已阅读5页,还剩14页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 does he look like?重短: look like 看来像 height 中等身高 little 有儿晚 See you 那回头见。 9a small mouth 小嘴巴11. blonde 金黄色头发13. round 圆15police artist 警绘画师17. in 在纸上 short/long/curly/straight 短/ 发 build 中等身材 glasses 戴镜 a nose 大子10. big eyes 一双大眼睛12. long face 一长14. have an interesting job 有一份有趣的工作16. a of criminal

2、画一个罪犯的像 18. television=on 在电视19.each criminal 同个罪犯21. real criminal 真正的罪犯23. of all 首;第一20. same differently 描述同样的人不同22. in the end 最24. 穿牛仔裤25. sports 穿动鞋 26. have(has) straight hair 有头直棕色头发 27. 矮/的重点句型1.I may late. 我或许要晚一会儿。2. He isn or short. 他个头既不髙也不矮。3. does look like? 他什么样? really tall. 他长得确实高

3、。4. does she 她什么样? She has long 她着长直发。5. look like? 他们长什么样? They of medium build. 他们中等身材。6. Do have 他们留有直发还是卷? They have curly hair. 他们留有卷发。 he tall or short? 他个头高还是矮呢?人们并非总是以同样的方式看待事物,所以他们会将同一个人描述得不一样。 8.He isnt tall or short Hes of medium height. 他既不髙也不矮,中等个头。 does your favorite teacher look 你喜欢的老

4、师长什么样?10. really handsome. 而他的确帅气。11.She has blonde hair. 她着一头金发12.Many dont things the so describe the differently.第课Section A 2d )导设: does he look 他长什么样?【归纳】 Whatlook like? 用询问人的外貌特征的句型。主语是第三人称单数时借助构成问句;其他情况借助 。义句是 What。 like 意“看起来像,like 是介词,后可接名词或代词。What does look like? 你妹妹长什么样?He doesnt look lik

5、e a student.看起来不像一名学生。【注意】Whats 主语+ like? 用询问人的性格、气质的句型。 Whats friend 你的朋友是个怎样的人? She friendly quiet. 她友好而且安静。 s of medium height, and has straight 她等身高,留长长的直发。(1)be+形容词 描述的方式之一是:主语+ 形容词。He tall thin. 他高又瘦。 句子结构: 名描述人外貌的方式之一是:主+ have/ has+名词。此句型表明主语有什样的特征。 He has short and 他着短而卷的头发。 big eyes. 他们有大大的

6、眼睛。 句子结构:;height 是形容词,意为中的;中型 是 high 的名词,意“高”。of medium 意为“等个。This is size shirt.这是一件中号的衬衫。s your height? 你多?His father height.的父亲是中等个头。 he tall or short? 他个高还是个矮?【归纳】选择疑问句是指提出两个或两个以上可能的答案共对方选择的句式。选择疑问句有两种形式。一种是以一般疑问句的结构形 式为基础,一种是一特殊疑问句的结构形式为基础通常前一个供择的答案读时用升调一个供选择的答案用降调选择疑问句回答时,不能用进行回答。 例: Would you

7、 like an apple or a -你是想要一个苹果还一个梨? An apple. -个苹果。 Who is heavier, Tom or -更重一些,Tom 还是 Tim Tim is heavier. -Tim 更一些。知识巩固: 根句意及首字母提示填空。 My very h tall Her hair is not straight, . much. he is Do you I films. Do you know that p ? talking with our Xia to like Ma Yili. 根汉语完成句子。你的朋长什么样? ?她中等高,留着长而直的头发。 ,

8、long 他留着色头发,戴着眼镜。He hair and 他个高是个矮?he tall short? 再。you then.他们留直发还是卷发?they 单选择 father look B. do; look does; very tall, and he is not very He _. B. build of height sister shy. a little B. like a C. look a look like My too _ wants to slim苗条的 Btall C D My sister is not short. _. B. tall D. tidy _ lo

9、oks _ her sister. at; like; like like D. like; 第二课Section A (grammar focus-3d )导设:区分 people【归纳】 意为人,重指“ ”它常用于数目不太大,而且数目比较精确的场 合。people 意为“人们,重全体,是集合名词。There two outside. 外有两个人。 there people in the meeting room? 在议室里有人吗?区分 与 词条little用 法意为小的,表示喜欢或厌恶,带有意为“的” ,要指“ 尺或重量等 词本身不带感情色彩。例 句 a 她一个小女孩。 There gir

10、l over there.那边有一个矮小的女孩。 and wears glasses.他着棕色头发,带着眼镜。【归纳wear 意穿着;带着,强调 。接表示衣服、眼镜、颜色等词。短p on 意为穿,强调动作。He wears black. 他是穿着黑颜色的衣服。s outside. Put on warm 外冷,穿上暖和的衣服吧。 does your favorite actor or actress like?你喜欢的演员长什么样?【归纳】后缀 or/ tress 的法actor 由 后加词缀or 构。由动词加后缀 er 或 or 变做该动作的 。teach 教学teacher 教visit

11、参visitor 参者 等waiter 侍 知识巩固:单项选择1. dont like _.work 工worker 工write 写 writer 作act 表演actress 女员 读reader 读 洁 cleaner 清工 等待w 女者 B. late to late D. to late My uncle _ he _ a medium build. has; is has is D. has; Jim _ curly a B. the D./ does Michael look like? big eyes and _ mouth. a B. C. the D./ She _a r

12、ed and white on puts C. in wears 用给词的适当形式填空。1.My teacher young Fan Bingbing a (act). My favorite (act) is Mark! I see doesnt matter.(late). My car doesn he movies tonight? likes wear (glass). 根汉语完成句子她有点静,留着漂亮的长黑发。 with 2.“高还是矮?”“他不高不矮,中等身高” tall He 你最喜的老师长什么样?What favorite teacher 今晚你要去看电影吗? to the

13、movie ?我们将明早 8 点面。Weeight in the 情景交际 据上下文填入适当的句子A: Hello, !I a new friend in B: 1. ?A: Her name Rose.B: A 2 ?A: hair and B: 3. ?A: she is little bit heavy.B: 4. ?A: likes sports and B: Me, too. Does she like making A: 5Let her after school.B: OK. Thank very A: You 第三课Section B (1a2c )导设: it in and

14、find him.然后 把它放报纸和电视上来 找到他。【归纳】不定式由 to+动词原形构成,在句末可作 。He fast to early bus every 他每天早上为了赶上早班车都要快跑。 people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the same persondifferently. 许多人不会总是用相同的式看待事情他可能会对同一个人有不同的描 述。【归纳 引导结果状语从句 连词为所”导 意 不与 because 同时出现在同一句中。例如:He early so can up 他天早睡所以能够早起。

15、hair and eyes.他着长而直的棕色头发,长着一双大眼睛。 句型结构:修饰名词时,形容词的排列顺序。解析在语中,当名词有多个容词修饰时,就有它们的先后顺序的诀可帮你记住这一先后顺序,也是解题的关键。 限描绘大长高, 状年龄和新老; 颜国籍跟材料, 作类别往后靠; 其中,限词包括:冠词、物主代词、指示代词、或数词,它位于各类形容词前。它本身分为三位,即:前、中、后。前位限定 词 all、 half、both、分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物主代词等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序数词位于基数词前: my handsall half 等描绘性形容词如、great 等长”表示大小

16、短低等一些词“形的词如round square等“国籍指个国家或地区的词材料的词如wooden, silk 等作类 别的词如 college,writing desk, 等。知识巩固:根据句意及首字母提示填空。 doll has and two . one of my favorite of has a book.4. m not 饱的) Could I have a cake? Different describe the same d 根汉语完成句子。 John 又又瘦,留着短的卷曲的棕发。 is and . He has hair.2.Joe 有份有趣的工作。 Brown very jo

17、b.一些人到犯罪然后告诉 Joe。 people see then Joe.他们告他罪犯长什么样。 him what the like.许多人不会以同样的方式看事情,所以她们描述同一个人也是不同的。 people dont always see the things . 单选择 Does he look? with D. in2. s singer. good at_. singing C. sings with an artist.so they the sameA curly long curly C. curly long brown brown long curly My sister

18、 has small a an D. / they long short hair? long Are; B. Do; C. Mrs. woman of thin Are; building build Hes in tall. What; like B. How; like What; look like D.How; look like Liying is thin of medium height. and C. in our new No, a bit _. tall B. thin short quiet10. doesnt have curly hair. can see she

19、has _ black blonde short 第四课 (3a3c) & 导设: good soccer.他擅长足。【归纳】 good 意为擅, 是词,后接名词代词动词ing 形式,表示在某方面比 较擅长,做得好。同义短语是 。He good playing is good at soccer.=He does well in playing soccer. 他擅长踢足 球。【注意】 well in 可来描述某次做得, be at 不这样用。He good English. doesnt do in this 好。 like 的词与介词用法【归纳】 既作动词,也可作 。exam.他擅长英语,

20、但这发挥不是很词性意义用法例句介词动词像;如同喜欢在句中不能单独担当句子成分作用是表示 does he look 它后面的宾语同句中其他词语所表示的事物他长什么样?之间的联系。在句中作谓语,后接名词、代词、动名词及不 you like 定式作宾语你喜欢读书吗? 与 interested【归纳】二者都可表“ ”, 不的是 意为令感兴趣的,用于修饰事 物; 意感趣”,常用来表示人的情绪。例:This is I in it.这是一本令人感兴趣的书,我对它很感兴趣。 与 【归纳】二者都可表另外的,用法有些区别:词条通常用于用法或不确定数量中的例句I dont like the color of the

21、 Please show任意一个,意思另一个;再一 me another.我喜欢这件衬衫的颜色,给the个。可作形容词和代词。指两者中 的 “ 另一个 ” ,特定的数量范围不是任意的另一个可 作形容词和代词。一件吧。Here is only Where other 这里只有一只袜子,另一只呢? in end 与 at end of【归纳】 是词,意“ 。其短语 in the 与 at end of 法区别如下:词条in end用法表示经过变化或历程以后,相当 于 at lastfinally。例句In the end we house. 最我们找到了 那所房子。表示 时或空间的尾, At en

22、d of the Li sang a song. 在at the 常指过去或将来的时间点,用于一般过去时或一般将来时态;表示 空时 of 后 接名, 表示 “在尽头。会结束时,李琳唱了一首歌。There post office end of the street. 在 街道尽头一家邮局。知识巩固: 单选择 Tom thin his little bit _ heavy C. heavily heavier teacher _ pair wears B. wearing wear D. to Do you know that _ long hair? with in C. has D. have

23、 he heavy? No, a bit tall short _? quiet and short How he B. What does do What he look like How is he用所给词的适当形式填空。another, put, end, blonde lovely a face and We all like Julie a new look. now.3. the the s so dirty. well if they hard. you tell station? , found his mother park. bag is show me No canthe

24、 actor look. It too cool. 根汉语完成句子 我不要总是用相同的方式看事情。它们是不同的。We don always see things 最我找到了我的自行车。I found my bike . 你告诉我那个女孩长得什么样? tell me the 我朋友擅长弹吉他。 friend is the guitar. 我妈又高又, 留黑色的长发 different. mother tall thin, and she hair.Unit 单测题听部() 单项择每题 1 分 共 分)从 A、B、D 四选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( the of _ newspapers

25、. in B. C. with ( a _ I often go movies. supermarket B. C. bank hotel()18. Tom and I in _ class. Were classmates. big big C. same the same( )19. not She is _. tall C. D. tidy()20. show is _ boring. dont like it. little little C. a kind )21. This isnt mine _ yours. It hers. and C. ( Can OK. has big d

26、escribe B. take D. read( student has to these of C. D. Each ( Is your thin?_. Hes heavy. Yes, he B. isntC. Yes, D. No he doesn( Hes and has a big nose. What does Bill like B. does Bill C. What Bill look D. What is Bill 完形空每题 1 分共 10 分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、D 四选项中选择可以填入空白处的 最佳答案。 you a friend? I hav

27、e me you pen friend.His he . He is 22 old. Hes a driver (司) and 28 atrain station. He handsome blond and blue eyes. has face. His color is 31 so he usually white Joe up early in morning and for half an He thinks can help him 33 He is at 34 soccer and he is in soccer there He invited (请) me 35his cou

28、ntry, Australia. Im going there next month. Ithink Ill have good time there.( A. speak B. talk C. say( A. USA Australia C. Africa D. ( A. works C. sits teaches( A. of in with( A. a B. an the D. 不填( A. red B. green white D. ( A. B. C. dances( A. B. healthy friendly ( A. B. plays C. to ( A. B. visit C

29、. remember D. miss 阅读解每题 2 分共 20 分)A Hello! Rain speaking.Mark: This Mark. are going do this Rain: I going to my grandfather Saturday morning and have a music class on Saturday I will free Mark: can you go to with me on I will meet a new friend I feel little nervous 紧张的) OK. A boy or girl?Mark: A gi

30、rl. didnt see her before, have a photo her. What look like?Mark: tall thin. She has big a small mouth. hair is black and She to white at 10:00 at the Sunday OK. See you 根据材料内容判断正误F)( Rain Mark talking ( Rain will on Saturday morning.( Mark will at ()39. s new friend has small eyes and a small mouth.

31、 )40. This Marks first time to see his new BIm Leo. There a great in family. Lisa. her 图画) likes drawing a lot. Here areThere an in first It has a two small ears. It and legs. It black white. apples in hands. It looksve happy. What is don but says it is a panda.There woman in the second drawing. She

32、 is straight a nose and two big She ( 生的 Who she? Lisa our Mom has curly hair, small and There an in drawing, too. Its head is apple. hair tail 尾) areleaves (叶) It has a and it two legs carrots. What is Lisa says it 马, but it doesnt like a horse.Lisa really a great artist, isnt she?根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( in

33、 the first drawing _. B. is applesC. big and big ears legs()42. s has _. a big C. eyes a big )43. From the passage, we Lisa is Leos _. mother B. cousinC. classmate( )44.画线单词”代的是_。 hair B. the headC. the the ( 下列哪项陈述是正确的?A. Lisas horse likes to eat carrots.B. Leo thinks Lisas drawings are good.C. Lis

34、a draws and two The woman in the second drawing looks 情景际每题 1 分共 5 分根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话。 A: Hello, speaking.B: Hi, Jane. A: Im playing chess Tony.B: Who Tony? A: He B: (48)_A: Hes and thin.B: (49)_A: Beijing. lives Beijing, B: A: You can make friends with Tony. B: That good. Well, does he look li

35、ke?B. Hes very friendly.C. What you now? Where he come E. dont know 词汇用每题 0.5 分, 分A) 根句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 51. He well his be s .52. g 当的候 he 53. ll you l . Bye!54. m eat.55. This sweater is big for me. Please me B) 根句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。56. I three in the picture.57. _(put) dirty clothes re, 58. His

36、sister _(eye) are very big.59. Rick sees things _ 60. My great _(art). 完成子每题 2 分共 20 分)A) 根横线后的标点提示将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。61. tell, looks, the, what, like62. can, draw, of, boy, 63. job, interesting, does, uncle64. some, then, and, him65. the, in, the, end, the, lost, found, B) 根括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词 (含缩略形式)。6

37、6. Smith has a long (改为一般疑问句) _ long 67. your sister (补全答语No, _.68. He isnt tall short. 改为同义句)He _ 69. Molly is young. (用 old 改选择疑问句 Molly 70. I like because she (对画线部分提问 _ you like Kate? 书面达(10 分)假如 Julie 是的新朋友,请根据表格内容提示用英语写一篇 词左右的短介绍她。 可适当发挥。名字 朱莉年龄 12国籍 加拿大外貌 大眼睛,长卷发,瘦高爱好 下国际象棋, 游泳参考答案 does he loo


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