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1、2021/8/9 星期一1She g_at her watch and left in a hurry. Chuck survived the crash and landed on a d_ island. She spoke quietly for f_ of waking the baby up. When electricity was cut off, all the people in the elevator p_. He put forward two suggestions. The l_ sounds much better.The number of the studen

2、ts in the area has been_(减少).2021/8/9 星期一2She leaned over and _(低声说) something in his ear.Many people are against the idea of_(实验)on animals.All letters that he has received will be answered _(亲自).A team of 200 _(自愿者)arrived in the disaster-stricken area. 2021/8/9 星期一3到他二十岁的时候,他已创办了自己的公司。_ _ _ he wa

3、s twenty, he _ _ _ a company of his own.天气预报说今晚一场暴风雨可能会袭击我们的村庄。The weather report says that a storm _ _ _ _ our village.在老师的帮助下,他的英语取已得了很大的进步。_ _ _ of the teacher, he _ _ _ _ _ his English. 2021/8/9 星期一4当警察搜他身时,他站在那心跳得很快。When the police _ him, he stood there _ _ _ _ fast. 听到这个令人兴奋的消息时,他情不自禁地大笑了起来。Wh

4、en he heard the _ news, he _ _ _.2021/8/9 星期一5The news got around t _ the village quickly.Your v_ is too small; you need to learn more words.Do you believe that man was c_ by God?I dont know his password, so I cant have a_ to his computer.He works very hard and e_ he has been made manager. 2021/8/9

5、星期一6As we all know, France is a _(欧洲) country.I think Chinese_(字)are more difficult to learn than English.I think you should pay attention to your _(发音).Its useful to read some _(简写) English stories.He graduated from the English _ (系) of Yang Zhou University.2021/8/9 星期一71.由一个村民的领路,我们毫不费劲找到了他的家。With

6、 a villager _ us, we had _ _ _ his house.2.这个医疗小组由三个医生和两个护士组成。 This medical team _ _ three doctors and two nurses.3. 他在骑自行车时被朝对面过来的一辆卡车撞倒。 He was _ his bike when he was _ _ by a truck which was coming _ _ _ _.2021/8/9 星期一84. 随着科学的发展,知识变得越来越重要了。 _ _ _ _ science, knowledge is becoming _ _ _ _.5. 他发现和其

7、他同学相处很难。 He found _ _ _ _ _ _ his classmates. 2021/8/9 星期一9Fast readingWhen did Chinese writing begin?Thousands of years agoWho first invented Chinese writing?Cang JieHow was Chinese writing invented?Cang Jie saw the footprints of birds and animals in the snow and he got the idea that he could use d

8、ifferent shapes or pictures to represent different objects.2021/8/9 星期一10Careful reading- main idea of each ParagraphP1:Brief introduction of Chinese characters.P2:The origins of Chinese characters.P3-6:Form and development of Chinese characters.P7-8Pronunciation of Chinese characters and simplified

9、 Chinese characters.2021/8/9 星期一11Language points:The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.invent numerous characters to represent ideas, objects or actions2021/8/9 星期一12The word is different _ that one but t

10、he same _ the meaning.A. from, asB. from, inC. from, fromD. in, as2021/8/9 星期一13The two nouns are different _ form.A. fromB. inC. atD. on Bob differed _ Tom _ the argument and they quarrelled with each other.A. with/ onB. from/ withC. from/ inD. with/ from2021/8/9 星期一14There is a legend that says th

11、at a man named Cang Jie invented Chinese Writing.When he got home he found a note pinned on the door writing Phone Tom.He told me he wanted to join a league called itself Peace-loverthe idea thatThe very first Chinese characters 2021/8/9 星期一15simplify-simple-simplyas a wholeover timeturn intodevelop

12、 from drawings into standard forms2021/8/9 星期一16There are many other examples reflect the development of Chinese writing.There are still many problems solve.Not all characters are used to describe objects.All characters are not used to describe objects.None of the characters are used to describe objects.Both of them are not teachers.Neither of them is/are teachers2021/8/9 星期一17A method was developed to combine one part of the characte


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