1、布氏姜片吸虫 Fasciolopsis buskiBrief introduction One of the largest intestinal parasites Fasciolopsiasis (布氏姜片虫病). Common in humans and pigs Most frequently seen in AsiaIn 1873, in Guangzhou, the first caseMorphologyadult 20-75 x 8-20 x 0.5-3mm Ventral sucker close to oral sucker, two dendritic testesOva
2、ry :also branchedUterus :between ovary and acetabulum (sucker) Adult live adultEgg 130140m8085m light yellow in color thin shell, small and indistinct operculum.1undeveloped embryonic cell(卵细胞) and 2040 vitelline cells(卵黄细胞) Life cycle囊蚴(feces,water)Intermediate host: Segmentina (扁卷螺)aquatic plants
3、(water chestnuts, chufa菱角, 荸荠) 囊蚴Key points of life cycleSite of inhabitation: small intestineInfective stage: metacercaria囊蚴Infective route and mode: ingestionIntermediate hosts: Segmentina(扁卷螺) Reservoir hosts: pig Life span: 1-4 yearsEgg output: 15,000/worm/dayPathogenesis Spoliation of nourishme
4、nt(掠夺营养), and interfere with normal digestive function.malnutrition. Mechanical injury: Hemorrhage, ulceration(溃疡), and abscess(脓肿)Toxic substances . hypersensitivity.Intestinal obstructionManifestations Most cases: asymptomatic. Severe cases: diarrhea with hunger pains, simulating peptic ulcer(消化性溃
5、疡). Children: weight loss, edema and anaemia(贫血)营养不良性腹水营养不良性水肿edemaLaboratory diagnosisCharacteristic eggs or adult worms in the feces. EpidemiologyPrevalent in Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Burma, Kampuchea, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaya and India Involving ac
6、tivities: Raise pigs with raw water plants Eat raw water plants. Treatment and controlPrevention of contamination with fecesHealth education:eating habits Treatment of the infected (humans, pigs): praziquantel吡喹酮10mg/kgEating raw water plantsFasciola & Fasciolopsisfasciola hepatica 肝片吸虫More frequently seen in livestockOccasionally infects humansSymptoms similar to Clonorchis but Fasciola is larger in sizeUsually as
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