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1、综合服饰 apparel and accessories:衣着。装饰和保护人体的物品总称,包括服装、帽子、围巾、领带、手套、袜子等。服装 apparel;garments;clothes:衣服、衣裳。穿于人体起保护和装饰作用的制品。时装 fashion:在肯定时间、地域内,为一大局部人所承受的款流行服装。成衣 ready-to-wear 定制服装 tailor made中式服装 Chinese costume西式服装 Western costume民族服装 ethnic costume 上装 tops下装 bottoms套装 suits连身装 cover all内衣 underwear 外衣

2、outerwear男装 Young Men”s wear:适合于成年男子穿着的服装。女装 Misses” wear 适合于成年女子穿着的服装。少男服装 boy”s clothes 少女服装 girl”s clothes 儿童服装 children”s wear婴幼儿服装 infant”s wear24以内的婴幼儿穿着的服装。功能性服装 functional garments职业服 work wear防护服 protective work wear运动服 sportswear:适合于运动时穿着的服装,又称为运动装,如登山服、滑雪服等。休闲服 casualwear:人们在闲暇生活中从事各种活动所穿

3、的服装。与运动服有相当大比例的重合局部。礼服 formal wear舞台服 stage costume家居服 dressing gown 孕妇装 maternity dress针织服装 knitted garments机织服装 woven garments:又称为梭织服装。毛呢服装 woollen garments棉类服装 cotton garments麻类服装 bast garments 丝绸服装 silk garments化纤类服装 synthetic-made garments毛皮服装 fur garments皮革服装 leather gamrnets人造毛皮服装 fake fur ga

4、rments 人造革服装 fake leather garments牛仔服装 jeans wear防寒服 cold protective clothing棉服装 padded garments羽绒服装 down wear服装成品西服 tailored suit中山装 Zhongshan Zhuang军便装 military jacket青年装 young men”s jacket茄克衫 jacket猎装 safari jacket衬衫 shirt男;blouses女中西式上衣 Chinese and Western-style coat中式上衣 Chinese style coat背心 ves

5、t:又称“马甲”,仅有前后衣身的无袖上衣。文胸 brassiere连衣裙 dress旗袍裙 Qipao style skirt斜裙 A-line skirt喇叭裙 flare skirt超短裙 miniskirt褶裙 pleated skirt 节裙 tiered skirt 筒裙 straight skirt西服裙 tailored skirt 西裤 tailored trousers西短裤 tailored shorts中式裤 Chinese style slack背带裤 overall马裤 riding breeches 灯笼裤 knickerbockers裙裤 culottes牛仔裤

6、jeans连衣裤 jumpsuit喇叭裤 bell-bottom trousers棉裤 padded pants羽绒裤 down pants 超短裤 mini shorts雨裤 rain-proof pants内裤 underpants三角裤 briefs沙滩裤 beach shorts比基尼 bikini:也称为“三点式游泳衣”。泳装 swimming wear紧身服 body fitting garments风雨衣 all-weather coat风衣 trench coat雨衣 raincoat披风 cape:无袖,披在肩上的防风外衣。斗篷 mantle:有帽子的披风。外套 overco

7、at旗袍 Qipao睡衣套 pyjamas睡袍 nightgown娘礼服 wedding gown晚礼服 evening wear燕尾服 morning coat服装部位、部件上装部位前身 front肩缝 shoulder seam领嘴 collar notch门襟 closure:锁眼的衣片。里襟 under fly:钉扣的衣片。门襟止口 front edge门襟翻边 placket:外翻的门襟边。止口圆角 front cut搭门 overlap扣眼 buttonhole眼距 buttonhole spacing假眼 mock button hole滚眼 button loop:用面料做的扣

8、眼。扣位 button placement:钮扣的位置。单排扣 single breasted双排扣 double breasted驳头 lapel平驳头 notch lapel戗驳头 peak lapel 驳口 roll line串口 gorge下盘头 stand collar head 袖窿 armhole:又称为袖孔。袖山 sleeve top袖口 cuff衬衫袖口 shirt sleeve cuff橡筋袖口 elastic cuff罗纹袖口 rib cuff胸部 chest腰节 waist line摆缝 side seam底边 hem前后披肩 shoulder piece前过肩 fro

9、nt yoke领省 neckline dart前肩省 bust dart 胁省 pocket dart前腰省 front waist dart横省 side dart肚省 fish dart前身通省 front open dart刀背缝 princess seam后身 back总肩 across back shoulder后过肩 back yoke背缝 center back seam背叉 vent摆叉 side vent后搭门 back overlap领窝 neck line后领省 back neck dart后肩省 back shoulder dart后腰省 back waist dart

10、后身通省 back open dart上装部件 tops parts领 collar立领 stand collar翻折领 fold-over collar底领 collar stand。又称为领座。翻领 lapel领上口 roll collar领下口 collar neckline 领里口 collar stand line领外口 style line领豁口 collar notch 倒挂领 Ulster collar中山服领 Zhongshan collar中式领 mandarin collar衬衫领 shirt collar两用领 convertible collar尖领 V-neck圆领

11、 crew neck 方领 square neck青果领 shawl collar燕子领 wing collar荷叶边领 ruffled collar海军领 sailor collar扎结领 tie collar圆形领口 round neckline 方形领口 square necklineVV-neckline一字形领口 boat neckline鸡心领领口 sweetheart neckline袖 sleeve袖头 cuff button:又称为袖卡夫。双袖头 folding cuff袖叉 sleeve vent袖叉条 sleeve placket大袖 top sleeve:衣袖的大片。小

12、袖 under sleeve:衣袖的小片。袖中缝 sleeve center line前袖缝 inseam后袖缝 elbow seam 袖底缝 sleeve line 衬衫袖 shirt sleeve圆袖 set-in sleeve:在臂根围与衣身接合的袖型。连袖 kimono sleeve:衣袖相连,有中缝的袖型。连肩袖 raglan sleeve:又称为插肩袖。中缝圆袖 raglan sleeve with center seam:中间有缝的圆袖,又称为连肩袖。喇叭袖 flare sleeve灯笼袖 puff sleeve蝙蝠袖 batwing sleeve泡泡袖 bishop sleev

13、e 花瓣袖 petal sleeve口袋 pocket插袋 vertical pocket贴袋 patch pocket开袋 slit pocket双嵌线袋 double jet pocket单嵌线袋 single jet pocket卡袋 card pocket:放名片、卡片的小袋。手巾袋 breast pocket袋爿袋 welt pocket:装有袋爿的开袋。眼镜袋 glasses pocket里袋 inside pocket锯齿形里袋 saw-tooth edge trimmed inside pocket:又称为三角形里袋。有盖贴袋 flapped patch pocket压爿贴袋

14、patch pocket with topstitched box pleat吊袋 Zhongshan Zhuang pocket:又称为老虎袋。风琴袋 bellow pocket暗裥袋 patch pocket with inverted pleat明裥袋 patch pocket with box pleat小部件 small parts领袢 collar tab 吊袢 hangtag loop肩袢 epaulet腰袢 waist tab 下摆袢 bottom tab袖袢 sleeve tab脚口袢 leg opening tab线袢 French tack挂面 facing:又称为贴边。

15、耳朵皮 flange:在前身里与挂面处拼接做里袋的一块面料。滚边 bias strip压条 band腰带 waistband塔克 tuck:衣服上有规章的装饰褶。袋盖 pocket flap衬布 interlining前身衬 front interlining驳头衬 lapel interlining胸衬 chest interlining下节衬 interlining under the waist line领衬 collar interlining肩头衬 domette帮胸衬 bias strip袋角衬 pocket reinforcement patch底边衬 hem interlini

16、ng袖头衬 cuff interlining挂面衬 front facing interlining腰头衬 waist band interlining 袋牵布 patch stay牵条 tape下装部位 bottoms横裆 crotch:上裆下部最宽的部位。上裆 crotch depth:腰头上口至横裆间的部位,又称为直裆。中裆 knee:一般为裤脚口至臀围线的二分之一处的部位。烫迹线 creas press 裤脚口 leg opening 裤卷脚 turn-up cuff脚口折边 hem侧缝 side seam腰缝 waistband seam下裆缝 inseam小裆缝 front cro

17、tch seam前裆缝 front crotch seam后裆缝 back crotch seam 腰头 waistband top腰头上口 upper side of waistband腰里 waistband lining裤裙腰省 waist dart裤裙裥 pleat下装部件 bottoms parts侧缝直袋 side pocket侧缝斜袋 slant pocket 侧缝横袋 cross pocket 表袋 watch pocket后袋 hip pocket过腰 waistband膝盖绸 knee kicker贴脚条 heel stay门襟 fly facing:位于裤、裙开合处,用以

18、锁眼或装一侧拉链的部件。里襟 fly shield:位于裤、裙开合处,用以钉钮扣或装一侧拉链的部件。里襟尖嘴 button tab at fly shield小裤底 front crotch stay:小档部位的里布。大裆底 back crotch stay:后裆部位的里布。过桥 trousercurtain:里襟里布延长的条状部件,用以掩盖十字裆缝。串带 belt-loop雨水布 trouser curtain:遮盖腰头衬布的里布。袋布 pocket bag垫袋布 pocketmouthstay:袋口处垫在袋布上的条料。服装设计款式 style:服装的式样。造型 silhouette:服装的

19、外形轮廓。构造 garment construction根底线 basic line:构造制图过程中使用的纵向和横向的根底线条。轮廓线 outline:构成成型服装或服装部件的外部造型的线条。构造线 constructionline:服装图样上,表示服装部件裁剪、缝纫构造变化的线条。效果图 fashion drawing款式图 working sketch构造图 cutting illustration:又称为裁剪图。示意图 sketch map呈现图 flat patternmaking分解图 detail sketch服装工艺操作检查原辅料 material inspection验色差 c

20、olour shade inspection查疵点 inspection for defect 查污渍 inspection for spot分幅宽 fabrics width grouping 查衬布色泽 checking interlining查纬斜 inspection for skewness复米 roll length audit:复查每匹原、辅料的长度理化试验 physical and chemical test裁剪 cutting烫原辅料 wrinkle removal自然回缩 fabric relaxing排料 layout计算机裁剪 computer aided cuttin

21、gCAM clothing computer-aided manufacturingCAD computer-aided garment design铺料 spreading划样 marking:用样板或漏划按不同规格在原料上划出衣片裁剪线条。版样 pattern缝份、布纹方向、对位点、规格等的纸板的统称。纸样 paper pattern:软质纸的版样。板样 pasteboardpattern:硬质纸的版样,亦称样板。布样 clothpattern复查划样 marker audit裁剪 cutting 钻眼 drilling打刀口 notching:又称为打剪口。分片 identifying

22、and bundling:裁片分开整理。打粉印 chalking:用粉片在裁片上做出缝制标记。编号 numbering:裁好的衣片按挨次编上号码。查裁片刀口 checking notches配零料 assigning sundries钉标签 attachinglabel:将有挨次号的标签钉在衣片上。验片 cut piece inspection织补 darning换片 changing defective pieces冲上下领衬 punching collar interlining冲袖头衬 punching cuff interlining缝制 sewing修片 trimming piece

23、s打线丁 making tailor”s tack环缝 overcasting stitches 缉省缝 sewing darts烫省缝 pressing dart open归拔前片 blocking front piece烫衬 pressing interlining粘衬 pressing interfacing敷袖窿牵条 taping armhole合摆缝 joining side seam倒钩袖窿 back-stitching armhole合肩缝 joining shoulder seam分烫肩缝 pressing open shoulder seam绱袖 setting in sle

24、eve纟乔领下口 slip-stitching collar to garments纟乔底边 blind stitching hem定眼位 marking button position开扣眼 cutting buttonhole绱袋 attaching pocket to garment粘衬 fusing interlining绱过肩 setting back yoke缉明线 top stitching绱袖头 attaching cuff to sleeve定扣位 marking button position 钉扣 sewing button绗棉 quilting钉扣袢 sewing bu

25、tton loop钉领钩袢 attaching hook and eye镶边 making bias binding as a decorative trim 绱拉链 attaching zipper绱门袢 attaching fly facing绱里襟 attaching fly shield绱腰头 sewing on waistband绱串带袢 tacking loops to waistband绱雨水布 attaching trouser curtain 合下裆缝 joining inseam合前后缝 joining crotch封小裆 bartacking front crotch花绷

26、十字缝 cross-stitching crotch扣烫贴脚布 folding and pressing heel stay抽碎褶 gathering叠顺褶 forming and stitching flat pleats拉线襻 making French tack针距 stitch size spacing缝型 seam types包缝 overlock stitch明包缝 flat felled seam暗包缝 welt seam来去缝 French seam分缝 open seam坐倒缝 plain seam坐缉缝 lap seam分缉缝 double top-stitched sea

27、m压缉缝 top-stitched lapped seam漏落缝 self-bound seam with sink stitch,又称灌缝。分坐缉缝 top-stitched open seam各类针法 kinds of stitch撩针 running stitch扌寨针 baste stitch 暗纟乔针 blind stitch明纟乔针 slant stitch倒钩针 back stitch倒回针 back stitch绗针 quilting锁针 buttonhole stitch打套结 bar tack服装QC 验货评语Collar 领Unbalance collarAsymmetr

28、ic collar 领位不对称Uneven collar width 左右领阔不全都Uneven neckline 左右领圈不全都Uneven collar point 领尖不对称Uneven lapel shapes 左右前领咀外形不一样ToomucheasingatC.F.neckline 前领口溶位太多(有太多溶位于前中领窝)Collar too tight at CBCollar band is twisting 领座扭曲不平顺Fullness at front collar and lapel平顺Neckline is not smooth 领圈不圆顺Neck setting not

29、 smooth 领子装得不平顺High & low back neckEdge of front opening is crookedFront opening not straightFront facing is exposed at bottom hem下摆处外露Front opening facing is shorter than body贴短于大身Neck was stretched 领圈拉松Too much tie on front collarSleeve & Armhole 袖&夹:Puckering at left/right armhole平伏.# q+ y& a$ r-

30、 e3 IToo loose at right armhole, uneven for left/rightarmhole 右夹圈有拉松, 左右夹圈不相称.0 o. a0J$ L& ) WSleeverunning to back(衣袖走后) / Sleeve runningto front7 )AToo loose at front sleeve seamToo tight at back sleeve seamPoor cuff settingSleeve placket is not set well*5 K:x$ % |2 y# Underarm seam was stretched

31、袖底缝被拉松Armholesettingnotsmooth52F8z!X$ lEase on sleeve cap is unevenFront/back 前后幅Hiking at front, CF facing too short吊襟: Hikingat back, lining too shortCurve at CF zip(too much fullness at CF zip)中拉链溶位太多CurveatCFzipperbecauseofnoeasingofzipper.前中拉链无溶位(引致纽曲) ( *Hiking at back / Hiking at front/ 前幅吊起F

32、ront panel is bigger than under panel(lining)前幅底幅细面幅松Lining too big, too short, too small, too long里布太大, 太短, 太小, 太长Grainlinesarenotmatchatfront&backpanel 前后幅布纹不相称Front length uneven 左右前长不全都Toolooseatshell,Toolooseatback/lining,turninsider out 底松, 面松, 向外反Hem 衫脚Seam binding stitch tension is too tight

33、, causingbottom not smooth. 下摆丝带过紧, 使下摆不平顺Bottom hem is not in line / not straight.够不平(直)Twisting hem, puckering at hemUneven hem 左右下摆凹凸不一Vent length uneven 左右开*长短不一Uneven leg length*Uneven hem line 衫脚不平均 / 不对称ttom hem is not in line / not straight.不平(直)Twisting hem, puckering at hemVent length unev

34、en*长短不一Uneven leg length 长短脚Uneven hem line 衫脚不平均 / 不对称Pocket 袋High-low pocket 凹凸袋Both pocket set uneven+ Pocket not smooth / squared/不够正方Pocket flap not centered over pocketBoth pocket shapes are unevenBottom part of pocket is saggingPocket flap is misplacedPocket is misplaced 口袋位置不对Pocket is smili

35、ng 袋口开得不吻合Pocket opening is frayPocket shape distortedPocketsizeandshapeisnotfollowsampleexactly口袋的尺寸及外形未依据实样做Pocket welt is uneven 上下袋唇不均匀Poor pocket setting 口袋装得不好Binding 拉捆Piping is uneven 捆边不均匀,Piping is twisting and not smoothPleatsUneven shirring at back waist seam后腰缩碎褶不均匀。Shirring 碎褶Elastic s

36、hirring is uneven 橡筋缩拱不均匀Both side pleats not balanceDarts placement is not follow sample exactly位未依据实样做Pleats is misplaced 褶位不对Shirring / GatheringPleated 生褶Darts 死褶Beading & embroidery 钉珠&绣花Beads stitching are not secureEmbroidery stitching is too tightEmbroidery stitching too looseSHADING DEFECTS

37、Color shading 色差Color shading within one garment.内有色差Color shading between trims and body.衫身之间有色差Shade differs from approved standard.批核色版不同Shadingcausedbypoorcolorinterliningmatching.纸朴颜色不协作, 引致色差ACCESSORIES 辅料问题1) Missing button /label / badge/ 漏唛头 /漏章Button position not well match buttonhole.钮门位置

38、欠协作“Button inside out 钮的底面倒置Button marking not removed.Damaged button/buttonhole 钮烂/烂钮门Rusted stud 工字钮生锈Paint peel off on studButton and buttonhole not aligned cause bulge.钮及钮门位置不协作, 引致谷起Buttonhole too small to allow button to passthrough. 钮门太细, 钮不能顺当通过Uncutbuttonhole/partiallycutbuttonhole 钮门未幵 / 钮

39、门未开尽Ragged edges at buttonholeBroken buttonhole stitchesButton thread easily pulled out.拉脱Snap / rivet easily pulled off.吸钮、撞钮简洁拉脱Buttonhole is not match button size与钮扣大小不相配Button misplaced 钮扣位置不对)Buttonhole misplaced 钮洞位置不对Button is not sewing securityButton is sewn too tightButtonhole is frayKey b

40、uttonhole density is too loose的车缝线步太疏Key buttonhole is misplacedSnap misplaced 揿钮位置不对Snap tape is misplaced 揿钮扁带位置不对 Snap tape setting not wellThere is bubble on buttonhole area泡Hood and bar is misplacedHole at zip top / end/ 尾有洞Zipper setting is twistingShoulderpadnotattachtogarmentsecurity 肩棉未钉牢*S

41、houlder pad not cover wellVelcro is misplaced 魔术贴位置不对Waistband belt is not set straight不直Waistband belt length and width are uneven腰耳的长、宽不全都In*plete adhesive on interlining.全黏好Strike through of adhesiveon interlining.朴胶露面Strike back of adhesive on interlining.脱落Blistering occurred on interlining.Ins

42、ecure shoulder pad attached.Label placement incorrect. 唛头位置不正确Care label content not as specified.内容不符合要求Main label and size/content label are set tooclosed 主唛与尺码成份唛装得太靠近Main label setting is misplaceWrong care label sewn on garment.位置Label not properly secured.Label sewn beyond label edge.Label sew

43、ing seam uneven / puckered.缝不平均或起皱Wrong accessories used.STITCHING AND SEAMS 线步和骨位Raw edge 散口Raw edges 爆口Untrimmed thread endsSkipped stitches 跳线Exposed stitching 露线Broken stitches 断线Run-off stitches 间线落坑Crooked stitches 线步弯曲Poor join stitchingUnsightly over-lapping stitchesStitches too loose 线步太松St

44、itches too tight 线步太紧Distorted stitches 车线不直Broken seams 缝线爆幵Expose stitch 落坑线外露Inconsistent stitching 线步不全都Uneven width on double stitching双线阔窄不均Uneven stitching density / tension线步密度 / 松紧度不平均1/4 top stitch not even 1/4Expose safety stitchInseam is uneven 内缝线不井齐Merrow stitch density is too big拨边线步太

45、疏Overlap stitch is not well反缝的接线不好Top & under stitch tension not match底面线力不相符Uneven merrow seam 内拨边线弯曲不直Missingreinforcementstitches 漏车加固线步Row of stitching missingtop stitch车一行线平车线Stitch count less than standard准少+ ; H3 W* - B“ d2 Y0 All top stitch is uneven全部的面线都不均匀Blind stitch is brokenBlind stitc

46、h is wavyShoulder seam not smoothUneven folded width at bottom sweep 1/ hemming.1/2脚围阔窄Blindstitchingvisible5N:l:V, B” ) u. BIn*plete seam stitching47 4 X1 u8 s# v. C$ w, X, kUneven for hem closure stitching, unevenstitch at hem 下脚车线不直Exposed waistband running stitches/裤头见坑线! $ W4 B” A3 f& i) 8 aNot

47、 straight at front fly直Not straight at back yoke后担干车线不直,纽曲!Skipping stitches, looping stitches跳线,车线太松起耳仔Seamallowance,sewingthreadtootight 子口补间线, 线太紧起豆角)%Pleated seam 骨位打褶Puckered seam 骨位起皱Open seam 爆骨.Burst seam 爆骨Under seam visibleWaviness on seams 骨位起波浪Twisted seams / Seam rollingTwistingatsidese

48、am,Wavyatsideseam 侧骨纽, 不顺直Seam closures uneven 骨位结尾不平均Missing bar-tack 漏打枣Seam not properly securedFullness on seams 骨位太谷, 不平伏Seamnotfullyopenedbeforestitching. 骨位未完全拨开间线Cracked seam 骨位拉时有响声(引致断线)Too loose at princess seam前公主骨拉松起泡Puckering at back princess seam溶位太多, 起皱/起豆角Too tight or too loose at s

49、ide seam.侧骨车线太紧或太松Too loose at CF / CB seam前中/后中骨太松Too loose at shoulder seam, unbalance offront&backpanelatshoulderseam 肩骨拉松(要落定位): V. |0 I7 i4 F$ b, GToo flat at shoulder seam, too slant ofshoulder seam/太斜WASHING 洗 水:1 Different lots of shade 缸色 / 色差Uneven washing effect 洗水效果不均勻Streaky mark 洗水(條紋)

50、痕Crease mark 洗水摺(白)痕Pilly / hairy on garment surface毛粒或起毛Broken collar / cuff and hem/ 介英 / 腳Sandy on garment surface 衣服外表有沙的感覺Rock / sand inside pockets/ 沙;Different washing effectMildew or heavily odor garment.味在衣服上PRESSING 熨 衣Poor pressing 烫工差Wrinkle 皱Wet 湿气GMT press too hard cause shiny mark头以致起

51、光迹Elastic is not pre-shrinkage before setting橡筋未烫缩水Seam not fully pressed openCrease mark 折痕印Burn mark 烧焦印Water spot 水斑点Color stain 颜色斑点Melt 熔化Glazing / shinny pressedSheer / glossyPleated press 熨褶痕Zip/buttonmarkmadebyimproperpressing 熨工欠佳, 引致有拉链痕 /16) Poor pressing /fusing of interlining 烫朴/ 压朴效果不佳

52、CLEANLINESS 清 洁Found oil stain 有油污渍Dirty markThere is dirty mark on garmentCleaning mark 枪水渍 / 打枪痕迹TPACKAGING/PRESENTATIONMissing price ticket / hangtag / label/挂牌/唛头Wrong placement of price ticket / hangtag / label价钱牌/挂牌 /唛头位置错误Wrong size / color in assortment/ 颜色安排错误Improper folding 折法不正确*Dirty po

53、ly bag 胶袋污渍Broken export carton 外箱烂Carton over weight 外箱过重Incorrect carton size 外箱尺寸不合规格服装专用工具设计打样工具 instruments for designing样板纸 pattern paper锥子 bradawl裁剪工具 instruments for cutting划粉 chalk裁剪剪刀 dressmaker”s shears or tailor”s shears压料鉄 weights电剪刀 electrically powered knife拉布机 spreading machine手工工具 i

54、nstruments手缝针 sharps needle插针包 pin-cushion 顶针 thimble纱剪 thread clippers机缝工具 instruments for sewing缝纫机针 sewing machine needle 缝纫机 sewing machine专用缝纫机 special machine:钉扣、锁眼、打套结、包缝等用的专用机器。整烫工具 instruments for pressing水布 pressing cloth烫凳 tailor”s press board铁凳 egg pad布馒头 tailor”s ham喷水壶 sprayer电熨斗 elect

55、ric iron蒸汽熨斗 steam iron检验工具 instruments for inspection人体模型 mannequin,又称人台。胸架 model:依据人的上半身外形塑造的模型。钢卷尺 steel tape色卡 standard colour card外观疵点样照 standard sample photo for checkingspots起皱样照 standard sample photo贴纸 marking paper常用服装英语词汇3-plys export carton 三坑出口纸箱a pair of bracesaccessoryacetate lining 亚沙

56、迪里布,亚沙地里布air freightallover embroidery 全身绣花,粤全身车花anti-pilling agentantistatic finish 防静电处理automatic lock (zip) 自动锁拉链apparel 成衣applique 贴布绣appearance quality 外观质量approved swatch 确认的样布armhole,scye 袖窿,粤夹圈欧Art.No.,美style No. 款号assembling of front & back partassorted colorassorted sizeassorted color asso

57、rted sizeattach collarattach cuff to sleeve到袖子上attachment 安装在衣车上关心车缝的附件attention cardautolock zipper 自动锁拉链azo dye 偶氮染料back cover front 后搭前,后盖前back rise 后直裆,粤后浪back stitch 回针,倒针,粤返针back 后片,后幅backless dress 露背裙barb wire,loop pin 行李索bar code sticker 条码贴纸,条形码贴纸bargainingbase layer 多层服装的内层basting 疏缝,假缝be

58、ad 装饰用有孔小珠bell bottom 喇叭裤脚belt 带,腰带belt loop,belt-loop,beltloop 腰带袢,裤带袢,粤裤耳,耳仔bias cut 斜纹裁,粤纵纹裁binder 滚边器,粤拉筒,包边蝴蝶,滚边蝴蝶binding 滚边binding tape 滚条bleach spotbleach 漂白blended 混纺bodice 衣服大身局部body 上衣的主要局部除领、袖外粤衫身bottom,hem 下摆,粤衫脚,裤脚bow tie 蝴蝶结领结。bow-tieboxer 平脚裤,粤孖烟通box pleat,box-pleat 工字褶,粤外工字褶boy”s sty

59、le fly 男装门襟,粤男装钮牌braid 织带brocade 织锦,锦缎under fly 里襟,粤钮子mock flytop fly 门襟bracelet cuff 紧袖口braces skirt 吊带裙braces 吊带,背带brass plate 铜牌briefs 三角裤brown 麻布和花边的胚buckle 带扣buckle loop 扣袢bulk production 大量生产,粤大货bundle number 捆号,粤扎号bundle system 打包装置,包扎系统,粤执扎系统bundling 裁片的捆扎,粤执扎button 钮扣,扣子,粤钮automatic button

60、feeding 自动喂扣button feederbutton mold 布或皮包扣button mouldbutton robot 自动钉扣机imitation wood button 仿木扣jeans buttonstring button 绳结扣button position 钉扣位,粤钮位button stand 里襟,粤钮门搭位,钮子buttonhole,button-hole 扣眼,钮孔,粤钮门buttonhole dimensionbuttonholedistance 扣眼裆扣眼间的距离,粤钮门距buttonhole placket 门襟,粤门筒,裤、裙的钮牌buttonhole


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