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1、Victorias Secret: ObjectiveGet men to buy womens underwear.让男人去买女人的内衣.as gifts for women作为给女人的礼物So where can we find attentive men?哪里可以找到专心的男人?And now for something completely differentFashion show时装秀Webcast网络Superbowl adSuperbowl 广告Do a worlds first and publicise it.开创先例,并且让公众知道Lead IdeasIntensific

2、ation by weaving the ideas together将不同的IDEA组织在一起Publicise unheard-of response to worlds first online fashion show advertised during the SuperBowl 在Superbowl期间发布广告, 告知公众世界上第一个网上市装秀Problem: response levels crashed the system!难题:系统崩溃!Summary小结Interplay and intensification improve results 相互影响和强化提升最终结果B

3、rand World is a sensory surround that maximizes involvement through picking points of contact which will intensify involvement and working the interplay between them 品牌世界时一个感觉的世界, 它通过选择不同有相互影响的接触点,加强消费者对品牌的投入度Day in a Life, Snap, Points of Contact and the Strategic Impact Matrix are 360 tools 各种360度

4、思考的工具Group Exercise 3分组练习Go back into your groups 回到你的小组Explore the Brand World for your brand发掘你们品牌的品牌世界 Generate Points of Contact options and evaluate them using the Strategic Impact Matrix 产出接触点并运用策略矩阵加以评估Report back in one hours time 1小时后报告Conclusion结论Discovered the Challengefacing the brand in

5、 a 360 Degree wayDescribed the Brands DNAChallenge挑战BrandPrint品牌写真Brand World品牌世界Created a world which maximises the interplay between the brand and its customers at various points of contactWhat We Have Done我们学习了什么? IdeaBrand Audit品牌检验Brand Scan品牌扫描Points of contact接触点Gathered, ordered and interpre

6、ted information about thebrand in a 360Degree wayUnderstood the uniquerelationship between the brand and its customersDefined the areas where the brand can intensify the impact it has on peoples livesHow We Got There如何得到?Sequence 顺序Brand Scan品牌扫描Brand Audit品牌检验Points of contact接触点Challenge挑战BrandPri

7、nt品牌写真 IdeaBrand World品牌世界Executions执行Why We Have Done It为什么我们这样做? Created great ideas that move our brands ahead at each point of contact between the brand and its customers 在品牌和消费者的每个接触点, 创造可以让品牌前进的伟大IDEASelected the richest points of customer involvement on which to focus our efforts 选择消费者投入度最高的接

8、触点, 让我们将力量集中在那里Thus 因此 Improved the relationship between clients and their customers 提升客户和他们消费者之间的关系Increased Client value in terms of market share, profit and share price 提升客户的价值,通过市场份额、利润和股价Added future Client value by driving new opportunities 通过驱动新的机会增加客户未来的价值Allowed us to be well paid for using

9、 our creativity in the pursuit of this cause 让我们有更好的回报Why We Have Done It为什么我们这样做? Created great ideas that move our brands ahead at each point of contact between the brand and its customers 在品牌和消费者的每个接触点, 创造可以让品牌前进的伟大IDEASelected the richest points of customer involvement on which to focus our effo

10、rts 选择消费者投入度最高的接触点, 让我们将力量集中在那里Thus 因此 Improved the relationship between clients and their customers 提升客户和他们消费者之间的关系Increased Client value in terms of market share, profit and share price 提升客户的价值,通过市场份额、利润和股价Added future Client value by driving new opportunities 通过驱动新的机会增加客户未来的价值Allowed us to be wel

11、l paid for using our creativity in the pursuit of this cause 让我们有更好的回报Was It Worth it? 它值得吗?Is there a 360 Degree Plus?Is there interplay between the elements? 在主要元素健是否有相互影响?Are we intensifying the idea? IDEA有增强吗?Is it practical and affordable? 它实际吗?负担得起吗?Will it build the brand? 它是否会建立品牌?If not sta

12、rt againPutting It All Together将所有的东西放在一起Draw a map to show how everything fits together画个图看一下,每件事如何相互配合Think how you can communicate to your client in a compelling way 想一下, 如何与你的客户沟通 Current Retrospective Cases案例回顾Amex Blue in SingaporeA Mild in Indonesia IBM e business in ChinaLeft Bank Caf in Tai

13、wan Mild Seven In ChinaMilo in ThailandPonds Pore Strip in the PhilippinesSanyuan Milk in ChinaSpeedPost in Hong KongKotex White in Korea 2. Talk to each other彼此交谈3. Know enough足够了解1.Attitude, Attitude,Attitude态度7. Just do it4. Focus on output not process重点是产出不是过程6. Rebuild the plane as you fly it5.

14、 Do things differently做些不一样的事情Key messages to take from from this session本次课程的主要讯息Closing结束语360 Degree Branding is more complicated but not that complicated360度有点复杂,但并不是很复杂The basis is two group meetings - front and back基础是两次团队的会议(前期和后期)It doesnt happen naturally 它不会自然的发生The big enemy is integration

15、 最大的敌人是整合Red Fire is the passion that drives us 红色火焰是驱动我们的热情Pre-eminent creative force 卓越的创意力量Best people最好的人员Most valued by those who most value brands被珍惜品牌的人所赏识360 Degree without Red Fire reverts back to integration 没有红色火焰的360度将会回到整合的阶段To Be Successful at 360 Degree Branding You Have to Be Clear A

16、bout要成功运用360度品牌思考,我么必须清楚Think 360 Degree from the beginning 从一开始就从360度角度思考问题360 Degree thinking is not linear 360度思考不是线性的focus on output not process重点在产出,而不是过程dont think about it as filling out a form or slavishly following a process不要看作填表或跟随流程Think in the round - every thing connects with everythin

17、g else 每件事情之间都有联系The final communications programme may not necessarily use all the disciplines available - only those that are appropriate最终传播活动可能不会用到所有的方法,会选择哪些最合适的方法Biggest Recipe for Disaster导致灾难的最大因素Believing it is an end in itself losing sight of the end result by getting obsessed with the pro

18、cess 失去对结果的预见,沉迷在过程中thinking that the job can be done if we just answer a set of questions and complete a set of forms认为仅仅回答一系列问题,填完一些列表格,工作就可以完成Other Recipes for Disaster其他导致灾难的因素Feeling that it is quicker if we do it by ourselves without involving the Brand Team 认为自己进行比整个团队作业更快Generating lists of

19、everything that could be done without prioritising those elements that will work together to get the brand more involved in peoples real lives 罗列每件事情,不从品牌融入消费者生活的角度来考虑优先顺序Seeing 360 Degree as cross-selling or just carving up a budget 将360度看作跨领域销售或仅仅作为瓜分预算的方法Was It Worth it? 它值得吗?Is there a 360 Degre

20、e Plus?Is there interplay between the elements? 在主要元素健是否有相互影响?Are we intensifying the idea? IDEA有增强吗?Is it practical and affordable? 它实际吗?负担得起吗?Will it build the brand? 它是否会建立品牌?If not start againPutting It All Together将所有的东西放在一起Draw a map to show how everything fits together画个图看一下,每件事如何相互配合Think ho

21、w you can communicate to your client in a compelling way 想一下, 如何与你的客户沟通 Current Retrospective Cases案例回顾Amex Blue in SingaporeA Mild in Indonesia IBM e business in ChinaLeft Bank Caf in Taiwan Mild Seven In ChinaMilo in ThailandPonds Pore Strip in the PhilippinesSanyuan Milk in ChinaSpeedPost in Hong KongKotex White in Korea 2. Talk


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