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1、Unit 4Answering Telephone CallsCONTENTSHandling complaints01Leaving and taking messages02Closing phone calls03Culture Salon:The Telephone Directory04Project:Making an Effective Call05Language Folder0601Handling complaints How to handle complaints2. Whom did you complain to? What was the result?Task

2、1 Brainstorming. Consider the following questions and put forward your ideas.1. Have you ever made a complaint on the phone?Starting upHow to Handle ComplaintsIn any awkward situation most people prefer to avoid complaints, but in fact a complaint should be welcomed. If a customer is dissatisf ied,

3、it is better that he comes to tell you, so that you can do something about it. The important question is not whos right and whos wrong. The question you really want to consider is, “How can I exploit this situation?” Any contact with a customer is an opportunity to improve business, and even a dissa

4、tisf ied customer is no exception. Successfully handled, a complaint can be turned into good public relations. Any decision, whether to compensate the customer or to defend your company, should be made on the basis of what is best for business. The compensation itself may be a small price to pay for

5、 good customer relations. Below are some tips on how to handle complaints on the phone. First, listen to the customer to see if he or she has a legitimate complaint. Second, write down any names, dates, statements of claims, and major points and let the caller know that you are listening with all yo

6、ur attention.Learning about communicationLearning about communication Third, express your regret for his dissatisfaction and any inconvenience he may have experienced but be careful not to assume blame for your company until you have verif ied the situation. Fourth, tell the caller you will check in

7、to the problem right away and call him back as soon as you have any answers. Fifth, verify that the information the caller has given you is correct and work out solutions by yourself or f ind someone else who can handle it. If you turn over the matter to someone else, follow up to see that the probl

8、em is properly resolved. Sixth, call the customer back if you promised to do so. If you have no answer to the problem yet, you may get back to him with “I am sorry. I am still checking”. This will let him know you are giving attention to his problem.If you must call back to say that you cant make th

9、e adjustment the customer wants, you need to express your regret over the matter f irst, then give the reason and offer a substitute product or service. One thing you must not do is to assume responsibility for the error on behalf of your company without first fully checking the facts.How does Eve W

10、heeler handle this complaint?01What is the complaint about?03What points should be paid attention to when handling complaints?02The complaint is about a video recorder.She first shows her sympathy toward the customer, and then asks what the problem is. When the appropriate person is not available, s

11、he asks whether the customer can be called back. F inally she takes down the telephone number of the customer and promises to urge the appropriate person to call back.Building your skillsTask 2 Pair work. Read carefully the following case about a complaint and answer the following questions.1) Liste

12、n to the complaint carefully to see whether it is reasonable.2)Express your regret for the complainers dissatisfaction but remember not to assume the blame for your company.3) If a complaint is made on the phone, try to arrange a meeting.4) All in all, the attitude is crucial. Give full attention to

13、 the complaint, carry out investigation and provide supporting document.Caller 1I ordered a PC in your store and requested that it be delivered on Jan. 3. However, I didnt get it and my work had to be put off.Caller 2A standard single room with a bathroom is 200 RMB per night. When checking my accou

14、ntyesterday, I was charged 100 more than this.Building your skillsTask 3Pair work. Read the following complaints and give your solutions to each of them.Caller 3Your ads said that all goods in your supermarket were discounted at 25%. But when Ichecked my bill, I found they were discounted at only 15

15、%.Caller 4I didnt get up on time and missed my f light this morning. I had requested an early morning call for 6:30 a.m. but did not receive it.Communicating with othersTask 4 Pair work. Read carefully the following case about a complaint and answer the following questions.Administrative Staff Membe

16、rComplainerPick up the phone greetExplainSorry put through to an expertNot present call back later numberThanks bye-byeIntroduce you have a complaintDVD-Disk erased repair & compensationOK0755-269354Communicating with othersTask 5Pair work. Perform role-plays of complaining and handling complaints a

17、ccording to the situations below. Take turns to be the complainer and the person responding to a complaint.You want to return an order of furniture to your office.You say the check was returnedbecause the bank account numberwas changed to another.You complain that an order ofcomputers contains boxes

18、 with the wrong model.Apologize to B, but you pointout that the company is buying more.Tell A the time to return the order runs out.You want to complain that the payment for an order has not yet been put into your account.Apologize to A, but you feel their purchasing department didnt make the specif

19、 ication clear.You complain that your competitor is getting a better price. You have been doing business with A longer.02Leaving and taking messages Techniques for taking messages & leaving voice-mail messagesStarting upTask 1 Pair work. Discuss with your partner what we should pay attention to when

20、 taking a telephone message.Message TakingMessage Taking1. Have your pen/pencil and pad at hand2. The message should include the following items:Name Date and TimeTelephone number Matters in the message3. Keep confirming the important details4. Check and rewrite the notes made immediately to make se

21、nseStarting upLearning about communicationTelephone MessagesTaking MessagesWhen a telephone is answered on behalf of another person, a clear and concise message should be written. Most organizations have a message pad specif ically designed for that purpose. Often it is possible to simply write the

22、callers name, the person to whom the message is intended; tick the box which asks them to call the caller; and fill in the callers telephone number. Sometimes it is important to write down a specif ic message and it must communicate clearly and brief ly what the caller wishes to communicate. (You ma

23、y not be there to translate your message.) If the caller wants the person to take some actions based on your message, it may be good to number the points to help clarify the instructions.Telephone messages must be taken carefully and delivered promptly. Taking messages well requires 2 important crit

24、eria: (1) being polite and professional on the telephone and (2) recording all the facts correctly. Double-check the numbers and spellings with the caller and make sure your written information is legible.Learning about communicationLeaving voice-mail messagesIf you have to leave a voice-mail messag

25、es for someone, make it short and to the point. Here are some tips.When leaving a voice-mail message, always identify yourself and the organization you represent. Speak slowly and clearly.Leave voice-mail messages that are concise (write an outline or even a script before you call, if you find it ha

26、rd to compose a message on the fly). Convey concrete information.Say your name and number at the beginning and again at the end of the message, especially if you dont know the person youre calling.Speak slowly and distinctly when giving phone numbers or other facts the recipient may need to write do

27、wn.Watch your emotions when you leave a voice-mail message. One-way communication can come across angrier, more hurtful or more self-pitying than intended.If you do need a return call, leave a message that says where and when youll be available.Building your skillsTask 2 Listen to the recordings and

28、 fill in the missing information on each of the message pad below.TELEPHONE MESSAGEFrom:To:Date:Matters: Ask you to call backTelephone No. Ask you to do the followingTaken byMessage 1TELEPHONE MESSAGEFrom:To:Date:Matters: Ask you to call back Telephone No. Ask you to do the followingTaken byBuilding

29、 your skillsJack Kordell from Hunters Off ice SuppliesElaine StrongHe has already received a brochure of our newest line of laptopcomputers but without information concerning after-sales service.560 1287fax the material around 3:30fax number 560 1288Building your skillsTask 2 Listen to the recording

30、s and fill in the missing information on each of the message pad below.Message 2 called:Staying 2 extra days in and trying to get flight back on .Direct f light is full theyve put him on the .May not be back till .If not back, please take over at meeting on Tuesday with .All information in f ile on

31、his desk with name on.Please collect O.F. from Hotel first thing in the morning.Any problem, leave a message at his hotel or send fax ALEX BROWNLos Angeles14thwaiting listWednesday 17thTalbotOrion InternationalOlivia Flauberts213 666 4529213 875 411421Building your skillsFor Hong Kong Computer Excha

32、nge. Tell them that our computer system has stopped working this morning. Say we cannot answer any customer account queries, and maybe all the data has been lost. Remember to leave our telephone number and ask them to return our call as soon as possible.For Mr. Wong. Please let him know that next Tu

33、esday is a convenient time for Mr. Smiths visit to Hong Kong. 10:00 a.m. will be f ine. We will make the necessary arrangements at the end. If there is anything else Mr. Smith wants to discuss with us, please call me tomorrow, I will be in the off ice all day.Task 3 Use the following information to

34、leave voice mail messages and make sure you have included all the necessary details. Please refer to the transcript of Message 2.Situation:You are employed by Golden Harvest Books, and work for Mr. Joe Phillips. Your telephone number is 234 9076.Communicating with othersAYou want to speak to Ms. Can

35、non about your contract with her company, T&Z. If Ms. Cannon isnt in the off ice, leave the following information: Your name Telephone number: 347-2231 (or use your own) Calling about changing conditions of your contract with T&Z You can be reached until 5 oclock at the above number. If Ms. Cannon c

36、alls after 5 oclock, she should call 458-2516BYou are a receptionist at T&Z. Student A would like to speak to Ms. Cannon, but she is out of the off ice. Take a message and make sure you get the following information: Name and telephone number ask student A to spell the surname Take the message stude

37、nt A would like to leave for Ms. Cannon How late Ms. Cannon can call student A at the given telephone numberTask 4 Pair work. Make a telephone conversation based on the following information and take a message where necessary. You can use the sample message form as a reference.Communicating with oth

38、ersSample Message FormMESSAGE FORMMr. Tim SpikeWHILE YOU WERE OUTMrs. Fiona PhipsOF Murphy Manufacturing Co. Ltd.TELEPHONE NO. 0162-416321MESSAGEMrs. Phips expects to be in London area next week, when she would like to call on you todiscuss the matter referred to in your letter dated 3 Jan. Please r

39、ing her back today.DATE 03/02/2017 TIME 9:30 a.m.RECEIVED BY Laura KingTELEPHONED PLEASE RINGCALLED TO SEE YOUWILL CALL AGAINWANTS TO SEE YOU URGENTStudent AYou are Mr. Richen. Call Mrs. Jones to make an appointment for next week. If shes not available, leave a message.Student BYou are Mrs. Jones se

40、cretary. Take messages and make appointments ifnecessary. Dont forget the callers name and phone number.Communicating with othersTask 5 Pair work. Select one of the following situations and perform a role-play. Take messages ifrequired and f ill in the above sample telephone message form.Situation 1

41、Student AYou are Mr. Rogers. You have appointments on Monday with Mrs. Jones at 9:30, with Mrs. Smith and Mr. Gilbert at 11:45 and are traveling to London in the late afternoon. On Tuesday and Wednesday youre in London and are coming back to the off ice on Thursday morning.Student BYou are Mrs. Jone

42、s secretary. Call Mr. Rogers and change the Monday morning meeting with him to the afternoon. If this is not possible, find another time later in the week.Communicating with othersTask 5 Pair work. Select one of the following situations and perform a role-play. Take messages ifrequired and f ill in

43、the above sample telephone message form.Situation 2Student AYou are the car hire f irm at Dublin airport. A small car costs 14.50 per day, or 35 for a weekend, a family car costs 19 per day, or 39.99 for a weekend, and no luxury cars are available this weekend. You are open 24 hours a day. You need

44、a name, contact number andcredit card number for all reservations.Student BYou are Mrs. Jones secretary. Call the car hire f irm at Dublin airport and reserve a car for Mrs. Jones from Friday evening to Sunday evening. Ask for the fee.Communicating with othersTask 5 Pair work. Select one of the foll

45、owing situations and perform a role-play. Take messages ifrequired and f ill in the above sample telephone message form.Situation 303Closing phone calls How to close a call effectively1. How do you usually end calls?2. How would you end these types of call: a call to your boss a call to your colleag

46、ue a call to a friend a call to a customerTask 1 Pair work. Discuss with your partner the following questions.Starting upA major reason why some people find it diff icult to end telephone calls is that they dont want to appear rude or abrupt.Starting upHow to Close Phone CallsThere are several point

47、s you need to bear in mind when closing a telephone call.First, you need to check a lot of things to avoid misunderstandings, such as details, specif ications, times, spellings, dates, prices, and all that sort of thing. And if you make agreements, you should confirm them. Its best to end a call wit

48、h some sort of check or confirmation. Some might even ask for a fax conf irmation (especially prices and numbers).Second, check whether there is anything else left to say. Many times when people put down the phone, they say, “Oh, I forgot to ask about something else”. They have to phone back and it

49、is such a waste of time. You can usually avoid that if either of you says something like “Is that all?” or “Anything else?”Third, small talk can be very important in a business call, as it can help to build and maintain relationship, but it should be kept brief.Fourth, if the other side keeps talkin

50、g and you dont want to be rude, it can be diff icult to get off the phone. Its best to interrupt politely and say you have to go somewhere and promise to finish your discussion at another time. If there is anything else to discuss, you can offer to call back later.Finally, always end with a pleasant

51、ry: “Have a nice day” or “It was nice speaking with you”. And let the caller hang up first. This shows the caller that you arent in a hurry to get off the phone with him/her.Learning about communicationTask 2Put the following endings of telephone calls into the right order.Situation 1B: You too. Bye

52、. ( )A: Ill be there. Have a good weekend. ( )B: Just about. So well see you on Monday around 10:00?( )A: So, I think that just about covers everything, dont you?( )B: Goodbye.( ) 43215Situation 2B: Thank you. I hope thatll be before the end of the month.( )A: Right. Thank you for getting in touch,

53、Mr. Henderson. Well get back to you as soon as we can.( )B: Goodbye.( )A: Excuse me. Im afraid I didnt catch your name. ( )B: Its Henderson, David Henderson.( ) A: I should think so. Goodbye. ( ) Learning about communication436125Situation 3A: Thanks. Bye.( )B: Yes. Have a good trip. ( )A: So, it wa

54、s useful to talk to you and Ill contact you on my return. ( )B: Of course. I wont keep you any longer.( )A: Thank you. Right, speak to you soon. ( ) B: I look forward to that. In the meantime Ill send you a copy of the contract.( ) A: Im afraid Ive got a plane to catch. ( ) B: Goodbye.( ) Learning a

55、bout communication76145238Learning about communicationTask 2Analyze the following 2 cases of ending telephone calls. Give comments on each.Case 1A: So thats f ixed then. Thursday, the 20th, at 3 oclock.B: Ill be there. Look forward to meeting you.A: Yes, me too. Bye for now.B: Goodbye.Your comments:

56、This is an effective ending. First, details are conf irmed including the time and date. Second, a pleasantry is used “Look forward to meeting you”.Case 2A: So what do you think of our overseas market?B: Its in a very bad situation, unless we strengthen our advertising schemes.A: Right, thats the poi

57、nt.B: Yes, as I see it. Look, I must go now. Bye.A: Oh? . Goodbye.Your comments:This ending is not so good. Reasons are: First, the call ends too abruptly and it may give a bad impression. Second, there is no conf irmation of what they have agreed on. Third, theres no check whether the person needs

58、to ask any other questions. Finally, there is not a pleasantry involved.Communicating with othersTask 4 Use information in the following chart to make a complete telephone conversation. Pay particular attention to the endings of calls.Student AYou are short of time and try to end the call as quickly

59、 as possible.Student BPrepare to receive signals that A wants to end the call as quickly as possible.Student B will call you to try and sell advertising space in a new business magazine. You are not interested.You work for The Entrepreneur, a new business magazine. Call Student A to see if he/she is

60、 interested in advertising at a special rate for the next issue.Communicating with othersStudent APrepare to pick up the signals given by Student B.Student BYou are short of time and try to end the call as quickly as possible.1. You work for Direct Finance, a personal f inancial advice service avail


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