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1、第三部分名人故事(一)Alfred Nobel, Fou nder of the Nobel Prizes阿尔弗雷德?诺贝尔一诺贝尔奖的创始人在世界科学史上,有这样一位科学家:他不仅把自己的毕生精力全部贡献给了科学事业,而且还在身后留下遗嘱, 把自己的遗产全部捐献给科学事业,用以奖掖后人,向科学的高峰努力攀登。今天,以他的名字命名的科学奖, 已经成为举世瞩目的最高科学大奖。他的名字和人类在科学探索中取得的成就一道, 永远地留在了人类社会发展的文明史册上。这位伟大的科学家,就是世人皆知的瑞典化学家、诺贝尔奖的创立人阿尔弗雷德诺贝尔。诺贝尔奖颁发给在物理,化学,医学,文学,和平和经济六个领域中成就

2、最突出的人。Some names have become famous because they are always conn ected with importa ntthin gs. One of these n ames is that of Alfred Nobel, who foun ded the famous Nobel Prizes.Nobel was born in Swede n in 1833. He became an engin eer and an inven tor. He was particularlyinterested in explosives. Th

3、ese were very dangerous in those days, andNobels own brother was killed in an explosion in their factory.In 1867, Nobel inven ted dyn amite. This was a very powerful explosive, but un like the others it was safe to handle. The invention made Nobel a very wealthy man.However, he was n ever particular

4、ly happy. He realized that his inven ti on wasbeing used for warlike purposes, and that thousands and perhaps hundreds of thousands of people were being killed and injured in wars with his explosives.Whenhe died in 1896, he left over 3 million pounds to be spent settingup fiveprizes each year. These

5、 prizes were to be give n to people who had made outsta ndingcon tributi ons to peace, to scie nee, and to literature. Origin ally there were fiverewards: literature, physics, chemistry, medici ne and peace. Econo mics was addedin 1968, just sixty-seve n years after the first award ceremony.These No

6、bel Prizes became famous and because of them we still remember the name of Nobel.Comprehe nsion Questi ons:1 People became famous becauseQthQ fezunded Nobd Prize s.E. their names import ant. *they hud. something do 冇ith imponant ihingsthey had heard, about importanT things.-1the founding of Xobel Pr

7、ices thatpma df Alfredpart】 Mar :、匚wed Alfreds brother dtath in an explosion in a factory. *become an engmeei md mventor.-mad?Alfredparticularly interestin explosivss.期Dynamite differs from other xplosiv*ts in thatit is less powerful and safe to han die.it is more powerful but less safe to han die.i

8、t is both powerful and safe.it wont kill people.Rich as he was, Alfred Nobel was n ever particularly happy becausehis dyn amite was not safe eno ugh.his explosives were being used in wars.his brother was killed by the explosives inven ted by him.he had killed hun dreds of thousa nds of people with e

9、xplosives.Those who had made outstandingcontributionsto peace, to scieneeand toliteraturecould get three milli on poun ds.were give n five prizes each year.could see Alfred Nobel himself.could receive Nobel Prizes.(CACBD)The Ge neral and the Corporal, A StoryAbout George Washi ngton将军和下士一乔治?华盛顿的故事乔治

10、华盛顿,美国首任总统(17891797),美国独立战争大陆军总司令。 1789年, 当选为美国第一任总统, 因对美国独立作出了重大贡献,被尊为美国国父。他有一句关于自由的名言:“由于剑是维护我们自由的最后手段,一旦这些自由得到确立, 就应该首先将它放在一旁。”下面这篇小故事通过一件平凡事,反映了一个伟人的博大胸襟。George Wash ington was the first Preside nt of the Un ited States. It was he wholed the armies during the long war that brought the American p

11、eople independenceand made America a free coun try. He was a great man, not only in great thin gs, butalso in little ones. He was never too great to do a kindness. Hewas never too highto stoop to those who were lower tha n he and in n eed of help.One day, v-ten his annv was m camp. Washm爭皿 w叮益d me a

12、lone m a Qu眉 ovaeoat tat hidtiis uniform, and so the so-ldiers am口口马 v/hom he passed did not know thit he was the general pAr one pl ace th?re vas a corporal with his men. bmlding a breasnvorl of :吕 s. Thev iiasr about to lift alog vhen V/ashin-gton cam? up”*-r: r二二:I*iv:空 K pc l iiuidto it himself

13、They lifted with al: their irngtit. The bg was almost in its place, bm it 即半 so hryvy that ey cuuld. uoi move it any farther*The corpora shouted, aain. Heave ho! UpThe men were not able to do more; thensixwii沖 was almo-st cnie and lhe log 页as about IQ 生严Then Washington ran up, and with his strong ar

14、ms gave them the help they so much n eeded. The big log was lifted on the breastwork, and the men looked their tha nks at the stra nger who had bee n so kind.“Why don t you take hold and help your men? Washington asked the corporal.“ Why don t I? Don t you see that I am the corporal?”“ Oh, in deed,

15、” said Wash ington, as he un butt oned his overcoat, and showed the uniform which he wore. “ Well, I am the gen eral, and the n ext time you have a log too heavy for your men to lift, send for me!”You can imagine how the little corporal felt when he saw it was General Washington who was sta nding be

16、fore him. It was a good less on for him, and there are little men still livi ng who may learn a good less on from the story.Comprehe nsion Questi ons:he was a great man, George Washi ngton was ready to do a kindn ess.Because B. Though C. If D. As long asAt first the corporal and the soldiers did not

17、 knowwho was the gen eral.B. who was Wash ington.what the general was.D. the man was Washington.The corporal wastoo little to do the heavy job.too weak to help his men.so great that he could not do such a small thing.feeli ng he was such an officer that he was ashamed of giv ing help.The little corp

18、oral felt verywhe n he knew it was Gen eral Wash ington whowas sta nding before him.glad B. proudC. sorry D. crazyWhen do you think the story most probably took place?During the War of In depe nden ce.During the Civil War.During World War I.Duri ng World War II.(BDDCA)3+ Jani W att and His Firs-t St

19、eam Enine詹姆斯百:特和他的第一台誌汽机詹姆斯 瓦特是芙国著名的夏明寡,是工业草命时期的至要人畅.他还咼英因皇家学会 会负和法兰西科学幌外薯定士.他对当吋巴出现的蒸汽机原始雏形作了一柔列的童丸改进, 发明了单缸单載式J和单釘双动丸蔗汽机,梃衙了墓汽飙的热效卒和逹行可靠性,对当时社衾生产力的发展作出了杰出贡献。他改良了蒸汽机、发明了气压表、汽动锤。后人为了纪生产力的发展作出了杰出贡献。他改良了蒸汽机、发明了气压表、汽动锤。后人为了纪念他,将功率的单位称为瓦特,常用符号“W表示。People had known about steam power for hundreds of years

20、, but they did not know how to apply it tomach in es. About 300 years ago, some mining engin eersdiscoveredthat they could use steam power to force water out of deep mines. This helped miners dig deeper than ever. But little more was done with steam power until one man, James Watt, discovered how to

21、 make steam turn a wheel.When he was a boy, James Watts pare nts had scolded him for play ing with mechanical things. There were few complicated machines then. And almost nobody could make a living by fixing them. So Watts parents thought that fooling around with mach ines was a waste of time. But s

22、ome one asked Watt to repair a steam coal mine pump. Watt fixed the pump and he began to build models of other pumps.Once Watt had built his first steam engine, steam power was used to do manythings. Machines were built that could weave, spin, grind flour, drive a boat or a train, and even make other machines. Nearly anything that needed pushing or turning could be powered by steam. Within50 years of Wattsinvention, steam en


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