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1、Staples: starch rice, corn, millet, yamVegetables: wide variety, but peasants must sell & not eat them, they eat wild greens that they gather in open fieldsFruits: citrus fruits, avocados, breadfruit, mangoesMeat: nonexistent, when raised by ordinary people it is soldPois ac duriz colles rice & bean

2、sPetit mil sorghum (eaten by the poor)Peasants breakfast strong coffee, disk of sour bread baked form bitter manioc flour: Peasants lunch light & eaten in the fields: Dinner rice & beans, or a stew with a small piece of meat if the family can afford some: *Summer season before crops are ready one me

3、al a day such as porridge made from corn, sorghum, or rice to cure the hunger pangs the may chew on sugarcane stalks or green mangoesSugar: consumed in enormous quantities: Rapadou is a syrup produced in the refining of sugar, it sweetens tea and coffee, it is the basis for clairin a raw & concentra

4、ted rum, sugarcane stalks are plucked from the fields and eatenMealtimeUpper-class tastes: Creole cooking spiced shrimp, pheasant with orange sauce, green-turtle steak, wild duck, salad made with hearts of palmRice djon-djon: rice-&-bean dish is found nowhere else because it requires Haitian black m

5、ushroomsCalalou mixture of salted pork, crabmeat, pepper, onion, spinach, okra, & chili pepperTassot grilled meatPain patate pudding made of grated potato, figs, banana, & sugarSauces: ti-malice tomato & onionStaples: starch cassava, taro, sweet potatoes, yams, plantains, seafood, guandules/pigeon p

6、eas, rice and beans together to form a complete proteinComida criolla / creole food - Spicy food, not hot. Has black or red beans, white rice, plantains, sometimes meat.Sancocho stew made with chicken, cassava, plantains, pepper, coriander, vinegarMondongo made with tripeDrinks: Juice drinks (jugo o

7、r batido=with milk) tamarindo, nispero, jaugo, guanabana, pineapple, mango, guava, orange, grapefruit, papayaCoffee three times a day with mealsBeer and rum evenings, weekends, special daysBreakfast: plantains, cereal or bread with coffee and juiceLunch: rice and beans, meat, stewSupper: boiled root

8、s, eggs, bread, spaghetti, mashed potatoes, mangu, sweetsMealtimePlantains: must be cooked before eating, high in starch and low in sugar, similar to a potato in texture, they are often sliced, fried, and served in place of French friesSiestas except for in the citiesDesserts: from staples used in c

9、andy sweet potatoes & red beans, corn puddings, rich cakes, caramel custard, flanNational priority is providing basic meals for everyone, very poor, food linesSpain and Africa is the basis for flavor, not hot but still slightly spicyCrocodile meat believed to be an aphrodisiacStaple: riceMoros y cri

10、stianos - white rice and black beansArroz con pollo chicken with ricePicadillo / minced meat ground beef, green peppers, onions, tomatoes, olives. Raisins with rice and sometimes a fried egg over the riceDrinks: rum for social and festive occasions, recently beer and rum became almost unavailable fo

11、r local consumption. Cervecerias (bar) are rarely open. Guaraperas, bars selling drinks of freshly pressed sugarcane, a product in abundance, are closed. Coffee is most popular and is drunk from tiny cups and sipped with ice water. It is thick and syrupy. Stalls serve only coffee.Herbal tea and drin

12、ks are popular medicinal propertiesStaples: Red or black beans usually cooked in large batches with some sort of salted meat such as bacon for flavoring. Rice is the staple starch in the diet and is generally boiled. On special occasions rice will be cooked with coconut milk for added flavor and ric

13、hness. Coconut milk is a standard in Creole cooking.Mayans in the South substitute corn for rice as their staple. Near the coast people eat more seafood. Inland people depend on chicken for protein. Garifuna eat fish regularly and on special occasions they will cook it in coconut milk. “Quick bread:

14、 made from wheat for cakes, johnnycakes. Jacks, and fritters (eaten for breakfast with fruit preserves) or corn (Mayans for tortillas and tamales) Bammie cassava starch Breadfruit and bananas dried and ground into flour for bread.Meats: Forests and wild game gibnut or paca (rabbit like rodent), wild

15、 ducks, iguanas, iguana eggs, deer, armadillo, peccary Sea and rivers conch, shark, sea turtle, lobster, squid, red snapper, shrimp, sea bass, barracuda OR “boil up a stew made form whatever could be caught that day cooked with coconut milk and spicesThe Paca, known as the gibnut in Belize, is a noc

16、turnal rodent. Inhabiting the forest floor, this solitary animal feeds on fallen fruit, leaves and some tubers dug from the ground. The gibnut is most often found near water and are found throughout many habitats of Belize, from river valleys to swamps to dense tropical forest. The gibnut is the mos

17、t prized game animal of Belize and the Neotropics. They are easily hunted by day with dogs which can sniff out the pacas dens, or during the night with headlamps while they feed. While thriving in Belizes many protected areas, the paca has been hunted to extinction in many parts of its range from Me

18、xico to Southern Brazil. In many of Belizes protected areas, gibnut can be heard and seen at night. This large rodent makes lots of noise while walking through the dry leaves of the forest or while chewing on the hard shells of the cohune nut, one of its favorite foods. The gibnut also produces a ho

19、arse bark or a deep rumbling when disturbed.Vegetables and fruit:Sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, squash, pumpkin, avocados, guava, mangoes, pawpaws, bananas, plantain, grapefruit, breadfruitDrinks:Fresh fruit combined with water or iceSoft drinks produce their ownRum & Beer Belikin is the local b

20、randGarifuna cashew wine and “local dynamite made from rum and coconut milkEnergy drink: Chicory-flavored coffee; Mint and hot water for a teaDid you know?The pawpaw is the only temperate member of the tropical Annonaceae family and is the largest tree fruit native to the United States. Pawpaws grow

21、 wild in the rich, mesic hardwood forests of 25 states in the eastern United States ranging from northern Florida to southern Ontario (Canada) and as far west as eastern Nebraska. Pawpaws flourish in the deep, rich fertile soils of river-bottom lands where they grow as understory trees or thicket-sh

22、rubs. In addition to the tropical Annona relatives, there are eight members of the Asimina genus that are native to the extreme southeastern states of Florida and Georgia.PawPawEaten in-hand as fresh fruit or processed into desserts. Twigs are source of annonaceous acetogenins which are being used i

23、n the development of anti-cancer drugs and botanical pesticides. Franesca a soup eaten only at Easter, the most representative dish because it contains ingredients from so many regions. It includes fish, eggs, cheese, corn, onions, peanuts, rice, squash, beans, lentils, and peas, but no meat.Servich

24、e raw fish or seafood marinated in lemon or lime juice and served with onions and peppers.Rice and plantains or bananas, boiled or deep fried.Cassava (a food and a drink) and river fish, including enormous catfish and the fierce but delicious piranha.Soups and stew in the highlands range from thin w

25、ith potato, chicken, or meat, to barley and quinoa soups.Locro or Chupe which is a thick cram soup.Stews are made from corn, plantains, potatoes, cabbages, onions, and other vegetables.Hot sauce is made from chili peppers, or aji, spices up many stews.Cuy or guinea pig at one time provided the main

26、source of meat in the Andes ad was kept by indigenas in their homes, but today it is a delicacy.Hot and Spicy, or at least have a variety of peppers served as a side dish. An intact fruit of a small domesticated Habanero was found in Pre-ceramic levels in Guitarrero Cave of the Peruvian highlands. T

27、he chile was dated to 6500 B.C., making it evident that mankind has been growing these fiery fruits for at least 85 centuries!Dishes:Papas a la juancaina potatoes with a spicy sauce is a favorite dishCoastal dishes are based on fishServiche raw fish marinated in lemon juuice with onions and red pepp

28、ersEscabeche fish with onions, hot green peppers, red peppers, shrimp, eggs, olives, and cuminHighland dishes include potatoes and cornSoups and stews cooked for many hours and containing many types of vegetables, with pieces of pork, chicken, or beefTamales boiled corn dumplings filled with meat an

29、d wrapped in a banana leafGuinea pig a delicacy that is raised in Native homes for special occasionsChinese restaurants (chifa) easily foundAymara people: have domesticated animals such as sheep, cows, donkey, and mules, plants such as barley, beans, and onions; plus cereals quinoa and caawa, potato

30、es, and totora reed that grows in the shallow water of Lake Titicacas bays. The roots and shoots of the plant are delicate and white. The plant is used to feed people and cattle. The reed is also very useful for making things such as reed bundle rafts (balsas). Small gardens are kept by Native Ameri

31、can women where their primary crop is yucca.totora reedStaples: potatoes, quinoa (a cereal rich in protein), rice, breadLittle meat is eaten, though pork, chicken or mutton (the meat of a mature sheep) are added to several dishes. Varies region to region:Highlands: soups and stews are popular and ca

32、n include all kinds of vegetables and chunks of chicken, pork, or occasionally beef. They are very spicy, since strong aji peppers are often cooked with the dish or added as a sauce. On the table there is always a small dish of locoto another very strong pepper, which can be green, yellow, or red.Lo

33、wlands: yucca (a tuber which takes the place of a potato), rice, bananas and other fruits are the most common foods, mainly because they are locally grown.*Because of the heat, which would spoil fresh meat without refrigeration, beef is often cut into think slices and dried in the sun. It is fried a

34、nd served with onions, tomatoes, or green pepper sauce.Bananas often the first meal of the day; are friedPotatoes: more than 200 potatoes originated in the Andes, these peoples have developed a unique way to preserve them long after harvest has finished. The potatoes are spread on the ground, and wo

35、men step on them to press out water. The potatoes are then left to dry in the hot sun and freezing night air until they become small and hard. In this state they are know as chuo, or tunta, they only need to be soaked in water and boiled in order to be used like fresh potato. Quinoa: pronounced keen

36、-wahDuring the period when the Incas thrived in Bolivia, relay teams of barefoot runners would carry news from one region to another, often covering 150 miles in a 24-hour period. Bolivias elevation is over 12,000 feet above sea level, an altitude where oxygen is considerably reduced. How did the ru

37、nners perform this unbelievable feat? A practice still prevalent with todays Bolivian athletes involves combining coca leaves and ash from the quinoa plant and holding it in the cheek. The combination increases the bodys oxygen because quinoa ash releases alkaloids in the coca.Quinoa is a member of

38、the goosefoot family, and yields a supergrain. Quinoa is an annual herb that has been cultivated for thousands of years in the west Andes Mountains of South America. It was a staple food of the ancient Inca Indians and their Empire. Quinoa was such an important food of the ancient Incas that they co

39、nsidered it the Mother Grain.Quinoa is a plant that is very hardy and drought resistant. It bears clusters of seed on top of the plant that can range in color from white, orange, red, purple, to black, depending on the variety. The ancestral seed color of Quinoa is black and the other colors have be

40、en obtained from mutations and breeding. The Quinoa seed, about the size of millet, resembles the grain of some cereal grasses, but it is not a grass.Quinoa is a very versatile food plant that can be cooked many ways and tastes excellent. The green leaves can be used in salads or cooked like spinach

41、. The grain can be sprouted, like alfalfa; used as a hot cereal; used in soups, casseroles and souffles; used in the place of almost any other grain, including rice; ground into flour; and toasted. One cup has more calcium and protein than a quart of milk. Ounce for ounce it has as much protein as m

42、eat, contains all of the essential amino acids, and has high amounts of iron and calcium. All in all, it comes closer than any other food in supplying all of the nutrients needed for life.Most people eat a lot of meat and fishFruit is plentiful but seasonalTraditional dishes:Sopa Paraguay dumpling m

43、ade of ground corn and cheeseChipas a corn bread flavored with lots of cheese and a small amount of anise (a licorice-flavored herb)Native Americans eat by gathering natural foods and really like land tortoisesDrink:When men gather to talk they pass around a small gourd filled with Paraguayan tea, o

44、r mate, which is known as terere when cold water is used. It is sucked through a metal straw called a bombillaStaples: Meat, dairy products, fish, fruit, cheese, salamis, sausages, and hams are locally produced and are plentiful at the market stalls.Lunch in the city such as Montevideo: parrilladas

45、very like a large barbeque, metal grills the size of doors are propped up over open charcoal fires at angles, on the grills are huge pieces of beef, pork, mutton, veal, and spicy sausagesPizzas & pastasDrinks:Yerba Mate Legend of the Guarini Indians: There is an old Guarani Indian legend that relate

46、s the origins of the Guarani in the Forests of Paraguay. According to the legend, the ancestors of the Guarani at one time in the distant past crossed a great and spacious ocean from a far land to settle in the Americas. They found the land both wonderful yet full of dangers; through diligence and e

47、ffort they subdued the land and inaugurated a new civilization.The Guarani tribes looked forward to the coming of a tall, fair-skinned, blue eyed, bearded God (Pa i Shume) who, according to legend, descended from the skies and expressed his pleasure with the Guarani. He brought religious knowledge a

48、nd imparted to them certain agricultural practices to be of benefit during times of drought and pestilence as well as on a day-to-day basis. Significantly, He unlocked the secrets of health and medicine and revealed the healing qualities of native plants. One of the most important of these secrets w

49、as how to harvest and prepare the leaves of the Yerba Mate tree. The Mate beverage was meant to ensure health, vitality and longevity. It was like this: the tribe would clear part of the forest, plant manioc and corn, but after four or five years the soil would be worn out and the tribe had to move

50、on. Tired of such moving, an old Indian refused to go on and preferred to stay where he was. The youngest of his daughters, beautiful Jary, had her heart split: to go on with the tribes youths, or remain isolated, helping the old man until death would take him to Ivy-Maraes peace. Despite her friend

51、s pleas, she ended up staying with her father. This love gesture deserved a prize. One day, a unknown shaman arrived at the ranch and asked Jary what she wanted in order to feel happy. The girl did not ask anything. But the old man asked: I want new forces to go on and take Jary to the tribe that we

52、nt away. The shaman gave him a very green plant, perfumed with kindness, and told him to plant it, pick the leaves, dry them on fire, grind them, put the pieces in a gourd, add cold or hot water and sip the infusion. In this new beverage, you will find an healthy company, even in the sad hours of th

53、e cruelest solitude. After which he went away. Thus was born and grew the ca-mini, whence came the ca-y beverage that white people would later adopt under the name of Chimarro in Brazil and Yerba Mate in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Sipping the green sap, the old man recovered, gained new streng

54、ths and was able to resume their long journey toward meeting their kinsmen. They were received with the greatest joy. And the whole tribe adopted the habit of drinking the green herb, bitter and sweet, that gave strength and courage and would comfort friendships at the sad hours of utmost solitude.

55、Yerba Mate cont.MEAT! Meat! Meat! Asado con cuero beef barbecued in its hide over an open fire, is the traditional food of the gaucho (cowboys of Argentina)A variety of cooking styles because the country is a melting pot.Noquis / Pasta and potato dumplings Italians broughtMorcillas / Black puddings

56、& blood sausages German & European immigrantsLocro a thick soup with meat, beans, potatoes, & peppers Native IndiansEmpanadas pastries stuffed with meat or seafoodPucheros stews of chicken or other meats with vegetablesDrinks: Yerba Mate a hot drink made form the bitter leaves of a shrub called Para

57、guay holly, a major crop of northeastern Argentina. The drink is named from a Native American word mati, which means gourd. It is still drunk from a gourd shaped container. It is sipped through a silver straw called a bombilla, which strains off the leaves. It is seen as a mark of old fashioned hosp

58、itality. In certain areas it is sweetened with sugar & flavored with herbs or spices, such as anise seed. Other areas drink it bitter. A drink of the gauchos.Southern Argentina produces olives, citrus fruits, and grapes.Wine Produce a good quality for hundreds of years, and the grape harvest is cele

59、brated in this area with a special festival to bless the winesIn cities such as Buenos Aires cafs are the center of social life. Founded in 1858, Caf Tortoni is the oldest coffee shop in the wholecountry. With a very rich history, it is visited at all times by intellectuals, politicians and artists.

60、 :/ cafetortoni .ar/Recipe for Making an Argentine Add in the following order:- one Indian woman - two spanish horsemen - three mestizo gauchos- one English traveler - half a Basque worker - and a pinch of African Allow to cook for 300 centuries at low temperature. Before serving, quickly add five I


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