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1、High Blood Pressure 高血压What is High Blood Pressure?什么是高血压Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps. If it is lower than normal, then it is called high blood pressure or hypertension .HBP血压指在心脏的作用下动脉内血液对于动脉壁的侧压力.如果这个压力高于正常值就叫做高血压HBPBlood pressur

2、e is written as two numbers, such as 112/78 mm hg. The top,systolic,number is the pressure when the hear beats.The bottom,distolic,number is the pressure when the heart rest between beats.Normal blood pressure is below 120/80mm hg. If you are an aldult and your systolic pressure is 120 to 139, or yo

3、ur diastolic pressure is 80 to 89 (or both),you have prehypertension. High blood pressure is a pressure of 140 systolic or higher and or 90 diastolic or higher than that stays high over time.读数有两个数字,如11278毫米汞柱。大的那个读数是心脏跳动时的收缩压(112)。小的那个读数是心脏舒张压(78)。正常血压是低于12080毫米汞的。如果你是一个成年人,你的收缩压介于120到139或者你的舒张压介于8

4、0到89之间,再或者是这两个条件同时满足,可以说你患有高血压前期。 高血压是指收缩压大于等于140或舒张压大于等于90.。 Causes病因Factors that cannot be changed 不可改变的因素 Age年龄Race种族 Family history家族史 (heredity) Gender性别Factors that can be changed 可改变的因素 Obesity 肥胖 Sodium (salt) sensitivity钠(盐)的敏感性 Alcohol use酗酒 Birth control pills (oral contraceptive use)避孕丸(

5、口服避孕药) Lack of exercise (physical inactivity) 缺乏锻炼(身体不活动) Medications药物symptoms症状High blood pressure usually causes no symptoms and high blood pressure often is labeled the silent killer. People who have high blood pressure typically dont know it until their blood pressure is measured.高血压通常无症状,因此它也被

6、称为“沉默的杀手。通常情况下当人患有高血压时他们并不知道,直到测血压的时候才知道。Sometimes people with markedly elevated blood pressure may develop:当血压升高时可能会出现的症状headache,头痛dizziness,眩晕blurred vision,视觉模糊nausea and vomiting, and恶心,呕吐chest pain and shortness of breath胸痛,气短HBP and Yoga高血压和瑜伽Gentle yoga poses are mended for people with high

7、blood pressure.Some yoga asanas can reduce hypertension, but you should stay away from inverted poses like Headstand. The safest route to take if you have high blood pressure thats being treated with medication, is ask your doctor her opinion about inversion, And if you have untreated high blood pre

8、ssure,never attempt fully inverted poses.高血压患者可以练习舒缓的瑜伽体式,有些瑜伽体式可以降低血压,但一定要远离倒立型的体式,比如说头倒立。最安全的办法就是询问给你治高血压的医生,问问你能不能练习倒立型体式,如果患有高血压到没有去治疗没有主治医生的建议的话不要练习完全倒立的体式。ASANA体式Cat pose猫式The cat pose requires you to coordinate your movement with your breath in a fluid motion. Although the pose may not lessen

9、 high blood pressure. It is generally quite safe for for patients with hypertension since it does not place stress on the body and keeps the heart eleveted.猫式需要你配上相应的呼吸进行流畅地练习,虽然说这个体式不能帮助你降低血压,但是猫式对于高血压患者是很安全的,不会给身体带来压力的同时提高心脏功能。Position yourself on all fours.Align your knees directly underneath you

10、r hips, while your hands should rest directly underneath your shoulders.Spread your fingers against your ground and flatten your back with your eyes gazing to the ground. Breath in deeply . On the exhale, tuck your shoulders and tailbone toward the ground while arching your middle back like a cat.Ho

11、ld the pose for about 10 seconds before returning to netutral position. The cat pose stretch the spine and release stress in the abdominals and shoulders.四肢支撑,双膝跪地于臀部下方,双手撑地与肩膀下方,五个手指张开贴实垫面,背部平展眼看正前方。深吸气,呼气时肩膀和尾骨向地板方向延伸,中背部像猫一样向上拱起,在这个位置保持10秒钟。猫式可以拉伸脊柱,减少腹部肩膀的压力。Corpse pose摊尸式The yoga corpse pose is

12、 considered as restorative, it is often use at the end of a yoga session for final relaxation ,this exercise can reduce stress and relive muscle tension.Lie on your back on a cushioned yoga mat with your legs extended. Allow your thighs,knees and feet to fall to the sides. Rest your arms at your sid

13、es with your palms facing up. Soften the muscles in your face and close your eyes. Concentrate on relaxing every muscles in your body. Once your body has completely relaxed, focus on quieting your mind.Hold the pose for five posefor five to ten minutes.瑜伽摊尸式是恢复性的体式,通常会用在瑜伽课结束时做放松术时使用,这个体式可以减轻压力,缓解肌肉

14、紧张。平躺在瑜伽垫上,让你的大腿,膝盖和双脚置于垫面上。把你的手臂在身体两侧掌心朝上。放松你脸上的肌肉,闭上眼睛。关注你的身体放松全身的肌肉。你的身体完全放松后,平静你的意识。保持五到十分钟。Breathing呼吸Some yoga breathing techniques will teach you breathe fully and evenly. The added benefit to controlled deep breathing is that it can lower your blood blood pressure. It is not just the breathing itself,it is the fact deep bre


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