1、英语阅读冲刺讲主讲英语阅读冲刺讲主讲欢迎使TextThe decioftheNewYorkPhilharmonictohireAlanGilbertasitsnextmusic director has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the announcement of his ment in 2009. For the most part, the response has favorable, to say the least. Hooray! At last! wrote Anthony Tommasini,
2、TextThe decioftheNewYorkPhilharmonictohireAlanGilbertasitsnextmusic director has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the announcement of his ment in 2009. For the most part, the response has favorable, to say the least. Hooray! At last! wrote Anthony Tommasini, a sober-sided classi
3、cal-music critic.Oneof the reasons whythe ment came cha surprise, however, tGilbert is comparatively little known. Even Tommasini, who had advocated ment in the Times, calls him an unpretentious n with no air of formidable conductor about him. As a description of the next music director of t has hit
4、herto been led by ns like Gustav Mahler and t seems likelyto haveeastsome TimesreadersasFor my part, I have no idea whether Gilbert is a great conductor or even a one. To be sure, he performs an impressive variety eresting itions, but is not sary for me to visit Avery Fisher Hall, or anywhere else,
5、to eresting orchestral music. All I have s to go to my CD shelf, or boot up computeranddownload stillmorerecordedmusicfromDevoted concertgoers who t recordings are no substitute for performance are missing the . For the time, attention, and money of art-loving public, classical instrumentalists must
6、 compete not only with opera houses, dance troupes, theater companies, and museums, but also with the of the great classical ns of the 20thcentury. There recordings cheap, available everywhere, and very often much higher in artistic ntodays live ; moreover, theycan be consumed ime and place the list
7、eners choosing. The widespread availability of such recordings has broughtaboutaheinstitutionofthetraditionalclassical sibleresponse is for classical performers to program attractive new t is not yet available on record. Gilberts erest in new music has widely noted: Alex Ross, a classical-music crit
8、ic, has described him as a man who capable of turning the o a markedly different, more anization. But what will be the nature oft difference? Merely expanding the orchestras repertoire will not be enough. If Gilbert and the Philharmonic are succeed, they change the relationship n Americas oldest and
9、thenew audienceithops to WelearnfromincurredCreceivedtGilbertsBraisedDaroused22.TommasiniregardsGilbertasanartistwhoA 23.Theauthor B C D tthedevoted ignoretheexpenses ofliverejectmostkindsofrecorded.exaggeratethevarietyofliveoverestimatethevalueoflive.Accordingto thetext, whichofthefollowingistrueof
10、 Theyareoften inferiorto live concerts in B TheyareeasilysibletoeralCTheyhelp improvethe qualityof D Theyhave onlycovered .25.RegardingGilbertsrole inrevitalizingthePhilharmonic,theauthorA B C exaggeratethevarietyofliveoverestimatethevalueoflive.Accordingto thetext, whichofthefollowingistrueof Theya
11、reoften inferiorto live concerts in B TheyareeasilysibletoeralCTheyhelp improvethe qualityof D Theyhave onlycovered .25.RegardingGilbertsrole inrevitalizingthePhilharmonic,theauthorA B C Textof DWhen Liam McGee departed of America in August, explanation was surprisingly straight up. n cloaking his e
12、xit in the vague excuses, he came right out and said he was leaving to pursue my goal running a company. Broadcasting his ambition was very much my McGee says. ks, he was talking for time with Hartford Finan September 29.l Group, which named him CEO and McGee says leaving without ition lined up gave
13、 him time to reflect on kind of company he wanted to run. It also sent a clear message to the outside about his aspirations. And McGee isnt alone. In recent Avon and American Express quit with the explanationkstheNo.2executivesat t they were looking for t. As boards scrutinize plans in response to e
14、xecutives who dont get the nod also may wish to move on. A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their repu ions.As signs of recovery begin to take hold, deputy chiefs may be willing to make the jump without a he third quarter, CEO tur
15、nover was 23% from a year ago as nervous boards stuck with the leaders they had, according to Liberum Research. As the economy picks up, opportunities will abound for aspiring The to quit a ition to look for a better one is For years executives and ters have adhered to the t the CEO candidates are t
16、he ones who must be poached. Says Korn/Ferry senior partner Dennis Carey:I cant think of a single search Ive done where a board has instructedmetolook atsittingThose who jumped without a job havent always itions EllenMarramquitaschiefofTropicanaadecadeago,sayingshewantedtobeaCEO. It was a year befor
17、e she became head of a tinyernet-based commodities exchange.RobertWillumstad left Citigroupin 2005 mbitions to be a CEO. He finallytamajor linstitutionthreeyearsMany recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers. The lcrisis has made it more acceptable to be n jobs or to leave a bad o
18、ne. Thetraditional rule was its safer to stay where you are, ts been inverted, says one ter. The people whove been hurt the worst are whovestayedtoo26.When McGee announced his departure, his manner can best be described as AB .Cself-D 27.AccordingtoParagraph 2,seniorexecutivesquittingmaybespurredthe
19、irionofbettertheirneed toreflect ontheirtheirstrainedrelationswhovestayedtoo26.When McGee announced his departure, his manner can best be described as AB .Cself-D 27.AccordingtoParagraph 2,seniorexecutivesquittingmaybespurredtheirionofbettertheirneed toreflect ontheirtheirstrainedrelationswiththeirp
20、ursuitofnewcareer l s 28.Thewordpoached(Paragraph4)mostprobablyAapprovedof. B attendedto. Itcanbeinferred fromthelast topperformersusedtoclingtoted DguardedB loyaltyoftopperformersisgettingout-CtopperformerscaremoreaboutDitssafertosticktothetraditional30.Which ofthefollowingisthe besttitle for the A
21、 CEOs:Whereto B CEOs: AlltheWayCTopManagersJumpwithoutaNet D TextThe rough guide to marketing s used to t you got what you paid Nolonger.Whiletraditional paidmedia such ls and advertisements still playa major role, companies todaycan exploit manyalternative forms of media. Consumers pasateaboutaprod
22、uctmaycreateearnedmediaby willingly promoting it to friends, and a company may leverage media by sending alerts about products and sales to customers registered with its Web site. Theway consumers now approach the s of making purchase s tmarketings impact stems from the broad range o ctors beyond co
23、nventional Paidandowned media arecontrolledbymarketers promotingtheirownproducts. For earned media , such marketers act as the initiator for users responses. But somecases, onemarketers owned e another marketers paid mediainstance, when merce retailer sells ad space on its Web site. We define sold o
24、wned media whose traffic is so t anizations their content merce engines hat environment. This trend ,which ve is still in its infancy, effectivelybegan with retailers and travel provider as airlines and s and will no doubt go further. Johnson & Johnson, for has created BabyCenter, a stand-alone medi
25、a property and even competitive products. Besides generatingt promotes complementary e, the presence of marketers makes the site seem objective, gives companies opportunities to learn valuable information about the appeal of other companies marketing, and may help expand user traffic for all compani
26、es concerned.The same dramatic technological t have provided marketers more (and more diverse) communications have also increased the tate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker, more visible, and more damaging ways. Such hijacked media are the ite of earned media: an nes hostage to consumer
27、s, other stakeholders, or activists make negative allegations about a brand or product. Members of lmore (and more diverse) communications have also increased the tate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker, more visible, and more damaging ways. Such hijacked media are the ite of earned medi
28、a: an nes hostage to consumers, other stakeholders, or activists make negative allegations about a brand or product. Members of l networks, instance, are t they can hijack media to apply re on the t originallycreated t happens, ate consumers would try to persuade others to products, putting the ion
29、of company at risk. In such a case, companys response may not be sufficiently quick or thoughtful, and the curvehas been steep. ToyotaMotor, for le,alleviatedsomeofthedamagefrom relatively quick and well-its recall crisis year with l-media n, which included efforts to engage with directlyon chandthe
30、l-newssite 31.Consumersmaycreateearnedmediawhentheyobsessedwithonlineinspiredbyproduct-atcertainWeb ssenttoCeagertohelptheirfriendspromotequalityDenthusiastic mendingtheir favorite32.AccordingtoParagraph 2,soldmedia AasafebusinessCstronguserBrandomDflexibility33.TheauthorindicatesinParagraph tearned
31、Ainviteswith atecanbeusedtoproducenegativemayberesponsibleforfiercer deserveallthenegativecommentsaboutToyotaMotorsexperienceiscitedas anlerespondingeffectivelytohijackedBpersuadingoboycottingcooperatingwithsupportivetakingadvantageofhijackedWhichofthe followingisthe text mainlyabout Alternativestoc
32、onventionalpaidnhijackedand earnedDominanceofhijackedPopularityofowned Textt Jennifer Seniors insightful, provocative magazine Its no story, I Love My Children, I Hate My Life, is arousing much chatternothing people talking like the t child rearing is anything n a yfulfilling, life-enriching experie
33、nce. n t children parents either happy or miserable, Senior suggests we need to redefine instead of thinking ofit ast can be measured bymoment-to-moment weshouldconsiderbeinghappyt-tense condition.Even though the day-to-experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard, Senior the t in the mome
34、nt en our moods can later be gratificationandThe magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is the only Madonna-and-child image on newsstands k. There are also weshouldconsiderbeinghappyt-tense condition.Even though the day-to-experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly ha
35、rd, Senior the t in the moment en our moods can later be gratificationandThe magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is the only Madonna-and-child image on newsstands k. There are also about newly adoptive and newly single mom Sandra Bullock, as well as the Jennifer Aniston i
36、s pregnant news. Practically every ritymom, or mom-to-be, smilingon the k features at least In a t so persistently rates procreation, is it any tadmitting you regret having children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing? Itdoesnt seemquitefair,then,tocomparetheregretsofparentstothe r
37、egrets of the childless. Unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder if ve had kids, but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the t children are the single most important he world: obviouslytheir misery heir lives.must beadirectresultofthe,baby-sizeOf course, the image of t rity magazines lik
38、e kly People present is hugely unrealistic, lly when the parents are single like Bullock. According to several studies t parents are less nchildlesscouples,single parentsaretheppyof all. Noshockthere, howmuch work it is to raise a kid without a partner to lean on; yet to hear Sandra oflit,raisingaki
39、dontheirown(read:withround-the-clockhelp)isaIts hard to t many people are dumb enough to want children becauseReese and Angelina makeit look so glamorous: most adults t babyis nota haircut. But erestingtowonderiftheimagesweseek stress-free, happiness-enhancing parenthood arent in some small, subcons
40、cious contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual he same t a small part of us hoped getting the Rachel might make us look just a litt like Jennifer Aniston.36.JenniferSeniorsuggestsinhert raisingachildcan AtemporaryC happinessin 37.WelearnfromParagraph BenjoymentinDlastingreward A rity
41、moms rmanentsourceBsinglemotherswithbabiesdeservegreaterCnewsaboutpregnant ritiesisDhavingchildren is highlyvalued bythe 38.ItggestedinParagraphtchildless A areconstantlyedto B arelargelyignored bythe C failto fulfilltheirl Darelesslikelytobesatisfiedwiththeir 39.According to Paragraph 4, the messag
42、e conveyed by rity A B C D 40.Which ofthe followingcan beinferred fromthelastAHavingchildrencontributeslittletotheglamourof rityB ritymomshave influencedour attitudetowardschild CHavingensifiesourdissatisfactionwithDWesometimesneglectthehappinessfrom child2012年阅Come on ng t whispered message, half i
43、on re. half forcing, is what most of us think of when we hearA B C D 40.Which ofthe followingcan beinferred fromthelastAHavingchildrencontributeslittletotheglamourof rityB ritymomshave influencedour attitudetowardschild CHavingensifiesourdissatisfactionwithDWesometimesneglectthehappinessfrom child20
44、12年阅Come on ng t whispered message, half ion re. half forcing, is what most of us think of when we hear the words usuallyleads to no good-drinking, drugs and casual sex. But in her new book Club, TinaRosenbergt re so be itive force what she calls the l cure, in anizations and ls use er groupdynamics
45、tohelpindividuals improvetheirlivessiblythe Rosenberg, the recipient ofa rize, offers ahost of le of the lcure in action: In South Carolina, a s e-sponsored antismoking program called Rage Against the Haze sets out to make cigarettes uncool. In South Africa, an HIV-prevention initiative known as Lov
46、eLife recruits young people to promote safe sex among their peers.Theidea seems promising,and Rosenberg rceptiveobserver. Her ofthe lameness of manypublic-ns is spot-on: theyfail to mobilize re for healthy habits, and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding psychology. Dare to be different
47、, please dont smoke! pleads one billboard n aimed at reducing smoking among teenagers-teenagers, who desire n fitting in. Rosenberg argues t public-health oughttotakeapage fromadvertisers,soskilled atapplyingBut on eral effectiveness of the l cure, Rosenberg is less he Club is filled with too much i
48、rrelevant detail and not enough exploration the l and biological t make peer re erful. The glaring flaw of the l cure as its presented here t it doesnt work very for verylong. Rage Against the Haze failed e funding was cut. ttheLoveLifelastingchangesis limitedand Theresnot our peer groups exert enor
49、mous influence on our An emerging body of research itive health habits-as well as ones-spread through networks of friends via l communication. This is a formofre: we unconsciouslye thebehavior weseeeveryFar less certain, however, is how sfully experts and bureaucrats can our peer groups and steer th
50、eir activities in virtuous directions. Its like the whobreaks up the he back row bypairingthem with better-classmates. The tactic never really works. ts the problem l engineeredfromtheoutside: own friends.21.Accordingto he real world, as in school, we insist on choosing paragraph,reoftenemergesAasup
51、plementtothel astimulustogroup anobstacletoschoolDacauseof 22.Rosenbergtpublicengineeredfromtheoutside: own friends.21.Accordingto he real world, as in school, we insist on choosing paragraph,reoftenemergesAasupplementtothel astimulustogroup anobstacletoschoolDacauseof 22.RosenbergtpublicadvocatesAr
52、ecruitalBlearnfromadvertisersC stayawayfrom l Drecognizetheions of heauthorsview,RosenbergsbookfailsAyprobe land biological effectivelyevadetheflawsoftheillustratethefunctionsofe l Dproducealong-lastingl 24.Paragrapht our ion ofisharmfultoournetworksof willmisleadbehavioraloccurswithoutourrealizingc
53、anproducenegativehealth25.Theauthor Text 2helast ttheeffectofreA deal is a deal-except, apparently ,when Entergy is involved. The company, major r in New England, provoked justified outrage in Vermont k when it announced it was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the strict nuclear reg
54、ulations.Instead, the company has done precisely what id long promised it would not challenge the constitutionality of Vermonts rules in the federal court, as part of desperate effort to keep its Vermont Y stunning move.ee lant running. Its has been surfacing since 2002, when the corporation Vermont
55、s only er plant, an aging reactor in Vernon. As a condition receiving e approval for the sale, the company agreed to seek e regulators to operate past 2012. In 2006, the e went a step further, t any of the plants license be subject to Vermont legislatures Then,too, thecompanywent Either Entergy neve
56、r ended to live by those commitments, or it didnt foresee what would happen next. A string of accidents, including the collapse of a cooling tower in 207 and the discovery of an underground pipe leakage, raised serious questions about both Vermont ees safety and management lly after the company made
57、 misleading ements about pipe. Enraged by Entergys behavior, the Vermont Senate voted 26 to 4 last againstallowingan.Now the company is suddenly t the 2002 agreement is collapse of a cooling tower in 207 and the discovery of an underground pipe leakage, raised serious questions about both Vermont ee
58、s safety and management lly after the company made misleading ements about pipe. Enraged by Entergys behavior, the Vermont Senate voted 26 to 4 last againstallowingan.Now the company is suddenly t the 2002 agreement is because of the 2006 legislation, t only the s er over nuclear The legal es in the
59、 case are obscure: whereas Supreme s t es do have some regulatory authority over er, legal scholars t Vermont case will offer a precedent-setting test of how Certainly, there are valid concerns about the far those ers t could result if every e sets its own rules. d Entergy kept tdebatewouldbebesidet
60、he.The company seems to have t its ion in Vermont is so t s nothing left to lose by going to war with the e. But should be . to run a nuclear plant is a poblic trust. runs 11 other reactors in the United es, including Pilgrim Nuclear ion Pledging to run Pilgrim safely, the company has appd for feder
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