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1、Hunting for a JobUnit 11CONTENTS123Evaluating yourselfFinding a vacancyPreparing employment messagesEvaluating yourselfAnalyzing your personal goals, career goals & qualif icationsStarting upLearning about communicationEvaluating YourselfOne of the most important challenges in your life will be job

2、hunting. When deciding what f ield to enter, you need to identify what skills you possess, what youre good at, as well as what you enjoy doing. To help you with your self-evaluation, consider asking yourself the following questions in terms of personal goals, career goals and qualif ications.Analyze

3、 your personal goals1) What is your ideal lifestyle?2) What are your interests? To be involved in a business, a charity organization or educationalauthorities?3) What is success to you: wealth, power, control, contentment?4) Do you want to work mainly with people, machines, products, ideas, f igures

4、 or some combination?Learning about communicationAnalyze your career goals1) What kind of work do you enjoy? What do you want to be doing 5 years from now?2) How much do you hope to earn in your f irst year? What kind of pay increase do you expect each year? Would you be comfortable getting paid on

5、commission, or do you prefer steady paycheck?3) What size company would you prefer? A small operation, a large corporation or setting up your own business?4) Do you prefer steady, predictable working hours or a f lexible working schedule?5) What working environment do you like? A downtown high-rise

6、building, an off ice in a small town or no off ice at all?Learning about communicationIdentify your qualif ications1) What are your most important personalities? Are you an extravert or an introvert? Do you like thinking or doing? Do you like routines or changes? Are you aggressive or prefer followi

7、ng? Careful or careless?2) What are your top 5 skills and abilities? E.g. computer and communication skills, leadership ability, ability to work under pressure.3) What education do you receive? The certif icates and degrees earned. Any specif ic courses related to your intended career should also be

8、 counted.4) What work experience do you have? If you have little work experience, list your volunteer activities. For each job or volunteer activity, list the work-related skills you learned. For example, if you became more skilled in operating computers while raising funds for a charity organizatio

9、n, list this information.Learning about communicationIdentify your qualif ications5) What achievements and activities do you have? The scholarship you have received, athletic activities you excel in and other information.With a thorough understanding of your goals and qualif ications, you can make a

10、 better match with a suitable career f ield.Building your skillsTask 2 Pair work. Write goal statements to answer the questions in categories of Personal Goals and Career Goals.Personal Goals1. What is my ideal lifestyle?I can travel internationally, and have more time to surf the Internet.2. What a

11、re my interests?3. What is success to me?4. Do I want to work mainly with people, machines, products, ideas, f igures or some combination?I want to be involved in a business.I want to be f inancially secure.I want to work with people.Building your skillsCareer Goals1. What kind of work do I enjoy? W

12、hat do I want to be doing 5 years from now?I enjoy selling products and want to be a sales manager in 5 years.2. How much do I hope to earn in my first year? Would I be comfortable getting paid on commission, or do I prefer steady paycheck?3. Do I prefer steady, predictable working hours or a f lexi

13、ble working schedule?4. What size company would I prefer?5. What working environment do I like?I want to earn ¥25,000 the f irst year and prefer steady paycheck.I prefer a f lexible work schedule.I like a large corporation.I like to work in a downtown high-rise building.Communicating with othersTask

14、 3 Look at the personalities and qualif ications in the box and describe yourself to each other.Personalities: easy-going, energetic, quiet, friendly, well-organized, hard-working, independent, intelligent, quick-thinking, kind, helpful, outgoing, eff icient, patient, aggressive, ambitiousQualif ica

15、tions: vocational school diploma, associate degree, bachelors degree, professional qualif ication, high school diplomaCommunicating with othersTask 4 Group work. Ask your partners for their top 5 skills, abilities and accomplishments that have given them satisfaction. Take notes while listening to o

16、thers.Finding a vacancyKnowing where to look for vacancies & understanding job advertisementsStarting upTask 1 Look at the pictures and tell the source of vacancies each indicates. Then add some other ways of f inding vacancies.The InternetNewspapersJob fairsFinding a VacancyWith your self-assessmen

17、t results in mind, you need to evaluate a variety of occupations to see if theres a match. Just because your self-assessment indicates that a particular occupation matches your interests, skills and values, it doesnt mean it should be your choice. You need to do research and try to f ind out whether

18、 there is a vacancy and what qualif ications it demands.Where to look for vacanciesJob vacancies are advertised in a variety of ways: in newspapers, on websites, through job fairs, networking and campus placement off ices (就业安置办公室).Finding a VacancyNewspapers & websitesMany f irms advertise openings

19、 in newspapers, on their company websites, or on job listing websites.Campus placement off icesThe largest source of jobs is on-campus interviewing. Therefore, it is very important that you familiarize yourself with the campus placement off ice at your school before going on the job market. The plac

20、ement off ice will typically have potential employers on f ile, as well as information on any upcoming job fairs.Finding a VacancyJob fairsSome recruitment agencies, universities and industries hold job fairs where employers can provide information about employment opportunities with their companies

21、, and list their vacancies. You can often apply for the positions at the expo, so take a few copies of your CV and be prepared for impromptu interviews.NetworkingNetworking is the process of contacting people who can either give you information about potential job openings or introduce you to others

22、 who can. Tell friends, family members, acquaintances and school career advisors about what types of jobs you are interested in. They may know of vacancies, or know of someone else who may be able to help you.Finding a VacancyNetworkingIn addition to the above sources of vacancies, employment agenci

23、es and internships are the other two ways to look for openings. Many companies like to offer students internships. An internship enables students to work a period of time for the organization with pay and if the company likes their work, they may be offered a position.Job advertisementsA job adverti

24、sement will usually def ine the job and state brief ly what it entails (this is called a job description), and outline the sort of person who will be required for the job. When you see an advertisement for a job that you think you are suitable for and want to apply for, you must respond in the way t

25、hat the employer asks you to.Building your skillsTask 2 Susan talks about her job search experience after graduation. Study the case and analyze the ways she looks for vacancies.“I have had quite an experience searching for my f irst real job. I began my search by using my network. It looked promisi

26、ng at f irst but a lot of my chances were dependent on the actions of others. As circumstance would have it, it was the end of summer and the start of a busy new working year. This may seem innocent enough, but no doubt people had more pressing matters to address. No worries though. I then looked in

27、 the more obvious places for jobs. This experience had its own challenges . like trying to speak with a decision maker when calling these potential employers. After toiling with this avenue for a while I decided to give my extended network another go.Building your skillsTask 2 Susan talks about her

28、job search experience after graduation. Study the case and analyze the ways she looks for vacancies.This is where I currently stand and the early results seem to be looking good. I have already secured some serious lunch meetings with prospects that I believe will be fruitful. All in all, its been m

29、ore or less what I expected, but the extended timeframe was unanticipated . my lesson to learn. Hopefully, the next job will not need quite as much effort. But as they say . what doesnt kill you makes you stronger.”1. In what ways does she look for vacancies?2. What do you think of her methods?Build

30、ing your skillsTask 2 Susan talks about her job search experience after graduation. Study the case and analyze the ways she looks for vacancies.1. In what ways does she look for vacancies?2. What do you think of her methods?She first uses her network, then websites and f inally goes back to networki

31、ng.Networking looks promising but dependant, because she has to wait until her personal contacts have the information for vacancies. Surf ing websites can be more obvious, but challenging. She needs to phone potential employers and tries to speak to those decision-makers. Nevertheless, it seems that

32、 the way she extends her network having lunch meetings with prospects deserves to be adopted.Building your skillsTask 3 After knowing where to look for openings, you should be able to understand the job advertisements. Read the ad below and circle the relevant information for the following items.A.

33、Position B. Employer C. Job descriptionD. Qualif ications E. Contact detail F. LocationBuilding your skillsTask 4 Group work. Find 3 job advertisements in accord with the following requirements and complete the table below.Find the ads using the ways mentioned in Learning about communication.Communi

34、cating with othersTask 5 Pair work. Perform a role-play according to the cue cards.Evaluating yourselfAnalyzing your personal goals, career goals & qualif icationsStarting upTask 1 Pair work. Work with your partners and discuss the two questions below.1. What do you need to send to an employer after

35、 f inding a proper vacancy?2. What information about you does an employer need to have?Preparing Employment MessagesRsums/CVsIn some professions and many countries outside the United States, the term “CV” is used instead of rsum. Actually there is very little difference between a “good CV” and a “go

36、od rsum”. A rsum/ CV is your ticket to an interview where you can sell yourself. Its a summary of your education, skills, accomplishments and experience.Tips of constructing a good rsum are as follows:1. Contact section should include your name, address, telephone numbers and e-mail address and shou

37、ld go at the top of your rsum.Preparing Employment MessagesTips of constructing a good rsum are as follows:2. If you include a job objective, state what type of position you want and how you can benef it the employer in that position. For example: “Career objective: To use my technical talents and a

38、bilities while providing superior customer service”.3. The work experience section describes in chronological order, all work experience that relates to the job you are seeking.4. Make each description concise, easy to read, and informative.Preparing Employment MessagesTips of constructing a good rs

39、um are as follows:5. Draw readers attention to important points: provide the sort of specif ic information on duties and accomplishments that catches an employers eyes; highlight duties and work achievements in bulleted lists; use action verbs to describe duties, such as administer, operate, develop

40、, set up, analyze, provide, produce, organize and so on.6. Highlight important skills by breaking them out into a list in a separate section.Preparing Employment MessagesCover letters/application lettersWhenever you submit your rsum, accompany it with a cover letter, or sometimes called application

41、letter to let readers know what you are sending, why you are sending it and how they can benef it from reading it. The purpose of your application letter is to get employers interested enough to read your rsum. Every cover letter has 3 basic parts: an opening, a body and a closing. The opening state

42、s that you are applying for a position and captures the readers attention; the body summarizes your qualif ications and the closing asks for an interview.Building your skillsTask 2 Pair work. Below you will find details of a rsum. Look at the headings AE and put each detail under an appropriate head

43、ing.A. B. C. D. E. Building your skillsTask 3 Study the application letter written by Lucy Cannon for the position of sales manager. Put the number for each part in a proper blank to indicate the functions of each sentence.Functions:1. Stating the reason for writing and referring the reader to the e

44、nclosure2. Asking for an interview3. Including a “position reference line” to capture readers attention4. Explaining her qualif ications for the positionBuilding your skillsTask 3 Study the application letter written by Lucy Cannon for the position of sales manager. Put the number for each part in a

45、 proper blank to indicate the functions of each sentence.Functions:1. Stating the reason for writing and referring the reader to the enclosure2. Asking for an interview3. Including a “position reference line” to capture readers attention4. Explaining her qualif ications for the positionBuilding your

46、 skillsMr. John SmithDirectorIcon Management5854 Tampon RoadNew York, NY 55555RE: Sales Manager Position Posted in Washington Post Dear Mr. Smith,I am writing to you with regards to your advertisement, February 19th, in the WashingtonPost, for a Sales Manager for the Tampon Branch, Peterson Stores. As you can see frommy enclosed rsum, my experience and qualif ications match this positions requirements.31Building your skillsI especially would like to point out at this time that I graduated from t


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