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1、2022高考英语暑假阅读提速练(Dayl)湖南专版目录内容Exercise 1应用文阅读十记叙文Exercise 2七选五训练2篇Exercise 3完型填空练习Exercise 1阅读理解训练(A)Rome can be pricey for travelers, which is why many choose (o stay in a hostel (旅 社). The hostels in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night, and fbr that, youll often get to stay in a

2、central location (位置)with security and comfort.Yellow HostelIf I had to make just one recommendation for where to stay in Rome, it would be Yellow Hostel. Its one of the best-rated hostels in the city, and fbr good reason. Its affordable, and its got a fiin atmosphere without being too noisy. As an

3、added bonus, its close to the main train station,Hoslel Alessandro PalaceIf you love social hostels, this is the best hostel for you in Rome. Hostel Alessandro Palace is fun. Staff members hold plenty of bar events for guests like free shots, bar crawls and karaoke. Theres also an area on the roofto

4、p fbr hanging out with other travelers during the summer.Youth Station HostelIf youre looking for cleanliness and a modern hostel, look no further than Youth Station. It offers beautiful furnishings and beds. There arc plenty of other benefits, too; it doesnt charge city tax; it has both air conditi

5、oning and a heater fbr the rooms; it also has free Wi-Fi in every room.Hotel and Hostel Des ArtistesHotel and Hostel Des Artistes is located just a 10-minute walk from the central city station and its close to all of the citys main attractions. The staff is friendly and helpful, providing you with a

6、 map of the city when you arrive, and offering advice if you require some. However, you need (o pay 2 euros a day for Wi-Fi.What is probably the major concern of travelers who choose to stay in a hostel?A. Comfort.B. Security.C. Price.D. Location.Which hotel best suits people who enjoy anDes Artiste

7、s?Des Artistes?active social life?Yellow Hostel.Yellow Hostel.Hostel Alessandro Palace.Youth Station Hostel.Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes.3. What is the disadvantage of Hotel and Hostel(B)“The moment before they called my name, i was really nervous because the other finalists presentations are reall

8、y good and I thought they would win,“ Kara Fan, 14, who has won Americas Top Young Scientist, (old Yahoo Finance. When they announced my name, I was really surprised actually.”To win (hat claim, Fans nanoparticle liquid bandage had to surpass the experiments of hundreds of fifth to eighth graders as

9、 well as nine other finalists. Fan started developing her liquid bandage in April 2021 to fight the overuse of antibiotics(抗生素).According to the CDC, roughly 2 million people every year suffer bacterial infections in the U.S. and about 23,000 pass away as a result. If left alone, a UN study reported

10、, drug-resistant diseases or the “superbug could lead to 1() million deaths across the globe by 2050. When Fan*s sprayable bandage dries on a persons skin, it creates a thin layer that protects the wounded area whileIt gets noisy at night.Its staff is too talkative.It charges for Wi-Fi.Its inconveni

11、ently located.breaking the cell wall and killing the bacteria on Che skin. After experimenting with copper nitrate(硝酸铜)to fight bacteria, switching to the silver nitrate ended up being the major catalyst (催 化剂)(o seeing results for her award-winning project.“Thousands of years ago, ancient people wo

12、uld use copper and silver to eat with and they would drink water from like copper bowls to kill bacteria,z, Fan explained. I found out that it didnt work. So I used nano silver/7Sir Alexander Flemings discovery of penicillin-a type of antibioticis Fans favorite scientific discovery. That said, she d

13、oesnt think humans should rely too heavily on penicillin.Following her years at Westview High School, Fan hopes to continue her biology track at Stanford University. Along with the$25,000 cash prize she won on October 29, becoming Americas Top Young Scientist may help get the private universitys att

14、ention.Hw did Kara Fan feel about her winning the prize?A.Confident.B.Regretful.C.Proud.D.Unexpected.For what purpose did Fan develop her liquid bandage?A.To fight the overuse of antibiotics.B.To enter a national contest.D.To get into a good university.Which of the following did Fan use to kill bact

15、eria?A.Coppcr nitrate. B.Copper.C.Silver. D.Nano silver.What might be Fans opinion about penicillin?A.Addictive.B.Valuable.C.Useless. D. Irreplaceable.C.To reduce deaths from injuries.Exercise 2七选五阅读训练Culture means any human behavior that is learned in human society. All of the meaningful parts of a

16、 culture are passed down to different generations through tradition or social learning, j Culture exists in agricultural as well as industrialized societies.Culture is necessary fbr the survival and existence of human beings. Practically everything humans know, think, value, feel, and do is learned

17、through taking part in a sociocultural system. _2 Here is one of the cases of children growing up apart from human society. In the province of Midnapore in India, the director of a childrens home was (old by local villagers that there were “ghosts in the forest. Upon looking into the case, (he direc

18、tor found that two children, one about eight years old and the other about six years old, appeared to have been living with a pack of wolves in the forest. 3 In his diary, the director describes his first view of Kamala (as the older child was named) and A mala (the name given to the younger child):

19、Kamala was a terrible-looking being, the head, a big ball of something covering the shoulders._4 Their eyes were bright and sharp, unlike human eyes. They were very fond of raw meat and raw milk. Gradually, as they got stronger, they began going on all fours, and afterwards began to run on all fours

20、, just like squirrels.Children learn human language in the same way they learn other kinds of human behavior一by taking part in a cultural community. 5 A. Fro in this viewpoint, all human groups have a culture.B.Close at its heels there came another terrible creature exactly like the first, but small

21、er in size.C.Human beings can only develop human abilities by (he local people.D.This statement is well supported by some well-written cases.E.Thcse children were the ghosts described by theF.Culture refers only (o the high art and classical music of a particular society.G.They learn a certain human

22、 language as well as certain kinds of human behavior through their membership in a certain cultural coniniunity.local people.When is the best time to exercise and what times will yield the best results?6This means anytime that our bodies are not feeling exhausted and at least an hour after a meal to

23、 allow the enzymes( M) to break down the food and help the body return to its normal state.7However, those who prefer to exercise in the morning but end up feeling bored and worn out do so because of a lack of sugar in the body.8 If you dont have time to enjoy a delicious one, just have a couple of

24、biscuits (o fill your stomach.For exercise in the afternoon or evening, it is strongly advised that you should not allow your stomach to start growing after a session of exercise either. The body requires about 2,000 kilocalories per day, but when exercising, we will bum up (o 500 kilocalories extra

25、.9 If we do not refill our energy stores, we are easier to feel cheerless or even exhausted.(B)stairs instead of lifts and walk to get your lunch rather than drive. Even though these activities will not burn as many calories as serious exercise, they will ensure that your muscles are working harder

26、than usual.0A. That is why eating breakfast is so important.B.The best time for exercise is different for each person.C.Its said that people who work out early are most likely to stick with a routine.D.The truth is that anytime you are available and prepared to exercise would be okay.E.Whcn this ene

27、rgy is running out, our bodies will send us a message that food is needed.F.If these activities then become habits, they will have a positive effect on your body energy.G.Not only will these activities help improve our physical well-being, but they can increase productivity at work.For those who do

28、not have the time to exercise properly, it is advisable that you useExercise 3完型填空训练There he was, turning the corner of Hawley and Main Street like clockwork. His red hair seemed lo catch the sunlight, giving his head a soft candle-flame glow. He caught my eye, and up went his arm in his usual wave.

29、 As usual, I _ back and gave him a warm smile. 1 didnt know his name, hut he was very 2 to everybody. No matter the weather, I saw him walking out there almost every day.Having moved from a larger city, I wasnt used to waves from 3 . Actually, wherever we were, people hardly 4 each other. We simply

30、passed by each other, heads down, minding our own 5 .Perhaps thats why I enjoyed these daily waves. It felt great to be 6 and receive that message of Hello!” On days when we didnt _7 to pass each other, I missed him and wondered if he was all right. The next day, Id find myself driving with one eye

31、on the 8 . It was a happy reunion when I spotted him, and Id wave first in my 9 .One night I was walking in the street, my thoughts traveled to “the Waver” , wondering if I could be 10 enough to wave al people I didnt know. Just at (he point, I heard a car 11. I made eye contact with the person in t

32、he car, smiled and waved at her. The womans face 12, and she waved back. I was a little surprised. I reminded myself4Its okay. ICs actually kind of 13!” I waved to everyone I saw the rest of the way home.Everyone at some point in their lives wonders if theyve made any 14 on the world. I can tell you

33、 that you dont have to change the world 15. Its enough to help sweeten it a little, even simply by a heart-warming wave.1. A.wavedB.tookC.salutedD.glancedB.reliableC.friendlyD.thankful3. A. strangersB.relativesC.colicagues.employersB.encouragedC.encounlered D.acknowledgedB.businessC.appearanceD.mann

34、eisB.noticedC.relievedD.chcckcd7. A. agreeB.attemptC.promiseD.happenB.buildingsC.street D.childrenB.kindnessC.eagerness.brightness10. A.braveB. mature阅读理解C.lucky D.crazy.A.attackingB.escapingC.followingD.approaching. A.lengthenedB.softenedC. worsenedD.tightened.A.coolB. toughC. fresh D.curious.A men

35、tB. impactC.decisionD.sense.A.accurately B.slightlyC.thoroughlyD.gcncrallyExercise 4答题卡题号.5.6.7.答案七选五完型填空题号.5.答案题号.10.答案参考答案题号.5.答案题号.10.答案题号4.15.答案(A)1:通过文章第一段“Rome can be pricey fbr travelers, which is why many choose to stay in a hostel (旅社(对旅行者来说,罗马可能

36、很昂贵,这就是许多人选择住旅社的原因)可知选择 住旅社的旅行者可能最关心的是价格。应选C。2:根据 Hostel Alessandro Palace 局部“If you love social hostels, this is the best hostel fbr you inRome.”如果你喜欢社交旅馆,这是罗马最适合你的旅馆)可知如果你喜欢社交旅馆,Hostel Alessandro Palace是罗马最适合你的旅馆。应选B。3:根据 Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes 局部“However, you need to pay 2 euros a day fbr

37、Wi-Fi.” (但是,你需要支付每天2欧元的Wi-Fi)可知Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes的缺点是Wi-Fi收 费。应选C。(B).D 根据第一段中的“When they announced my name, I was really surprised actually.,z 可 知,Kara Fan对自己的获奖感到很意外。应选D项。.A 根据第二段第二句Fan started developing her liquid bandage in April 2021 to fight the overuse of antibiotics.可知,Kara Fan于2

38、021年4月开始创造液体绷带,以对抗抗生素的过度使 用。应选A项。.D 根据倒数第三段“Thousands of years ago, ancient people would use copper and silver to eat with and they would drink water from like copper bowls to kill bacteria,“ Fan explained. found out that it didnt work. So I used nano silver.可知,Kara Fan 用 了纳米银来杀菌。应选 D 项。.B 根据倒数第二段中的

39、Sir Alexander Flemings discovery of penicillina type of antibioticis Fans favorite scientific discovery.可知,亚历山大弗莱明发现的青霉素是 Kara Fan 最喜欢的科学发现。故推断出她认为青霉素是有价值的。应选B项。(A).A 根据上一句 All of the meaningful parts of a culture arc passed down to different generations through tradition or social learning.可知,文化的所有

40、有意义的局部都会传给下一代,意 味着所有的人类群体都有自己的文化。故A正确。.D 根据下一句 Here is one of the cases of children growing up apart from human society.可知, 有很多的例子来证明这一点,下面列举了其中之一。故D项内容正确。.E 根据 In the province of.appeared to have been living with a pack of wolves in the forest.可 知,有两个孩子和狼群生活在一起,当地人把这些孩子认为成鬼魂。故E正确。.B 根据上一句 Kamala wa

41、s a terrible-looking being, the head, a big ball of something covering the shoulders.可知,这里是对这两个狼孩的外貌的描述,故B项符合上下文。.G 根据上句 Children learn human language in the same way they leam other kinds of human behaviorby taking part in a cultural community.可知他们通过成为特定文化群体的成员来学习 特定的人类语言和人类行为,故G正确。(B).D由下一句“这意味着任何

42、时候只要我们的身体没有感到疲惫,和至少在饭后一小时后, 让酶分解食物,帮助身体恢复正常状态(都可以进行锻炼)。可知,D选项“事实上,只要你有空并 准备好锻炼,随时都是可以的。承接卜文;该选项中的anytime you arc available对应卜.文中的 anytime that our bodies are not feeling exhausted., 应选 D 项。.C由下一句“然而,那些喜欢在早上锻炼,但最终感到无聊和疲惫的人,这样做是因为体内 缺乏糖。可知,C选项“据说早起锻炼的人最有可能坚持一个习惯。”切题;该选项中的people who work out early 对应下文

43、中的 those who prefer to exercise in the morning0 应选 C 项。.A由上一句“然而,那些喜欢在早上锻炼,但最终感到无聊和疲惫的人,这样做是因为体内 缺乏糖。和下一句“如果你没有时间享受美味,就吃几块饼干填饱肚子。”可知,A选项“这就是 为什么吃早餐如此重要。切题。应选A项。.E由下一句“如果我们不补充我们的能量储藏,我们会更容易感到不愉快甚至筋疲力 尽。可知,E选项“当能量耗尽时,我们的身体会向我们传递一个信息:食物是需要的。切题;该 选项中的food is needed对应下文中的refill our energy stores。应选E项。.F由上一句“尽管这些活动不会像剧烈的运动那样消耗那么多的卡路里,但它们会确保 你的肌肉比平时更努力地工作。可知,F选项“如果这些活动成为习惯,它们将对你的身体能量产 生积极影响。切题。应选F项。(A).A句意:像往常一样,我也挥了挥手(wave),给了他一个温暖的微笑。根据上文He caught my


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