1、The environment牛津高中英语M5 U2Unit 2ReadingWhat are they doing?What are they doing?debate Have you ever seen adebate or even taken partin a debate? Do you know somethingabout debates?Reading strategy: reading a debateReading strategy: reading a debate Speakers in a debate will represent opposite views o
2、n the subject being discussed. We should not make a final decision until you have read or listened to both sides completely and understood all of the arguments. The economythe environmentormust we choose ?Pre-reading From the title “The economyor the environmentmust wechoose”, what can you get? Go t
3、hrough the speech quickly andanswer questions in Part A.1. What side does Mr. Lin Shuiqing and Mr. Qian Liwei each represent?2. By how many times has the worlds population increased since 1800? Go through the speech quickly andanswer questions in Part A.1. What side does Mr. Lin Shuiqing and Mr. Qia
4、n Liwei each represent?2. By how many times has the worlds population increased since 1800?Mr. Lin Shuiqing represents theenvironment and Mr. Qian Liweirepresents the economy. Go through the speech quickly andanswer questions in Part A.1. What side does Mr. Lin Shuiqing and Mr. Qian Liwei each repre
5、sent?2. By how many times has the worlds population increased since 1800?Mr. Lin Shuiqing represents theenvironment and Mr. Qian Liweirepresents the economy.Six times.3. According to Mr. Qian Liwei, what should be done to factories that pollute the environment?3. According to Mr. Qian Liwei, what sh
6、ould be done to factories that pollute the environment?They should have to payhigher taxes.Careful reading:Please finish the questions from C1.1. What society does Lin Shuiqing belong to?2. What does Lin Shuiqing start his speech by talking about?3. What is happening to large amounts of fish?4. What
7、 does Lin Shuiqing think we should teach people about?5. Why does Qian Liwei think production should not be cut back?6. What does Qian Liwei say we should produce more of?7. What does Qian Liwei say we need more of ?8. What does Qian Liwei say many people are willing to do?1. What society dose Lin S
8、huiqing belong to?2. What does Lin Shuiqing start his speech by talking about?1. What society dose Lin Shuiqing belong to?Lin Shuiqing belongs to theSociety for EnvironmentalPreservation.2. What does Lin Shuiqing start his speech by talking about?1. What society dose Lin Shuiqing belong to?Lin Shuiq
9、ing belongs to theSociety for EnvironmentalPreservation.He starts his speech by talkingabout the way large areas ofthe world are damaged byindustrial waste.2. What does Lin Shuiqing start his speech by talking about?3. What is happening to large amounts of fish?4. What does Lin Shuiqing think we sho
10、uld teach people about?3. What is happening to large amounts of fish?4. What does Lin Shuiqing think we should teach people about?They are being caught byfishing boats before they canlay eggs.3. What is happening to large amounts of fish?4. What does Lin Shuiqing think we should teach people about?T
11、hey are being caught byfishing boats before they canlay eggs.He thinks we should teachpeople about environmentallyfriendly ways of living.5. Why does Qian Liwei think production should not be cut back?6. What does Qian Liwei say we should produce more of?5. Why does Qian Liwei think production shoul
12、d not be cut back?6. What does Qian Liwei say we should produce more of?Because jobs will be lost.People are more importantthan fish and trees.5. Why does Qian Liwei think production should not be cut back?6. What does Qian Liwei say we should produce more of?Because jobs will be lost.People are mor
13、e importantthan fish and trees.We should produce morethings from recycled products.7. What does Qian Liwei say we need more of ?8. What does Qian Liwei say many people are willing to do?7. What does Qian Liwei say we need more of ?8. What does Qian Liwei say many people are willing to do?We need mor
14、e effective laws topreserve the environment, whichstill allow the economy to grow.7. What does Qian Liwei say we need more of ?8. What does Qian Liwei say many people are willing to do?We need more effective laws topreserve the environment, whichstill allow the economy to grow.Many people are willin
15、g to payslightly higher prices for thingsthat are environmentally friendly. Put the subjects each speaker talksabout in the correct order. recycling industrial waste population fishing water pollution production( )( )( )( )( )( )1Lin Shuiqing Put the subjects each speaker talksabout in the correct o
16、rder. recycling industrial waste population fishing water pollution production( )( )( )( )( )( )12Lin Shuiqing Put the subjects each speaker talksabout in the correct order. recycling industrial waste population fishing water pollution production( )( )( )( )( )( )132Lin Shuiqing Put the subjects eac
17、h speaker talksabout in the correct order. recycling industrial waste population fishing water pollution production( )( )( )( )( )( )1324Lin Shuiqing Put the subjects each speaker talksabout in the correct order. recycling industrial waste population fishing water pollution production( )( )( )( )( )
18、( )15324Lin Shuiqing Put the subjects each speaker talksabout in the correct order. recycling industrial waste population fishing water pollution production( )( )( )( )( )( )Lin Shuiqing153246 taxes recycling factories production laws( )( )( )( )( )1Qian Liwei taxes recycling factories production la
19、ws( )( )( )( )( )12Qian Liwei taxes recycling factories production laws( )( )( )( )( )312Qian Liwei taxes recycling factories production laws( )( )( )( )( )3124Qian Liwei taxes recycling factories production laws( )( )( )( )( )3124Qian Liwei5Careful readingindustrial waste:Lin Shuiqingwater pollutio
20、n: Many placeshave been destroyed. Many plantsand animals have died. Factoriesproduce large amounts of poisonouschemicals, the waste of which goesinto the air and makes us sick.industrial waste:Lin Shuiqingwater pollution: Rivers are fullof chemicals which flow into the Seaand kill sea creatures. Ma
21、ny placeshave been destroyed. Many plantsand animals have died. Factoriesproduce large amounts of poisonouschemicals, the waste of which goesinto the air and makes us sick.industrial waste:Lin Shuiqingwater pollution:fishing:population:Lin Shuiqingfishing: Fishing boats catch largenumbers of fish wi
22、thout giving themtime to lay eggs.population:Lin Shuiqingfishing: Fishing boats catch largenumbers of fish without giving themtime to lay eggs.population: The worldspopulation has grown to more thansix times what is was in 1800. Thefigure is now approaching 6.5 billionpeople.Lin Shuiqingproduction:L
23、in Shuiqingrecycling: It would bebeneficial to expand our recyclingindustry, and teach people aboutenvironmentally friendly ways ofliving. We may even create more jobsand help the economy at the same duction:Lin Shuiqingrecycling: People should try tocut back on production and rescue theamou
24、nt of things they make and buy. It would bebeneficial to expand our recyclingindustry, and teach people aboutenvironmentally friendly ways ofliving. We may even create more jobsand help the economy at the same duction:Lin Shuiqingrecycling:Careful readingfactories:Qian Liwei There are manyfa
25、ctories and industries which controlthe amount of pollution they produce,and are very careful to spend moneyrepairing any damage they cause. Thepeople running these factories arevery concerned about theenvironment.factories:Qian Liweiproduction:recycling:Qian Liwei If we cut back on theamount of thi
26、ngs we produce in orderto save the environment, then jobs willbe lost. People are more importantthan fish and duction:recycling:Qian Liwei We should producemore things from recycled materials,and less from materials taken directlyfrom the environment. If we cut back on theamount of things w
27、e produce in orderto save the environment, then jobs willbe lost. People are more importantthan fish and duction:recycling:Qian Liweilaws:taxes:Qian Liwei We need more effective lawsto preserve the environment, whichstill allow the economy to grow. Thisincludes more inspections to controlho
28、w many trees are cut down andhow many fish boats can catch.laws:taxes:Qian Liwei Factories which pollute theenvironment should have to payhigher taxes. We need more effective lawsto preserve the environment, whichstill allow the economy to grow. Thisincludes more inspections to controlhow many trees
29、 are cut down andhow many fish boats can catch.laws:taxes:Qian Liwei Finish the speech with the words inthe box on page 25.industry populationwaste economyresponsibility reducerecycled Earthpollution environment Consolidationindustry population waste economyresponsibility reduce recycledEarth pollut
30、ion environment My aim in life is to save the_ for future generations.I want to become an environmentalist afterI finish school. Too many people think that_ cannot be stopped if we wantthe _ to continue developing.But that is ridiculous. We can _dangerous and dirty _ from factoriesindustry populatio
31、n waste economyresponsibility reduce recycledEarth pollution environment My aim in life is to save the_ for future generations.I want to become an environmentalist afterI finish school. Too many people think that_ cannot be stopped if we wantthe _ to continue developing.But that is ridiculous. We ca
32、n _dangerous and dirty _ from factoriesenvironmentindustry population waste economyresponsibility reduce recycledEarth pollution environment My aim in life is to save the_ for future generations.I want to become an environmentalist afterI finish school. Too many people think that_ cannot be stopped
33、if we wantthe _ to continue developing.But that is ridiculous. We can _dangerous and dirty _ from factoriesenvironmentpollutionindustry population waste economyresponsibility reduce recycledEarth pollution environment My aim in life is to save the_ for future generations.I want to become an environm
34、entalist afterI finish school. Too many people think that_ cannot be stopped if we wantthe _ to continue developing.But that is ridiculous. We can _dangerous and dirty _ from factoriesenvironmentpollutioneconomyindustry population waste economyresponsibility reduce recycledEarth pollution environmen
35、t My aim in life is to save the_ for future generations.I want to become an environmentalist afterI finish school. Too many people think that_ cannot be stopped if we wantthe _ to continue developing.But that is ridiculous. We can _dangerous and dirty _ from factoriesenvironmentpollutioneconomyreduc
36、eindustry population waste economyresponsibility reduce recycledEarth pollution environment My aim in life is to save the_ for future generations.I want to become an environmentalist afterI finish school. Too many people think that_ cannot be stopped if we wantthe _ to continue developing.But that i
37、s ridiculous. We can _dangerous and dirty _ from factoriesenvironmentpollutioneconomyreducewasteindustry population waste economyresponsibility reduce recycledEarth pollution environment if we are smart about what we buy. I wantto teach people to buy _ products.The production of recycled things is m
38、uchbetter for the environment, because itmeans we do not need to cut down moretrees and cause the destruction of moreforests. The _ will still grow, butEarth will not have to suffer.industry population waste economyresponsibility reduce recycledEarth pollution environment if we are smart about what
39、we buy. I wantto teach people to buy _ products.The production of recycled things is muchbetter for the environment, because itmeans we do not need to cut down moretrees and cause the destruction of moreforests. The _ will still grow, butEarth will not have to suffer.recycledindustry population wast
40、e economyresponsibility reduce recycledEarth pollution environment if we are smart about what we buy. I wantto teach people to buy _ products.The production of recycled things is muchbetter for the environment, because itmeans we do not need to cut down moretrees and cause the destruction of moreforests. The _ will still grow, butEarth will not have to suffer.recycledindustryindustry population waste economyresponsibility reduce recycledEarth pollution environment We should also pay attention to what weeat. People should take _for not buying certain kinds of fish,becaus
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