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1、 高二英语阅读理解强化训练附解析 Day 282Passage 1Global warming is the increase of the earth asverage surface temperature due to the effect of greenhousegases,for example, carbon dioxide, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from the earth. After the trees are cut down and more greenhouse gases are released,

2、 the around the earth called the ozone layer (臭氧层 ), will get thicker. This catches more heat and makes the earth hotter. Luckily, there are many things that every citizen of the earth can do to help reduce the effects of global warming, and it s never too late or too early for children to takeactio

3、n.The children should learn what a carbon footprint is. A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon and greenhouse gases people make as they lead the daily life and go about the normal activities. In other words, the carbon footprint is a measure of the environmental impact (冲击 ) the life has. To liv

4、e an environmentally friendly life that doesn ctontribute to global warming, people want to have the smallest carbon footprint possible.Almost everything people do contributes to global warming and is related to fossil fuel consumption. These can be direct uses of fossil fuels, like riding in a gaso

5、line-powered car, or indicrect contributions to greenhouse gases, such as eating fruits or vegetables that had to be shipped from far way to reach their tables.If a child wants to make a contribution to reducing global warming, he should ride a bicycle to the near park, school, his friend hosuse, or

6、 anywhere else instead of taking the car. Or he may try to walk or jog, which is also helpful. In addition, although trains and buses often run on fossil fuels, on average, each person uses less energy and produces less pollution to run. Next time if children with their parents have to get around to

7、wn or it toso far to walk or bike, take the bus or other public transportation instead of asking for a ride.What is the first paragraph mainly about?A brief description of carbon footprintThe serious water pollution.The protection of ozone layer.The causes of global warmingWhich of the following can

8、 describe the carbon footprint?Useless.B. Expensive.C. Helpful.D. Attractive.What can kids do if they want to help reduce global warming?Go to the near park by bus.Walk or cycle as much as possible.Keep staying at home or school.Go around the town with parents by car.What can be a suitable title for

9、 the text?What Can People Do to Use Less Energy?How Can Kids Help Reduce Global Warming?How Does Carbon Footprints Measure Pollution?D. Why Global Warming Affects Humans Life?Passage 2The following places will give you an unexpected travelling experience.SvalbardIf you rea fan of winter activities,

10、but in need of some sun, then perhaps a May trip to Svalbard is in order. Svalbard is located about 620 miles south of the North Pole. In late spring, the sun never dips below the horizon, and it means you can take in all the Vitamin D you desire for. Popular activities in the area include hiking an

11、d wildlife spotting.NamibiaDuring spring, Namibia is considered as the perfect destination with reduced travel costs and cooler evenings. National Geographic Travel says that the watering holes start to dry up again in late May, which attracts giraffes and black rhinos from their hiding spots. If yo

12、u rme ore of an adventurous explorer, head to the Namib Desert for a spot of sand boarding on the dunes 沙( 丘 ).JapanIf you want to catch the wonderful cherry blossom season in Japan,National Geographic Travel says you should head there between January and May. Recommended activities include taking a

13、 dip in the hot springs in Kawazu and boating down the Kitakami River to Tenshochi Park where 10,000 cherry trees turn into charming pale pink avenues.Upper Amazon, PeruFor travelers looking for a sense of adventure, National Geographic Travel proposes a trip to the upper Amazon in Peru. It notes th

14、at by May, the water levels will have increased, allowing for improved navigation and cooler temperatures.Which place is fit for visitors fond of desert adventures?Svalbard.B. NamibiaC. Japan.D. Upper Amazon, Peru.What can you do when travelling in Tenshochi Park in May?Plant cherry trees. B. Swim i

15、n the hot springs.C. Enjoy beautiful flowers. D. Take a boat on the river.Which month is the best time for people to visit the four places?May.B. March.C. April.D. February.Passage 3The entire global population of marbled crayfish ( 龙纹虾 ) has been traced to a Single female held in a German aquarium水

16、族馆),WhiCh WaS born with the ability to reproduce without males. Every marbled crayfish is female, and every egg laid is an exact clone of its mother. The ability to reproduce quickly with such ease made them popular in the aquarium trade, but when they found their way into the wild, the crayfish got

17、 out of control.The first known marbled crayfish appeared in 1995. Since then, they have spread into the wild and populated in freshwater ecosystems around the world. Scientists studying this animal have raised the alarm about its likely influence on local wildlife, ecosystems and agriculture as it

18、spreads into new environments. Successful non-native species like the marbled crayfish often cause trouble when they arrive in new environments, as they can feed on local wildlife or compete with it for resources.According to Dr Frank Lyko, a researcher at the German Cancer Research Centre, the firs

19、t marbled crayfish appeared due to a sudden change in its parents cells. It was an animal that reproduces clonally and therefore represents a model of a central aspect in tumor ( 肿 瘤 ) development.“ Tumor geno meSK 因组)also develop Clon ally, because they go back to a single original cell,” he said.

20、However, both crayfish and tumors arestill able to adapt to their environments through a process termed evolution ” , and in both cases this can be harmful. In crayfish, their ability to adapt means they can spread to a variety of different environments and climates, and in tumors this means they Ca

21、n develop resista nce(抵抗)against cancer-targeting drugs.At present, with the potential influence of the increasing marbled crayfish on local places, governments from different places are working on controlling their population.What does the text say about marbled crayfish in the wild?They prove popu

22、lar.B. They are under control.C. They can be troublesome. D. They are out of condition.What does Dr Frank Lyko try to explain?The reason for marbled crayfish s clonal reproduction.The similarities between marbled crayfish and tumors.The way to stop marbled crayfish cloning themselves.The harmful inf

23、luence marbled crayfish have on health.What are governments doing about marbled crayfish now?Working on removing all of them.Trying to limit the quantity of them.Taking control of them with drugs.Connecting them with harmful tumors.What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Why Marbled Crayfish Re

24、produce RapidlyThe Population of Marbled Crayfish Is HugeThe Spread of Marbled Crayfish Is WorryingHow to Control the Number of Marbled CrayfishPaSSage 4CruZ Genet, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, CouIdn t agree. Were thebirds out On the ice ducks or geese? So On a cold JanUary eve ning last year, the

25、two frie nds Ven tured (冒险)Onto the froze n Pond n ear their homes in Fra nkfort, Illi no is, to get a better look. First, they threw a rock onto the ice to test it, CrUZ told NBC 5 Chicago.“ Then We StePPed on it. ” Conthe ice would hold their weight, Anthony took a few steps, but then he fell thro

26、ugh the Seem in gly froze n surface.CrUZ rushed to help his Pani Cked friend. However, the pond swallowed him, too. CrUZ man aged to lift himself out of the extremely cold Water and onto a more solid SeCtion. He then gingerly WOrked his Way toward Anthony. BUt the ice didn t hold, and he fell in aga

27、in. ThiS ime, he couldnget out.The boys Were UP to their necks in icy Water and quickly losing feeling.Any Cha nce of their free ing themselves WaS slipp ing away. CrUZ WaS SUre that he WaS going to die.Anthony S older SiSter had Seen the boys fall through the ice and Started SCream ing, WiShi ng so

28、me one to SaVe them.Joh n LaV in, a n eighbor driv ing n earby on his Way to the grocery store, heard her. He quickly pulled over. See ing the boys, he grabbed (抓住)a nearby buoy (救生圈),kicked off his shoes, and ran into the cold water, StrUggIing his Way through the ice. LaVin made his Way to CrUZ an

29、dAnthony and pulled them back to land.The boys were taken to the hospital, where doctors discovered that their five- minute stay in the water had lowered their body temperature nearly ten degrees. Fortunately, they have fully recovered, though they are still a little amazed by their fearless neighbo

30、r.“ Just to think,” says Crhadn t been there, I could have died.”Why did the boys venture onto the frozen pond?A. To have a better look at the frozen pond.To catch the birds in the pond with rocks.To find out what the birds on the ice were.D. To test the thickness of the ice in the pond.What does th

31、e underlined word“ gingerly ” in paragraph 2 probably meA. Casually.B. Proudly.C. Firmly.D. Cautiously.What drew John Lavin s attention to the boys?A. Anthony s older sisters cry for help.Cruz s loud and frightening scream.Their shoes along the nearby pond.Their neighbors pulling them back.Which of

32、the following words can best describe John Lavin?A. Hard-working and helpful.B. Warm-hearted and courageous.C. Curious and selfless.D. Active and generous.Passage 5On an island in northern Norway, the sun doesn t set from May 18 rig through to July 26. The locals, having spent the long polar night f

33、rom November to January, when the sun doesn t rise at all, make the most of these months, with no regard to conventional timekeeping. The island intends to exchange its watches for flower garlands (花环 ) and declareitself the world S first time-fre地Zo).e (“ There s constant daylight, and we act accor

34、dingly,” says islandOve Hveding in a statement.“In the middle of the night, which citizensmight call 2 am , you can spot children playing soccer, people painting their houses or mowing their lawns (草坪 ), and teens going for a swim.”Now they want to make it official. Islanders gathered at a town hall

35、 meeting to sign a petition (请愿 ) for a time-free zone and on June 13, Hveding met with a Norwegian member of parliament 国( 会) to hand over the locals signatures and to discuss the practical and legal challenges.“ Tous, getting this in writing would simply mean formalizing something we have been pra

36、cticing for generations,” he says.Islanders hope to be free of traditional opening hours and to introduce flexibility in school and working hours. Fishing and tourism are the main industries on this island with a population of little more than 300 people. Local fisher and women often spend days on t

37、he ocean for their catch, with little regard to timetable.It S clear that they mean business. When ViSitorS cross the bridge to the island from the airland, they aren greeted With padlocks (SymboliZing love locks) like on SimiIar bridges worldwide. The bridge is COVered With watches, as people PrePa

38、re for entry to the Iand time forgot.What do the isla nders normally do at mid night from May 18 to July 26?A. StrUggIe With StrOng light.B. Sleep like OUtSide people.C. TUrn WatCheS in to flowers. D. Do daily work or have fun.ACCOrd ing to HVed ing, the isla nders livi ng a life free of time.A. is

39、difficult to describeB. PrOVeS PraCtiCaI and legalC. is a new kind of IifeStyIeD. has bee n a long traditi onWhat does the author mean by“ they mean bus in ess ” Un derl ined in thlast paragraph?The islanders are SeriOUS about being free of time.The isla nders intend to treat tourism as bus in ess.V

40、iSitOrS are ready to en ter a time-free isla ndViSitOrS actually Prefer WatCheS on bridges.What is the main idea of the text?Isla nders in NOrWay have bee n free from time.An island WantS to be a time-free zone OffiCially.It S time to lead a life WithOUt the limit of time.An island won t be open to

41、the world any Ionger.参考答案Passage 1D 主旨大意题。根据第 1 段“ Global warming is the increase of the earth s average surface temperature due to the effect of greenhouse gases 可知 , 作者一开始提出:全球变暖是由于温室气体的影响而导致地球 平均表面温度的升高;接下来举例说明 , 如果树木被砍伐 , 地球臭氧 层会变厚 , 地球温度会升高。因此该段是说明全球变暖的原因。故选 D 项。C 推理判断题。根据第二段 “In other words, .

42、want to have the SmalIeStCarbon footprint possible.可知,换句话说,碳足迹是衡量生活 对环境影响的一个指标。为了过一种不造成全球变暖的环保生活 , 人 们希望尽可能减少碳足迹。由此可知 , 碳足迹可以帮助衡量我们的生 活方式是否环保。故选 C 项。B细节理解题。根据第四段 “If a child WantS to make a Contribution to .or anyWhere else inStead of taking the car.可知,女口果一个孩子想 为减少全球变暖做出贡献 , 他应该骑自行车去附近的公园、学校、朋 友家或其他

43、任何地方 , 而不是坐车。由此可知 , 如果孩子们想帮助减 少全球变暖 , 他们会尽可能多走路或骑自行车。故选 B 项。B 主旨大意题。文章在第一段最后一句 “ Luckily, there are many things tha .or too early for ChiIdren to take act可知,幸运的是,地 ” 球上的每个公民都可以做很多事情来帮助减少全球变暖的影响 , 孩子们采取行动永远都不会太迟或太早。 以及下文主要围绕孩子可以做 哪些事情来减少全球变暖的影响。由此可知 , How Can Kids Help ReduCe Global Warmi ng?(孩子们如何帮助

44、减少全球变暖?)适合做本文标题。故选 B 项。Passage 2B 推理判断题。根据 Namibia 中 If you re more Of an adventurousexplorer, head to the Namib Desert for a spot of sand boarding on the dunes (沙丘 ). 如“果你更喜欢冒险 , 那就去纳米布沙漠 , 在沙丘上冲浪 ”。由 此可知,Namibia适合喜欢沙漠探险的游客。故选B OC推理判断题。根据 JaPan中 If you Want to CatCh the.betweenJanUary and May.如果你想赶

45、上日本美妙的樱花盛开季节,国家地 理旅游建议你在 1 月到 5 月之间前往日本。 ”由此推知 , 5 月份去 TenShOChi Park享受美丽的花朵。故选 COA 细节理解题。根据 Svalbard 中的 If you rae fan of winteraCtivities, but in need of some sun, then PerhaPs a May triP to Svalbard is in order. 如果你是冬季活动的爱好者 , 但需要一些阳光 , 那么五月去 斯瓦尔巴特群岛旅行是合适的 O ”根据 Namibia 中 的 National GeograPhiC Tr

46、avel says that .andblaCk rhinos from their hiding spots.国家地理旅行杂志称,五月下旬,酒吧里的水又开始干涸了, 这吸引了长颈鹿和黑犀牛从它们的藏身之处出来。”和JaPan中的Ifyou Want to CatCh the .between JanUary a如果你想赶上日本美 妙的樱花盛开季节 , 国家地理旅游建议你在 1 月到 5月之间前往 日本。”以及 UPPer AmaZon, Peru 中的 It notes that by May, the Water levels will have increased, allowing f

47、or improved navigation and cooler temperatures报告指出,到5月,水位将会上升,从而改善航行条件, 降低气温。 ”由此推知 , 五月是人们游览这四个地方的最佳时间。 故选 A。Passage 3C 推理判断题。根据第一段中 The ability to reProduce quickly With.the CrayfiSh got out of Contro这种快速繁殖的能力使它们在水 族馆里很受欢迎 , 但当它们进入野外时 , 小龙虾失去了控制。 ”由此可 知, 对野外的大理石小龙虾可能很麻烦。故选 C。A 细节理解题。根据第三段中 It Was

48、an animal that reProduCes Clon ally and therefore represe nts a model of a Cen tral aspect in tumor肿 瘤) develoPment. 它是一种通过无性繁殖的动物 , 因此它代表了肿瘤 发展的一个核心方面。”和第四段第一句“ Tumor geno me基因组)also develop Clonally, beCause they go baCk to a single original Cell,他说: “肿瘤基因组也会以无性方式发展 , 因为它们会回到单个原始细 胞。”由此可知,Frank Ly

49、ko博士试图解释大理石小龙虾无性繁殖的原 因。故选 A 。B 细节理解题。根据最后一段 At present, With the potentialin flue nce of.are work ing on con trolli ng their POPUlatiO 目前, 随着越来越多的大理石小龙虾对当地的潜在影响 , 各地政府都在努力控 制它们的数量。 ”可知, 政府现在对大理石小龙虾试图限制它们的数量。故选 B。C 标题判断题。根据第一段中 The entire global populationOf .which WaS born With the ability to reprod

50、uce Without males.全球 大理石小龙虾的全部种群都可以追溯到德国水族馆里的一只雌性小 龙虾身上 , 这只小龙虾天生就有在没有雄性的情况下繁殖的能力。 ” 和 The ability to reproduce quickly With .the crayfish got out of control. 这“种快速繁殖的能力使它们在水族馆里很受欢迎 , 但当它们 进入野外时 , 小龙虾失去了控制。 ”由此可知 , 大“理石小龙虾的蔓延令 人担忧 ”。故选 C。Passage 4C 细节理解题。根据第一段中 Were the birds out on the ice ducksor

51、geese? Illinois, to get a better look.是鸭子还是鹅?因此,在去年 1 月一个寒冷的晚上 , 这两位朋友冒险来到他们位于伊利诺斯州法兰 克福的家附近结冰的池塘 , 想要看得更清楚一些。 ”由此可知 , 男孩们 之所以冒险到结冰的池塘里去是为了去发现冰上是什么鸟。故选C。D 词义猜测题。根据第二段中 CrUZ man aged to lift himself out ofthe extremely cold Water and onto a more solid SeCti on.克鲁兹成功地从“极冷的水中爬了起来 , 爬到了一个更坚固的地方。 ”再根据划线词下文 But the ice didn t hold, and he fell in


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