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1、Unit 2 I think life is better today.Module 3 Life now and then tiny electric light candle postman cold adj. 微小的;极小的 adj. 用电的;电动的 n. 电灯 n. 蜡烛 n. 邮递员 n. 寒冷;冷空气Words review heat full-time role education transport n. 高温;热度 adj.专职的;全日制的 n. 作用;职责;角色 n. (个人的)教育;学 业 n. 运输业;交通Words reviewWork in pairs. Discu

2、ss what you did in your childhood and list some of them.Do you want to know how your parents passed their childhood? Was it the same to yours?Lets enjoy a video to see what your parents did when they were young. To get information from the passage about life now and then2.To learn some key words and

3、 useful expressions3. To learn to write a passage about the advantages and disadvantages of life todayObjectivesWords: tiny electric light candle postman cold heat full-time role transportPhrases:whats more so much/many generally speaking more thanPatterns: and looking after us was more than a full-

4、time job.Families have got smaller than they were in the past.Focus on接龙幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。每人一词,按行/列依次接龙,3秒内说不出,此行/列同学即失去此答题机会,下一行/列同学接续。1P20Look at he woman in the photo. How do you think she feels? Think about what she will talk about: family big familyTask 1 education health work a woman

5、 worker a housewifecant get healthy food sometimesreceived low education or no education2P20Read the passage and take notes on what Mrs Li says about the points in Activity 1.Task 2Life in the past_Life now_1 Family: bigger; five children2 Food:3 Work:4 Education:1 Family: smaller; one child23 4 sim

6、ple, eat meat once or twice a yearFood: more food and better food hard and difficult work, long hoursWork: interesting jobs for boys and girls expensive, often only for boysEducation: good schools for everyoneNow complete the notes and add more points of your own.5 Transport: on foot; by bike5 Trans

7、port: much easier, buses, cars and planes6 Entertainment: no entertainment6 Entertainment: television, computer, etcRead the part What was your life like in the past? and answer the following questions.Task 31. What did Mrs Lis parents do?2. Was Mrs Lis fathers work hard? How do you know that?3. Why

8、 Mrs Lis parents didnt send her to school?Mrs Lis father was a postman and her mother was a housewife.Yes, it was. Her father often worked twelve hours a day outside in the winter cold or in the summer heat.Because her family couldnt afford it, and whats more, because she was a girl.Read the part Ho

9、w has life changed? and finish the following exercises.Mrs Lis opinion the change of the role of women transport and travel today the appearance of TV life todayIts a good thing. Her daughter has a good education and she can go to work every day even after getting married. Its easy for people to go

10、everywhere, but theres too much traffic.It helps her to watch so many good programmes, but some of the shows are too noisy.Life is better today. They eat better and live longer.Work in pairs and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of life for Mrs Li.Task 4 Mrs Lis father was a (1) _ . He oft

11、en worked outside for twelve hours a day in the summer heat or in the winter (2) _. They lived in a (3) _ house and used (4) _ for light. Mrs Li says that (5) _, life is better today. But not everything is satisfying. There are some thing that she is not happy with, for example, the (6) _. candles c

12、old generally speaking postman tiny trafficpostmancoldtinycandles generally speakingtraffic3P21Task 5Our world is always changing and making progress in many ways. Things are getting better and better. Do you think so? Language points1. looking after us was more than a full-time job. 照料我们比做一份全职工作还要辛

13、苦.这句话的主语是动名词短语looking after us。单个v-ing形式短语在句中作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。句中more than表示“不只是,多于”。例如:He is more than a coach. He is a friend.他不只是教练,更是朋友。2. whats more, because I was a girl. 而且,我是个女孩。whats more表示递进,“然而/还有 ”的意思,独立使用,既可以放句首,也可以放句中,whats more后面加逗号。 你应该记住它,更重要的是,应该正确理解它。 You should remember it, andwhatsm

14、ore, you should get it right. 3. Generally speaking, I think life is better today. 总的说来,我认为今天的生活更好了。 generally speaking表示“一般而言,总的说来”。in general也可以表达同样的意思。例如:Generally speaking, we enjoyed the trip.总的说来,我们这次旅行很愉快。In general, women live longer than men.总的说来,女性比男性更长寿。4. and she goes to work even after

15、getting married. 结婚后她也依然去工作。get married意为“结婚”,表示短暂行为,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。表示结婚多长时间,要用be married。布朗夫妇结婚已50年了。_The Browns have been married for fifty years.WritingWrite a passage about the advantages and disadvantages of life today.Choose two or three points from the notes in Activity 2 to write about. Fami

16、lies are smallerGive examples or reasons to support those points. Most people only have one child today.4P21 For each of the points you choose, write about an advantage and/or a disadvantage. Use the words however, but, although or used to where appropriate. Families are smaller because most people

17、only one child today. As a result, families have more money to spend on their child. However, an only child may feel lonely Finish the passage with your conclusion. Generally speaking, I thinkPresent your passage to the class.5P21Possible answerAlthough transport is easier than it used to be, we now

18、 have much more traffic, which means it is harder to cross the road. There are more kinds of food now than before, but many people eat too much and dont take enough exercise. Education and work for girls are much better than they used to be. Generally speaking, I think life is better, but it is nois

19、ier and busier.本课时主要短语和句型总结回顾1. more than2. whats more3. generally speaking4. I wasnt sent to school because my family couldnt afford it.5. Families have got smaller than they were in the past.6. The only thing I dont like, though, is that theres so much more traffic.Now 2 mins to test your spelling

20、.Spelling Bee1. English-Chinese full-time education electric tiny candle postman transport heat2. Chinese-English 过马路 一般而言,总的来说 不只是,多于 When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best. 用方框内所给单词的恰当形式填空。 postman full-time cold education tiny 1. The President will include the idea in his _

21、plan.2. The goldfish swam round and round in their _ bowls.3. The duty of a _ is to deliver letters and parcels(包裹).4. James hopes to become a _ musician soon.5. Dont stand outside in the _.educationtinypostman full-timecold. 根据提示翻译句子。1. 她学得很快,而且所学的全都记得。(whats more) _ _2. 我对他很失望,因为他没有一个工作做得超过三个月。(mo

22、re than) _ _3. 我现在走路少了,坐公交车多了。 _ _She learns quickly, and whats more, she remembers what she has learnt.I am disappointed at him, because he didnt keep a job for more than three months.These days I walk less and take the bus more.请根据下表所列的内容要点以Changes in my hometown为题目, 用英语写一篇短文。过去1. 生活贫困,房屋破旧;2. 污染严重,垃圾遍地;3. 交通不便,游客稀少。现在1. 住房宽敞、明亮, 许多人有私家车;2. 山更绿, 水更清,天更蓝;3. 每年有成千上万来自世界各地的游客。Homework提示词: convenient 便利的要求: 1. 短文须包括所有内容要点, 可适当发挥,


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