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1、2021-2022学年河北省秦皇岛市马圈子镇中学高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. There was nothing they could do_.A. but wait B. except waiting C. only to waitD. unless they waited参考答案:A2. The house is finished at last. All their hard work has _.A. paid back B. paid off C. paid up D. paid for 参考答案:B略3. By the end of last year another n

2、ew gymnasium_ in BeijingA. would be completed B.was being completedC.has been completed D.had been completed参考答案:D略4. Havent I repeated that you _ have a holiday on Saturday if you work hard? A. should B. shall C. must D. have to 参考答案:B5. A sheep _ on this kind of special grass usually grows faster

3、than _ on ordinary.A. fed; that B. feeds; the one C. feeding; one D. feeding; it参考答案:C6. The conflicts between parents and children are usually about the_: where is the line between what the parents should control and what a child can do?A .affections B. boundaries C. depths D. Dimensions参考答案:B略7. I

4、 used to hate being _about my red hair when I was at school.A. dressed B. scolded C. teased D. bothered参考答案:C略8. The salesman scolded the girl caught _ and let her off.A. to have stolen B. to be stealing C. to steal D. stealing参考答案:D9. They got two free tickets to Canada, _ theyd never have been abl

5、e to afford to go.A. as a result B. otherwise C. therefore D. at last 参考答案:B10. Evidence has been found through years of study that childrens early sleeping problems are _ to continue when they grow up.A. likely B. possible C. probable D. narrowly参考答案:A11. Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away .A.

6、fleeing the thief B. was fleeing the thiefC. the thief was fleeing D. fled the thief参考答案:D12. While the Simth family was on vacation, their mail _ in the box.A. assembled B. accumulated C. stored D. collected参考答案:B13. It is said that the problem of traffic jam will be solved within the year, but it

7、turns out to be worse_A. in vain B. in place C. in brief D. in effect参考答案:D14. Totally _, both of the world famous writers were born and died on the same day and of the same disease.A. by coincidence B. by incident C. by accident D. by luck 参考答案:A15. We live a low-carbon life _ the governments energ

8、y-saving call. A. in reply toB. in relation to C. in reaction toD. in response to参考答案:D16. Which sport has the most expense _training equipment, players personal equipment and uniform?A. in case ofB. in relation to C. by way of D. in terms of 参考答案:D17. After a _ quarrel, they both left in anger. A.

9、strong B. violent C. hard D. spiritual 参考答案:B18. If I had got a good job, I more money.A、 save B、 saved C、would have saved D、 should save参考答案:C略19. The word “variety” is _ “kind” _ meaning.A. similar to; in B. similar with; in C. similar with; by D. similar to; by参考答案:A试题分析:考查词组和介词。be similar to -in

10、 sth.在-方面与-相似。故选A。二、 完型填空20. Dad was not only my best friend, but my compass (指南针). While he was alive(活着的), he 41 me with his actions and advice. He taught me one important 42 : “Believe in yourself.”If there was one phrase my dad 43 liked to hear, it was “I cant.” He never got to finish high schoo

11、l and 44 two jobs to support(支撑) his large family, 45 he never complained(抱怨). Through education and years of hard work, my dad became an excellent journalist.When I was in high school, I had a 46 time with math. He tried to help me, but I 47 struggled(奋斗). So my math teacher suggested me to meet hi

12、m at 7:00 each morning before school for 48 help. I told Dad, “Thats 49! Im tired! I cant do that!” He replied, “Youre doing it. Ill send you to school.” Every morning at 6:45, wed leave the 50 . Despite (尽管) working 12 hours every day, Dad never once 51 driving me to school.After months of 52 , I w

13、as facing the final exam. I was so 53 . On the day of the final, my dad hugged (拥抱)me and said, “Luke, 54 yourself. You can do it.” His words made me realize I needed to trust in my 55 and in the hours of work Id 56 . When I got my 57 proudly, the first person I called was my father. He cried, “Yes!

14、 You deserved(应得) it!”Even now, whenever I 58 that a task is too much for me, I think back to that exam. No matter how 59 something is, if youre willing to work, you can succeed. Im forever 60 to Dad for that lesson.41. A. understood B. forgave C. guided D. impressed42. A. history B. lesson C. skill

15、 D. language43. A. always B. almost C. ever D. never44. A. did B. lost C. left D. finished45. A. so B. or C. but D. and46. A. good B. free C. hard D. short47. A. still B. nearly C. hardly D. probably48. A. real B. practical C. immediate D. extra49. A. wonderful B. crazy C. expensive D. necessary50.

16、A. house B. school C. office D. farm51. A. suggested B. risked C. enjoyed D. missed52. A. meeting B. testing C. learning D. interviewing53. A. excited B. nervous C. happy D. shocked54. A. stand for B. hold back C. believe in D. look after55. A. teacher B. luck C. time D. ability56. A. wasted B. igno

17、red C. picked up D. handed in57. A. answer B. grade C. pay D. gift58. A. hope B. forget C. worry D. promise59. A. different B. important C. hard D. interesting60. A.thankful B. sorry C. polite D. useful参考答案:41-45.CBDAC 46-50.CADBA 51-55.DCBCD 56-60.DBCCA41考查动词。根据上文的句子“ Dad was not only my best frien

18、d, but my compass (指南针).”可知本句的意思应该是“他用他的行动和建议来指导(guide)我。”,所以C项的意思符合语境。故选C。42考查名词。根据本句 “He taught me one important_: Believe in yourself.他给我上了重要的一课(lesson):相信自己。” 所以B项的意思符合语境。故选B。43考查副词。根据上文“他给我上了重要的一课:相信自己。” 的意思可知本句的意思应该是“如果说有一种我爸爸从来不(never)喜欢听的说法,那就是我不能。”所以D项的意思符合语境。故选D。根据下文的句子“He never got to fin

19、ish high school and _two jobs to support(支撑) his large family,_ he never complained(抱怨). Through education and years of hard work, my dad became an excellent journalist.”44考查动词。根据 “He never got to finish high school and _two jobs to support(支撑) his large family,_ he never complained(抱怨). 他连高中都没有上完并且

20、还做(do做,干,从事)了两份工作来养活这个大家庭,但是他从不抱怨。”可知A项的意思符合语境。故选A。45考查并列连词。根据“He never got to finish high school and did two jobs to support(支撑) his large family,_ he never complained(抱怨).”可知前后两句的关系表转折,即but符合此用法。故选C。46考查形容词。根据下句“He tried to help me, but I _struggled(奋斗). ”可知本句“When I was in high school, I had a _t

21、ime with math.”的意思应该是“当我上高中的时候,我的数学学得很艰难(hard困难的)”,所以C项的意思符合语境。故C。47考查副词。根据下句“So my math teacher suggested me to meet him at 7:00 each morning before school for _help. ”可知本句“He tried to help me, but I _struggled(奋斗). ”的意思应该是“他(我爸爸)尽力帮助我,但是我仍然(still仍然)学得很吃力。” 所以A项的意思符合语境。故A。48考查形容词。根据“So my math teac

22、her suggested me to meet him at 7:00 each morning before school for _ help所以为了给我额外的(extra额外的,附加的,特别的)帮助,我的数学老师建议我在上学前每天早晨七点和他见面。”可知D项的意思符合语境。故D。49考查形容词。根据上句和 “Thats_! Im tired! I cant do that!”那是疯狂的(crazy疯狂的)! 我很累!我做不到。”可知B项的意思符合语境。故选B。50考查名词。根据“He replied, Youre doing it. Ill send you to school. Ev

23、ery morning at 6:45, wed leave the _.他回答:你正在做这件事。我要送你去上学。每天早晨6:45,我们要离开家(house房屋)”可知A项的意思符合语境。故选A。51考查动词。根据“Despite (尽管) working 12 hours every day, Dad never once _driving me to school. 尽管每天工作12个小时,我爸爸从来都没有误过(miss漏掉,错过)开车送我去上学。”可知D项的意思符合语境。故选D。52考查名词。根据上文和 “After months of _, I was facing the final

24、 exam.学习(learn学习)几个月之后,我正面临着期末考试。”可知C项的意思符合语境。故选C。53考查形容词。根据上文和本句“I was so_. On the day of the final, my dad hugged (拥抱)me and said, Luke, _ yourself. You can do it. 我如此地紧张(nervous紧张的,神经质的)。在期末考试的那一天,我的爸爸拥抱了我并且说,Luke,相信你自己,你能行。”可知B项的意思符合语境。故选 B。54考查动词词组。根据下句“His words made me realize I needed to tru

25、st in my _他的话使我意识到我需要相信我的能力。”和本句“On the day of the final, my dad hugged (拥抱)me and said, Luke, _ yourself. You can do it. 在期末考试的那一天,我的爸爸拥抱了我并且说,Luke,相信(believe in =trust in 相信,信任)你自己,你能行。”可知C项的意思符合语境。故选C。55考查名词。根据上句和本句“His words made me realize I needed to trust in my _他的话使我意识到我需要相信我的能力(ability能力)。”

26、可知D项的意思符合语境。故选D。56考查动词词组。根据本句“His words made me realize I needed to trust in my ability and in the hours of work Id_ . 他的话使我意识到我需要相信我的能力。做了几小时的题后,我就交卷(hand in交上)了。”可知D项的意思符合语境。故选D。57考查名词。根据本句“When I got my _ proudly, the first person I called was my father. He cried, Yes! You deserved(应得) it! 当我得到令人

27、骄傲的成绩(grade成绩)的时候,我第一个打电话的人就是我爸爸。打电话的第一个人就是我爸爸。他喊道:是的,这是你应得的成绩。”可知B项的意思符合语境。故选B。58考查动词。根据本句“ Even now, whenever I _ that a task is too much for me, I think back to that exam. 甚至现在,无论我什么时候担心(worry担心,忧虑)有一项我力所不能及的任务时,我都会回想到那次考试。”可知C项的意思符合语境。故选C。59考查形容词。 根据本句“No matter how _ something is, if youre will

28、ing to work, you can succeed. 无论事情有多么难(hard艰难的,困难的),如果你愿意付出,你就能成功。”可知C项的意思符合语境。故选C。60考查形容词。根据本句“Im forever _to Dad for that lesson. 为了那堂课我将永远感激(thankful 感谢的, 感激的)我爸爸。”可知A项的意思符合语境。故选A。【备注】本文讲述的是父亲给我上了一堂难忘的课:要相信自己。21. An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she

29、knew was that he was very sick and they had no money left. When she heard her daddy say to her 1 mother with whispered desperation(绝望), “ 2 a miracle(奇迹) can save him now”, the little girl went to her bedroom and took out her piggy bank. She 3 all the change out on the floor and counted carefully. T

30、hen she 4 her way six blocks to the local drugstore(药店). “And what do you want?” asked the chemist. “Its 5 my little brother,” the girl answered back. “Hes really, really sick and I want to buy a 6 . His name is Andrew and he has something 7 growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle c

31、an save him.”“We dont 8 miracles here, childIm sorry,” the chemist said, smiling 9 at the little girl.In the shop was a 10 customer. He stooped (弯腰) down and asked the little girl, “What kind of miracle does your brother 11 ?”“I dont know,” she replied“Hes really sick and mommy says he needs 12 . Bu

32、t my daddy cant pay for it, so I have brought my 13 .”“How much do you have?” asked the man. “One dollar and eleven cents, 14 I can try and get some more,” she answered quietly.“Well, what a coincidence(巧合),” smiled the man. “A dollar and eleven cents the 15 price of a miracle for little brothers. 1

33、6 me to where you live. I want to see your brother and 17 your parents.”That well dressed man was Dr Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon(外科医生). The operation was completed without 18 and it wasnt long before Andrew was 19 again and doing well.The little girl was happy. She knew exactly how much the miracle

34、 cost . one dollar and eleven cents . plus the 20 of a little child.1AtearfulBhopefulChelplessDkind2ASimplyBJustCOnlyDMore than3AdrewBpulledCputDpoured4AfollowedBmadeCtookDfound5AtoBasCforDon6AhopeBdoctorCfavorDmiracle7AbadBsmallCextraDimpossible8 AhaveBofferCsellDstore9AgentlyBsadlyCstrangelyDcoldl

35、y10Awell dressedBkind heartedCwell behavedDgood looking11AhaveBneedCcareDlike12Aa doctorBa surgeonCan operationDa kindness13AsavingsBwishesCideasDsuggestions14AsinceBasCafterDbut15AsameBexactCproperDnecessary16AShowBHelpCTakeDFollow17AhelpBencourageCpersuadeDmeet18AdifficultyBdelayCchargeDresult19Ah

36、appyBwellCstrongDhome20 AclevernessBfaithCcourageDdevotion参考答案:1-5 ACDBC 6-10 DACBA 11-15 BCADB 16-20 CDCDB三、 阅读理解22. During my elementary school years, I used to compare my mom with my best friend Tiffanys mom.Tiffanys mom always gave her lots of money to buy the most fashionable clothes and favori

37、te food. Her mom allowed her to do anything she liked. I really admired Tiffany. My mom didnt give me much pocket money and she always told me that I should behave myself. I was annoyed with her.Whenever I didnt get what I wanted, I would complain to my mom, Tiffanys mom would give her that! I wish

38、she were my mom. Every time, my mom would calmly say “Poor Tiffany”. I couldnt understand her. “She shouldnt be feeling sorry for Tiffany!” I thought. “She should be feeling sorry for me.”One day, I couldnt help saying to Mom, “Poor Tiffany? Lucky Tiffany! She gets everything she wants! Why do you f

39、eel sorry for her?” I burst into tears.My mom sat down next to me and said softly. “Yes, I do feel sorry for her. I have been teaching you a lesson that she will never be taught.”I looked up at her. “What are you talking about?”Mom said with care, “One day she will really want something. Maybe shell

40、 find out that she cant have it. Her mother wont always be around to give her money, and whats more, money cant buy everything.”She continued, “I have taught you valuable lessons by not giving you everything you want. You ll know how to look for bargains and save money, but she wont. Youll understan

41、d that you need to work hard to get the things that you want but she wont. When Tiffany is a grown woman, shell wake up one day and she will be wishing that she had a mom like the one youve got. Life lessons are more important than modern clothes and delicious food.”It took some time, but I eventual

42、ly understood my moms words. Now I am a happy and successful woman. 64. During the authors elementary school years, she _.A. went to school with Tiffany every dayB. wished that her mom were as good as TiffanysC. usually compared her lesson with TiffanysD. sometimes gave lots of money to Tiffany 65.

43、Why did the authors mom always say “Poor Tiffany”?A. She felt sorry for Tiffany because Tiffany was poor.B. She wanted to tell a lie to comfort the author.C. She thought that Tiffany was spoiled by her mother.D. She told the author this and wanted her to help Tiffany. 66. What do we learn about the

44、authors mother?A. She was strict and taught the author to be independent.B. She cared for other peoples children more than her own.C. She thought that life lessons were as important as money.D. She was so poor that she couldnt give the author much money. 67. What can we infer from the passage?A. The

45、 author was quite annoyed with her mother in the past.B. The authors mother felt sorry for Tiffany.C. The author is thankful to her mother now.D. Tiffanys mother took the authors mothers advice.参考答案:23. Clara Barton, born on Christmas in 1821, is widely known as one of the most honored women in Amer

46、ican history. She began teaching school when most teachers were men at that time. Later, she became one of the first women ever to be employed by the government.Her career in helping the sick began when her brother David became her first patient. He fell down from the roof of a house when Clara was

47、just 11 years old. She stayed by his side and looked after him for three years, learning how to give him all his medicines.When the Civil War began in 1861, she immediately recognized that the poorly equipped soldiers needed help. Instead of waiting for others to step in, Clara collected necessary t

48、hings on her own, asked the public for donations and learned how to store and distribute them to soldiers. She also read to the soldiers and wrote letters for them.After the Battle of Cedar Mountain in northern Virginia in 1862, Clara arrived at a field hospital at midnight with a vehicle full of su

49、pplies. A doctor named Paul Smith at that hospital would later write, “I thought heaven had sent out an angel that night her assistance arrived at exactly the right time.”In 1869, Clara went to Europe and learned about the International Committee of the Red Cross. Upon her return to the United States, she successfully founded the American Red Cross. She led the organization for the next 23 years. Her last field mission (使命) as president of the American Red Cross was to help the victims of the 1900 Galveston hurricane. She did not retire (退休) from th


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