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1、第 页2021宁夏大学英语考试模拟卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Which of the following is NOT TRUE of solar energyAThe technical problem of providing heat on cloudy days are not yet solved.BIt costs much to have a solar energy system installed at home.CThere are basical

2、ly two types of solar energy.DSolar energy is clean, inexhaustible and free of risk. 2.Which of the following has nothing to do with EasterARabbits.BHaggis.CChicks.DEggs. 3.Which of the following is the capital of CanadaAAlberta.BToronto.CQuebec.DOttawa. 4.Which of the following is NOT Robert Frosts

3、 poemAChicago.BAfter Apple-Picking.CThe Road Not Taken.DThe Most of It. 5.Which of the following about bound morpheme is NOT trueABound morpheme can not occur unattached.BBound morphemes are never words.CAll the prefixes are bound morphemes.DBound morphemes sometimes can be used alone. 6.It is in th

4、e year of _ that Columbus discovered the New World.A1592B1492C1591D1491 7.Which is the largest city in ScotlandACardiff.BEdinburgh.CGlasgow.DManchester. 8.The 18th century in English literature is an age of _.AnovelBpoemCproseDplay 9.The poem A Psalm of Life was written by _.AEdgar Allan PoeBHenry W

5、adsworth LongfellowCRalph Walao EmersonDWashington Irving 10.The word bead originally meant prayer, but now it refers to the rosary used in the prayer. This is an example of _.Awidening of meaningBloss of meaningCmeaning shiftDnarrowing of meaning 11.The same one word may have more than one meaning.

6、 This is what we call _.AsynonymyBhomonymyCpolysemyDantonymy 12.Collectors from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore would most likely buy _.Aimpressionistic paintingsBMing Dynasty imperial tea setsCexcavated works of artDBlue Period Picassos 13.Which of the following does NOT account for the current boo

7、m in the art marketAThe American dollar has become weaker against some major currencies.BThe very rich wish to put part of their investment in art.CThe very rich have regained their confidence.DDealers buying is growing strong. 14.What does the author say about the North American marketAThe American

8、 buyers of pictures have not changed their taste.BThe middle market remains strong.CThe Americans buy art as a speculation.DIt is experiencing a major recession. 15.Ask Dr. Math could be described as the following EXCEPT _.Aa question and answer serviceBa technology training programCwith a database

9、of questions and answersDsupported by volunteer math teachers 16.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT CORRECTAAmerican schools have already seen marked improvements in math and science test scores.BAmerican schools have yet to adapt their curricula to make the most of c

10、omputers and the Internet.CTeachers need to be formally and adequately trained to cope with the new technology.DThere is still skepticism about the new technology. 17.In order to win their war against ob security, todays college professors do all the following EXCEPT _.Aseeing that students show str

11、ong response in classBmaking sure that they get favorable evaluations from the studentsCbeing congenial and sympathetic to their studentsDbeing conscientious in imparting knowledge 18.Max could be best described as_.Alenient and permissiveBeager to please his studentsCdisgusting and loathsomeDstrict

12、 and demanding 19.From the passage, we get the impression that _.Athe author thinks highly of todays professorsBthe author hates Max type of teachersCthe author likes aloof and uncaring professorsDthe author regrets that Max type of teachers are becoming scarce 20.As is indicated in the passage, gam

13、e theory _.Ais a tentative findingBis not appropriately usedCcan be applied in service industriesDis not originally meant for studies of shifting international alliances 21.The author would probably agree that _.Adiscoveries of the social sciences also represent scientific advancesBsocial sciences l

14、ack the rigor that characterizes natural sciencesCdiscoveries of the social sciences are being abusedDthere should be a strict separation between pure and applied social sciences 22.Which of the following is NOT true of malnourished childrenAOver half of the deaths of children under-five are associa

15、ted with malnutrition.BIn south Asia, the number of malnourished children is on the rise.CMore and more countries have reliable data on young children underweight.DMost of the malnourished children live in Africa. 23.This article is mainly about _.AWHOs mission and achievementsBmicronutrient malnutr

16、ition and its negative effects on childrens healthCthe inadequate health care system in the worldDthe rising infant mortality and its causes 24.In the passage the author elaborates on the following forms of malnutrition EXCEPT_.Aprotein-energy malnutritionBiodine deficiency disordersCvitamin A defic

17、iencyDiron deficiency anaemia 25.In the authors opinion, the success of the Remaking Singapore Committee depends on, more than anything else, _.Ayoung people not caring about their scoresBchange of the entire cultureCsupport from the nations leadersDparents changing their attitude toward wealth and

18、status 26.Which is NOT among the authors viewpointsAThere is more to life than studies.BMaterial success should not be the sole purpose of life.CThe nations leaders are responsible for everything.DThe present culture has resulted from 37 years of independence. 27.How many Member States are there now

19、 in the European UnionA18.B12.C6.D15. 28.The intermediate product needed for the production of aluminum is_.Ahydrated oxidesBbauxiteCaluminaDsilicates 29.According to the passage, which is TRUE of GalileoAHe was the first to claim that the earth was not the center of the universe.BHe discovered the

20、craters and mountains of the moon.CHe confirmed that Jupiter is a planet.DHe invented the telescope. 30.The new view of the universe was completed by the discovery made by _.AIssac NewtonBJohannes KeplerCGalileoDNicholar Copernicus 31.The increase in the percentage of urban residents is related to _

21、.Atotal population increase in societyBthe societys changing economic structureCthe extent of social developmentDthe extent of urbanization 32.Most people in Switzerland live in _.AcitiesBtownsCthe suburbsDthe countryside 33.Zurich is_in Switzerland.Athe largest cityBthe financial centerCa manufactu

22、ring centerDfamous for its cheese 34.Which feature makes FM radio relatively noise freeAIts radio frequency is varied.BIt is static free.CIt has preamplifier control section.DIt has a detector circuit. 35.In an FM radio, the Intermediate Frequency is usually _.A10.7 MHzB455 kHzC540 kHzD1605 kHz 36.W

23、hich of the following is NOT true of the African elephantsAThey live to the south of the Sahara.BThey can be divided into two species.CThey are all larger than Indian elephants.DThey have bigger ears than the Indian elephants. 37.A _is a variety of language that serves as a medium of communication a

24、mong groups of people for diverse linguistic backgrounds.Alingua francaBregisterCcreoleDdialect 38.Francis Bacon is best known for his _ which greatly influenced the development of this literary form.ApoemsBplaysCnovelsDessays 39.Which of the following statements is NOT trueASense is concerned with

25、the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.BSense is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form.CSense is abstract and de-contextualized.DSense is the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers are not interested in. 40.Which is the largest freshwater lake in the United StatesALake Huron

26、.BLake Erie.CLake Ontario.DLake Superior. 41.Channel Tunnel separates the island of Great Britain fromADenmark.BBelgium.CFrance.Dthe Netherlands. 42._is widely acclaimed Founder of the American Drama.AScott FitzgeraldBWilliam FaulknerCTheodore DreiserDEugene ONeil 43._ made his name as a great poet with the publication of An Essay on Criticism in 1711.AAlexander PopeBJohn BunyanCDaniel DefoeDJonathan Swift 44.New Zealand is situated about 1,500 kmAnorth-west of Australia.Bsouth-east of Australia.Cnorth-east of Australia.Dsouth west of Austral


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