讲话两篇5030总计-10060三级口译综述题部分应试技巧 人事部翻译证书考试差不多设立

9、五年了,考试日趋成熟。目前考试分为两个部分:实务考试和综合能力考试。其中综合能力考试中最困难的部分是综述写作,它在100分的总分中占据30分之多。综述写作的失败必定导致整个综合能力考试的失败。 所谓综述写作,确实是听一段500字左右的文字,对它的大意进行归纳。它考察的是考生的逻辑归纳能力。逻辑归纳能力是口译必备的差不多能力。本文将从听入、记录、整理、写作四个环节来提出一些综述写作的应试技巧,重点是听入部分。1、听入 首先我们分析目前考过的试题:美国虐待儿童致死案(2003年12月) 传媒对美国政治的阻碍(2004年5月) 电视对美国社会的阻碍(2004年11月) 雪的危害及预防(2005年5月

10、) 因特网的运用(2006年5月) 从上述的考题看,在题材上不具有规律性。出题者的随意性较大。2004年的两次考题明显是来自于同一本材料。2004年的填空考试则更为离谱,两次考试的填空题难道出自同一篇有关朝核六方会谈的新闻报道。但从听力材料的类型看,以完整的议论文为主,均十分完整地陈述了一个事件或一个现象,有着完整的主 线。这也就为我们分析提供了可能性。因此,在听入部分,我们首先要理解大意,抓文章的逻辑主线,抓要紧信息点。切勿在听的过程中刻意追求细 节,而损失大意。要勇于放弃一时听不明白的东西,关注后续信息。 综述写作的难点在于分辨信息点:哪些重要,哪些次要。考试评判的标准也是看考生是否能抓住

11、要紧信息点和次要信息点, 综述写作的优势听到的材料时刻长,能够放弃的信息较多,特不是一些例子。前面听不明白的能够依据上下文来理解。缓冲的空间比较大。 什么是文章的主线?熟悉英文写作的人应该会注意到英文写作的模式化,即“开场进展结论”“主题论证细节”。听者专门好把握如此的思路。以 2005年5月那篇雪一文来分析,文章共分为三大部分:雪那个自然现象的形成和分布,雪的危害和雪的预防。三部分的逻辑关系十分明确。假如我们能从宏 观上来理解这篇文章,那么写作的时候结构会十分清晰。 我把英语的不同文体分成以下几种逻辑主线: 时刻顺序逻辑主线。常见于对事物以时刻段进展变化的介绍类文章,有明确的时刻点。每一个时

12、刻点代表了一个重要信息,专门容易把握。 归纳介绍逻辑主线。这类从现象向结论归纳的逻辑容易造成理解上的错误。 问题分析逻辑主线。这类从结论向下展开论述分析的文章在英文议论文中最为常见,容易把握。 新闻模式逻辑主线。新闻模式常把最重要的信息放在文章的最前面,即新闻眼。然后按信息的重要性,由重要向次要逐步展开。 情节叙述逻辑主线。这种主线多见于故事类,较好把握。 有了对文章差不多逻辑主线的了解,我们才有可能大胆地去把握篇章。在听的过程中我们要特不注意一些要紧信息点的外形特征,即一些差不多逻辑词和短语: 顺序关系: 1、2、3,let me begin, let me close, one, anot

13、her, before, after, then, finally, in addition 并列关系: and, while, meanwhile, at the same time, on one hand, on the other hand, 反义词并列(good & bad, advantage & disadvantage) 转折关系: but, however, whereas, nevertheless, 让步关系: although, despite, in spite of, 因果关系: so, because, thus, for, thanks to 解释关系: i.e

14、., that is to say, which means, 条件关系: if, provided that, given that, in case of, unless 2. 记录 笔记以记竖线即文章的主线为主,而不追求横线细节之完整,但要记数字。 3. 整理 在写作前一定要依照笔记和经历,理出原文的总体结构和逻辑关系,力求要点充实。要点确实是要紧得分点,它通常是每一个段落的第一句,即主题句,反映了一个 段落的要紧思想,段落中的其他文字差不多上在论述那个要紧思想。但主题句不绝对是第一句,主题句的位置还可能出现在段落的最后。假如一个段落里还有分论点的 话,那么这些分论点确实是次要得分点。要

15、紧得分点和次要得分点构成了整个篇章的构架。 4. 写作 由于笔记只是反映了文章的总体逻辑关系,我们是不可能记住原文的具体句子的,因此放弃原语写作是我们的必定选择。我们需要做的是依照整理出来的提纲,比 较均匀地分配写作,把要点串连起来。当我们使用复合句写作能力不强的时候,我们用最简洁的主-谓-宾结构来构造每一句话。幸免低级语法错误,如性不、时 态、数、介词等。 综述写作考的是一个口译员把握逻辑要点的归纳能力。这种归纳能力也是我们一种至关重要的工作能力。三级口译实务部分应试技巧人事部的考试是有用翻译派的代表性考试,其出题的依托差不多上一名中级的口译员实际会面对的情况,其判定你分数的标准也是社会的标






21、是熟练,考前也要进行必要的训练。规律5:考试的英文朗读为英国人,学生要有针对性地适应英音。规律6:数字的翻译是口译基础,每一次考试都会有数字的涉及,尽管相关内容不多,但对准确性的要求是百分之百,考前要从英译汉、汉译英两方面有针对性地结合句子、段落进行快速听讲练习。三级口译样卷:2003年12月英语口译综合能力2003年12月英语三级口译综合能力试题Part IA. Listen to the following passage and then decide whether the statements blow are true or false. After hearing a short

22、 passage, blacken the circle of True on the answer sheet if you think the statement is true, or blacken the circle for False if it is false. There are ten statements in this part of the test, with one point each. You will hear the passage only once.1. Emma is my grandmother. True False2. Emma seldom

23、 allowed my mother to go to parties. True False3. One Halloween, Emma decided to punish my mother because she didnt go to school. True False4. My mother was confined to her room for an entire year. True False5. To punish her, Emma forbade my mother to eat. True False6. At the age of fourteen, my mot

24、her found work and moved out of Emmas house. True False7. My mother loved extracurricular athletics and drama. True False8. I never received love, attention and guidance from my mother. True False9. My mother didnt know how to care for her own home and children. True False10. My mother took care of

25、two kids for room, board and three dollars a week. True FalseB. Listen to the following short statements and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each statement by blackening the corresponding circle. There are ten questions in this part of the test, one point for each questi

26、on. You will hear both the statement and the question only once.11. Which of the following statements is tree according to what you have heard?a. I will eat lunch very quickly.b. I will have lunch before the meeting.c. I will eat lunch-at the meeting.d. I will eat lunch while jogging.12. What did he

27、 do?a. He telephoned me.b. He picked up the phone.c. He put the receiver down.d. He put my hanger up.13. When can I go to see her?a. On weekends.b. Whenever I want.c. Anytime except weekends.d. When she wants to see me.14. Who is going to London?a. Mary.b. Susan and Mary.c. Susan.d. Neither Susan no

28、r Mary.15. Which of the following statements is true about his friend?a. Writing exhausts his friend.b. His friend collects a lot of things to write.c. His friend always has enough material to write on.d. His friend is doing research to write a paper.16. What is suggested for your investment?a. Dist

29、ributing your money among different companies.b. Investigating the company before investment.c. Dont invest all your money.d. Comparing different companies before investment.17. What did the person do during the vacation?a. Stayed at home.b. Exhausted myself.c. Hardly had any rest.d. Dont know.18. W

30、hat is said about the research paper?a. The paper came out as short as I expected.b. Actually the paper was long enough to cover it.c. The paper was short enough to present.d. The paper turned out better than I had expected.19. Generally speaking, how many students fall this course?a. A few.b. Many.

31、c. None.d. All.20. How big is the house he moved in?a. As big as the old one.b. Twice as big as mine.c. As big as mine.d. Twice bigger than mine.Part IIListen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by blackening the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a

32、 few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are three passages in this part, each with five questions. And each question carries two points. You will hear the passages only once.Passage One21. Where and when was my grandfather married?a. In Washington in 1885.b. In Washington i

33、n 1860.c. In Michigan in 1885.d. In Michigan in 1860.22. When did I decide to find out about Aunt Maggie?a. Three years ago.b. When my father died.c. About 85 years after my correspondence with her.d. When I was nineteen.23. How did I find L. Rarick?a. The telephone operator helped me.b. I got her n

34、ame and number from the yellow book.c. I got her number from Charles.d. I got her address from my father.24. When I reached L. Rarick, she wasa. very suspiciousb. greatly surprisedc. embarrassedd. unhappy25. Which of the following is not true about Aunt Maggie?a. Her name was Margaret Rarick.b. She

35、was my grandfathers half sister.c. She kept her maiden name.d. She was L. Raricks grandma.Passage Two26. What kind of people were early colonial newspapers designed for?a. Business people.b. Elite.c. Immigrants.d. People in the cities.27. Which of the following did not contribute to the popularizati

36、on of newspapers?a. New technology and compulsory education.b. Industrialization.c. Population growth.d. Urbanization.28. When was the United States transformed into a truly industrial country?a. In the twentieth century.b. At the turn of the last century.c. During the Civil War.d. Between the end o

37、f the Civil War and the turn of the 20th century.29. Which of the following are the two largest American wire services?a. Associated Press and United Press International.b. AFP and United Press International.c. Associated Press and Reuters.d. AFP and Associated Press.30. According to the passage, wh

38、ich of the following is the most severely criticized function of the mass media?a. The function to influence.b. The watchdog function.c. The function to advertise.d. The function to inform.Passage Three31. What is the common opinion about age and work?a. Work gets a lot easier after the age of 40.b.

39、 Most of ones work is done before the age of 40.c. There isnt much work to do after the age of 40.d. Work gets more difficult after the age of 40.32. What does the speaker think about age and work?a. Generally speaking, work gets much easier after 40.b. Generally speaking, work gets much harder afte

40、r 40.c. Age and work are not correlated.d. He is undecided.33. What should not be valued after one is 40?a. The ability to work long hours.b. Judgment.c. Professional skills.d. Experience.34. According to this passage, what should you do after 40?a. Change your life style.b. Take things easy.c. Chal

41、lenge the things you didnt do well before.d. Find out what you are good at.35. What is the key to success in the speakers opinion?a. Know your strengths.b. Learn the right style of life from others.c. Keep learning.d. Accept your limits.Part IIIParts of the following text are missing. While listenin

42、g to the tape, complete the passage by filling in each blank space with an appropriate word or words. There are 20 blanks, each carrying one point. You will hear the passage only once.Washington: The Bush administration has _ for the first time that it may be willing to _ a multinational force in Ir

43、aq to operate under the _of the United Nations as long as _ by an American.The idea was described by Richard L. Armitage, the deputy secretary of state, as just “_” in discussions at the United Nations. It was first _ publicly last week by Kofi Annan, the United Nations secretary general.Mr. Armitag

44、es remarks, made _ to regional reporters and released by _ today, represent_in course for the administration, which has until now insisted that all _ matters in Iraq remain under total American control. Allowing the United Nation _ would be intended to win the support of the Security Council for _ a

45、uthorizing the occupation of the country.In his remarks, Mr. Armitage _ to discuss the plans _, saying, “I dont think it helps to _ publicly right now.” But he described the arrangement under consideration as “a multinational force _” in which “the American would be the U.N. commander.”On Monday, De

46、fense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was asked whether he could _ American troops fighting _. His answer: “I think thats not going to happen. But he went on to rule out only “_” meaning by the United Nations, whose troops wear blue helmets over a peacekeeping force in Iraq.Part IVListen to the followi

47、ng passage. Write a short Summary of around 150 words of what you have heard. This part of the test carries 30 points. You will hear the passage only once. You have 25 minutes to write your summary.2003年12月英语三级口译综合能力试题 参考答案Part I A (10 points, 1 point per question)1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False

48、5. False6. True 7. True 8. False 9. False 10. TrueB (10 points, 1 point per question)11.a 12. c 13. b 14. c 15. c16.b 17. a 18. d 19. a 20. bPart II (30 points, 2 points per question)21. d 22. c 23. a 24. b 25. c26. b 27. c 28. d 29. a 30. d31. d 32. a 33. a 34. b 35. aPart III (20 points, 1 point p

49、er blank)1. signaled 2. allow 3. sponsorship 4. it is commanded5. one idea being explored 6. hinted at 7. on Tuesday8. the State Department 9. a potential shift10. military, economic and political 11.a leadership role12.a new mandate 13. American-led 14. declined 15. in any detail16. throw them out

50、17.under U.N. leadership 18. envision19. under United Nations command 20. a blue-hatted leadershipPart IV Passage for Summary Writing (30 points)In this part,examinees listen to a passage first and then are given 25 minutes to write a summary of what they have heard. The summary should be around 150

51、 - 200 words and include the main ideas. Reference to the scoring plans is provided.1. A three-year-old Brooklyn girl who suffered a skull fracture and malnourishment died yesterday morning.2. The parents were arrested on abuse charges before, but now a grand jury is to weigh charges against them in

52、 the death.3. The mother said that the child was not hers and she had recently been smuggled into U.S. from Mexico.4. Yesterday the parents were both accused of endangering the welfare of a child and reckless endangerment.5. Both pleaded not guilty and were held without bail.6. The abuse of the litt

53、le girl was more the rule rather than the exception.7. Punishment was not limited to withholding food and beatings.8. The mother was 23. The couple live with their daughter and the womans five-year-old boy with another man.9. The father, 19, favored the girl over the boy. The mother eventually took

54、out her frustration on the girl.10. It remained unclear exactly how the little girl suffered the skull fracture and cerebral bruising.11. An autopsy will be performed today, which will determine whether more serious charges are brought.2003年12月英语三级口译实务试题Part IListen to the following dialogue and int

55、erpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or short passage, interpret it into Chinese. You will hear the signal to tell you when you start interpreting. Now lets begi

56、n.Part IIInterpret the following passage from English to Chinese. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting. Now lets begin.Part IIIInterpret the following passage from Chinese to English. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting. Now lets begin.2003年

57、12月英语三级口译实务录音原文Part IListen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or short passage, interpret it into Chinese. You will hear the

58、signal to tell you when you start interpreting. Now lets begin.赵: “地球日”是如何回事?什么时候开始的?都取得了哪些成就?Smith: Earth Day was started in 1970. It was set to help raise the general publics environmental awareness. For one thing, it provides a special day to remind people to take care of the Earth. It also gives

59、 special interest and environmental groups an opportunity to motivate their members to take action in their communities.赵:听起来不错。可就在环保取得成绩的同时,人口膨胀,臭氧层空洞,全球气候变暖这些问题一点也没有改善。地球人口越多,资源消耗的越多,产生的垃圾也越多,到时连种粮食的地都没有了如何办?对此我们决不可掉以轻心。Smith: That is certainly true. By the year 2005, there will be 7 billion peopl

60、e on the planet. I personally think that recycling is the answer. Paper, metal, rubber, oil, and many other materials are going to have to be recycled on a much greater scale. Everyone will have to be involved. Perhaps even special legislation will be required. It is true that we are losing millions


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