1、Fundamentals of Materials Science and EngineeringObjective Introduce fundamental concepts in Material Science and EngineeringItems to be learned: material structure how structure dictates properties how processing can change structurePotential applications: Use materials properly Realize new design
2、opportunities with materials目录第四章 材料的性能 (Material Properties)第三章 材料组成和结构 (Compositions and Structures of Materials )第二章 物质结构基础 (Structure of Matter)第一章 绪论 (Introduction)第五章 材料的制备和成型加工 (Preparation and Manufacturing of Materials)1.1 Defination and Historical Perspective1.2 Classification of Materials
3、 1.3 Materials Science and Engineering1.4Why Study Materials Science and Engineering1.5 Modern Materials Needs第一章绪 论Chapter 1 Introduction1.1Definition of Materials and Historical Perspective -DefinitionThe matter (substance),not spiritlyWebster “New International Dictionary(1971)”:The substance or
4、matter of which anything is made or may be made. Webster编者“New International Dictionary(1971年)”中关于材料(Materials)的定义为:材料是指用来制造某些有形物体(如:机械、工具、建材、织物等的整体或部分)的基本物质(如金属、木料、塑料、纤维等) 迈尔新百科全书中材料的含义:材料是从原材料中取得的,为生产半成品、工件、部件和成品的初始物料,如金属、石块、木料、皮革、塑料、纸、天然纤维和化学纤维等等。Materials and Raw Materials(原材料) Raw Materials: an
5、y crude, unfinished, not to obtain products,but produce materials。(having chemical changes)Materials:to obtain products.原料一般不是为获得产品,而是生产材料, 往往伴随化学变化。 材料的特点往往是为获得产品,一般从材料 到产品的转变过程不发生化学变化。1.1Definition of Materials-DefinitionMaterials and matter: Materials can be made of one kind of or more kinds of m
6、atters. The same matter can get different types or using materials because of different processing methods. 材料可由一种或多种物质组成。 同一物质由于制备方法或加工方法不同可以得到用途各异、类型不同的材料。Material:材料科学 (工科) 物质科学 (理科) 材料是指具有满足指定工作条件下使用要求的形态和物理性状的物质。1.1Definition of Materials and Historical Perspective - Historical Perspective 材料是人
7、类社会发展的巨大推动力,制造生产工具的物质基础是材料。石器 陶 器铜 器 编 钟铁 器 陶瓷艺术品结束动画图片陶瓷艺术结束动画图片玻璃瓶结束动画图片水果篮结束动画图片门窗玻璃结束动画图片搪瓷茶壶结束动画图片天然花岗岩结束动画图片景泰蓝工艺 蓝地虎头鱼缸结束动画图片中国古代陶器秦始皇兵马俑结束动画图片琉 璃 瓦结束动画图片结束动画图片二、一些典型的高聚物材料塑料布结束动画图片塑料薄膜结束动画图片塑料模仁结束动画图片特种工程塑料结束动画图片特种高聚物材料结束动画图片合成纤维结束动画图片一些典型的高聚物材料聚丙稀短纤维结束动画图片合成橡胶轮胎结束动画图片衣服 纤维结束动画图片塑料的应用塑 钢 窗三、
8、聚合物的应用结束动画图片塑料的应用结束动画图片塑料的应用结束动画图片塑料的应用结束动画图片不锈钢餐具结束动画图片Golf stick结束动画图片破粉碎设备结束动画图片地铁列车结束动画图片吸音吊顶结束动画图片电力陶瓷结束动画图片砂轮结束动画图片钢 塔结束动画图片结束动画图片汽车与高速公路结束动画图片大江截流结束动画图片汽车工业结束动画图片结束动画图片飞机结束动画图片火箭发射结束动画图片 陶瓷艺术品结束动画图片Today The history of materials is the history of human society and science technologyThe develo
9、pment of process: Simple Complex Single property Comprehensive property Structural materials Functional materials Single material Composite materials 综合性能结构材料功能材料复合材料1.2 Classification of MaterialsBasicmetals.ceramics. polymers.Engineering materialsCompositesSemiconductorbiomaterialsMaterialsChemica
10、l Makeup State Use Application Field MetalInorganic Nonmetal Material PolymerCompositesGaseous LiquidSolidFunctional StructuralArchitectural、Packagingp5Advanced materialsConcept: Materials that are utilized in high-technology applications. By high technology we mean a device or product that operates
11、 or functions using relatively intricate and sophisticated principles ; examples include electronic equipment, computers, fiber-optic systems, spacecraft, aircraft, and military rocketry.1.3 Materials Science and EngineeringMaterials Science : involves investigating the relationships that exist betw
12、een the structures and properties of materials (研究结构与性能之间的关系)Materials Engineering: designing or engineering the structure of a material to produce a predetermined set of properties, based on these structure-property correlations.(设计材料 结构以产生预定的性能)p2Structure (结构)Concept:relates to the arrangement of
13、 its internal components (内部成分的组织排列)Subatomic On an atomic levelp3Property (性能)Notion: a material trait in terms of the kind and magnitude of response to a specific imposed stimulus. (一种材料对外界刺激反应的类型和程度)Category: mechanical (机械性), electrical(电性), thermal(热性), magnetic(磁性), optical(光学性), and deteriora
14、tive(失效性)p3Mechanical PropertiesNotion: relate deformation to an applied load or force; examples include elastic modulus and strength.Plot of elastic modulus versus temperature for tungsten (钨) , steel (钢), and aluminum (铝)Electrical PropertiesConcept: the stimulus is an electric field, such as elec
15、trical conductivity (电导率) and dielectric constant (介电常数).The electrical resistivity versus temperature for copper and three copper-nickel alloys, one of which has been deformed.Note: Electrical conductivity is the reciprocal of the resistivityThermal PropertiesThe thermal behavior of solids can be r
16、epresented in terms of heat capacity (热容) and thermal conductivity (导热系数).Thermal conductivity versus composition for copper-zinc alloys.Magnetic PropertiesDemonstrate the response of a material to the application of a magnetic field.Schematic magnetization curves for soft and hard magnetic material
17、s.Optical PropertiesThe stimulus is electromagnetic or light radiation; index of refraction (折射) and reflectivity (反射) are representative optical properties.Photograph showing the light transmittance of three aluminum oxide specimens. From left to right: single-crystal material (sapphire), which is
18、transparent (透明); a polycrystalline and full dense (nonporous) material, which is translucent (半透明) and a polycrystalline material the contains approximately 5% porosity, which is opaque(不透明).Deteriorative CharacteristicIndicate the chemical reactivity of materials.Processing (加工) and Performance (表
19、现性能) The structure of a material will depend on how it is processed.A materials performance will be a function of its properties.Materials Science and Engineering Logic1.4 Why Study Materials Science and EngineeringA material problem: One of selecting the right material from the many thousands that
20、are available.Three criteria on which the final decision is normally based: 1. the in-service conditions must be characterized, for these will dictate the properties required of the material.(性能)2. any deterioration of material properties that may occur during service operation.(使用环境)3. economics.(经
21、济)The Materials Selection Process1.5 Modern MaterialsNeeds (self-study) In spite of the tremendous progress that has been made in the discipline of materials science and engineering within the past few years, there still remain technological challenges, including the development of even more sophisticated and specialized materials, as well as consideration of the environmental impact of materials production. Materials for use in nuclear energy.New high-strength, low-density structural materials, as well as materials with higher-temperature capabilities, for use in transport
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