2022年中考英语总复习话题写作 第二部分常考写作话题 话题五 人际交往_第1页
2022年中考英语总复习话题写作 第二部分常考写作话题 话题五 人际交往_第2页
2022年中考英语总复习话题写作 第二部分常考写作话题 话题五 人际交往_第3页
2022年中考英语总复习话题写作 第二部分常考写作话题 话题五 人际交往_第4页
2022年中考英语总复习话题写作 第二部分常考写作话题 话题五 人际交往_第5页
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1、话题五人际交往命I题I探I究I人际交往是一个比拟大的话题,也是中考的热点话题,主要涉及个人情感、感受以及与他人的相处等 内容。分析近10年安徽中考书面表达试题可知,2012年考查了如何与人相处;2016年考查了就如何与他人 交流方面给出建议。另外,2018年安徽中考书面表达涉及“感恩老师”,也和人际交往这个话题相关。此话 题主要从以下几个角度命题:.如何与人相处,特别是和父母、老师、同学的相处;.面对学习和生活中的烦恼、困惑,应如何解决问题、自我减压;.情感表达,如感恩他人、表达爱和幸福等;.生活态度,如诚信、宽容、提供等。教|材|链|接|第一步素材积累【与人沟通】词汇积累polite礼貌的b

2、ehavior 第一步素材积累【与人沟通】词汇积累polite礼貌的behavior 举止proper合适的ask询问角度所在教材单元与人沟通七年级上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks?八年级上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party?八年级下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?年级下册 Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clo

3、thes.表达情感或感受七年级下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip?九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.九年级全一册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.九年级全 册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.decide 决定 visit 拜访 suggest/advise 建议 solve 解决believe 相信 promise 承诺 communicate 交流;沟通provide 提供treat 款待 congratulate 祝贺 expl

4、ain 解释 agree 同意share 提供 understand 理解 accept 接受 discuss 商量follow跟随 friendship友谊 friendly友好的 helpful有帮助的;乐于助人的honest老实的warm - hearted热心的alone单独一人【表达情感或感受】like/love喜欢,喜爱dislike/hate不喜欢;讨厌 angry生气的excited激动的proud自豪的enjoy喜欢;享受expect期待 patient有耐心的glad开心的pleasure高兴afraid害怕的fear害怕pain痛苦 pity可惜joy高兴thirsty渴

5、望的boring无聊的 shame羞愧 comfortable舒服的 crazy疯狂的sad伤心的 down沮丧;情绪低落nervous紧张的 brave勇敢的satisfied满足的lonely孤独的 relaxed放松的;自在的佳句积累【与人沟通】.Its polite of us to say thank you when others help us or say something kind to us.当另人帮助我们或者向 我们示好时,我们应该礼貌地说声谢谢。.My father told me a story on my way home and he helped me to

6、plan my time properly.回家路上,爸爸给我 讲了个故事,并帮我合理规划我的时间。.She encouraged me to be kind to others and learn to communicate with others.她鼓励我待人友善,学会与 人沟通。.Therefore,it is a must that we should pay more attention to our words and behaviors.因我匕,我们必须更力口注 意我们的言行举止。.Nowadays,most of us have trouble in communicatin

7、g with our parents,because we dont have enough time to stay together and cannot understand each other,现在,我们大局部人和父母沟通有困难,因为我们没有足 够的时间相处,不能互相理解对方。.Try to think more about your parents,and youll find that you can understand them.试着 多 想想你的 父母,然 后你就会发现你能够理解他们了。.There is no doubt that parents have given u

8、s a lot since we were bom.毫无疑问,自 我们出生起,父母就给予了我们很多。.We know parents try their best to provide us with the best life and education.我彳门者口知道,父母尽他们最大 努力为我们提供最好的生活和教育。【表达情感或感受】1 .Although Peter lost the game,he still went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart the next day.尽管彼得输了比赛,

9、但是第二天,他并没有害怕,而是勇敢地去参加足球训练。2.1 have moved to a new school this term.I do not know the school very well and I have no friends here.I feel unhappy these days.我这学期到了新学校学习。我并不是很熟悉新学校,而且我在这里也没有什么朋友。 所以最近我都不怎么开心。3.1 was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that terrible earthquake.这场可怕 的地震之后,我

10、太害 怕了,以至于我几乎无法清晰地思考。often feel stressed because I have no idea on how to remember new words quickly.我经常感觉很有压力, 因为我不知道如何速记新单词。.His words touched my heart and I would remember them fore ver.他的话触动到 了 我的内心,我会永远记住 这些话。.Personally speaking,I strongly believe that honesty is the most important,就个人而言,我坚信老实是

11、最重 要的。.Thank you for everything you have done for me射亍射你为我估攵的切。第二步提升训练句型训练根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词与人沟通.在我的英语老师的帮助下,我变得更加自信。I became more self-confident with the help of my English teacher.她经常鼓励我们要做老实的学生,要讲真话。She often encourages us to be honest students and tell the truth.如果你一直单独一人,那么你可能会认为自己很孤独。If you are a

12、lways alone ,you might think you are lonely .这使得爱丽丝不开心,因为她认为朱莉现在和我的关系比和她的要好。It makes Alice unhappy because she thinks Julie is now better friends with me than with her.九(全)Unit 11 P82.对朋友来说,最重要的就是互相信任。What matters most for friends is to believe in each other.表达情绪或感受.他发现他仍然什么都听不见,但他没有失去信心。He found he

13、 still couldnt hear anything,but he didnt lose heart .这次经历教会我不要小瞧别人。This experience taught me not to look down upon others.从他的经历中,我意识到了微笑在日常生活中的重要性。From his experience,! realized the importance of smiling in daily life.他温暖的话给了我勇气和信心,我会永远记住他的支持。His warm words gave me courage and confidence and I woul

14、d remember his support forever. 10.虽然生活很艰难,但我们不会失败,除非我们放弃希望。Although life is hard,we wont fail unless we give up hope.语段训练.与人沟通Its very important to learn to share with each other.For example,! can share some beautiful pictures,favorite music and different ideas with others face to facr (面对面)or by Q

15、Q and e-mail which are widely used.Now,Id like to share one of my unforgettable experiences with you.My classmate Emily used to be lonely and unhappy,and I hoped to cheer her up (让她振作起来).So I shared my favorite books and talked with her after class.As time went by,she became/got used to sharing her

16、feelings with me (开始习 惯和我提供感受).Now were good friends.表达情绪或感受Last year,l met a difficult situation.! failed (in) an exam (考试不及格)didnt know what 1 should do at first.And I felt disappointed.Then I reviewed the lessons carefully (认真复习功课).Finally,I got a high score/mark in the final exam (在期末考试中获得高分).I

17、was very satisfied (很满意).第三步典例分析A典例分析一(2012.安徽)英语课堂上,老师要求学生就“与人相处”的话题展开小组讨论。请根据以下你所在小组的讨论结果,以“How to Get On Well with Others”为题,写一篇英语短文。审题小贴士Role :学生“我”,讨论小组成员之一Audience :全班师生Format:命题短文Topic:怎样与人友好相处Suggestionslearn to sharerespect(尊重)otherscommunicate with eachotherMy suggestion 注意:1 ,词数80100;.可适当

18、发挥,以使行文连贯;.文中请勿提及你的真实姓名和学校。How to Get On Well with Others写作思路.文体:本文主要是提出建议,为说明文写作。.人称:文章内容主要为提建议,应以第一人称为主。.时态:针对如何“与人相处”给出建议,应以一般现在时为主。.考前须知:(1)在原来所给要点的基础上适当发挥,且要给出自己的观点;(2)思路要清晰明了,不能混乱,逻辑要合理。写作提纲主体:提出具体而赢)How to Get On Well wi,开头:点明主题卜学生应该学会怎样与人相处结尾:提出自己的观点并总结真诚待人主体:提出具体而赢)How to Get On Well wi,开头:

19、点明主题卜学生应该学会怎样与人相处结尾:提出自己的观点并总结真诚待人(honest)范文点评as we know”正如我们所知道的那 样”。it is+M/.+for sb.to do sth.”做某事对某 人来说是的offer sth.to sb.“主动向某人提供某 物”;be in trouble”处于困境”;who引导 定语从句。only修饰介词短语放在句首,句子采 用局部倒装。尊 重别人(respect others)互相沟通(communicate with each other)学会提供(share)与人为善(be kind to others)优秀范文How to Get On

20、Well with OthersAs we know,students should learn how to get on well with others.But in what ways?First of all,we should respect others.Every body has their own way to do things,so we should understand each other. Besides Jt is important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness a

21、nd sadness.Whats more,we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble.In my opinion,we should treat others in an honest way.Only in these ways can we get along well.A典例分析二文明礼貌从我做起,从点滴小事做起。请根据下面的提示和要求,以“When to Say Thank You”为题, 写一篇短文,并在英语主题班会上提供。澎审题小贴士寄Role:学生“我”霸 Au

22、dience:主题班会上的全班师生炫P Format:命题短文跳 Topic:什么时候说“谢谢”提示:1 .在家什么时候说“谢谢”;.在校什么时候说“谢谢”;.要求:1.短文须包括提示中的两个要点和一个补充要点,可适当发挥;.短文中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名;.词数80100(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。When to Say Thank YouIts polite to say “thank you when others help us or say something kind to us.写作思路.文体:本文属于说明文写作。.人称:文章主要介绍我们何时需要感谢他人,应以第一人称为主

23、。.时态:本文主要是介绍说明,时态以一般现在时为主。.考前须知:(1)根据要点适当发挥,需要适当表达自己的观点;(2)要有一定的例子支撑自己的观点。写作提纲开头:弓 I入主题卜 Its polite to say “thank you” when. when parents cook for usWhen toSay Thank You结尾:总结全文)when the teachers and classmates encourage us(主做举例说明)卬八印someone opens the door f病When toSay Thank You结尾:总结全文)优秀范文When to Sa

24、y Thank YouIts polite to say “thank you when others help us or say something kindto us.Being polite is a good tradition in our country.(DNobody likes aperson who is impolite.Its important for us to be polite.范文点评We should say thank you to parents when they cook for us.We should who 弓I 导定语从句。say than

25、k you when they wash clothes for us.We should also be polite when 弓I 导时间状语从句;work at school.When the teachers help us work out questions,we should say out ”进展(顺利);解决“thank you to them.When we get bad grades and the teachers and as often as possible”尽可能经 classmates encourage us,we should say thank yo

26、u”.When someone 常地opens the door for us,we should say thank you”.We should say if 引导条件状语从句。thank you as often as possible.If everyone is polite to others,the world will be more and morebeautiful.第四步实战演练A实战演练一(2021.云南昆明)爱是荒漠甘泉,滋养你的心灵;爱是长夜明灯,指引你前进的方向。生活中爱无处不在, 它或来自你的父母、家人;或来自你的老师、朋友、同学甚至陌生人。请你用英文以“Lif

27、e Is Full of Love” 为题写一篇短文,表达一个你经历过充满爱的故事。要求:1.语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数80100;2.文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名。Life Is Full of LoveIs there a thing full of love laid deeply in your heart? I want to share one with all of you and push myself.One afternoonpushed myself onto the bus to go HYPERLINK :/home.It home.It was the r

28、ush hour and the bus was extremely crowdedwas even secretly happy that I had a seat Just at that momenta woman got on the bus with a baby in her arms.She was standing right next to me Just as I was thinking whether to offer my seat to her,our eyes met.I had mixed feelings,embarrassed,worried,nervous

29、.Before I could get up,she said to me with a warm voice,“Boy,you must be veiy tired after the whole days work.But fighting for your dream is a happy thing.I will get off at the next stop.Sit here and have a good rest.”How kind and understanding she was!What she said made me not only ashamed but moved.lt was her love that is pushing me to be a better person!A实战演练二(2020.湖南长沙)在日常学习和生活中,我们经常


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