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1、一、考纲词汇识记1 adj. 不顾一切的,拼命的2 vt. 生产(婴儿);接生3 vi. 评论,点评,发表意见4 vt.& vi. 认为,考虑,计算5 n. 可供选择的办法或事物 adj. 可供选择的desperatedelivercommentfigurealternative6 vt. 涉及7 n. 成本,代价8 vt. 征求,寻求;探索,探寻9 n 宣告,通告,通知 n播音员, 宣告者10 n. & adj.正常(的);常规(的);标准(的) adj.(反义词)反常的,变态的involvecostseekannouncementannounceannouncernormalabnorma

2、l11 vt.收养,领养 adj.可采用的, 可收养的 n收养;采用12 vi.成功 n adj.成功的 adv.成功地13 n结果,后果 adj. 随之发生的14 n职业 n教授 adj. 职业的,专业的15 vi. & vt.总结,下结论;结束 n 结论adoptadoptableadoptionsucceedsuccesssuccessfulsuccessfullyconsequenceconsequentprofessionprofessorprofessionalconcludeconclusion16 vt.敦促,催促,力劝 n迫切要求,强烈欲望 adj.紧急的 n紧迫17 adj

3、.抵抗的,有抵抗力的 v抵制,抵抗 n反对;抵抗18 n赞同,支持;恩惠;偏爱 adj.满意 的 adj.最喜欢的19 vt. & vi.争辩 n争论,辩论urgeurgenturgencyresistantresistresistancefavourfavourablefavouriteargueargument.重点短语再现1.超越了我们的想象2.一项科学突破3.对一点不尊重4.一个41岁的女销售员5.一个领养的孩子6.处理这些后果7.最终取代我们beyond our imaginationa scientific breakthroughshow no respect fora 41 y

4、ear old saleswomanan adopted childdeal with the consequencesend up replacing us8.死于心脏病9.违反/不利于自然10.对有抵抗力11.过度开发地球资源12.满足某人的需要13.总之die of heart failurego against naturebe resistant toendlessly overdevelopEarths resourcesmeet/satisfy ones needsto conclude/to sum up/in a word二、高频词汇活用一言辨异20They went int

5、o town with the _ of visiting the library, where they can borrow the books _ for children.(intend)答案: intention;intended21Her child _ well in class. She is pleased with her childs good _.(behave)答案: behaved;behavior22The cars _ on mountain roads was impressive, so our team _ very well.(perform)答案: p

6、erformance;performed1succeed vi.成功;继承,继任 vt.继承,继任,接替教材P42原句China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats.中国已经成功地克隆出了牛和山羊。(1)succeed in sth. 在方面成功succeed in doing sth. 成功做成某事(manage to do sth.)succeed to sth. 继承(地位、财产等)succeed sb. as. 接替某人作为(2)success nU成功; C成功的人(或事)have success in doing

7、sth. 做某事很成功(3)successful adj. 成功的Despite being the number five seed, he said he did not feel any more pressure to succeed.尽管成为五号种子选手,他说他并没有感到成功的压力。Guang zhou the 16th Asian Games.广州成功地举办了第十六届亚运会。He had to the business after his father passed away.父亲去世后他不得不继承父亲的生意。The younger man will succeed Mr.Whit

8、e as director.那位较年轻的男士将接替怀特先生当主任。succeeded in holdingsucceed to重点单词.praise n.& vt.表扬;赞扬 挑战自我 (1)由于这个学生的进步老师表扬了他。 The teacher his progress. (2)老师的表扬极大地鼓舞了我们。 has greatly encouraged us. (3)赞扬他们成就的话很多。 Much was said their achievements.praised the student forThe teachers praisein praise of帮你归纳praise sb.

9、for sth.因而赞扬反义词组:blame sb.for sth.;criticize sb.for sth.sing high praise for高度赞扬同义词组:think well/highly of;speak highly of反义词组:think little/nothing of;speak badly ofin praise of赞扬结构相同的短语有:in celebration/need/want/memory/honor ofbeyond all praises赞不绝口deserve/be worthy of praise值得称赞即学活练(4)The Departmen

10、t of Education for his having completed 40 years of teaching. A.received high praise B.was praised C.praised him D.praised for himC2benefit vt.有利于,使受益;对有好处 vi.获益;受益;得到好处 n利益,福利,好处教材P42原句.and continues to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.并在继续研究利用克隆技术造福人类的各种途径。 挑战自我 (1)这是一项花费很大的投资,但从

11、长远来看,它 对公司有好处。 Its an expensive investment but it will in the long run. (2)成千上万的人受益于新的治疗。 Thousands of people the new treatment. (3)新信用卡将会为我们的客户带来很多好处。 The new credit card will be our customers.benefit the companyhave benefited fromof great benefit to帮你归纳benefit sb.有益于某人benefit from sb./sth.从获益benef

12、it by doing.通过获益for the benefit of.为了的利益be of benefit to对有益beneficial adj.有益的be beneficial to=be of benefit to对有益be beneficial to do sth.做有益即学活练(4)新建的铁路使附近的村民受益许多。(5)为了学生的身心健康,我们学校周围两公里以内 的所有网吧将全部关闭。The newly built railway will greatlybenefit the villagers nearby.For the benefit of the body and mind

13、 health of the students,all the Internet cafs within a distance of two kilometers around our school will be shut down.Solving the farmerturnedworker issue will benefit rural development,guarantee supply of farm produce and narrow the income gap.解决农民产业工人的问题将有利于农村地区的发展,保障农产品的供应,缩小收入的差距。Will the infect

14、ed patients the new vaccine?这种新疫苗对被感染的病人来说有效吗?He devoted his whole life to doing the research mankind.为了造福全人类他一生都在进行研究。Sports are beneficial to building our bodies.体育运动有益于增强我们的体质。benefit from/byfor the benefit of3consequence n结果,后果;重要性,重大意义教材P43原句If we interfere with nature, we will have to deal wit

15、h the consequences.如果我们干涉大自然的话,那么我们将不得不应付各种后果。as a consequencein consequence结果as a consequence ofin consequence of 由于,因为的缘故take the consequences (of) 承担(某事的)后果;对(某事的)后果负责of consequence 重要的,重大的;有地位的,有声望的of no consequence不重要的,无足轻重的It rained yesterday and as a consequence the match was canceled.昨天下雨了,结

16、果比赛被取消了。 smoking, my father coughs frequently.因为吸烟的缘故,我父亲经常咳嗽。If you behave so foolishly, you must be ready to .如果你这样愚昧下去,你必须准备自食其果。He may be a man of consequence in his own country, but hes nobody here.他在自己的国家中或许举足轻重,但在此地却无足轻重。As a consequence oftake the consequences4comment vi. & n评论,点评教材P43原句I wo

17、uld like to comment on your article The perfect copy我想点评一下你们发表的文章完美的复制品。It created wide comment in the press.这引起报刊界广泛的评论。(1)comment on sb./sth.评论某人/某事comment that. 评论(2)make comments on sb./sth. 评论某人/某事ask for comment 征求意见without comment 不必多说No comment. 无可奉告。The critics commented favorably on his ne

18、w book.评论家们对于他的新书给予好评。He it was an excellent film.他评论这部电影很精彩。He some useful my work.他对我的作品作了一些实用的评论。commented thatmadecomments on5involve vt.涉及;需要,包含;使卷入,使陷入;使参与,使忙于教材P49原句Although it involves some cost on your part,you will definitely agree its worth it!尽管你需要花点钱,但无疑你一定会认为那是值得的!involve sb.in sth.使某人

19、牵涉进/陷入某事be involved with sb. 和某人混在一起,和某人有密切联系be/get involved in sth. 卷入;与有关;参与be involved in doing sth. 专心致志做某事 挑战自我 (1)别把我卷入你们的争吵。 Dont in your quarrel. (2)别卷入这样的事情中去。 Dont get yourself such matters. (3)要赢得比赛,既要有技巧也要有运气。 Winning the game both skill and fortune.involve meinvolved ininvolves帮你归纳invol

20、ve sb.in sth.使某人牵扯进来,使某人陷入be/get involved in使牵扯进来,使陷入,卷入,与有密切联系 be involved in doing sth.专心致志做某事即学活练用involve的适当形式填空(4)Nurse is a job great patience.(5)Youd better not get yourself in the dispute.(6)I in the quarrel between Tom and Jack.involvinginvolvedwas involvedYou have involved me in a great dea

21、l of extra work.你害得我添了一大堆额外的工作。Shes deeply him and feels he must marry her.她和他有密切的联系,并且觉得他一定会娶她。Dont get yourself involved in such matters.别让你自己卷入这样的事中。She reading all night.她整晚都在专心致志地读书。involved withwas involved in6conclude vi. & vt.总结,下结论;结束教材P56原句To conclude,I urge you to seek the opinions of the

22、 people of the UK on this matter so we can end this immoral practice immediately.总之,我敦促你征求英国人对这件事的看法,以便使我们能快点结束这一不道德的做法。(1)conclude that.推断出conclude sth.with. 以结束某事conclude sth.with sb. 与某人达成to conclude 总而言之;最后(2)conclusion n. 结论;推断,推论come to/arrive at/draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论make a conclusion 下

23、结论bring. to a conclusion 使结束,使终止;谈定(交易等)come to a conclusion 结束,告终;得出结论in conclusion 最后,在结束时;总之,综上所述I conclude from what he said that he was dissatisfied.从他的言语中我可以推断出他不满意。The concert the National Anthem.音乐会最后以演奏国歌结束。Well have a further discussion before we make/reach/draw/arrive at a final conclusio

24、n.我们会做进一步讨论之后得出结论。 ,Id like to say how much Ive enjoyed staying here.最后我想要说我待在这里过得有多愉快。concluded withIn conclusion7urge vt.敦促,催促,力劝;强烈要求;极力主张 n迫切要求,强烈欲望He urged the necessity for immediate action.他极力主张马上采取必要的行动。 挑战自我 (1)老师催促我们交家庭作业。 The teacher our homework. (2)他力劝我去日本。 He urged that I to Japan. (3)

25、他们极想与人交流。 They have to communicate.urged us to hand inshould goa strong urge帮你归纳urge sb.to do sth.催促某人做某事urge+that-clause(从句用虚拟语气,should可以省略)强烈要求某人做某事have/feel an urge/no urge to travel渴望去旅行/不想去旅行urge a horse on/onward 策马而驰即学活练(4)They urged that the library open during the vacation. A.must be keptB.

26、is kept C.would be keptD.be keptDHe tried hard to urge me a book about music.他极力劝说我写一本关于音乐的书。They urged that the library open during the vacation.他们极力主张在放假期间图书馆应当照常开放。The marathon runner looked very tired but the crowd urged him on and he finished the race.这位马拉松运动员看起来已经非常疲劳了,但是观众们鼓励他坚持下去,于是他跑完了全程。to

27、 writebe kept8seek vt.征求,寻求;探索,探寻Many zoos around the world continue to seek pandas from China.世界上的许多动物园继续努力从中国寻求熊猫。 挑战自我 (1)他说他没有寻找到幸福。 He said he his happiness. (2)试图说服他戒烟是没用的。 It is no use persuade him to give up smoking.hadnt soughtseeking to帮你归纳seek advice/happiness/wealth/help/friendship寻求建议/幸

28、福/财富/帮助/友谊seek to do sth.= try to do sth.试图做某事seek after/for寻找;追求即学活练(3)Though everywhere,the special material for the medicine failed to be found. A.soughtB.having sought C.being soughtD.seekingA(1)seek peace/happiness/help/friendship 寻求和平/快乐/帮助/友谊seek advice/wealth/fame 征求建议/追求财富/名誉(2)seek to do s

29、th. try to do sth. 试图做某事seek after/for 寻找,追求seek through 搜查遍(某处)We find a way to get along well with the people around us.我们力求找一种方法能使我们和周围的人相处融洽。One mustnt seek after comfort, personal fame and gains.我们不应当贪图安逸,追名逐利。seek to5.limit v.& n.限制,限定 挑战自我 (1)每户限发四张免费票。 Families four free tickets each. (2)钱的数

30、量要在我能承受的范围内。 There is the amount of money I can afford. (3)我在这个学科方面的知识有限。 My knowledge on the subject is .are limited toa limit tolimited帮你归纳limit.to.把限制在time/speed limit时间/速度限制limited adj.有限的be limited to doing sth.只限于做即学活练用limit的适当形式填空(4)Water is in this area,so there is a to using water,now the m

31、ain work to be done is to finding more water for local ention n.意图;目的;企图 挑战自我 (1)他到巴黎是为了学法语。 He went to Paris French. (2)我无意去参加婚礼。 I have going to the wedding. (3)这个课程是为中等水平的学生开设的。 The course intermediate students. (4)他的父母想让他去国外学习。 His parents study abroad.with the int

32、ention of learning/to learnno intention ofis intended forintended him to帮你归纳intend v.打算,意欲,想要intend to do sth.打算做某事intend sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事be intended for为准备/安排/设计with the intention of为了目的或意图have no intention of doing/to do sth.无意做某事即学活练(5)She to catch the early train,but she didnt get up in tim

33、e. A.intendedB.was intended C.had intendedD.was intendingC.单词拼写1It wasnt my _(意图)to exclude her from the listI just forgot her.答案: intention2All three teams_(采取)different approaches to the problem.答案: adopted3Shes been trying to pass her driving test for six years and shes finally_(成功)4Research_(涉及)

34、the use of the force of wind will be done next month in the city.5Investigators_(极力主张)that safety procedures at the site should be improved.答案: urged答案: involving答案: succeeded6Legal advice should be_(寻求)before you take any further action.答案: sought7The minister_(争辩)for making cuts in military spendi

35、ng.答案: argued8The president has done his best to_(提高)the national interest.答案: advance.单项填空1My friends urged that I_the job.Aapplied for Bapply forCapplied to Dapply to解析:本题考查动词urge用法及apply for 和apply to 辨析。urge后跟宾语从句,从句谓语部分用should动词原形,should可省略。apply for“申请”;apply to“适用于”。句意:朋友们力劝我申请那份工作。答案: B2_ I

36、came to the music hall,it was a new and big one.AThe first time BFor the first timeCFirst time DFirst解析:the first time 和 for the first time 都可作“首次,第一次”讲,A项可引导时间状语从句,而B项是介词短语作状语,不能引导从句,D项表示“首先”,C项不存在。答案: A3He made several critical(批评性的)_ on his new book.Apunishments BcommentsCopinions Dideas解析:短语make

37、/have comments on意思为“对作评价或评论”。答案: B4(2011湘潭模拟)I wont tell the student the answer to the math problem until he _ on it for more than an hour.Ahas been workingBwill have workedCwill have been workingDhad worked解析:主句为一般将来时态,时间状语从句需用一般现在时或现在完成进行时,因此A项正确。答案: A5The man insisted _ a taxi for me even though

38、 I told him I lived nearby.Afind Bto findCon finding Din finding 解析:本题考查动词搭配。insist on doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“坚持做某事”。答案: C6Be careful when you are passing a busy street,otherwise you might get _ by a passing car.Arunning over Brun overCrunning across Drun across解析: run over意为“撞倒并碾轧”; run across 指“偶然相遇”。

39、根据句意该空白处应选run over。该句考查的是get done(be done)这一结构。故B项正确。答案: B 7Many houses were completely destroyed in Typhoon Morakot which struck the area last week._,the victims had to live in the temporary shelters offered by the Red Cross.AAs a result of BAs a consequenceCAs usual DAs for解析:根据句子需要,此处需用副词性的词组,故排除

40、A、D两项。as usual通常;as a consequence因此,结果。结合语境,应选B。答案: B8One foolish mistake can_you _a good deal of trouble.Ainvolve;in Binvolve;withCintroduce;to Dinvite;to解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。involve.in.“使(某人)陷入(困境)”;involve.with.“与有(密切)关系”;introduce.to.“把介绍给”;invite.to.“邀请到”。句意:一次愚昧的错误可使你陷入极大的麻烦。答案: A1 一方面2 指出3. 一般来说,总体而

41、言4. 义无反顾地进行,努力推进5 以告终6 供出售,待销售7 用完,耗尽on the one handpoint outin generalpush ahead withend upfor saleuse up 8 准备就绪,布置妥当9 想出,理解,明白;计算出,演 算出10 几天前;那天11 对某人而言12 赞同,支持13. 观点14. 结果是,结果证明put.in placefigure outthe other dayon ones partin favour ofpoint of viewturn out1point out指出教材P42原句On the one hand, some

42、 scientists point out that if you clone an embryo, you can produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human lives.一方面,一些科学家指出,如果你能够克隆人类胚胎,那么你就可以生产出能够用来拯救人类生命的宝贵的组织和器官了。I must point out that further delay would be unwise.我必须指明再延误就是不明智了。(1)point at sb./sth. 指着某人/物point to 指向(2)make

43、 a point 提出观点come to the point 谈正题to the point 中肯,切题off(the)/beside point 不切题there is no point (in) doing. 没有意义做He the house on the corner and said,“Thats where I live.”他指着拐角处的房子说:“我就住在那里。”Never point a gun at someone, even for fun, as it might be loaded.切不要把枪对准某个人,即使是开玩笑,因为枪里可能装有子弹。pointed toHis an

44、swer was concise and .他的回答简洁中肯。Since he has heard about it, there is no point in telling him about the news.既然他已经听说了这个消息,就没有必要告诉他了。to the point2end up以告终教材P43原句We could produce a monster, or even a superhuman race that could one day end up replacing us. 我们可能会创造出一个怪物,甚至是一个最终有一天反过来取代我们人类的超人类物种。(1)end

45、up doing sth. 结束做某事end up in 以而告终/结束end up as 以身份而结束(2)come to an end 结束,告终bring.to an end 使结束put an end to. 结束make ends meet 使收支相抵from beginning to end 从头到尾We were going to go out, but ended up watching TV at home.我们原计划出去的,但结果却是在家看电视。If you go on like this, youll prison.如果你继续这样下去,你早晚得进监狱。Ready or n

46、ot,someday it will all come to an end.无论你是否已准备好,有一天生命都将要走到尽头。Being out of work and having two young children, they found it impossible to .他们失业了,还要养活两个小孩,无法维持起码的生活。end up inMake ends meet(2010天津高考)Joining the firm as a clerk,he got rapid promotion,and _ as a manager.Aended up Bdropped outCcame back

47、Dstarted off解析选_ _本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:他作为一名公司职员迅速得到提升,最后成为一名经理。end up最终成为;drop out 退出,脱离;come back返回;start off出发。故A项符合句意。A3turn out结果是,原来是;生产,制造;出席教材P58原句Most of the time it turns out that humans are not really profiting when they damage the environment.多数情况下的结果是,当人类破坏环境时,他们并未真正从中获益。挑战自我 (1)不用担心,一切都会好起来。

48、Dont worry.It will all . (2)事情正如教授所预料的那样。 exactly as the professor had foreseen. (3)结果是他没有得到那份工作。 he didnt get the job.turn out fineThings turned out to beIt turned out that(4)会议证明是成功的。 The meeting successful/a success. = the meeting was successful/a success.温馨提示turn out作“证明是”讲时,无被动语态,无进行时态。turned o

49、ut to beIt turned out that帮你归纳turn out to be+adj./adv.It turned out that.turn in上交turn down调低;拒绝turn up调高;露面,出现turn over翻转turn on打开turn off关掉turn to转向;求助于即学活练(5)In the morning it was cloudy,but to everyones delight,it fine in the afternoon. A.turned out B.turned in C.turned up D.turned overAIt turne

50、d out that he had never been there.原来他根本就没去过那里。The person I spoke to turned out an Italian.和我说话的那人原来是意大利人。The factory 600 cars a day.这家工厂每天生产600辆汽车。to beturns out重点短语与句型.on the one hand.,on the other hand 一方面,另一方面 挑战自我 (1)一方面我想卖掉房子,但另一方面我一想起搬 家就不能忍受。 On the one hand,I want to sell the house,but .on

51、the other hand,I can notbear the thought of moving(2)一方面经济的快速发展将改善人民的生活条件, 但另一方面也会加快对环境的破坏。 ,but on the other hand,it will speed up environmental destruction. On the one hand,rapid development of theeconomy will improve the living conditions ofthe people帮你归纳at hand在手头;临近by hand手工in hand手头上hand in ha

52、nd手拉手Hands off!请勿触摸!Hands up!举起手来!a green hand新手lefthanded左撇的from hand to hand传递live from hand to mouth过着衣食无忧的生活hand in上交hand over交接hand out分配;施舍hand down流传下来;传递即学活练(3)I would like a job which pays more,but I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment. A.in other words B.on the other hand C.for one thing

53、 D.as a matter of factB.部分否定句型 Not everything that is best for nature is good for people.并非对自然有益的一切事情对 人类都是好的。 (回归课本P58) 挑战自我 (1)发光的并非都是金子。 = (2)并非两个答案都正确。 =Not all that glitters is gold.All that glitters is not gold.Both answers are not right.Not both answers are right.帮你归纳当not和each,every,both,all连

54、用时表示部分否定。若表示两者的全部否定用neither,三者或以上用none。即学活练(3)并非他的父母都是老师。(4)并非所有的人都喜欢运动。Both of his parents arent teachers.Not all people like sports.选词填空point out, in general, end up,figure out,in favour of1Did he_where you were wrong?答案: point out2You will_in debt if you keep on spending money like that.答案: end u

55、p3The boy cant_the algebra problems.答案: figure out5_her work has been good, but this essay is dreadful.答案: In general4In their discussion, I was _ Mr.Li.答案: in favour of.单项填空1If you do that,you will_with egg on your face.Agive up Bend upCbreak up Dsend up解析:考查动词词语辨析。句意:你要是做那件事,必将以耻辱告终。give up放弃;end

56、up以告终;break up分解,分裂;send up发射。根据题意选B。答案: B2It is necessary for parents to_to small children that the shootings they see repeated on TV are the same, not new violence.Apick out Blook outCfind out Dpoint out解析:句意:父母有必要向孩子们指出他们在电视上重复看到的枪击事件是同一事件,不是新的暴力行为。point out意为“指出,把注意力引向”。pick out挑出,找出;look out向外看

57、,小心;find out找出。答案: D3I would like a job which pays more, but_ I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.Ain other words Bon the other handCfor one thing Das a matter of fact解析:句意:我喜欢酬劳更多的工作,但另一方面,我喜爱自己现在正在做的工作。in other words换句话说;on the other hand另一方面;for one thing首先;as a matter of fact事实上。A、C、D三项都不符合句

58、意。答案: B4If the day_wet we may have to change our plans.Abrings out Bcalls outCpicks out Dturns out解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。bring out“出版,生产”;call out“大声叫唤,唤起”;pick out “挑选出,辨认出”;turn out“结果,证明是”。句意:万一下雨的话,我们也许得改变计划。答案: D1In China,scientists have focused their efforts on cloning animals,as well as stem cells to

59、be used in medical research. (as well as“也,还,而且”,在句中连接并列结构。)在中国,科学家已经致力于克隆动物,以及将在医学研究中被使用的干细胞。句式仿写他们既卖报也卖书。They sell books_ newspapers.答案: as well as2When reading articles related to science, we often come across difficult or unfamiliar words. (“when reading”是省略结构,相当于状语从句when we are reading。)在阅读有关科学

60、的文章时,我们经常会遇到难理解或不熟悉的单词。句式仿写完工后,这将是世界上最长的隧道。_, the tunnel will be the longest in the world.答案: When completed3Not everything that is best for nature is good for people. (not everything“并非所有的东西”,表示部分否定。)并非所有对自然界来说最好的东西都意味着对人类来说也是最好的。句式仿写你们两个并不都对。_ of you are right.答案: Not both4Other people argue that


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