



1、高三英语完形填空题训练 104On Saturday, Juliet and Darcy, 17-year-old frie nds, Were enjoying Sun Shi ne at Fur ness Park Whe n they no ticed a man fall dow n On the sidewalk. They hurried to 1 the man.DarCy felt _2_ he WaS going to die in front of them. She took a closer 3 .Then SheObSerVed his CheSt not going

2、 UP and down, WhiCh meant he WaSn 4 . tThe girls kneW they needed to 5 help. While DarCy Stayed With the 6 man, JUIiet ran to nearby homes and began ringing doorbells, but no one _ . “lam really afraid he is going to die WithOUt help, ” DarCy Said 8.JUIiet con ti nued to run for help. She fin ally f

3、ound some men fixing a Car and told them the 9 . BUt they did n 1t0 What the girl Said at first. They asked “Is What you Said a joke? ” And She anSWered, , CaIrNoi right noW. ”The repairmen got it and then 11 CPR (心肺复苏术)on the unconSCiOUS man until doCtors arrived and USed a defibrillator 电击器)to res

4、tart his 12 .Doctors Said the man WaS in CritiCaI con diti on and should be 13 to hospital.A doctor said,“ To their 14,the tWo girls take fast action WhiCh is called6a Chain ofSUrViVaI,WhiCh Can SaVe the 15 of a Patient in a dangerous SitUation.”“ What the tWo girls did WaS quite 16, ” SaiGanother d

5、octor.“ TheyS life on the Weekejumped into action to try to SaVe a(n) 17 , and they didn t give UP Until that task WdS8 . ” BUt doctors didn t get the girls namesattIbleyt ItaUnChed a(n) 19 to the PUbIiC to find them.S life on the WeekeFinally,the tWo girls Were found and PraiSed for helping SaVe a

6、manWe got a bit SCared in the beginu!irter We realized We got a bit SCared in the beginu!irter We realized 20 Won thelp the man,”1. A. recog nizeB. applaud2. A. con fusedB. terrified3. A. WalkB. try4. A. bleed ingB. breath ing5. A. forbidB. appreciate6. A. uncon SCiOUS B. familiarWere braVe, ” DarCy

7、 said.C.aidD. SeiZeC. PIeaSedD. CUriOUSC. ChatD. lookC. StarV ingD. chok ingC. quitD. SeekC. abse nt-min dedD. ragged7. A. enquired8. A. anxiouslyB. rememberedB. occasionallyC. answeredC. eagerlyD. succeededD. merrily9. A, consequenceB. emergencyC. conceptD. mystery10. A. believeB. hearC. doubtD. in

8、terrupt11. A. searched forB. put offC. carried outD. broke down12. A. handsB. stomachC. feetD. heart13. A. rushedB. admittedC. persuadedD. guided14. A. disappointmentB. creditC. annoyanceD. horror15. A. reputationB. prospectC. lifeD. honor16. A. embarrassingB. amazingC. contradictoryD. abstract17. A. acquaintanceB. colleagueC. strangerD. relative18. A. receivedB. presentedC. claimedD. accomplished19. A. appealB.


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