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1、critical adj. 批评的,批判性的;关键的,极为重要的;危急的critic n. 批评家,评论家,评论员criticism n. 批评,批判criticize v. 批评,批判,挑剔,指责;评论be critical of 对挑剔be critical to 对极为重要criticize sb for (doing) sth 因(做)某事而批评某人Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of critical importance.One of the victims of the fire remains in

2、a critical condition.His parents are strongly critical of his decision.trap vt. 使落入险境;卡住,绊住 n. 陷阱,罗网;圈套;困境,牢笼release vt. 发布;释放;松开;发泄 n. 释放;发行;排放,泄漏be trapped in 被困在中trap sb into doing sth 诱骗某人做某事set/fall into a trap 设/落入陷阱(trapped-trapped-trapping)release sb from 把某人从中释放出来发行电影 release a movieambulan

3、ce n. 救护车extend vi. & vt. 延伸(距离);扩大;延长;伸展extendable adj. 可延伸的,可延长的extended adj. 延长了的,扩展了的extension n. 扩大,延伸扩建护栏/ 公路/ 房子延长最后期限extend a fence/ road/ houseextend a deadlineconstruction n. 建筑,建造;建造物construct vt. 建造,构建constructive adj. 有建设性的under construction 在建设中dozen n. 许多;(一)打;十来个dozens of 很多,许多minor

4、adj. 轻微的,次要的 minority n. 少数,少数派;少数民族反义:major adj. 主要的,重要的 majority n. 多数, 多数派be in the minority 占少数a minority of . 少数的.bath n. 洗澡,洗浴;浴缸,浴盆scream vi. & vt. 尖叫;高声喊;发出大而尖的声音 n. 尖叫,尖锐刺耳的声音bark vi. (狗)吠叫 vt. 厉声发令 n. (狗)吠声;短促响亮的人声;树皮choke vt. & vi. (使)窒息;(使)哽咽,(尤指感情激动而)说不出话来scream at sb 朝某人大喊bark at 对.吠叫c

5、hoke.back 抑制,强忍住choke to death 窒息死亡choke out 哽咽着说出be choked with 被堵塞cigarette n. 香烟carpet n. 地毯;覆盖地面的一层厚东西automatic adj. 自动的;无意识的,不假思索的investigate vt. & vi. 侦查,调查;研究automate v. 使自动化automatically adv. 自动地investigation n. 调查 under investigation 处于调查中investigator n. 调查员,侦探investigate sb for sth 调查某人某事e

6、.g. Modern trains have automatic doors. 呼吸是一种无意识的身体功能。 Breathing is an _ _ of the body. automatic functioncome about 发生come across 偶然遇见,被理解come up with 提出;想出come out 出版;结果是;花开放when it comes to. 当谈及journalist n. 新闻记者,新闻工作者journalism n. 新闻业,新闻工作journal n. 杂志,期刊;日志形近词: journey n. 旅途;游记priority n. 优先事项,

7、首要事情;优先权,重点prior adj. 先前的,较早的,在前的;优先的prior to 在前面的give priority to 优先考虑take priority over sth 优先安排e.g. Education is a top priority . 教育是当务之急。 Banks normally give priority to large businesses when deciding on loans. 银行在发放贷款时通常优先考虑大企业。get ones priorities straight 按照事情的轻重缓急行事contradict vt. 相矛盾,相反;反驳,驳斥

8、factual adj. 事实的,真实的contradiction n. 矛盾contradictory adj. 相互矛盾的,对立的contradict oneself 自相矛盾contradict each other 相互矛盾be contradictory to 与相矛盾e.g The two stories contradict each other. 这两种说法相互抵触。 She dare not contract him. 她不敢反驳他。factually adv. 事实地fact n. 事实in fact 事实上instance n. 例子,事例for instance 例如,

9、比如in the first instance 第一;首先differ vi. 相异;意见相左 instant adj. 立刻的;方便的 n. 瞬间;片刻e.g. The report highlights a number of instances of injustice (不公平). different adj. 不同的;差异的difference n. 差异;差别;不同differ from 与.不同differ in 在.不同be different from 与不同make a difference 起作用,有影响conclusion n. 结论,推论;结束,结果;签订,达成in

10、conclusion= to conclude 最后,总之come to/ reach/ draw/ arrive at a conclusion 得出结论make a conclusion 进行总结jump/ leap/ rush to a conclusion 匆忙下结论conclude . with . 以结束conclude from sth that . 从某事中推断出conclude v. 推断出,断定;结束,终止false adj. 错误的,不真实的;非天生的;假的,伪造的;不真诚的bring sth to light 揭露,披露come to light 显露,暴露 (不及物动

11、词词组)throw /cast light on/upon 阐明,使了解in the light of sth 考虑到;鉴于e.g. New facts about ancient Egypt have recently come to light. 关于古代埃及的新事实最近被发现。 These facts have only just been brought to light. 这些事实刚刚才被披露出来。bring about 引起,带来bring in 引进bring out 出版,生产;使显示bring up 使显示在计算机屏幕上;提出;抚养bring down 降低;打倒;击落min

12、imum n. 最小值,最少量 adj. 最低的,最小的maximum n. 最大量,最大限度 adj. 最高的,最多的sum n. 金额,款项;总和,总数;全部sum up 总结,概括to sum up=in sum 总之,概括地说 (常位于句首)the sum of .的和/总数a large sum of 一大笔accurate adj. 正确无误的;精确的accuracy n. 精确度;准确性 accurately adv. 精确地;准确地to be accurate = accurately speaking 准确来说with accuracy 准确地反义: inaccurateco

13、mmitted adj. 尽心尽力的be committed to (doing) . 致力于commit v. 承诺,保证; 犯罪;花钱或时间;全身心投入;忠于commitment n. 献身,投入;承诺,许诺;花费commit a crime/ fault 犯罪/错make a commitment to sb/sth 对某人/某事作出承诺discrimination n. 辨别力,识别力;歧视,区别对待curiosity n. 好奇心,求知欲;奇物,珍品journalism n. 新闻业,新闻工作commitment n. 献身,投入;承诺,许诺;花费discriminate v. 歧视

14、;区别,辨别discriminate between A and B = discriminate A from B 区分A与Bdiscriminate against . 歧视.age/ racial/ sex/ religious discrimination 年龄/ 种族/ 性别/ 宗教歧视curious adj. 好奇的;有求知欲的 be curious about . 对感到好奇out of curiosity 出于好奇satisfy/ arouse ones curiosity 满足/激起某人的好奇心e.g. The museum is full of historical cur

15、iosities. 这座博物馆有许多珍奇的历史文物。citizen n. 公民;市民,居民netizensenior citizens网民老年人found vt. 创建,创办;建立,兴建foundation n. 创立;基础;根据;地基founder n. 创立者;创办者;创始人be founded on sth 建立在的基础上a solid foundation 坚实的基础lay/provide the foundation(s) for 为打下基础近义:set up 、establishpolitics n. 政治,政治事务;(个人的)政治观点,政见accuse vt. 谴责,控诉poli

16、tical adj. 政治的,政府的politician n. 政治家,政客policy n. 政策,方针accusation n. 指告;控诉;谴责 accusatory adj. 谴责的,指责的accuse sb of (doing) sth 控告某人(干)某事be accused of 被控告犯有罪同义词组:charge sb with (doing) sth 控告某人(干)某事 blame sb for (doing) sth 责备某人(干)某事tax n. 税,税款 vt. 对征税,使纳税tax sb/ sth 对.征税pay taxes 纳税tax sb with sth 用.指责

17、某人mount vi. 逐步增加 vt. 攀登,爬上 n. 山mount up (尺寸和数量上)增加,上升build up 增进,加强shoot up 射出;发芽;蹿个spring up 出现;涌现;迅速生长登上台阶/ 骑马mount a step/ a horseMount Qomolangma/ Everestelevation n. 提高;提升;海拔profession n. 行业,职业;同行;宣称,声明elevate vt. 提升;举起;提升职位elevator n. 电梯;升降机professional adj. 专业的;职业的 n. 专业人员;职业运动员by profession

18、按职业,作为职业drama n. 戏剧;戏剧性事件 dramatic adj. 戏剧性的戏剧评论家a drama criticscholarship n. 奖学金;学术category n. 类别,种类 nevertheless adv. 尽管如此witness vt. & vi. 是发生的时间(或地点),见证;目击;作证;是的迹象 n. 目击者,见证人;证人scholar n. 学者= nonethelessbe witnessed by 被.见证be (a) witness to sth 是.的见证者give witness to sth 为某事作证,证明某事edition n. 版本;一

19、份,一期;版次edit v. 编辑editor n. 编辑editable adj. 可以编辑的a hardback edition 精装本platform n. 平台;站台,月台;讲台,舞台spring up 迅速出现,突然兴起spring n. 春天;泉水;弹簧;跳跃 vi. 跳,跃;突然出现;涌出(sprang/ sprung-sprung)spring to mind 突然想起spring into action 突然工作(或行动)起来spring from sth 起源于某事物a hot spring 温泉interaction n. 互动;互相作用membership n. (统称

20、)会员,会员人数;会员资格interactive adj. 相互影响的; 互动的 interact v. 交流,沟通interact with sb 与某人互动 interact with sth 与某物相互作用chart n. 图表;海图;(the charts)排行榜 v. 记录;制定计划;绘制区域地图broadcast n. 广播节目,电视节目 vi. & vt. 播送,广播;散布,传播(broadcast, broadcast) broadcaster n. 广播员 broadcasting n. 广播,节目制作和播放a live broadcast 现场直播 broadcastliv

21、e 对进行现场直播the British Broadcasting Corporation= the BBCadvertising n. 广告活动,广告业advertisement n. (informal ad ) 广告;广告活动advertise vt. & vi. 做广告,登广告;公布,征聘advertiser n. 广告商,广告人员advertise for sb / sth 登广告招聘某人 / 寻求某物put an advertisement in a newspaper 在报纸上登广告persuasion n. 说服,劝说;信仰persuade vt. 说服;使信服persuasi

22、ve adj. 有说服力的persuade sb to do / into doing sth 说服某人做某事persuade sb not to do sth= persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不要做某事persuade sb of sth 使某人相信某事persuade sb to do sth “说服某人做某事”,表示说服成功。advise sb to do sth “建议某人干某事” 表示说服不一定成功。try to persuade sb to do sth “努力说服某人干某事”channel n. 途径,渠道;电视台;频道;方法;水渠peak a

23、dj. 高峰时期的,最高度的 n. 顶峰,高峰;山峰;尖端 vi. 达到高峰,达到最高值at the peak of 处于巅峰状态at peak times 在高峰时期in peak condition 最佳状态at sb/sths peak 在某事物的全盛期 e.g. The athletes are all in peak condition. Shes at the peak of her career. 她正处于事业的高峰期。 Traffic reaches its peak between 8 and 9 in the morning. 上午8、9点钟之间是交通高峰期。 Oil pr

24、oduction peaked in the early 1980s. 20世纪80年代初期,石油产量达到了最高峰。 boost vt. 使增长,使兴旺 n. 增长,提高;帮助,激励boost ones confidence 增强某人的信心give sb a boost 托某人一把; 给某人激励boost up 向上推起,托一把a boost in car sales 汽车销售额的增长 psychology n. 心理,心理特征;心理学psychological adj. 心理的;心理学的;精神上的psychologist n. 心理学家purchase vt. 买,购买 n. 购买,采购;购

25、买的东西,购买项目 memorable adj. 难忘的,值得纪念的purchase sth from sb 从.购买某物make a purchase 购物on special purchase 特价出售purchaser n. 购物者purchase price 购买价memory n. 记忆力;记忆,回忆memorize vt. 记住,记忆in memory of 为了纪念be memorable for sb 对某人来说是难忘的be memorable for sth 因而令人难忘slogan n. 标语,口号teapot n. 茶壶get across 被传达,被理解,把讲清楚get

26、 sth across to sb 把某事向某人讲清楚get down to doing sth 开始认真做某事get over 克服困难;从中恢复过来get through 完成;接通电话;通过get rid of 摆脱,除掉It was strange that my meaning didnt get across to my friend.brand n. 品牌;类型;烙印ambassador n. 大使,代表 placement n. 放置;安置rating n. 收视率;等级,级别brand new 崭新的place v. 安置at any rate 无论如何,不管怎样 at th

27、is rate 照此情形,如此下去rate sb/sth as . 评价某人/某物the ratings 收视率rate v. 对.评估,评价 n. 速度,速率 sponsor vt. 赞助;主办;为慈善活动捐款;资助 n. 赞助商;为慈善活动捐款的人sponsorship n. 赞助费,资助sponsor sb (for/ to do sth) 赞助某人(做某事)be sponsored by 由资助e.g. The company sponsored several TV programs. 这家公司赞助了几个电视节目。 How much will they sponsor you for

28、 your future study? 他们会资助你多少钱用于美国的学习? The competition was sponsored by his company.absorb vt. 理解,掌握;吸收;吸引全部注意力absorbing adj. 十分吸引人的,引人入胜的 absorbed adj. 全神贯注的absorption n. 吸收;专注be absorbed in (=absorb oneself in) 全神贯注于o. 把吸收入/并入专心于;致力于 : be addicted to,be buried/lost in,be devoted to, focus on/upon, concentrate on,e.g. Absorbed in their game, these children didt feel h


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