1、2013 年2014 年第 1 商务英语C120 PartIVocabularyandbusinessknowledge(30A.Translatetheo .(10 3. 1. 6.2. 7. 4.Bluetrade9.trade 5. lB.TranslatetheoEnglish.(10 1. 国民生产总2. 目标市3. 4. 5. 10. 6. 7. 主义2013 年2014 年第 1 商务英语C120 PartIVocabularyandbusinessknowledge(30A.Translatetheo .(10 3. 1. 6.2. 7. 4.Bluetrade9.trade
2、5. lB.TranslatetheoEnglish.(10 1. 国民生产总2. 目标市3. 4. 5. 10. 6. 7. 主义 9. C.Definethefollowingterms.(10Sectorsofproduction PartIIChoosethecorrectanswerfromthefourA,B,CandDbestfitthe. (10 1.Ifacountrysellsmoretoother nitbuysfromthem,thesituationiscalledaA.balanceofC.managementB.economic.D.tariffmanagemen
3、t2.WhichisheprinciplesofA.TradewithoutC.3.YouaredirectedtostudytheB.PromotingfairD. Toprovideaforumfortareclose tothe taffectitsabilitytoserveitscustomers rs, ermediaries,customermarkets,competitors,andpublics.WhatareyouB.the D.theglobalA.themacro-C.themarketingeasuringGDP,goodsproducedbyforeignheho
4、stcountryA.B. not c. D.accounted5. GDP is counted o hich counts all the ways people money and another which countsall the ways people money.A.earn,B.spend,6.Whatdoes“greenGDP”C.earn,he D.loan, A.NominalC. Real B.forestsvaluein NominalD.toconsiderenvironmentalcostsincalculating 7. If a nation uses ta
5、riffs, quotas, and non-maybeguiltyof what is arriers to restrict trade t domestic industries can flourish, ACmonopolistic8. If ernmentwantstotaxgoodsentering atitsborders,itwill ewhatiscalledA orderlymarket9.WhichchoiceisB taryexport DATheEU economyisoneof themostopen to BThe EU istallWTOMembersagre
6、etodeepercutsfortextiles,clothing,and CThe EUpursues theelimination ofexport ternationalcommodityanddisruptsDTheEUonlyencourageddevelopedcountriestoprovidetoLeastDeveloped10.Mostysts At thenostalgia craze/wave willasthebabyboomerscontinuetomature.C D12345678Part Translatethefollowingo . (10 1. GDP t
7、reats expenditures to counter the noxious environmental and itivecontributionstothel side effects of economic growth 2. Removal of all significant U.S. import Part Translatethefollowingo . (10 1. GDP treats expenditures to counter the noxious environmental and itivecontributionstothel side effects o
8、f economic growth 2. Removal of all significant U.S. import barriers would create 135,000 new jobs, the vast majority of which pay nthenational 3. Export controls have no hope of succeeding unless American firms are the only source of the bject 4. A major challenge for high performance companies t o
9、f building and aining viable businesses in lychanging 5. Customer satisfaction is fulfilled e felt by buyers who have experienced a company t Part TranslatethefollowingoEnglish.(10r 。PartVReading(20Questions1-5arebasedonthefollowing imes of economic crisis. Americans turn to their s for support. If
10、the Great is any wemayseeadropinourskyhighdivorcerate.Butthiswontsarilyrepresent. anincreaseinhappy helong run,the weakenedAmericans,andthe currentcrisiswillprobablydothe Wetendtothinkoftheasa time when spulled together to survive huge job losses, By when nearly one-quarter of the workforce was unem
11、ployed, the divorce rate had declined by around 25% from But this doesnt mean people were suddenly happier with their marriages. Rather, es decreasing insecurejobs,unhappycouplesoftencouldntaffordtodivorce.Theyfearedneitherspousecould manageToday, given the job losses of the past year, fewer unhappy
12、 couples will risk starting separate households, Furthermore, the housing market me own will make it more difficult for them to finance their separations by selling their homes.After l disasters family members also tend to do whatever they can to help each other and communities,A1940book.TheUnemploy
13、edManandHisFamily,describedafamilyinwhichthehusbandreactedtolosinghisjob “withtirelesssearchforwork.”Hewasive,looking forodd jobsto Theproblem is t such an impulse ishard to sustain Across the country, many similar fami s were unableto ma ain the initial boost in morale(士气). For some, the hardships
14、of life without steady work eventually overwhelmed their attempts to keep their fami s together. The divorce rate rose again during the rest of the asthe recoverytook Millions of American s may now he initial stage of their responses to the current crisis, togetherand supportingoneanotherthroughthee
15、arlymonthsofTodays economic crisis could well generate a similar number of couples whose relationships have irreparably(无法弥补地)ruined. So its only when the economy is healthy manybroken shave been hat well o see just he initial stage,the current economic crisisis likely totearmany troubled s contribu
16、teto enduringfamily C.bring abouta D. cause a lot of heGreatDepreshedivorceshe many unhappy couplesclose to sticktogether because startinganewfamilywouldbetheyexpectedthingswouldturnC.theywantedtorotecttheirD.livingywouldbetooInadditiontojoblosses.What MountingfamilyAsenseof Difficultyingettingahewa
17、yofunhappycouplesgettingaD.Fallinghousing.WhatwillthecurrenteconomiccrisiseventuallydotosomemarriedItwillforcethem topulltheireffortsB. It derminetheirC.ItwillhelpstrengthentheiremotionalD.ItwillirreparablyD.Fallinghousing.WhatwillthecurrenteconomiccrisiseventuallydotosomemarriedItwillforcethem topu
18、lltheireffortsB. It derminetheirC.ItwillhelpstrengthentheiremotionalD.Itwillirreparablydamagetheirrelationship. 5.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?TheeconomicrecoverywillseeahigherdivorceFewcouplescanstandthetestofeconomicAstablefamilyis thebestprotectionagainstMoneyisthefoundationofmany
19、ahappymarriage. Text BQuestions6-10arebasedonthefollowingPeople are being lured (引诱paying for it by giving up toads with the promise of a fun, free service without realizing al edthen attempts to make money by selling o twanttousers dont realize this is happening. Even if they know what the company
20、is up to, they The biggest problem, however, aldataist the company keeps changing the rules Early on you keep everything you could create own little private network. Last year. t many things you city. Your photo, your friendsnames-were set, t was the great thing company changed its privacy rules def
21、ault默认)tobesharedwitheveryoneonAccordings ElliotSchrage, thecompany is simplymaking changesto improve service,andifpeopledontshareinformationTheyhavea “lesssatisfyingSomecriticsthinkthisismore lookingtomakemoremoney.Inoriginalbusiness, involved selling ads and putting then At the side of the pages t
22、otally Who wants to took at ads when theyre connectingwiththeirThe privacy e has already in hot water in Washington. In April. Senator Charles called to change its privacy policy. He also urged the Federal Trade to set guidelines l-networking sites.“I think the senator rightly t we had not been clea
23、r about what the productswereand howpeople couldchoosetousethem ornotto usethem,”Schrage It hasdone so far to invade our privacy, its only the beginning. Which is Im considering deactivating(撤销)my is a handy site, but Im upset by the t informationhehands ofpeople I tstoohighapricetopay. ed6.Whatdo w
24、elearn A.It isafrom dsmessagesB.It makes moneyby putting on C.ItprofitsbysellingitsalD.It providesloads ofinformation toits 7.Whatdoesthe authorsayabout A.They are reluctantto giveup alB.Theydontknowaldata.C.Theydontidentify themselveswhenusingthe D.They careverylittleabout al 8.Why makechangestoits
25、rulesaccordingtoElliot TorenderbetterservicetoitsToconformtotheFederalToimproveitsusersToexpanditsscopeof9.WhydoesSenatorCharlesSchumerA.Settingguidelinesforadvertisingon B.BanningthesharingofC.Formulatingregulationsforal l-networkingD.Removing adsfromall l-networkingWhydoes theauthorplantocancel HeisdissatisfiedwithitscurrentHefindsmanyofitsusersC.Hedoesntwant aldataD.HeisC.Hedoesntwa
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